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Become a Graphic Designer

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Graphic designers create visual concepts that inspire, inform, and transform. Use industry-leading tools to build innovative design projects and discover the skills needed to become an in-demand visual thinker and communicator.

In this learning path,

  • Build a solid foundation in the elements of design: typography, color, and layout.
  • Explore the design process to visualize compelling ideas.
  • Practice with hands on exercises in InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 29
Instructors Sean Adams, Kristin Ellison, Justin Seeley, Ina Saltz, Jim Krause, Von Glitschka, David Blatner, Deke McClelland, Aaron Draplin, Denise Jacobs, Nicte Cuevas
Language English
Subjects Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

News and Sports Designers $39k

Graphic Designer 5 $54k

UX / UI Designers $55k

Instructional Designers & Programmers $64k

Mechanical Designers $65k

Graphic Engineer 1 $66k

Graphic Animator $67k


Regional Recruiter - Buyers & Designers $72k

Graphic Art $82k

UX Designers $91k

Graphic Developer 2 $118k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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On Demand

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Introduction to Graphic Design (2016)

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Graphic Design Foundations: Typography

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On Demand

Color for Design and Art

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

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Introducing Illustrator

You’ve heard Adobe Illustrator is the most powerful drawing program on the planet. But every time you launch the program, you can’t figure out how to make even a simple drawing....

LinkedIn Learning


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Introducing Photoshop: Design

Although learning Adobe Photoshop from square one can seem daunting, this course gives you exactly the knowledge you need to get started creating practical everyday graphic...

LinkedIn Learning


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Creative Collaboration (You were viewing this course)

Despite the prevalent myth of the lone creative genius, many of the most innovative contributions spring from the creative chemistry of a group and the blending of everyone’s...

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On Demand

Aaron Draplin Takes On a Logo Design Challenge

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Color Trends

Color is a deeply rooted form of communication—a universal language than can be understood 60,000 times faster than text alone. Leveraged the right way, color can elicit positive...

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 29
Instructors Sean Adams, Kristin Ellison, Justin Seeley, Ina Saltz, Jim Krause, Von Glitschka, David Blatner, Deke McClelland, Aaron Draplin, Denise Jacobs, Nicte Cuevas
Language English
Subjects Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

News and Sports Designers $39k

Graphic Designer 5 $54k

UX / UI Designers $55k

Instructional Designers & Programmers $64k

Mechanical Designers $65k

Graphic Engineer 1 $66k

Graphic Animator $67k


Regional Recruiter - Buyers & Designers $72k

Graphic Art $82k

UX Designers $91k

Graphic Developer 2 $118k

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