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Professor Duncan Pritchard, Dr. Dave Ward, Dr. Alasdair Richmond, Dr. Suilin Lavelle, Dr. Matthew Chrisman, Dr. Allan Hazlett, and Professor Michela Massimi

本课程将为你介绍现代哲学中的一些研究领域。在每个模块中,将由不同的哲学家为你讲述其专业领域内最重要的疑问和问题。 首先,我们来了解什么是哲学,哲学有哪些独特的目标与方法以及哲学与其他学科有何不同?之后,我们会在课程剩余的时间内向你简要介绍各种哲学领域的总体情况。你要学习的主题包括:知识论,其中将讨论囊括我们对世界和我们自身的了解以及如何获取这些知识;科学哲学,我们将在此模块中调查科学研究和实践中的基础概念问题;心灵哲学,我们将在此模块中询问物质拥有心灵的意义以及应如何理解和诠释心灵;道德哲学,我们将在此模块中探究道德判断和反应的本质,看它们是旨在得出客观的道德真相,还是仅作为个人或文化偏好,以及,形而上学,我们将在此模块中思考有关事实本质的一些基础概念问题。 本慕课 (MOOC) 课程由爱丁堡大学 Eidyn 研究中心领导设计。为配合“哲学导论”的授课,我们为大家倾力推荐一本由 Routledge 出版社出版的名为 "Philosophy for Everyone" 的配套书籍。这本“哲学导论”的课程配套书籍是由爱丁堡大学哲学小组为满足慕课 (MOOC) 学生要求而编写的。"Philosophy for Everyone"一书中包含清晰易懂的章节、章节摘要、词汇表、探究问题、补充阅读推荐以及在线资源指南。

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本课程将为你介绍现代哲学中的一些研究领域。在每个模块中,将由不同的哲学家为你讲述其专业领域内最重要的疑问和问题。 首先,我们来了解什么是哲学,哲学有哪些独特的目标与方法以及哲学与其他学科有何不同?之后,我们会在课程剩余的时间内向你简要介绍各种哲学领域的总体情况。你要学习的主题包括:知识论,其中将讨论囊括我们对世界和我们自身的了解以及如何获取这些知识;科学哲学,我们将在此模块中调查科学研究和实践中的基础概念问题;心灵哲学,我们将在此模块中询问物质拥有心灵的意义以及应如何理解和诠释心灵;道德哲学,我们将在此模块中探究道德判断和反应的本质,看它们是旨在得出客观的道德真相,还是仅作为个人或文化偏好,以及,形而上学,我们将在此模块中思考有关事实本质的一些基础概念问题。 本慕课 (MOOC) 课程由爱丁堡大学 Eidyn 研究中心领导设计。为配合“哲学导论”的授课,我们为大家倾力推荐一本由 Routledge 出版社出版的名为 "Philosophy for Everyone" 的配套书籍。这本“哲学导论”的课程配套书籍是由爱丁堡大学哲学小组为满足慕课 (MOOC) 学生要求而编写的。"Philosophy for Everyone"一书中包含清晰易懂的章节、章节摘要、词汇表、探究问题、补充阅读推荐以及在线资源指南。

This is a translated version. To join the original English version, Please visit this page https://www.coursera.org/learn/philosophy

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What's inside


什么是哲学? - Dave Ward
首先,在课程的开头,我们来思考一下,哲学的本质是什么:哲学与其他学科的不同之处有哪些? 哲学有哪些独特的目标和方法? 我们还将思考,人们通常为何会认为哲学家试图回答的问题既基础又至关重要,并简要了解哲学的实际应用方式。 最后,我们将针对“任何给定情况下是否真地存在对事物的正确思维方式”这一问题,简要了解两个颇具影响力的哲学家对此问题的解答。
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什么是知识?我们有知识吗?- Duncan Pritchard
我们知道许多事情,或至少,我们认为是这样。 知识论是哲学的一个分支,主要研究知识;知识的本质以及我们获取知识的方式。 在本模块中,我们要讲解此哲学分支中出现的一些问题。 我们将具体思考激进怀疑论对知识论命题意味着什么。 如果无法排除与事件有明显冲突的可能性,我们又如何能知道事情就是这样?
心智,大脑和电脑 - Suilin Lavelle
如果你正在阅读此内容,则你已有思想。 但是,什么是思想?拥有思想的意义是什么? 我们应该将思想理解为一些以某种特定方式行事的意愿,还是大脑中类似电脑硬件上运行的程序的物质? 在本模块中,我们将依次了解近代哲学是如何选择接受各个观点的,以及他们接受这些观点的原因,我们还将考虑这些观点面临的问题和前景。
道德:客观、情绪还是相对? - Matthew Chrisman
生活中,我们都具有某种区分善恶的能力,也能判断自己的哪些行事方式较好,哪些较为不妥。 但是,这些道德信念、道德感或道德观有着怎样的地位呢? 我们是应当将其视为反映周围世界上客观存在的事实、科学家可以探索和研究的对象? 还是应将道德判断视为仅用于表达个人或文化偏好的措辞? 在本模块中,我们将审视思考这些疑问时可以采取的不同视角,以及这些视角各自面临的问题和前景。
你应该相信你听到的东西吗?- Allan Hazlett
我们对周围世界的理解大多基于他人的观点。 难道这意味着我们相信他人的证词是有依据的吗? 在本模块中,我们将探讨两位伟大的苏格兰启蒙哲学家对这个问题的解答,他们分别是大卫·休谟 (1711 - 1776) 和托马斯·里德 (1710 - 1796)。 休谟和里德在证词方面存在的争议代表了两种世界观之间的冲突,而这种冲突将会延续数百年:一种是怀疑且通常是世俗的世界观,总是对一切持怀疑态度(以休谟为代表),一种是保守且通常是宗教的世界观,以捍卫常识为己任(以里德为代表)。
科学理论是真的吗?- Michela Massimi
在本模块中,我们将探索现代科学哲学中一项正在进行的中心辩论:科学理论是否真实。 或者,更确切地说,科学理论是否需要是真实的才是好的。 这个问题的答案主要有两种。 科学实在论者认为,理论要想站得住脚,就应当是真实的。 我们将分析他们关于此主张的主要论证(该论证名为“无奇迹论证”)以及反驳该论点的杰出观点。 而科学反实在论则坚决主张,“真理”毫无特殊之处,他们认为不依靠真理也可以解释科学理论和科学进展。 本节课旨在介绍这两种观点及其主要论证和前景。
时间旅行与哲学 - Alasdair Richmond
在最后一个模块中,我们将思考形而上学中的某些问题,该哲学分支研究的是现实有哪些超感因素。 我们的学习示例是时间旅行的可能性(或不可能性)。 有人认为,动动脑子就可以知道我们显然不可能制造出一种机器,用于将人送到过去的时间。 但从逻辑上讲,时间旅行真的不可能吗? 如果要这一点成为可能,宇宙需要满足什么条件? 我们能知道宇宙是否满足这种条件吗?

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores common questions across various divisions in modern philosophy, which can add color to students' understanding of other topics and subjects
Introduces general areas in philosophy and covers knowledge, science, mind, ethics, and metaphysics
Taught by recognized instructors Duncan Pritchard, Dave Ward, Alasdair Richmond, Suilin Lavelle, Matthew Chrisman, Allan Hazlett, and Michela Massimi
Offers a companion book "Philosophy for Everyone" for additional learning support
Offers a clear course structure and learning objectives
Discusses types of philosophical problems and their implications
Requires learners to have basic knowledge about philosophy and its methods

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Reviews summary

Engaging introduction to philosophy

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to various areas of philosophy, including Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind, Ethics, and Metaphysics. The course is well-received by students, with many praising its engaging content and clear explanations. However, some students have noted that the Chinese translation of the course materials could be improved.
Provides clear and engaging content.
"Very good"
"very interesting and inspiring course"
Could include more content.
"Although it's a 7-week course, I feel it could have more content"
Chinese translation could be improved.
"The Chinese translation subtitle needs to be updated..."
"The quality of Chinese translation is not satisfactory"


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in 哲学导论(中文版) with these activities:
Revisit Key Philosophical Concepts
Reinforces understanding of fundamental philosophical concepts prior to engaging with the course material.
Browse courses on Epistemology
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  • Review lecture notes, readings, or online resources from previous philosophy courses.
  • Attend review sessions or workshops offered by the instructor or teaching assistants.
Familiarize with Philosophy for Everyone
Provides a foundational understanding of philosophical concepts and complements the course's curriculum.
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  • Acquire a copy of the book.
  • Read each chapter thoroughly.
  • Take notes and highlight key concepts.
  • Engage in discussions with peers or a study group to exchange insights.
Interactive Online Simulations
Provides visual and interactive demonstrations to reinforce abstract philosophical concepts.
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  • Explore online platforms that offer interactive simulations related to philosophy.
  • Select simulations that align with the course topics.
  • Engage with the simulations, following the provided instructions.
  • Reflect on the insights gained from the simulations.
Five other activities
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Collaborative Mind Mapping
Facilitates active engagement with course content and promotes deeper understanding through peer collaboration.
Browse courses on Epistemology
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  • Form small study groups.
  • Choose a specific topic from the course syllabus.
  • Create a mind map collectively, connecting key concepts and ideas.
  • Present the mind map to the class and facilitate a discussion.
Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Literature
Develops research and critical thinking skills essential for understanding diverse philosophical perspectives.
Show steps
  • Identify relevant academic journals and databases.
  • Search for articles and books related to the course topics.
  • Read and analyze the selected materials.
  • Create an annotated bibliography, summarizing and evaluating each source.
Thought Experiments Exercises
Develops critical thinking and analytical skills by engaging with hypothetical scenarios.
Show steps
  • Familiarize with the concept of thought experiments.
  • Read and analyze thought experiments presented in the course materials or external sources.
  • Identify the assumptions and implications of each thought experiment.
  • Formulate and defend your own responses to the thought experiments.
Philosophical Essay Writing
Cultivates critical thinking, writing, and research skills by crafting well-argued philosophical essays.
Show steps
  • Choose a philosophical topic that interests you.
  • Research and gather relevant sources to support your argument.
  • Develop a clear and logical thesis statement.
  • Structure your essay using an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Revise and edit your essay carefully.
Contribute to Open-source Philosophy Projects
Provides practical experience in applying philosophical knowledge and contributing to the wider philosophical community.
Show steps
  • Identify open-source philosophy projects on platforms like GitHub.
  • Choose a project that aligns with your interests and skills.
  • Contact the project maintainers and propose your contributions.
  • Follow the project guidelines and contribute code, documentation, or other materials.

Career center

Learners who complete 哲学导论(中文版) will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Philosophy Professor
Philosophy Professors are postsecondary teachers who teach courses in philosophy, such as logic, ethics, metaphysics, and the history of philosophy. They may also conduct research in their areas of specialization. This course may be useful for Philosophy Professors because it provides an overview of some of the most important questions and problems in modern philosophy.
Research Scientist
Research Scientists conduct scientific research in a variety of fields, including the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. They may also develop new theories and technologies. This course may be helpful for Research Scientists because it helps build a foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Science Writer
Science Writers write articles, books, and other materials that explain scientific concepts to the general public. They may also work as journalists, editors, or public relations professionals. This course may be useful for Science Writers because it provides an overview of the history and philosophy of science.
Lawyers advise clients on legal matters and represent them in court. They may also draft legal documents, such as contracts and wills. This course may be useful for Lawyers because it helps build a foundation in logic and critical thinking.
Management Consultant
Management Consultants help businesses improve their performance by providing advice on a variety of topics, such as strategy, operations, and human resources. This course may be useful for Management Consultants because it helps build a foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Teachers plan and deliver lessons to students in a variety of subjects, such as math, science, English, and social studies. They may also work with students outside of the classroom, such as by providing tutoring or leading clubs. This course may be helpful for Teachers because it helps build a foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Policy Analyst
Policy Analysts conduct research and analysis to help inform public policy decisions. They may work for governments, non-profit organizations, or private companies. This course may be useful for Policy Analysts because it helps build a foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Journalists gather, write, and report news stories for newspapers, magazines, and other media outlets. They may also work as editors or producers. This course may be useful for Journalists because it helps build a foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Social Worker
Social Workers help people mengatasi problems such as poverty, mental illness, and addiction. They may also work with families and children. This course may be useful for Social Workers because it helps build a foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Psychologists study the human mind and behavior. They may work in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and schools. This course may be useful for Psychologists because it provides an overview of the history and philosophy of psychology.
Theologians study the nature of God and the relationship between God and humanity. They may also work as teachers, writers, or religious leaders. This course may be useful for Theologians because it provides an overview of the history and philosophy of religion.
Librarians help people find information and resources. They may work in a variety of settings, such as public libraries, school libraries, and academic libraries. This course may be useful for Librarians because it helps build a foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving.
Archivists preserve and manage historical documents and artifacts. They may work in a variety of settings, such as museums, libraries, and archives. This course may be useful for Archivists because it provides an overview of the history and philosophy of history.
Museum curator
Museum Curators plan and oversee the care and display of museum collections. They may also conduct research and write articles or books about the collections. This course may be useful for Museum Curators because it provides an overview of the history and philosophy of art and culture.
Historians study the past and write books, articles, and other materials about it. They may also teach history at universities or colleges. This course may be useful for Historians because it provides an overview of the history and philosophy of history.

Reading list

We've selected 14 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 哲学导论(中文版).
本书是爱丁堡大学哲学小组为满足慕课 (MOOC) 学生要求而编写的配套读物,包含清晰易懂的章节、章节摘要、词汇表、探究问题、补充阅读推荐以及在线资源指南。
《The Problems of Philosophy》一书是哲学家 برتر兰·罗素所写的一本经典著作,探讨了哲学中的基本问题,例如知识、存在和价值。
《Philosophy: The Classics》一书是一本哲学入门书,提供了对西方哲学经典著作的概述。
《The Story of Philosophy》一书是一本哲学史著作,以一种有趣且易于理解的方式介绍了西方哲学的主要思想家和思想流派。
《Thinking and Being》一书是一本形而上学著作,探讨了存在的本质、思维和语言的本质以及知识的本质。
《Ethics: The Basics》一书是一本伦理学入门教科书,涵盖了伦理学的主要理论和概念。


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