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JavaScript Objects, Prototypes, and Classes

Jim Cooper

Dig deeply into creating with prototypes using inheritance including constructor functions and classes. Gain a deep understanding of what happens with prototypes behind-the-scenes when creating objects and working with inheritance.

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Dig deeply into creating with prototypes using inheritance including constructor functions and classes. Gain a deep understanding of what happens with prototypes behind-the-scenes when creating objects and working with inheritance.

Objects, prototypes, and classes are extensively used in JavaScript programming. Understanding each of them beyond a surface level will help you more deeply understand the foundations of JavaScript. In this course, JavaScript Objects, Prototypes, and Classes, you will learn the foundations of creating and working with objects including a deeper understanding of how JavaScript works with regards to objects and inheritance. First, you will see different ways to create objects and properties and how to work with them, including modifying property descriptors, using constructor functions, working with getters and setters, and more. Next, you will discover what prototypes are, how prototypes and prototypal inheritance work in JavaScript, and some of the hidden complexities of prototypes. Finally, you will explore how to create objects and handle inheritance using classes. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of JavaScript Objects, Prototypes and Classes needed to create powerful and well structured applications that take advantage of the dynamic power of JavaScript.

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Course Overview
Creating JavaScript Objects
JavaScript Object Properties
JavaScript Prototypes and Interfaces
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JavaScript Classes
Using Built-in JavaScript Objects

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, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches JavaScript objects, prototypes, and inheritance, all of which are essential JavaScript topics
Strengthens core skills for experienced JavaScript developers
Provides a strong foundation for building and working with JavaScript objects
Covers topics highly relevant to web development, an in-demand industry skill
Course requires some background knowledge in JavaScript before taking

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Career center

Learners who complete JavaScript Objects, Prototypes, and Classes will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Web Developer
A Web Developer helps build and maintain websites. With a complex understanding of JavaScript Objects, Prototypes, and Classes, you can handle large website projects with ease. This course helps you solidify your mastery of these concepts by going in-depth on some of the more complex features of JavaScript.
Front-End Developer
Front-End Developers are responsible for the user interface and functionality of websites and applications. This course will help you build a strong foundation in the core concepts of JavaScript, which will make you a more effective Front-End Developer.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, so understanding the concepts covered in this course will give you a leg-up on other candidates.
Mobile Developer
Mobile Developers develop applications for mobile devices. JavaScript is increasingly being used for mobile development, so understanding the concepts covered in this course will give you a competitive advantage.
Full-Stack Developer
Full-Stack Developers work on both the front-end and back-end of websites and applications. This course will give you a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript, which is essential for Full-Stack Developers.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to solve problems and make predictions. JavaScript is increasingly being used for data science, so understanding the concepts covered in this course will give you a leg-up on other candidates.
Game Developer
Game Developers create video games. JavaScript is often used for game development, so understanding the concepts covered in this course will help you build more powerful and engaging games.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers design and develop machine learning models. JavaScript is increasingly being used for machine learning, so understanding the concepts covered in this course will give you a competitive advantage.
Product Manager
Product Managers lead the development of products. Understanding the technical aspects of product development, such as the concepts covered in this course, will make you a more effective Product Manager.
Project Manager
Project Managers plan and execute projects. Understanding the technical aspects of project management, such as the concepts covered in this course, will make you a more effective Project Manager.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers create documentation for software and other technical products. Understanding the concepts covered in this course will help you write more accurate and informative documentation.
Instructional Designer
Instructional Designers create and develop educational materials. Understanding the concepts covered in this course will help you create more effective and engaging learning materials.
Teachers teach students about a variety of subjects. A deep understanding of JavaScript Objects, Prototypes, and Classes can be a great asset for teachers to help teach the intricacies of programming languages used in the real-world.
User Experience Designer
User Experience Designers design and develop the user interface and experience of websites and applications. Understanding the concepts covered in this course will help you create more user-friendly and intuitive designs.
Writers create content for a variety of purposes. Understanding the concepts covered in this course will help you write more clearly and effectively about technical topics.

Reading list

We've selected 16 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in JavaScript Objects, Prototypes, and Classes.
Comprehensive guide to JavaScript. It covers everything from the basics of the language to more advanced topics like functional programming and object-oriented programming.
Great reference for JavaScript developers of all levels. It covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of the language to more advanced concepts like closures and inheritance.
Provides a deep dive into the good parts of JavaScript, explaining the language's strengths and weaknesses. It valuable resource for understanding the fundamentals of JavaScript.
Comprehensive guide to JavaScript. It covers everything from the basics of the language to more advanced topics like web development and mobile development.
This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of JavaScript, from the basics to advanced topics. It valuable reference for both beginners and experienced JavaScript developers.
Fast-paced and practical guide to JavaScript. It is perfect for developers who want to learn the language quickly and efficiently.
Collection of reusable patterns for JavaScript development. It great resource for developers who want to learn how to write clean and efficient code.
Comprehensive reference for JavaScript. It covers everything from the basics of the language to more advanced topics like web development and mobile development.
Deep dive into the JavaScript language. It covers the internals of the language and how it works under the hood.
Classic in the JavaScript community. It provides a concise and opinionated guide to the best practices of JavaScript development.
Presents a collection of reusable patterns for writing JavaScript code. It valuable resource for learning best practices and improving code quality.
Provides a clear and concise introduction to JavaScript. It good choice for beginners who want to learn the basics of the language.
Comprehensive guide to JavaScript for web developers. It covers topics such as DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX.
Uses a visual and interactive approach to teaching JavaScript. It good choice for learners who prefer a more hands-on approach.
Fun and engaging introduction to JavaScript for children. It uses games and activities to teach the basics of programming.


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