Save For Later

Master In-Demand Professional Soft Skills

Save For Later

What does every hiring manager look for in an employee? Set yourself apart from the pack by getting the essential soft skills--abilities that help people interact effectively with others--that employers value most, from communication fundamentals and being a team player to advancing your critical thinking skills.

In this learning path,

  • Build a solid process for achieving your goals and bouncing back from challenging situations.
  • Learn to communicate, listen, and work well with team members and peers.
  • Think critically as a problem solver.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 15
Instructors Dave Crenshaw, Tatiana Kolovou, David Allen, Mike Figliuolo, Chris Croft, Todd Dewett, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Tatiana Kolovou, Judy Steiner-Williams, Stefan Mumaw, Tatiana Kolovou, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Gemma Leigh Roberts, Becki Saltzman, Rachel Botsman, Dorie Clark, Denise Jacobs
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development Humanities Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Assistant Every Day with Rachael Ray Sales and Marketing $50k

Therapist - Bilingual Spanish *$500 Hiring Bonus $54k

Assistant Executive Lifestyle Editor, Every Day with Rachael Ray $54k

Hiring Support Specialist $54k

Now Hiring RNs $59k

District-Wide Early Hiring Pool SY17-18 $64k

Human Resources/Hiring Coordinator $66k

Senior Hiring and Training Coordinator $90k

Regional Sales and Leadership Hiring Manager $100k

Regional Sales and hiring consulting Manager $133k

Senior Hiring Manger $158k

Sales & Leadership Hiring at Mphasis Manager $192k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Achieving Your Goals

Setting achievable goals is one of the first steps toward a successful career and meaningful personal development. In this business skills course for, author Dave...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence can help you build effective relationships at work. Executive coach and organizational psychologist Gemma Roberts explains what emotional intelligence is...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Building Resilience

Have trouble getting by when the going gets tough? Everyone wants to perform well when the pressure's on, but a lot of us withdraw in times of stress or adversity. If you can...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Getting Things Done

Join world-renowned productivity and time management expert David Allen as he walks you through his five-step process for Getting Things Done®. He shows you how to stay on top of...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Embracing Unexpected Change

When we’re caught off guard by a job loss or the crumbling of a personal relationship, it can be tough to move forward. But while we can’t avoid these kinds of unexpected changes,...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to think reflectively and independently in order to make thoughtful decisions. By focusing on root-cause issues critical thinking helps you avoid...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making

The pace of change and volume of information we encounter in daily life make it hard to think through decisions. Instead, people often rely on biases and rules of thumb, which...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Teamwork Foundations

Learn the qualities of effective teams and the role you, as a member, play in creating an effective team. In addition to the importance of knowing your own strengths and...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Why Trust Matters with Rachel Botsman

Author and Oxford University Trust Fellow Rachel Botsman has studied the ins and outs of trust for over a decade. Based on her best-selling bookContents:Introduction1. Embracing...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Connecting with Peers in the Workplace (2014)

Great communication means connecting, not just getting your point across. In this short course, coach Todd Dewett outlines helpful techniques for forging those important...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Communication Foundations

Learn how to communicate more effectively. Your communication skills affect your career prospects, the value you bring to your company, and the likelihood of your promotion. This...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Building Trust (2014)

The "circles of trust" model is a helpful tool for describing relationships. In the innermost circle, you work on your trustworthiness and ethical decision making. In the middle...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Effective Listening

Listening is a critical competency, whether you are interviewing for your first job or leading a Fortune 500 company. Surprisingly, relatively few working professionals have ever...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Persuading Others

In a workplace that's increasingly connected and less hierarchical, developing your persuasion skills can be one of the most valuable investments you can make. Some people believe...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Writing in Plain English

Plain English is writing that is clear and straightforward, targeted at the appropriate reading level, and free of jargon, wordiness, and clichés. It is also the standard for all...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Creativity Bootcamp (You were viewing this course)

Think you're not creative? Think again! Creativity is a skill—one you can develop with practice. And all it takes to start flexing your creative muscles is an hour of your time...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Banish Your Inner Critic to Unleash Creativity

Imagine a world where you trusted your ideas and felt good about what you created. This world, where you can create more easily and more often, exists. Creativity evangelist...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 15
Instructors Dave Crenshaw, Tatiana Kolovou, David Allen, Mike Figliuolo, Chris Croft, Todd Dewett, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Tatiana Kolovou, Judy Steiner-Williams, Stefan Mumaw, Tatiana Kolovou, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Gemma Leigh Roberts, Becki Saltzman, Rachel Botsman, Dorie Clark, Denise Jacobs
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development Humanities Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Assistant Every Day with Rachael Ray Sales and Marketing $50k

Therapist - Bilingual Spanish *$500 Hiring Bonus $54k

Assistant Executive Lifestyle Editor, Every Day with Rachael Ray $54k

Hiring Support Specialist $54k

Now Hiring RNs $59k

District-Wide Early Hiring Pool SY17-18 $64k

Human Resources/Hiring Coordinator $66k

Senior Hiring and Training Coordinator $90k

Regional Sales and Leadership Hiring Manager $100k

Regional Sales and hiring consulting Manager $133k

Senior Hiring Manger $158k

Sales & Leadership Hiring at Mphasis Manager $192k

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