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Health Informatics

Harold P. Lehmann, Ashwini S. Davison, M.D., Harold P. Lehmann, MD, Ph.D., Hadi H. K. Kharrazi, MD, Ph.D, Sam Meiselman, and Paul Nagy, PhD, FSIIM

This Specialization is intended for health professionals, administrators, health IT staff, vendors, startups, and patients who need or want to participate in the health IT/informatics process. Throughout the five courses of this Specialization, you will learn about the social and technical context of health informatics problems, how to successfully implement health informatics interventions, how to design a health informatics solution for decision support, and how to answer a health informatics problem through data retrieval and analysis.

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What's inside

Five courses

The Social and Technical Context of Health Informatics

Improving health and healthcare institutions requires understanding data and creating interventions at the many levels at which health IT interact and affect the institution. These levels range from the external “world” in which the institution operates down to the specific technologies.

Leading Change in Health Informatics

Do you dream of being a CMIO or a Senior Director of Clinical Informatics? This course is made for you. You'll hear from experts at Johns Hopkins about their experiences harnessing the power of big data in healthcare, improving EHR adoption, and separating out the hope vs hype when it comes to digital medicine.

The Outcomes and Interventions of Health Informatics

For clinical data science to be effective in healthcare, it must translate into decision support. By the end of this course, students will be able to articulate the need for an intervention, choose the appropriate technology, and design a monitoring plan.

The Data Science of Health Informatics

Health data are notable for their diversity, complexity, and critical importance. These data are used for patient treatment, as well as secondary uses such as population health, research, quality improvement, and translational research. By the end of this course, students will be able to identify different types of health data, formulate research questions, interpret queries for secondary use of EHR data, and analyze the results of those queries.

Culminating Project in Health Informatics

This capstone course in Health Informatics enables learners to design a comprehensive plan for an informatics intervention. This plan will showcase the skills acquired through the completion of the five courses in Health Informatics.

Learning objectives

  • Articulate a coherent problem definition of, and a plan for addressing, a health informatics problem.
  • Answer a health informatics problem through data retrieval and analysis.
  • Design a health informatics solution for decision support.
  • Create a change management and deployment plan for a health informatics intervention.

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