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Katherine Olston and Lydia Dutcher

في هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستتعرف على كيفية تطوير مهارات حل المسائل والإبداع لديك لمساعدتك على تحقيق النجاح في دراساتك الجامعية. بعد الانتهاء من هذه الدورة التدريبية سوف يكون بإمكانك:

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في هذه الدورة التدريبية، ستتعرف على كيفية تطوير مهارات حل المسائل والإبداع لديك لمساعدتك على تحقيق النجاح في دراساتك الجامعية. بعد الانتهاء من هذه الدورة التدريبية سوف يكون بإمكانك:

1. التعرف على أهمية ووظيفة حل المسائل والتفكير الإبداعي في الدراسات الأكاديمية ودور التفكير النقدي في التصور الإبداعي

2. تطوير مجموعة من الأدوات لتتمكن من تحديد المسائل والأهداف الفعلية في المسائل غير المحددة

3. التعرف على التقنيات التحليلية لحل المسائل وتطبيقها

4. التعرف على التقنيات الإبداعية لحل المسائل وتطبيقها

5. تحديد استخدام الإبداع في أنواع المسائل الأكثر شيوعًا في مجالك

6. تطبيق مهارات حل المسائل والتصور الإبداعي المستفادة على سياق الحياة الواقعية والتفكير في عمليات التعلم الشخصية

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مقدمة إلى مهارات حل المسائل لتحقيق النجاح في الجامعة
بعد هذه الوحدة سوف يكون بإمكانك 1. فهم بنية وتوقعات الدورة التدريبية 2. فهم التوقعات المتعلقة بحل المسائل ضمن الثقافة الأكاديمية 3. التعبير عن المهارات والترتيبات اللازمة لحل المسائل 4. إظهار الوعي بالمشكلات الأخلاقية ذات الصلة بالنزاهة الأكاديمية المحيطة بحل المسائل
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تصنيف المسائل وعملية حل المسائل
بعد هذه الوحدة سوف يكون بإمكانك 1. تصنيف المسائل المختلفة بناءً على نوعها 2. تحديد أنواع المسائل المختلفة الأكثر شيوعًا في الجامعة 3. التعرف على اللغة ذات الصلة بأنواع المسائل الوصفية والتحليلية 4. التعرف على عملية حل المسائل المكونة من أربع خطوات وتطبيقها
فهم المسائل، إنتاج الحلول ومسارات الحلول
بعد هذه الوحدة سوف يكون بإمكانك 1. تطبيق الإستراتيجيات لمساعدتك على فهم المسألة وتحديد هدف المسألة بشكل أفضل 2. إيجاد أفكار ومداخل لحل المسألة 3. تطبيق الإستراتيجيات لمساعدتك على إيجاد حلول بديلة 4. التعرف على مكان البحث والدليل في حل المسألة 5. تحديد وتبرير الصيغ أو النظريات أو الأدوات الخارجية اللازمة لحل المسألة.
تبني أساليب إبداعية ونقدية لحل المسائل، وتقييم الحلول
بعد هذه الوحدة سوف يكون بإمكانك 1. تغيير المماثلة ووجهات النظر لحل المسائل. 2. تطبيق أشكال مختلفة من الاستدلال والتفكير. 3. توظيف التقنيات الإبداعية لحل المسائل.4. تقييم عدد من الحلول لمسألة ما لتحديد الحل الأفضل.
مشاركة الحلول وحل المسائل في الحياة الأكاديمية
بعد هذه الوحدة سوف يكون بإمكانك 1. مشاركة حلولك للمسائل مع جمهورك. 2. الدراسة من أجل امتحانات الجامعة ومشاركة حلولك للمسائل في الامتحانات. 3. التعامل بأولويات التنافس في الجامعة. 4. إيجاد حلول المسائل التي قد تحدث في الجامعة.
التقييم التحصيلي

Good to know

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, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Expands learners' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which are universally valuable for students of all disciplines
Develops deductive reasoning skills, a foundational skill for students in all disciplines and professions
Provides useful models for understanding and solving different types of problems, useful for learners
Emphasizes the significance of critical thinking, a highly relevant and much-needed practice for academic pursuits
Requires students to engage with, analyze, and evaluate complex matters, thereby fostering analytical capabilities
Incorporates various problem-solving strategies, expanding students' thinking

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in مهارات حل المسائل لتحقيق النجاح في الجامعة with these activities:
Review logical reasoning
Understanding logical reasoning will help you solve problems and grasp concepts in this course.
Browse courses on Logical Reasoning
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  • Take an online quiz on logical reasoning skills.
  • Review the key principles of deductive and inductive reasoning.
  • Solve a few sample logical reasoning problems.
Review basic probability concepts
Probability concepts are the foundation of this course. Reviewing them will improve understanding and retention.
Browse courses on Probability
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  • Revisit the definitions of probability, conditional probability, and independence.
  • Practice solving basic probability problems involving one or two events.
Revisit key concepts from previous courses
To ensure you have the necessary background knowledge, review key concepts from previous courses, such as Calculus and Linear Algebra.
Browse courses on Calculus
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  • Review your notes or textbooks from previous courses.
  • Work through practice problems to refresh your memory.
  • Attend review sessions offered by your university or online.
18 other activities
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Review pre-calculus concepts
Start by brushing up on pre-calculus concepts to ensure you have a solid foundation for the course.
Browse courses on Precalculus
Show steps
  • Review trigonometry identities and functions
  • Practice solving algebraic equations and inequalities
  • Refresh your knowledge of conic sections
Develop a study schedule
Create a study schedule to ensure you allocate enough time to review course materials and complete assignments.
Show steps
  • Determine how much time you can commit to studying each week.
  • Identify the times of day when you are most productive.
  • Create a schedule that includes blocks of time for studying, breaks, and other activities.
Review Critical Thinking
Review the topic of critical thinking to strengthen your foundational skills in logical reasoning and problem-solving.
Browse courses on Critical Thinking
Show steps
  • Read a textbook chapter or article on critical thinking.
  • Identify the main concepts and theories related to critical thinking.
  • Practice applying critical thinking skills to solve problems and make decisions.
Connect with classmates or upper-level students
Find classmates or upper-level students who can provide support and guidance throughout the course.
Show steps
  • Introduce yourself during class or in online discussions.
  • Attend study groups and ask for help when needed.
  • Reach out to upper-level students who have taken the course before.
Discuss probability concepts with peers
Engaging with peers can provide different perspectives and reinforce your understanding.
Browse courses on Probability
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  • Join a study group or online forum for this course.
  • Participate in discussions on probability concepts and problem-solving techniques.
  • Share your own insights and help others with their questions.
Analyze and solve problems
Strengthen problem-solving skills by practicing various types of problems and solutions.
Browse courses on Problem Solving
Show steps
  • Identify problems and define goals.
  • Analyze available data and information.
  • Develop and evaluate alternative solutions.
  • Choose the best solution and implement it.
Solve a variety of probability problems
Regular practice will enhance your problem-solving skills in this course.
Show steps
  • Find a collection of probability problems of varying difficulty levels.
  • Solve the problems, checking your solutions against the provided answers.
  • Identify areas where you need more practice and focus on those.
Explore advanced techniques in probability
Advanced techniques will equip you to tackle complex probability problems you may encounter in this course.
Browse courses on Markov Chains
Show steps
  • Find online tutorials covering advanced probability techniques.
  • Follow the tutorials and complete the accompanying exercises.
  • Apply the techniques to solve real-world probability problems.
Organize Course Materials
Regularly compile, review, and organize your notes, assignments, quizzes, and exams to enhance your understanding and retention of course materials.
Show steps
  • Create a system for organizing your materials (e.g., folders, binders, digital files).
  • Regularly review and update your materials.
  • Discard unnecessary materials or notes.
Join a Study Group
Engage in peer-to-peer learning by joining a study group to discuss course concepts, share perspectives, and collaborate on assignments.
Show steps
  • Find a group of classmates with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Establish regular meeting times and a study plan.
  • Actively participate in discussions and contribute to the group's learning.
  • Seek support and clarification from group members.
Solve Practice Questions
Regularly solve practice questions and exercises to reinforce your understanding of course concepts and improve your problem-solving skills.
Show steps
  • Collect practice questions from textbooks, online resources, or past exams.
  • Set aside dedicated time for practice.
  • Attempt to solve the questions independently.
  • Check your answers and identify areas for improvement.
  • Review the solutions and explanations to strengthen your understanding.
Solve sample problems
To improve your understanding, make time to solve sample problems and attend to practice questions.
Show steps
  • Find practice questions and sample problems online or in textbooks.
  • Set a timer and try to solve the problems within the allotted time.
  • Review your answers and identify areas where you need improvement.
Develop concept maps
Create concept maps to help visualize the relationships between different concepts in the course.
Show steps
  • Start with a main concept or idea.
  • Draw branches off of the main concept and label them with related concepts.
  • Connect the branches with lines and write brief descriptions of the relationships between the concepts.
Explore Online Tutorials
Seek out online tutorials and resources to reinforce your understanding of course concepts and develop additional skills.
Show steps
  • Identify specific areas where you need additional support.
  • Search for reputable online tutorials or video lectures.
  • Actively engage with the tutorials and take notes.
  • Apply the knowledge gained from the tutorials to your coursework.
Attend workshops on academic writing
Improve your writing skills by attending workshops on academic writing.
Show steps
  • Check your university or local community college for upcoming writing workshops.
  • Attend the workshops and participate actively.
  • Apply the techniques you learn to your course assignments.
Build a probability model for a real-world scenario
Creating your own model will demonstrate your understanding of probability principles and their application.
Show steps
  • Choose a real-world scenario that can be modeled using probability.
  • Identify the relevant variables and their probability distributions.
  • Develop a mathematical model that captures the scenario.
  • Use the model to make predictions or draw conclusions.
  • Evaluate the accuracy of your model.
Create Mind Maps
Create visual mind maps to organize and connect course concepts, enhancing your understanding and retention of the material.
Show steps
  • Choose a topic or concept to focus on.
  • Write down the main idea or concept in the center of a page.
  • Draw branches extending from the main idea.
  • Add additional branches and subtopics as needed.
  • Use colors, images, and symbols to enhance the visual appeal and memorability of your mind map.
Become a Peer Mentor
Engage in peer mentoring by providing support and guidance to other students, reinforcing your own understanding of course concepts and developing leadership skills.
Show steps
  • Identify opportunities to mentor other students (e.g., through university programs or study groups).
  • Prepare materials and resources to support your mentees.
  • Establish regular communication channels with your mentees.
  • Provide guidance, support, and motivation to your mentees.
  • Reflect on your mentoring experience and seek feedback to improve your skills.

Career center

Learners who complete مهارات حل المسائل لتحقيق النجاح في الجامعة will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
College Professor
Of course, if your life goal is to teach at the collegiate level, taking this course in the first place will help you build the foundation needed to become a great professor. The skills you learn in this course will not only help you excel in your own studies, but also in your future career as an educator. You will learn how to guide your students through the problem-solving process, just as you will learn it here at the University of Sydney.
Systems Analyst
A systems analyst is responsible for analyzing and designing computer sistemas. This course will help you develop the critical thinking skills necessary to perform this role. As a systems analyst, you may need to troubleshoot or find creative solutions to complex problems. The problem-solving skills you develop in this class will prepare you to succeed in this role.
As a consultant, you may be tasked with finding creative solutions to your clients' problems. This course has a dedicated section on applying creative problem-solving techniques. This will help you excel as a consultant. Furthermore, solving problems effectively will help you advance your career in consulting.
Software Engineer
The creative problem-solving techniques you learn in this course may help you in your career as a software engineer. Furthermore, thinking critically, and learning to develop tools to solve problems, will help you as you work to design and implement new software.
Data Analyst
Data analysts examine large amounts of data to solve complex problems. If that sounds interesting to you, then this course may be right for you. In this course, you will learn problem-solving skills and techniques that can help you become an effective data analyst. These include analytical techniques and creative-thinking exercises.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations research analysts help businesses run more efficiently. They may use creative and analytical techniques to solve problems that range from supply chain management to scheduling. This course can help you learn some of these creative and analytical techniques.
Actuaries develop and use mathematical models to assess risk and uncertainty. Solving problems effectively will help you excel as an actuary. This course can help you develop some of the skills needed to succeed as an actuary.
Statisticians use mathematical, statistical, and computational techniques to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data. The problem-solving techniques you will learn in this course will help you to become a more effective statistician.
Market Research Analyst
Market research analysts work with businesses to discover customer needs. They may use creative and analytical techniques to solve these problems. The creative problem-solving techniques you learn in this course can be applied to help you succeed as a market research analyst.
Business Analyst
Business analysts use analytical and problem-solving skills to help organizations make better decisions. This course can help you develop the skills necessary to excel as a business analyst, especially the section on analytical techniques, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving.
Financial Analyst
Financial analysts examine financial data to help investors make decisions. The analytical techniques and critical thinking instruction in this course can help you succeed as a financial analyst. This course may also help you become an expert in solving complex financial problems.
Product Manager
Product managers are responsible for the development and marketing of products. The critical thinking and problem-solving skills you will learn in this course can help you to excel in this role. As a product manager, you will need to think critically to make decisions and solve complex problems.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers develop and execute marketing strategies for products or services. The creative problem-solving techniques you learn here can help you develop effective marketing strategies. This course may also help you become an expert in solving complex marketing problems.
Sales Manager
Sales managers lead sales teams and develop sales strategies. The creative problem-solving techniques you learn here can help you develop effective sales strategies. This course may also help you become an expert in solving complex sales problems.
Entrepreneurs start and run their own businesses. This course may be helpful for someone hoping to start their own business. The skills you learn in this course will teach you how to think critically and creatively to solve problems. This can help you if you are hoping to become an entrepreneur.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in مهارات حل المسائل لتحقيق النجاح في الجامعة.
Explains the concept of lateral thinking for problem solving and is particularly useful for understanding how to use unconventional thinking to come up with innovative solutions.
يقدم هذا الكتاب مجموعة من الأدوات والتقنيات لتعزيز التفكير الإبداعي. يغطي الكتاب مجموعة واسعة من الموضوعات، بما في ذلك توليد الأفكار وحل المشكلات واتخاذ القرار.
Provides a comprehensive overview of mathematical problem solving. It covers a variety of topics, including problem representation, problem solving strategies, and metacognition.
Classic introduction to problem solving. It provides a general overview of the problem solving process, and offers a variety of techniques for solving different types of problems.
Provides a comprehensive overview of problem solving and comprehension. It covers a variety of topics, including problem representation, problem solving strategies, and metacognition.
Explores the cognitive process of problem solving and is particularly useful for understanding how the mind works when dealing with problems.
Provides a good introduction to metacognition, or thinking about one's own thinking. It covers different aspects of metacognition, and includes chapters on metacognition and problem solving, as well as metacognition and academic achievement.
Provides a good overview of human learning and cognition. It includes sections on different theories of learning and memory, but it focuses on practical implications for teaching and learning.
Popular introduction to the concept of mindset, or how our beliefs about ourselves and our abilities can affect our success. It includes sections on how to develop a growth mindset, and how to use this mindset to achieve success in school and in life.
Popular introduction to the concept of grit, or perseverance and passion for long-term goals. It includes sections on how to develop grit, and how to use this grit to achieve success in school and in life.
Popular self-help book that provides a framework for personal and professional effectiveness. It includes sections on how to develop good habits, how to build relationships, and how to achieve success in all areas of life.


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