Save For Later

Finding and Retaining Talent

Save For Later

Help your organization win the war for talent by attracting the best and brightest to your organization. Then, cultivate management practices that make them want to stay!

  • Discover how to attract, hire, and onboard the best performers into your organization.
  • Create a program to develop your high potentials into organizational leaders.
  • Learn to retain talent by setting appropriate goals, delivering useful feedback, and listening effectively.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 10
Instructors Lou Adler, Kathrine Sharon, Jeff Toister, Mike Figliuolo, Todd Dewett, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Tatiana Kolovou, Tatiana Kolovou, Lisa Gates, Edward Lawler III
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

TIL Coordinator - Organization Effectiveness $57k

Technical Trainer/WIN-T $57k

Win-Win Energy Efficiency Program $70k

Chair-Department of Policy, Organization and Leadership $76k

Organization Development Specialist Contractor $81k

Win-Win Energy Efficiency Program Fellow $84k

CECOM Win-T Inc2 Instructor $85k

Global Design Win Sales - Industry - Health Care $95k

Project Manager, Business Solutions Organization $97k

Manager, Project Management Organization $118k

Organization Effectiveness Project Manager $121k

Project Manager - Procurement Organization $129k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Performance-Based Hiring

Top performers aren't looking for just another job; they want challenges and growth. To get the best people, you need to attract them differently, which means your hiring...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Finding and Retaining High Potentials

CEOs and HR professionals understand that the ability to attract and retain talent is a company's key competitive advantage. In this course, leadership development consultant Katy...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Human Resources: Running Company Onboarding

The first step in converting a promising job candidate into a successful employee lies in your organization's onboarding process. How can you improve an employee's first days and...

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On Demand

Setting Team and Employee Goals

Employee goals should be driven by the organization's needs—whether it's to cut costs, drive revenue, or build skills—and keep employees motivated to succeed. Mike Figliuolo,...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Delivering Employee Feedback

In this course, author Todd Dewett helps you identify ways to give both positive and negative feedback to employees. Learn how to create a culture driven by meaningful feedback...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Effective Listening

Listening is a critical competency, whether you are interviewing for your first job or leading a Fortune 500 company. Surprisingly, relatively few working professionals have ever...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Coaching and Developing Employees

In this course, business coach Lisa Gates teaches managers to harness the power of coaching in the workplace. Learn the benefits of developing your team and helping employees...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Motivating and Engaging Employees (2013) (You were viewing this course)

An estimated 70 percent of employees are "disengaged." They aren't satisfied or productive, and this costs your organization time and money. In this course, Todd Dewett walks you...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Human Resources: Pay Strategy

Pay isn't just a cost; it's a contributor to business culture and performance, too. In this course, HR expert Ed Lawler addresses the impact of an organization's pay and rewards...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 10
Instructors Lou Adler, Kathrine Sharon, Jeff Toister, Mike Figliuolo, Todd Dewett, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Tatiana Kolovou, Tatiana Kolovou, Lisa Gates, Edward Lawler III
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

TIL Coordinator - Organization Effectiveness $57k

Technical Trainer/WIN-T $57k

Win-Win Energy Efficiency Program $70k

Chair-Department of Policy, Organization and Leadership $76k

Organization Development Specialist Contractor $81k

Win-Win Energy Efficiency Program Fellow $84k

CECOM Win-T Inc2 Instructor $85k

Global Design Win Sales - Industry - Health Care $95k

Project Manager, Business Solutions Organization $97k

Manager, Project Management Organization $118k

Organization Effectiveness Project Manager $121k

Project Manager - Procurement Organization $129k

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