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Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature

David Damrosch and Martin Puchner

This short literature course, based on the first half of the Masterpieces of World Literature edX MOOC, examines how civilizations and cultures of the ancient world defined themselves through literature and how that literature has continued to contribute to our understanding of those civilizations and cultures today.

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This short literature course, based on the first half of the Masterpieces of World Literature edX MOOC, examines how civilizations and cultures of the ancient world defined themselves through literature and how that literature has continued to contribute to our understanding of those civilizations and cultures today.

Cities, nations, and empires from antiquity through the middle ages drew on foundational histories and myths for their identities, relating these narratives through generations by means of oral-storytelling and new writing technologies. These epics, story collections, and novels, which take a keen interest in heroic travelers, would eventually travel themselves, finding new global audiences as the first works of world literature.

Tracing developments in language, writing, and literary genre, this course also travels in time, from legendary accounts of ancient kings to histories of medieval courts and early-modern exploration. We will stop to consider how all of these texts affected the history of their own eras, but also how they have continued to find new prominence and significance in ours.

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • The early history of world literature
  • How literary works are transformed by cultural transmission and modern recovery
  • How to critically analyze literary works
  • The significance of major technological advances in writing


Section 1: Introduction: What is World Literature? (Goethe)Section 2: The Birth of Literature ( The Epic of Gilgamesh )Section 3: Homer and the Archeology of the Classical Past ( The Odyssey )Section 4: West-Eastern Conversations ( The1001 Nights )Section 5: The Floating World ( The Tale of Genji )Section 6: The First National Epic ( The Lusíads )

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Provides a historical exploration of world literature, from ancient epics to medieval courtly tales
Traces the development of language, writing, and literary genre across various cultures
Taught by experienced instructors David Damrosch and Martin Puchner, both recognized for their expertise in world literature
Offers foundational learning in the early history of world literature
Helps develop critical analysis skills for examining literary texts
May require students to have a basic understanding of literary concepts

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Career center

Learners who complete Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Historians study the past to understand how it has shaped the present. They use a variety of sources to reconstruct the past, including written documents, archaeological artifacts, and oral histories. This course would be a great help to a Historian by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable source of historical information. The course would also help Historians develop the critical thinking and analytical skills needed to interpret historical texts.
Writers create written content for a variety of purposes, including entertainment, information, and persuasion. This course would be a great help to a Writer by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a rich source of inspiration and ideas. The course would also help Writers develop the writing skills needed to create clear and engaging prose.
Teachers educate students in a variety of subjects, including history, literature, and social studies. This course would be a great help to a Teacher by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for teaching about the past. The course would also help Teachers develop the lesson planning and instructional skills needed to create effective learning experiences for students.
Librarians help people find and access information. They work in a variety of settings, including public libraries, school libraries, and academic libraries. This course would be a great help to a Librarian by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for researchers and scholars. The course would also help Librarians develop the research skills needed to assist patrons with their information needs.
Editors review, revise, and prepare written content for publication. They work in a variety of settings, including publishing houses, magazines, and newspapers. This course would be a great help to an Editor by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and evolution of language. The course would also help Editors develop the critical thinking and analytical skills needed to evaluate and improve written content.
Curators are responsible for the care and management of museum collections. They work in a variety of settings, including museums, historical societies, and archives. This course would be a great help to a Curator by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and culture of different civilizations. The course would also help Curators develop the research and communication skills needed to create and interpret museum exhibits.
Journalists gather, analyze, and report on news and current events. They work in a variety of settings, including newspapers, magazines, and television news. This course would be a great help to a Journalist by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and evolution of human civilization. The course would also help Journalists develop the research and writing skills needed to produce accurate and informative news reports.
Archaeologists study the past by excavating and analyzing the remains of ancient cultures. They work in a variety of settings, including universities, museums, and government agencies. This course would be a great help to an Archaeologist by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and culture of different civilizations. The course would also help Archaeologists develop the research and analytical skills needed to interpret archaeological data.
Translators convert written or spoken content from one language to another. They work in a variety of settings, including government agencies, businesses, and international organizations. This course would be a great help to a Translator by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and evolution of different languages. The course would also help Translators develop the language skills needed to produce accurate and fluent translations.
Professors teach and conduct research at colleges and universities. They work in a variety of disciplines, including history, literature, and social studies. This course would be a great help to a Professor by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for teaching and research. The course would also help Professors develop the research and writing skills needed to produce scholarly publications.
Researchers conduct original research to answer questions and advance knowledge. They work in a variety of settings, including universities, government agencies, and businesses. This course would be a great help to a Researcher by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and evolution of human civilization. The course would also help Researchers develop the research and analytical skills needed to design and conduct research studies.
Critics evaluate and interpret works of art, literature, and music. They work in a variety of settings, including newspapers, magazines, and online publications. This course would be a great help to a Critic by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and evolution of different artistic and literary traditions. The course would also help Critics develop the analytical and writing skills needed to produce insightful and persuasive criticism.
Archivists collect, preserve, and manage historical documents and artifacts. They work in a variety of settings, including libraries, museums, and government agencies. This course would be a great help to an Archivist by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and culture of different civilizations. The course would also help Archivists develop the research and organizational skills needed to manage and preserve historical collections.
Museum Educator
Museum Educators develop and deliver educational programs for museum visitors. They work in a variety of settings, including museums, historical sites, and nature centers. This course would be a great help to a Museum Educator by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and culture of different civilizations. The course would also help Museum Educators develop the communication and interpersonal skills needed to engage and educate museum visitors.
Cultural Anthropologist
Cultural Anthropologists study the cultures of different societies. They work in a variety of settings, including universities, research institutions, and government agencies. This course would be a great help to a Cultural Anthropologist by providing a foundation in ancient literature, which is a valuable resource for understanding the history and evolution of different cultures. The course would also help Cultural Anthropologists develop the research and analytical skills needed to conduct anthropological fieldwork and produce scholarly publications.

Reading list

We've selected 15 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature.
This massive anthology provides a comprehensive overview of world literature, with selections from the ancient world to the present day. It is an excellent resource for students who want to learn more about the history of world literature and its major works.
This ancient Mesopotamian epic is one of the oldest works of literature in the world. It tells the story of Gilgamesh, a legendary king who journeyed to the underworld in search of immortality. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an important text for understanding the history of world literature and its major themes.
A History of World Literatures provides a comprehensive overview of the history of world literature. It would be a valuable resource for students taking this course, as it would provide them with a deeper understanding of the development of world literature.
Provides a detailed and comprehensive history of world literature, from the ancient world to the present day.
The Odyssey is one of the most famous works of literature in the world. It is an epic poem that tells the story of Odysseus, a Greek hero who returns home from the Trojan War. The Odyssey valuable resource for students taking this course, as it provides them with a firsthand account of the beliefs and values of the ancient world.
This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the field of world literature, with essays from leading scholars on a wide range of topics.
The 1001 Nights collection of stories that were compiled over many centuries. The stories are set in a variety of different locations, and they feature a wide range of characters. The 1001 Nights valuable resource for students taking this course, as it provides them with a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Middle East.
The Lusíads is an epic poem that tells the story of the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama. The poem celebration of the Portuguese empire, and it is considered to be one of the greatest works of Portuguese literature. The Lusíads valuable resource for students taking this course, as it provides them with a firsthand account of the Portuguese empire and its impact on the world.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest works of literature in the world. It is an epic poem that tells the story of Gilgamesh, a legendary king of Uruk. The Epic of Gilgamesh valuable resource for students taking this course, as it provides them with a firsthand account of the beliefs and values of the ancient world.
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Literature comprehensive encyclopedia of world literature. It would be a valuable resource for students taking this course, as it would provide them with a wealth of information on the subject.
World Literature: An Introduction provides a concise overview of the history of world literature. It would be a valuable resource for students taking this course, as it would provide them with a solid foundation in the subject.
The Cambridge Companion to World Literature collection of essays that explore different aspects of world literature. It would be a valuable resource for students taking this course, as it would provide them with a deeper understanding of the subject.
This companion provides a comprehensive overview of the field of world literature, with essays from leading scholars on a wide range of topics.
Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction provides a concise overview of the field of comparative literature. It would be a valuable resource for students taking this course, as it would provide them with a solid foundation in the subject.
Theories of World Literature collection of essays that explore different theories of world literature. It would be a valuable resource for students taking this course, as it would provide them with a deeper understanding of the subject.


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