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Chele Esteve Sendra, Emilio Espí Cerdá, Marta López Plaza, Cristian Suárez Henríquez, and Lourdes González Perea

Hola soy José Miguel, nací con Síndrome Down, ya soy mayor, tengo 51 años.

Aunque tengo problemas de vista, oído y movilidad, soy feliz desarrollando otras capacidades. Me gusta navegar por internet, pero a veces es difícil.

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Hola soy José Miguel, nací con Síndrome Down, ya soy mayor, tengo 51 años.

Aunque tengo problemas de vista, oído y movilidad, soy feliz desarrollando otras capacidades. Me gusta navegar por internet, pero a veces es difícil.

Quería invitaros a conocer más sobre accesibilidad con este MOOC. ¿Os apuntáis?

Tecnología accesible para inclusión tiene como objetivo dotar al alumno de las herramientas y conocimientos para la creación de contenido digital accesible, es decir, que cumpla con la norma europea UNE-EN 301 549:2022, “Requisitos de accesibilidad de productos y servicios TIC aplicables a la contratación pública en Europa” – “Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe”. En España, esta norma se ha materializado en la norma UNE-EN 301549:2022 elaborada por AENOR.

Esta norma detalla los requisitos que han de cumplir los productos y servicios TIC para que sean accesibles a todas las personas desde un teléfono móvil, hasta ordenadores, pasando por páginas web; así, los requisitos para la web se basan en las directrices de accesibilidad de contenidos web WCAG 2.1, desarrolladas por W3C.

Con el fin de divulgar estos requisitos y que las personas que generan contenidos digitales, sea para web, móvil, o documentos, lo hagan de forma accesible e inclusiva. Unas nociones básicas de accesibilidad que hará que todas las personas puedan consumir los contenidos digitales creados con independencia de si tienen algún tipo de diversidad funcional.

Bajo esta premisa nace el curso “Tecnología accesible para la inclusión”, realizado bajo la colaboración entre la Cátedra DicaTIC y la Fundación ONCE y cuyo contenido ha sido financiado por la Conselleria de Innovación, Industria, Comercio y Turismo de la Generalitat Valenciana.

What you'll learn

El contenido del curso está formado por los vídeos tutoriales que sirven de herramienta para poder poner en práctica todos los requisitos de accesibilidad que han de cumplir los contenidos digitales, con estos vídeos los alumnos pueden aprender las herramientas tanto para la creación accesible como para la comprobación de la accesibilidad de recursos TIC, ya creados.

El último módulo del curso está compuesto por vídeos testimoniales de personas con diferentes discapacidades que relatan cuál es su discapacidad y en qué consiste, cuáles son las barreras más comunes con las que se encuentran diariamente con los productos y servicios TIC y cuáles son las herramientas que utilizan para poder acceder a los contenidos. También proponen soluciones a los principales problemas de accesibilidad.

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Good to know

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Diseña para la inclusión y accesibilidad digital
Se ajusta a la norma europea UNE-EN 301 549:2022
Cuenta con el respaldo de la Cátedra DicaTIC y la Fundación ONCE
Ofrece fundamentos en accesibilidad digital para principiantes
Requiere conocimientos previos sobre creación de contenidos digitales

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Tecnología accesible para la inclusión with these activities:
Revisar contenido del curso
Repasa el contenido del curso para familiarizarte con los conceptos y temas principales.
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  • Mira los videos del curso
  • Lee los materiales del curso
Crear un proyecto de accesibilidad web
Aplica los principios de accesibilidad en un proyecto práctico para desarrollar habilidades de codificación y diseño inclusivo.
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  • Selecciona una herramienta de desarrollo web
  • Crea un prototipo de sitio web
  • Implementa principios de accesibilidad
  • Prueba la accesibilidad del sitio web
Creación de un sitio web accesible
Pon en práctica tus habilidades de accesibilidad desarrollando un sitio web que cumpla con las normas y pautas de accesibilidad.
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  • Planifica y diseña el sitio web
  • Desarrolla el sitio web utilizando principios de accesibilidad
  • Prueba y evalúa la accesibilidad del sitio web
  • Publica y mantén el sitio web
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Career center

Learners who complete Tecnología accesible para la inclusión will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Web Accessibility Specialist
Web Accessibility Specialists ensure that digital content is accessible to users with disabilities such as visual or auditory impairments. This course teaches learners how to create content that adheres to accessibility standards and can be used by a wider range of users. It also provides insights into the challenges faced by people with disabilities when accessing digital content and offers potential solutions to these challenges.
Assistive Technology Specialist
An Assistive Technology Specialist advises on and fits technologies that help increase an individual's functional capabilities. This course provides an understanding of the assistive technologies used by people with disabilities and can help Assistive Technology Specialists make informed recommendations based on individual needs.
User Experience (UX) Researcher
User Experience Researchers conduct research to understand how users interact with a product or service. This course includes videos featuring people with various disabilities discussing the accessibility issues they face. This can help User Experience Researchers gain a deep understanding of user needs and preferences and how to design inclusive experiences.
Software Test Engineer
Software Test Engineers are responsible for testing the quality of software products. This course can help Software Test Engineers gain an understanding of accessibility standards and how to test software for accessibility. By doing so, they can ensure that the software they test is accessible to users with disabilities.
Web Developer
Web Developers design and create websites. This course teaches the principles of accessible web design and provides practical guidance on how to implement accessibility features. Web Developers who take this course will be able to create websites that can be used by people with disabilities.
Content Writer
Content Writers create written content for websites, articles, and other forms of media. This course includes guidelines for creating accessible content, such as using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon, and providing alternative text for images. Content Writers who take this course will be able to create content that is easy to read and understand for everyone.
Instructional Designer
Instructional Designers create and develop educational materials. This course includes principles for creating accessible learning experiences. Instructional Designers who take this course will be able to create learning materials that are accessible to people with disabilities, including those with visual, auditory, and cognitive impairments.
Graphic designer
Graphic Designers create visual content, such as logos, brochures, and websites. This course includes guidelines for creating accessible visual content, such as using high-contrast colors, avoiding cluttered designs, and providing text alternatives for graphics. Graphic Designers who take this course will be able to create visual content that is accessible to people with disabilities.
Project Manager
Project Managers oversee the planning and execution of projects. This course includes guidance on how to incorporate accessibility considerations into project plans and budgets. Project Managers who take this course will be able to manage projects that result in accessible products and services.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for the development and launch of products. This course provides insights into the importance of accessibility and how to incorporate accessibility features into product designs. Product Managers who take this course will be able to create products that are accessible to people with disabilities.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create documentation for software, hardware, and other technical products. This course includes guidelines for creating accessible documentation, such as using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon, and providing examples and illustrations. Technical Writers who take this course will be able to create documentation that is easy to read and understand for everyone.
Accessibility Consultant
Accessibility Consultants provide advice and guidance on how to make products and services accessible to people with disabilities. This course provides a comprehensive overview of accessibility standards and guidelines and includes practical tips on how to implement accessibility features. Accessibility Consultants who take this course will be able to provide expert advice and support to organizations that want to make their products and services accessible.
Information Technology (IT) Manager
IT Managers oversee the planning and implementation of information technology systems and services. This course includes guidance on how to incorporate accessibility considerations into IT strategies and plans. IT Managers who take this course will be able to create and manage IT systems and services that are accessible to people with disabilities.
Human Resources (HR) Manager
HR Managers oversee the recruitment, development, and retention of employees. This course includes guidance on how to incorporate accessibility considerations into HR policies and practices. HR Managers who take this course will be able to create and manage HR programs that are accessible to people with disabilities.
Policy Analyst
Policy Analysts research and analyze public policies. This course may be useful for Policy Analysts who are working on policies related to disability rights and accessibility. By taking this course, Policy Analysts will gain a deep understanding of accessibility standards and guidelines and be able to make informed recommendations on policies that promote accessibility.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Tecnología accesible para la inclusión.
Provides a practical guide to making digital content accessible for everyone, including people with disabilities. It covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of accessibility to more advanced techniques.
Provides a practical guide to designing accessible and inclusive user experiences. It covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of accessibility to more advanced techniques.
Provides a practical guide to making websites accessible for people with disabilities. It covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of accessibility to more advanced techniques.
Provides a collection of design patterns for creating accessible and inclusive digital products and services. It covers a wide range of topics, from navigation and layout to forms and controls.
Este libro explora los principios y prácticas del diseño universal en entornos educativos. Ofrece información sobre cómo crear espacios de aprendizaje accesibles e inclusivos para todos los estudiantes.
Este libro explora el concepto de diseño inclusivo y proporciona estrategias para crear experiencias digitales inclusivas para todos los usuarios, independientemente de sus habilidades o discapacidades.
Este libro aboga por la importancia de crear una cultura de accesibilidad en las organizaciones. Explora estrategias para integrar la accesibilidad en todos los aspectos del desarrollo y el diseño.


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