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Become a Social Media Marketer

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Social media marketers are an organization's direct connection to a consumer. Social media has dramatically altered marketing by allowing businesses to authentically engage with their customers. In this learning path, discover how to leverage social media in your overall marketing strategy, and learn best practices for helping you successfully connect with consumers.

In this learning path,

  • Learn the foundational skills of social media marketing.
  • Utilize social tools for business and government.
  • Discover how to advertise on social platforms and measure effectiveness.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 19
Instructors Brian Honigman, Megan Adams, Martin Waxman, Brad Batesole, Anson Alexander, Luan Wise
Language English
Subjects Business

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Social Media Analyst 3 $24k

Social Media/ Blogger $33k

Social Media Host $33k

Social Media Adviser $35k

Mobile & Social Media $36k

Social Media Expert $41k

Media & Social Planner $44k

Social Media Researcher $45k

Associate Social Media $54k

Social Media Evangelist $75k

Digital Social Media $90k

Social Media SME $154k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Marketing Foundations: Social Media

Social media dramatically altered marketing by allowing businesses to engage with their customers, rather than just talk to them. In this course, discover how to leverage social...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Social Media Marketing Foundations

Social media dramatically altered marketing by allowing businesses to directly engage with customers and vice versa. Brands that stand the test of time will use these platforms to...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Social Media Marketing: Managing Online Communities

Online communities are the quickest way to find new customers and reach like-minded people. With platforms such as WordPress, Facebook, or Twitter, it's easier than ever to create...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Social Media Marketing for Small Business

Small businesses can't afford not to be active on social media. Having a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account keeps you tuned into your customer base and helps drive traffic to...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Social Media Marketing: Facebook and Twitter

This course empowers you to craft, implement, measure, and optimize a winning social media marketing strategy. Learn how to promote brands, increase sales, engage customers, and...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Marketing on Twitter

Did you know Twitter users are three times as likely as Facebook users to follow a brand? That makes Twitter a great place to market your business, products, and services. Get...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Google+ for Business

Given the influence it has on search results, Google+ is a must-have for businesses. Learn how to develop, implement, and optimize a winning Google+ presence for your own...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Marketing with Snapchat

Since its release in 2011, Snapchat has evolved into one of the most popular social messaging apps. But while its filters and amusing use of augmented reality can make for a fun...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Marketing on Facebook

When your business is on Facebook, your reach is exponential. You can find new prospects and market directly to customers. This course helps you set up a Facebook account...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Advertising on Facebook

Amplify your social media marketing campaigns with Facebook advertising. Facebook ads allow you to target specific audiences, so you can make sure your ads are getting in front of...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Advertising on Instagram

Learn the ins and outs of advertising on Instagram. In this course, marketing expert Anson Alexander explains how to create engaging content for Instagram advertising, build a...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Advertising on YouTube

In this course, marketing expert Anson Alexander shows you how advertising works on YouTube. Anson demonstrates how to upload videos, create campaigns, set a budget, and target...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Social Media Marketing: Strategy and Optimization (You were viewing this course)

Learn a three-step recipe for optimizing your social media marketing mix. Get a fresh perspective on your content, your choice of platform, and your strategy. Join digital...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Social Media Marketing: ROI

Proving social media return on investment (ROI) is one of the toughest challenges facing marketers. This course helps you transcend vanity metrics, such as number of likes, to...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 19
Instructors Brian Honigman, Megan Adams, Martin Waxman, Brad Batesole, Anson Alexander, Luan Wise
Language English
Subjects Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Social Media Analyst 3 $24k

Social Media/ Blogger $33k

Social Media Host $33k

Social Media Adviser $35k

Mobile & Social Media $36k

Social Media Expert $41k

Media & Social Planner $44k

Social Media Researcher $45k

Associate Social Media $54k

Social Media Evangelist $75k

Digital Social Media $90k

Social Media SME $154k

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