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Houdini: Core Skills

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With its procedural node-based workflow, Houdini lets you create more content faster to reduce timelines and enjoy enhanced flexibility in all your creative tasks. Houdini is perfect for Visual Effects artists and technical directors with its particle and dynamics contexts. Houdini includes a complete toolset for visual effects and game studios that includes lighting, rendering, animation and procedural modeling.

What You'll Learn

  • The Houdini User Interface
  • Particle Systems
  • FLIP Fluids
  • Rigid Bodies
  • Cloth and Finite Element Solver
  • Mantra Rendering
  • Houdini Digital Asset Development
  • Procedural Modeling
  • Basic VOPs and Vex Scripting
  • Dynamic Oceans
  • Houdini's OpenVDB Tool Set
  • OpenCourser is an affiliate partner of Pluralsight and may earn a commission when you buy through our links.

    From Pluralsight
    Hours 36
    Instructors John Moncrief, Jeff Wolverton, Andreas Vrhovsek, Beau Garcia
    Language English

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    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Visual Effects Artist 3 $78k

    Assistant Visual Effects $100k

    Freelance Visual Effects Producer $106k

    Junior Visual Effects Coordinator $107k

    3D/ Visual Effects Artist $114k

    Visual Effects Coordinator and Producer $117k

    Staff Visual Effects Artist $127k

    Visual Effects Atrist $131k

    Visual Effects Artist 2 3 $192k

    Senior Visual Effects Producer $195k

    Supervisor Visual Effects Artist 1 2 $231k

    Principal Visual Effects Artist $313k

    Courses in this Paths

    Listed in the order in which they should be taken

    Starts Course Information

    On Demand

    Introduction to Houdini 15

    In this Houdini 15 tutorial, you'll develop the skills you need to get up and running. You'll get the most out of this course when you're brand new to Houdini, but still have a...



    On Demand

    Introduction to Collisions in Houdini

    We'll start with a general overview of dynamics in Houdini and discuss the key concepts behind working with simulations. We'll explore the idea of animation without keyframes and...



    On Demand

    Introduction to Particles in Houdini

    In this Houdini tutorial we take a look at "Particle Operators", or POPs, as they're called. We'll start off with a discussion of the fundamental concepts behind Houdini's...



    On Demand

    Introduction to Materials in Houdini

    In this series of tutorials, we'll take an introductory look at materials in Houdini. We'll start by setting up our Houdini session for a proper shading workflow. We'll learn...



    On Demand

    Introduction to Hair and Fur in Houdini 15

    In this course, we will explore Houdini 15's Hair and Fur toolset. We start by examining the Hair shelf tools, taking time to understand how these tools work and how to use them...



    On Demand

    Introduction to Fluid Simulations in Houdini

    This course provides an overview of the basic concepts used to create and control fluid simulations in Houdini. We cover the particle fluid shelf tools, but we also dive deeper...



    On Demand

    Introduction to Dynamic Oceans in Houdini

    This series of Houdini tutorials explores the many different techniques used in Houdini's OceanFX toolset. We'll get started by using the shelf tools, but almost instantly dive...



    On Demand

    Modeling For Dynamics In Houdini and Maya

    In this series of tutorials, we'll examine workflows for preparing geometry for dynamic simulations. We'll use various modeling techniques to create fast and efficient collision...



    On Demand

    Creating Custom Shaders in Houdini

    In this Houdini tutorial, we'll explore under the hood of a shading network. We'll start by creating our first simple shader from scratch using the basic Surface Model. We'll see...



    On Demand

    Creating Cloudscape in Houdini (You were viewing this course)

    In this Houdini tutorial we'll use VDBs to utilize the latest technology and explore some new features. We'll create a cloudscape using particles as a base and then add cloud-like...



    On Demand

    Building FX Tools in Houdini

    In this Houdini tutorial, we'll learn how to create in-depth procedural FX tools. Throughout the lessons, we'll look at the steps required to build these tools from scratch. In...



    On Demand

    Advanced Rigid Body Dynamics Using Proxy Objects in Houdini

    In this Houdini tutorial, we'll examine multiple methods for accomplishing high resolution object simulation in Houdini using lower resolution proxy objects. In practice, when...



    On Demand

    Disintegration, Teleportation and Reintegration Effects in Houdini

    In this Houdini tutorial, we'll learn how to combine visually complex methods to construct new effects. The first method we'll look at is the concept of a shader slowly...




    From Pluralsight
    Hours 36
    Instructors John Moncrief, Jeff Wolverton, Andreas Vrhovsek, Beau Garcia
    Language English
    Subjects n/a n/a n/a


    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Visual Effects Artist 3 $78k

    Assistant Visual Effects $100k

    Freelance Visual Effects Producer $106k

    Junior Visual Effects Coordinator $107k

    3D/ Visual Effects Artist $114k

    Visual Effects Coordinator and Producer $117k

    Staff Visual Effects Artist $127k

    Visual Effects Atrist $131k

    Visual Effects Artist 2 3 $192k

    Senior Visual Effects Producer $195k

    Supervisor Visual Effects Artist 1 2 $231k

    Principal Visual Effects Artist $313k

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