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Joe Holt, Cindy Muir (Zapata), Angela Logan, Kirsten Martin, Dr. Amanda G. McKendree, and James Otteson

Welcome to the Specialization in Ethical Leadership! Over the course of a few months, we aim to help you understand how to “Grow the Good in Business” through leadership centered in personal integrity, conviction, and values. Corporate culture is often criticized for valuing short-term gains over long-term growth and concern for others. At Notre Dame, our approach integrates ethical, social, and environmental issues into traditional business courses. Our aim is to equip you with cross-functional intelligence, a balanced worldview, and a proper sense of moral purpose that can prepare you to contribute, cooperate, compete, and lead ethically in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

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What's inside

Six courses

Why Business? What is the Role of Business in a Just and Humane Society

(6 hours)
The course examines common perceptions of business and its role in a market economy. It introduces the main elements of a market economy and presents opposing points of view of this economic model. The course encourages reflection upon the possibility that business can be honorable and play a role in a just and humane society.

Ethics of Communication

(0 hours)
Welcome to Ethics of Communication, geared toward professionals in corporate and nonprofit sectors. Key topics include ethical dimensions of professional communication, self-examination of conflict styles, and crisis management scenario analysis.

Ethics of Technology

(1 hours)
This course explores the ethical implications of data analytics, connecting old ideas like privacy, surveillance, and power with new technologies and cases.

The Discipline of Leadership

(0 hours)
Because you want to improve your leader effectiveness or increase your leadership opportunities, this course will focus on the factors that predict leader emergence and effectiveness. It will be broken down into three parts: 1) who one is as a leader; 2) what one's knowledge, skills, and abilities should be; and 3) how leaders should approach and resolve problems. Leadership develops over time and can be aided by repetition, feedback, and self-reflection.

Leadership for an Increasingly Diverse World

(1 hours)
Geared toward working professionals, this course cultivates a diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice mindset in leaders. It helps them adapt to a rapidly changing, increasingly diverse, and globally connected world.

Leading from Within

There is a key difference between leading from without and leading from within: decision-making. Those who lead from without base moral decisions on external pressure or the opinions of others, rather than on deeply held personal values and beliefs. This course will provide tools and insights that will help you successfully lead from within at the personal, organizational, and societal levels.

Learning objective

Identify ethical & unethical leadership practicesknow the moral purpose of businessincorporate business & technical skills into a moral worldview

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