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The Social and Technical Context of Health Informatics

Harold P. Lehmann, MD, Ph.D.

Improving health and healthcare institutions requires understanding of data and creation of interventions at the many levels at which health IT interact and affect the institution. These levels range from the external “world” in which the institution operates down to the specific technologies. Data scientists find that, when they aim at implementing their models in practice, it is the “socio” components that are both novel to them and mission critical to success. At the end of this course, students will be able to make a quick assessment of a health informatics problem—or a proposed solution—and to determine what is missing and what more needs to be learned.

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Improving health and healthcare institutions requires understanding of data and creation of interventions at the many levels at which health IT interact and affect the institution. These levels range from the external “world” in which the institution operates down to the specific technologies. Data scientists find that, when they aim at implementing their models in practice, it is the “socio” components that are both novel to them and mission critical to success. At the end of this course, students will be able to make a quick assessment of a health informatics problem—or a proposed solution—and to determine what is missing and what more needs to be learned.

Who Is This Class For?

Physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and other allied health professionals interested in expanding their understanding of digital health, big data, health information systems, and the unintended consequences of disruptive innovation in the healthcare system. The course is also aimed at those with technical, engineering, or analytics backgrounds who want to understand the nuances of those topics when it comes to healthcare.

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What's inside


Overview of Health Informatics
In this module, you will be given an introduction to the course and its foundational concepts. After providing examples of health IT in the contexts of patients, providers, and populations—the three contexts we always return to—we articulate the drivers that motivate developments in health IT and informatics. We then provide the core definitions of key terms (like “health IT” and “informatics”) and introduce the core framework for your work in this course, the Informatics Stack.
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World, Organization, Roles, Function
In this module, we start our journey down the Stack to explain the world of informatics and health IT. We explore the top four levels of the Stack (World, Organization, Roles, and Functions), and then proceed to discuss new US medical-care (“World”) policies that drive health care Organizations to change practice, so they can accomplish their core Functions. We also discuss the history of health IT in relation to such policies in the past. We begin a course-long discussion of interoperability (which occurs at each level of the Stack), and privacy/confidentiality/security. We end with an explication of methods used to Evaluate whether an IT project has achieved the Organizational goals set for that project.
Workflow, Information System, Modules
In this module, we continue the journey, starting with the role of needs, requirements, and specifications. We then turn to how workflow issues are turned into requirements and how information systems, built to satisfy those requirements, are assembled. We close with the cautionary notes of how poorly built systems harm the very workflows they were designed to improve.
Data, Information, Knowledge, Technology
This module concludes our journey with discussions of Data, Information, Knowledge, and Technology. Regarding data, we discuss their sources and types and provide examples. We go on to explain differences between information and data, and between knowledge and information. Standards are most important at this level, and we discuss the exchange of text and imaging data. Regarding technology, we use the Hype Cycle as a way for you to keep track of what new technologies are doing what and when. We close with a framework for thinking about careers in health IT and informatics.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Strong fit for individuals seeking to expand their understanding of digital health and health information systems
Suitable for learners with backgrounds in medicine, healthcare, engineering, and analytics
Taught by highly qualified instructors with backgrounds in medicine and data science
Coursework provides a comprehensive overview of the field of health informatics
Instructors emphasize the importance of considering the socio-technical aspects of health IT implementation
May be less suitable for learners with no prior exposure to healthcare or health IT

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Reviews summary

The health informatics stack

Learners say this well-structured course on the social and technical contexts of health informatics is insightful and engaging. It teaches students how US-centric information systems are used in healthcare under the unifying concept of the "Stack". According to students, the course is challenging but worthwhile, despite difficulty in understanding some of the monotone lectures.
Knowledgeable but could improve presentation
"Harold P. Lehmann, MD, PH.D videos"
"The Instructor's voice is unclear and monotone which makes it hard to understand the idea."
"The professor lacks confidence and seems to have done zero preparation."
"Using the videos, the video transcripts as well as printing the slides and taking very thorough notes is not enough to learn the material."
Well-organized and follows a logical progression of topics
"The whole course including slides, lecture videos, and exams is organized well and would be very helpful to those who want to dive into the topic."
"This course was very informative; having to complete the peer-graded assignment at the end of the last module helped tested all the concept you learn throughout this course."
"I very much appreciated the in-depth review of information in this course and found it applicable to what I hope to achieve in my next role."
Informative, insightful, and relevant to healthcare
"I learned so much from it! "
"Very insightful and Informative"
"The final peer review project helped make sense of the preceding 4 weeks."
"This was bit harder but a great course and I learnt a lot from it."
"I thought this was a well-rounded course that explained in detal the origination and importance of health informatics within the healthcare field, as well as the contribution to technological growth within the field."
Heavy focus on US healthcare systems and technologies
"Very Americanism centric, not applicable outside USA"
"This course was very informative and helped me learn new things that i can apply in my life. This can definitely help me in the future."
"This cause is focused on US healthcare and the HIS they use. If you are not familiar with the health system, you might find it hard to follow. **"
Challenging but manageable
"This course was very informative; having to complete the peer-graded assignment at the end of the last module helped tested all the concept you learn throughout this course."
"After taking this course i clearly understand the social and technical context of health informatics. In the begining it was a bit hard for me but as the time passed by i slowly understand the core idea of this corse and was able to analyse my project."
"A massive waste of time. Choose another course on the topic."

Career center

Learners who complete The Social and Technical Context of Health Informatics will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Clinical Informaticist
Clinical Informaticists analyze and interpret patient data to improve healthcare delivery. This course provides a strong foundation in health informatics, including data analysis, information systems, and workflow optimization. By understanding the social and technical context of health informatics, Clinical Informaticists can make informed decisions about how to implement and use health IT to improve patient care.
Health Information Manager
Health Information Managers are responsible for the management and security of patient health information. This course provides a comprehensive overview of health informatics, including data governance, privacy, and security. By understanding the social and technical context of health informatics, Health Information Managers can develop and implement effective strategies to protect patient data.
Health IT Project Manager
Health IT Project Managers plan, implement, and manage health IT projects. This course provides a strong foundation in project management, as well as an understanding of the social and technical challenges of implementing health IT. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Health IT Project Managers can ensure that projects are successful and meet the needs of all stakeholders.
Medical Data Analyst
Medical Data Analysts collect, analyze, and interpret medical data to improve patient care. This course provides a strong foundation in data analysis, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Medical Data Analysts can ask the right questions and provide meaningful insights that can drive better healthcare decisions.
Health Policy Analyst
Health Policy Analysts develop and evaluate health policy. This course provides a strong foundation in health policy, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Health Policy Analysts can develop policies that are informed by evidence and that meet the needs of the population.
Healthcare Management Consultant
Healthcare Management Consultants advise healthcare organizations on how to improve their operations. This course provides a strong foundation in healthcare management, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Healthcare Management Consultants can provide valuable advice to organizations.
Medical Writer
Medical Writers create written content about medical topics for a variety of audiences. This course provides a strong foundation in medical writing, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Medical Writers can create content that is accurate, informative, and engaging.
Health Educator
Health Educators teach people about health and wellness. This course provides a strong foundation in health education, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Health Educators can use technology to create and deliver educational programs that are effective and engaging.
Public Health Informaticist
Public Health Informaticists use data to improve public health. This course provides a strong foundation in public health informatics, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Public Health Informaticists can develop and implement data-driven interventions that improve the health of the population.
Health Information Technician
Health Information Technicians manage and maintain patient health information. This course provides a strong foundation in health information technology, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Health Information Technicians can ensure that patient data is accurate, complete, and secure.
Health Information Specialist
Health Information Specialists provide information and support to patients and families. This course provides a strong foundation in health information services, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Health Information Specialists can provide patients and families with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health.
Medical Librarian
Medical Librarians provide information and support to healthcare professionals and researchers. This course provides a strong foundation in medical librarianship, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Medical Librarians can provide healthcare professionals and researchers with the information they need to provide the best possible care to their patients.
Health Informatics Researcher
Health Informatics Researchers conduct research on the use of information technology in healthcare. This course provides a strong foundation in health informatics research, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Health Informatics Researchers can conduct research that leads to new and innovative ways to use technology to improve healthcare.
Health Informaticist
Health Informaticists design, develop, and implement health information systems. This course provides a strong foundation in health informatics, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, Health Informaticists can create systems that are efficient, effective, and user-friendly.
Chief Health Information Officer
Chief Health Information Officers (CHIOs) are responsible for the overall management of health information systems. This course provides a strong foundation in health informatics leadership, as well as an understanding of the social and technical context of health informatics. By understanding the big picture of health informatics, CHIOs can make informed decisions about how to use technology to improve healthcare.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Social and Technical Context of Health Informatics.
Provides a comprehensive overview of health informatics, covering topics from the planning and design of health IT systems to the evaluation of their effectiveness. can serve as a valuable resource for those who want to gain a deeper understanding of the field.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the ethical issues in healthcare informatics. The book discusses the various ethical issues and challenges that arise in the use of health IT, as well as the ethical principles that can be used to guide decision-making.
Provides an introduction to the field of health care information systems, covering topics such as the history of health care information systems, the different types of health care information systems, and the benefits and challenges of using health care information systems.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the role of artificial intelligence in healthcare. The book discusses the latest advances in AI, as well as the challenges and opportunities of using AI to improve patient care.
Provides a comprehensive overview of human factors in health informatics. The book discusses the various human factors issues that can arise in the use of health IT systems.
Provides a comprehensive overview of quality assurance and improvement in health informatics. The book discusses the various methods and tools for ensuring the quality of health IT systems and data.


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