Save For Later

Develop Your Customer Service Skills

Save For Later

Discover how to make your customers and their needs a primary focus, while at the same time developing and sustaining productive customer relationships. Develop skills for listening to customer needs, building rapport with those you're helping, and turning challenging customers into true allies.

In this learning path,

  • Build key skills to deliver outstanding customer service.
  • Develop your customer service soft skills.
  • Learn to serve customers using social media.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 4
Instructors Jeff Toister, Noah Fleming, Myra Golden, David Brownlee
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development

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Focus Section Editor/Reporter $56k

Primary Education $61k

Registered Dietician - Clinical Focus $62k

Primary Guide $67k

Primary Clinician $72k

Ophthalmology - Cataract Focus $88k

Micro Focus/Cobol Developer $89k

Customer Focus Team Leader $106k

Product Focus Manager $110k

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 4
Instructors Jeff Toister, Noah Fleming, Myra Golden, David Brownlee
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Primary Therapist 3 $43k

Focus Coach ( FC) $45k

Educator-primary $54k

Focus Section Editor/Reporter $56k

Primary Education $61k

Registered Dietician - Clinical Focus $62k

Primary Guide $67k

Primary Clinician $72k

Ophthalmology - Cataract Focus $88k

Micro Focus/Cobol Developer $89k

Customer Focus Team Leader $106k

Product Focus Manager $110k

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