Save For Later

Advance Your Skills as an Individual Contributor

Save For Later

Lead as an individual contributor by developing the skills that make you an invaluable asset to your team and organization.

In this learning path,

  • Learn the skills of self-reliance and self-management.
  • Develop your collaboration and emotional intelligence skills.
  • Create a learning mindset to thrive in times of change.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 7
Instructors Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth McLeod, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth (McLeod) Lotardo, Daniel Stanton, Gemma Leigh Roberts, John Ullmen, Dorie Clark, Mike Figliuolo, Elizabeth Robillard, Debbie Kolb, Debbie Kolb, Elizabeth Robillard
Language English
Subjects Personal Development Business IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Entertainment contributor $53k

Image Contributor $53k

Columnist/Contributor $58k

Individual Producer $64k

Host / Contributor $80k

Writer / Contributor $83k

Business Contributor $84k

Author/Contributor $91k

Azure Architect, Individual Contributor _ Los Angeles, CA $108k

QA Engineer(Individual Contributor) $117k

Technology Contributor $127k

Individual Tech. Contributor $156k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Leading without Formal Authority

Leadership isn't just a skill for managers. Demonstrating leadership is important for employees at every level of an organization. There are opportunities to lead every day,...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Business Acumen for Project Managers

In today's competitive marketplace, it's not enough for a project manager to know how to implement the latest project management methodologies. To excel in the role, you must...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence can help you build effective relationships at work. Executive coach and organizational psychologist Gemma Roberts explains what emotional intelligence is...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Influencing Others

Ever had trouble persuading someone to do something, even if it was in their best interest? Sometimes people don't budge, but thankfully you have more than rewards and penalties...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Professional Networking (You were viewing this course)

You don't have to be an extrovert to be good at networking, and you don't have to be fake. In this course, former presidential campaign spokeswoman and self-professed introvert...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Solving Business Problems

Do you have a business problem that you are having trouble solving? Mike Figliuolo has a simple five-step process for solving problems and leading your business through everyday...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Negotiating Your Leadership Success

Using real-life case studies, negotiation expert Deborah Kolb and seasoned executive leader Elizabeth Robillard offer practical advice and techniques to help leaders manage...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 7
Instructors Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth McLeod, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth (McLeod) Lotardo, Daniel Stanton, Gemma Leigh Roberts, John Ullmen, Dorie Clark, Mike Figliuolo, Elizabeth Robillard, Debbie Kolb, Debbie Kolb, Elizabeth Robillard
Language English
Subjects Personal Development Business IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Entertainment contributor $53k

Image Contributor $53k

Columnist/Contributor $58k

Individual Producer $64k

Host / Contributor $80k

Writer / Contributor $83k

Business Contributor $84k

Author/Contributor $91k

Azure Architect, Individual Contributor _ Los Angeles, CA $108k

QA Engineer(Individual Contributor) $117k

Technology Contributor $127k

Individual Tech. Contributor $156k

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