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Jamal Darwich

Dans ce projet guidé d'une heure, vous apprendrez Comment Mise en route avec Ubuntu et ouverture d'un terminal et commande de base avec Ubuntu et création de dossiers et de fichiers et déplacer et manipuler des fichiers.

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Dans ce projet guidé d'une heure, vous apprendrez Comment Mise en route avec Ubuntu et ouverture d'un terminal et commande de base avec Ubuntu et création de dossiers et de fichiers et déplacer et manipuler des fichiers.

A la fin de ce projet, vous pourrez travailler avec Ubuntu pour vos propres projets.

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What's inside


Module 1
Dans ce projet guidé d'une heure, vous apprendrez Comment Mise en route avec Ubuntu et ouverture d'un terminal et commande de base avec Ubuntu et création de dossiers et de fichiers et déplacer et manipuler des fichiers. A la fin de ce projet, vous pourrez travailler avec Ubuntu pour vos propres projets.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Breaks down complex topics into accessible chunks for beginners
Introduces the fundamentals of Ubuntu, a widely used operating system, making it suitable for those new to Linux
Provides hands-on exercises to reinforce understanding of key concepts
Lays the groundwork for further exploration of the Linux ecosystem

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Mise en route avec Ubuntu with these activities:
Trouver un mentor expérimenté dans l'utilisation d'Ubuntu
Gagnez en clarté et en soutien en trouvant un mentor qui peut fournir des conseils, des commentaires et une motivation tout au long de votre parcours d'apprentissage.
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  • Identifier les professionnels ou les experts dans le domaine
  • Contacter les mentors potentiels et leur présenter vos objectifs
  • Construire une relation mutuellement bénéfique
Pratiquer les commandes de base d'Ubuntu
Renforcez votre compréhension des commandes de base d'Ubuntu pour une meilleure navigation dans l'environnement de ligne de commande.
Browse courses on Ubuntu
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  • Ouvrir un terminal Ubuntu
  • Exécuter des commandes de base comme ls, cd, mkdir, rm, cp, mv
  • Explorer les options et les indicateurs des commandes
Participer à des sessions de pratique avec des pairs
Renforcez votre compréhension en travaillant avec des pairs, en partageant des connaissances et en résolvant des problèmes ensemble.
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  • Trouver un groupe d'étude ou créer le vôtre
  • Organiser des séances régulières pour discuter des concepts et des exercices
  • Collaborer sur des projets et échanger des retours
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Career center

Learners who complete Mise en route avec Ubuntu will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Linux System Administrator
Linux System Administrators are responsible for managing and maintaining Linux systems. They may also be responsible for installing and configuring software, as well as troubleshooting system issues. This course can be helpful for Linux System Administrators because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular Linux distribution. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Linux System Administrators.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers are responsible for bridging the gap between development and operations teams. They may also be responsible for automating and streamlining software development and deployment processes. This course may be helpful for DevOps Engineers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for DevOps. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for DevOps Engineers.
Cloud Engineer
Cloud Engineers design, build, and manage cloud computing systems. They may also be responsible for migrating applications and data to the cloud. This course may be helpful for Cloud Engineers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for cloud computing. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Cloud Engineers.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to solve business problems. They may also be responsible for developing and implementing machine learning models. This course may be helpful for Data Scientists because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for data science. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Data Scientists.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts collect, clean, and analyze data to help businesses make informed decisions. They may also be responsible for developing and implementing data visualization tools. This course may be helpful for Data Analysts because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for data analysis. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Data Analysts.
IT Manager
IT Managers are responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating IT operations. They may also be responsible for managing IT budgets and staff. This course may be helpful for IT Managers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for IT management. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for IT Managers.
Network Engineer
Network Engineers design, build, and maintain computer networks. They may also be responsible for troubleshooting network issues. This course may be helpful for Network Engineers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for network management. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Network Engineers.
Security Analyst
Security Analysts are responsible for identifying and mitigating security risks. They may also be responsible for developing and implementing security policies and procedures. This course may be helpful for Security Analysts because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for security analysis. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Security Analysts.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create and maintain documentation for technical products and services. They may also be responsible for training users on how to use technical products and services. This course may be helpful for Technical Writers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for technical writing. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Technical Writers.
Software Developer
Software Developers design, develop, and test software applications. They may also be responsible for maintaining and updating software applications. This course may be helpful for Software Developers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for software development. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Software Developers.
Systems Engineer
Systems Engineers design, build, and maintain computer systems. They may also be responsible for troubleshooting system issues. This course may be helpful for Systems Engineers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for systems engineering. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Systems Engineers.
Web Developer
Web Developers design, develop, and maintain websites. They may also be responsible for creating and maintaining web content. This course may be helpful for Web Developers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for web development. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Web Developers.
UX Designer
UX Designers design and evaluate the user experience of products and services. They may also be responsible for conducting user research and creating prototypes. This course may be helpful for UX Designers because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for UX design. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for UX Designers.
IT Support Specialist
IT Support Specialists provide technical support to users. They may also be responsible for installing and configuring hardware and software. This course may be helpful for IT Support Specialists because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for IT support. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for IT Support Specialists.
Computer Operator
Computer Operators monitor and control computer systems. They may also be responsible for loading and unloading software and data. This course may be helpful for Computer Operators because it provides a foundation in Ubuntu, which is a popular operating system for computer operations. The course also covers basic commands and file management, which are essential skills for Computer Operators.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Mise en route avec Ubuntu.
Ce guide fournit une introduction complète à Bash, l'interpréteur de commandes par défaut d'Ubuntu. Il couvre l'essentiel de Bash, y compris les commandes, les scripts et l'automatisation des tâches.
Pour les utilisateurs qui envisagent d'installer et de gérer des serveurs Ubuntu, ce livre fournit des instructions détaillées sur l'administration et la configuration du système.
Ce livre offre une vue d'ensemble de l'administration système Linux, fournissant un contexte plus large pour le matériel du cours sur Ubuntu.
Ce livre classique fournit une perspective historique et philosophique sur l'utilisation de la ligne de commande, offrant une appréciation plus profonde du sujet.
Ce manuel fournit une base solide dans les concepts généraux des systèmes d'exploitation, offrant un contexte théorique pour le matériel du cours.
Cette référence complète couvre un large éventail de sujets d'administration système UNIX et Linux, fournissant des informations plus approfondies pour les utilisateurs avancés.
Ce livre fournit une introduction au développement du noyau Linux, ce qui serait précieux pour les utilisateurs d'Ubuntu intéressés par la compréhension du fonctionnement interne du système d'exploitation.
Cette référence complète couvre les interfaces de programmation système Linux et UNIX, fournissant des informations approfondies pour les développeurs d'applications avancées.


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