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Teaching Impacts of Technology in K-12 Education

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Teach Impacts of Computing in K-12

2% That’s the estimate of how many high school students in all of California took a Computer Science class in 2015. And yet, computers and data are everywhere. Just consider a typical 24 hours in your life … how many different computer devices do you use? We all live in multiple digital worlds that are changing rapidly with new apps, devices, and data analyses offering a constant stream of innovations and technology integrations for our lives. As it's an integral part of our lives, we’re working towards computer science for all - making it possible for every student, every future member of society, to understand computing and technology. To do so, we need teachers. Teachers prepared to both teach computational concepts and use best practices so kids enjoy and see they can be successful in computer science. This is where you (and this Specialization) come in! In this Specialization you will both learn about the impacts of computing in our world and how to teach these impacts to K-12 students. We offer both the technical knowledge and also the pedagogical approaches for teaching these concepts. Along the way you’ll engage with freely available materials you can use in your own classroom, as well as learn from teachers currently teaching these concepts in their classrooms. In short - in this Specialization we'll teach you the computing concepts you need to know and then help you explore and evaluate lesson plans and resources to prepare you for your classroom.

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From University of California San Diego via Coursera
Hours 136
Instructor Beth Simon
Language English
Subjects Programming Social Sciences Education IT & Networking

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Teacher: Computer Science $55k

Instructor - Computer Science $72k

Lecturer of Computer Science $72k

Computer Science educator $78k

Computer Science Specialist $87k

Lecturer (Computer Science) $98k

MS Computer Science $106k

Professor Computer Science $109k

Computer Science R&D $129k

Associate Computer Science $133k

Professor - Computer Science $138k

MS in Computer Science $141k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals

In this course you’ll focus on the fundamentals of teaching the impacts of technology, starting by exploring how you interact with and benefit from technology in a typical 24 hour...

Coursera | University of California San Diego



Teaching Impacts of Technology: Data Collection, Use, and Privacy

In this course you’ll focus on how constant data collection and big data analysis have impacted us, exploring the interplay between using your data and protecting it, as well as...

Coursera | University of California San Diego



Teaching Impacts of Technology: Relationships

In this course you’ll focus on how “smart” devices have changed how we interact with others in personal ways, impacting how we stay connected in our increasingly mobile society....

Coursera | University of California San Diego



Teaching Impacts of Technology: Workplace of the Future

In this course you’ll focus on how the Internet has enabled new careers and changed expectations in traditional work settings, creating a new vision for the workplace of the...

Coursera | University of California San Diego


On Demand

Teaching Impacts of Technology: Global Society (You were viewing this course)

In this course you’ll focus on how technology-enabled communication is changing geopolitics and, more broadly, how technology is connecting our world and changing lives. This will...

Coursera | University of California San Diego



Capstone Project: Teaching Impacts of Technology

In this project-based course you’ll review the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course and exam description guide to prepare for the “Explore Task”, where students...

Coursera | University of California San Diego




University of California San Diego

From University of California San Diego via Coursera
Hours 136
Instructor Beth Simon
Language English
Subjects Programming Social Sciences Education IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Teacher: Computer Science $55k

Instructor - Computer Science $72k

Lecturer of Computer Science $72k

Computer Science educator $78k

Computer Science Specialist $87k

Lecturer (Computer Science) $98k

MS Computer Science $106k

Professor Computer Science $109k

Computer Science R&D $129k

Associate Computer Science $133k

Professor - Computer Science $138k

MS in Computer Science $141k

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