Save For Later

Data Visualization & Dashboarding with R

Save For Later

Visualize Data in R and Share Insights with Others

This Specialization is intended for learners seeking to develop the ability to visualize data using R. Through five courses, you will use R to create static and interactive data visualizations and publish them on the web, which will you prepare you to provide insight to many types of audiences.

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From Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
Hours 80
Instructor Collin Paschall
Language English
Subjects Data Science

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Seeking new employment $45k

Seeking employment opportunities! $50k

seeking a new job $51k

Teacher of English Language Learners $53k

Regional Seeking Employment $54k

Seeking Employment Consultant 1 $61k

Seeking a job $69k

Temporary Seeking Employment $71k

Seeking Employment Lead $73k

Seeking Employment Opportunities $78k

Currently Seeking $81k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Getting Started with Data Visualization in R

Data visualization is a critical skill for anyone that routinely using quantitative data in his or her work - which is to say that data visualization is a tool that almost every...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



Data Visualization in R with ggplot2 (You were viewing this course)

Data visualization is a critical skill for anyone that routinely using quantitative data in his or her work - which is to say that data visualization is a tool that almost every...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



Advanced Data Visualization with R

Data visualization is a critical skill for anyone that routinely using quantitative data in his or her work - which is to say that data visualization is a tool that almost every...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



Publishing Visualizations in R with Shiny and flexdashboard

Data visualization is a critical skill for anyone that routinely using quantitative data in his or her work - which is to say that data visualization is a tool that almost every...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University



Data Visualization Capstone

Data visualization is a critical skill for anyone that routinely using quantitative data in his or her work - which is to say that data visualization is a tool that almost every...

Coursera | Johns Hopkins University




Johns Hopkins University

From Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
Hours 80
Instructor Collin Paschall
Language English
Subjects Data Science


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Course Instructor - Teaching Exceptional Learners $20k

Seeking new employment $45k

Seeking employment opportunities! $50k

seeking a new job $51k

Teacher of English Language Learners $53k

Regional Seeking Employment $54k

Seeking Employment Consultant 1 $61k

Seeking a job $69k

Temporary Seeking Employment $71k

Seeking Employment Lead $73k

Seeking Employment Opportunities $78k

Currently Seeking $81k

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