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JavaScript Arrays and Collections

Jeff Batt

ECMAScript 6 introduces some new and powerful ways to handle data. This course will introduce you to working with sets and maps as well as typed arrays so you can easily store and process data within your web apps with more functionality.

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ECMAScript 6 introduces some new and powerful ways to handle data. This course will introduce you to working with sets and maps as well as typed arrays so you can easily store and process data within your web apps with more functionality.

At the core of using data collections within JavaScript is a thorough knowledge of sets, maps, and typed arrays. In this course, JavaScript Arrays and Collections, you will learn how to create and apply data collections to your web applications. First, you will understand how to apply more advanced array methods to your current arrays. Next, you will explore how to store unique data using sets. Then you will learn how to store data using key and value pairs with maps. Finally, you will discover how to work directly with binary data using typed arrays. When you are finished with this course, you will have a foundational knowledge of data collections within the JavaScript language that will help you as you move forward to building more efficient web apps.

Software required: A text editor like Sublime or Visual Studio Code.

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What's inside


Course Overview
Methods for Working with Arrays
Working with Sets
Creating and Using Maps
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Exploring Typed Arrays

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Explores the role of Javascript in storing and processing data within web applications, which is standard in the web development industry
Develops the use of arrays, sets, maps, and typed arrays, which are fundamental data structures in JavaScript
Led by expert instructor Jeff Batt, who is recognized for his contributions to the JavaScript community
Covers advanced topics such as working with binary data using typed arrays, which are highly relevant in web development
Provides a solid foundation in data collections within JavaScript, which is crucial for building efficient web applications

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Career center

Learners who complete JavaScript Arrays and Collections will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
JavaScript Developer
JavaScript Developers design, develop, and test JavaScript applications. This course will give you a strong foundation in data structures. This is critical for building efficient, scalable, and performant JavaScript applications. You will learn how to use sets, maps, and typed arrays to store and process data. You will also learn how to directly work with binary data using typed arrays.
Web Developer
Web Developers use programming languages to build and maintain websites and web applications. Since JavaScript has become the programming language of choice for most interactive web apps, a foundational knowledge of data structures is paramount for most roles. This course will help you to get started with advanced array methods. It will also introduce you to sets, maps, and typed arrays. This will help you to build web applications that are more efficient, scalable, and performant.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, test, and maintain software systems. As the core of JavaScript's functionality revolves around data structures, becoming a Software Engineer will be much easier with these foundational programming concepts. A strong understanding of arrays, sets, maps, and typed arrays is critical for almost all Software Engineering jobs. This course will introduce you to more advanced array methods. It will also give you a foundation to start working with sets, maps, and typed arrays. This will equip you to build more robust and efficient software systems.
Programmers write, test, maintain, and debug software systems. This course will help you to build a strong foundation in data structures. This is essential for Programmers who need to work with JavaScript. You will learn how to use sets, maps, and typed arrays to store and process data more efficiently. You will also learn how to directly work with binary data using typed arrays.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from data. Since JavaScript has become the programming language of choice for many data scientists, a foundational knowledge of data structures is paramount for most roles. This course will help you to get started with advanced array methods. It will also introduce you to sets, maps, and typed arrays. This will help you to build more efficient, scalable, and performant data science models and applications.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers collect, clean, and prepare data for analysis. Using programming languages like JavaScript can help automate and optimize these tasks. This course will introduce you to sets, maps, and typed arrays. This will help you to store and process data more efficiently. You will also learn how to directly work with binary data using typed arrays, which is a crucial skill for many Data Engineering roles.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts use data to identify trends and patterns. This course will introduce you to sets, maps, and typed arrays. These data structures will help you to store and organize data more efficiently. You will also learn how to work directly with binary data using typed arrays, which is a must-have skill for many Data Analysts.
Software Tester
Software Testers test software systems to ensure that they are working as expected. This course will help you to build a foundation in data structures. This is essential for Software Testers who need to work with JavaScript. You will learn how to use sets, maps, and typed arrays to store and process test data more efficiently and reliably.
Blockchain Developer
Blockchain Developers design, develop, and test blockchain applications. They also work to maintain and secure blockchain networks. This course will help you to build a foundation in data structures. This is essential for Blockchain Developers who need to work with JavaScript. You will learn how to use sets, maps, and typed arrays to store and process blockchain data more efficiently and securely.
Cloud Engineer
Cloud Engineers design, build, and maintain cloud computing systems. This course will help you to build a foundation in data structures. This is essential for Cloud Engineers who need to work with JavaScript. You will learn how to use sets, maps, and typed arrays to store and process cloud data more efficiently.
Systems Analyst
Systems Analysts study the needs of businesses and organizations to design and implement computer systems and networks. This course will help you to build a foundation in data structures. This is essential for Systems Analysts who need to work with JavaScript. You will learn how to use sets, maps, and typed arrays to store and process system data more efficiently.
IT Specialist
IT Specialists provide technical support to businesses and organizations. They also help to design, implement, and maintain computer systems and networks. This course will help you to build a foundation in data structures. This is important for IT Specialists who need to work with JavaScript. You will learn how to use sets, maps, and typed arrays to store and process data more efficiently. You will also learn how to directly work with binary data using typed arrays, which is critical for managing computer systems and networks.
Game Developer
Game Developers design, develop, and test video games. While JavaScript is used to create some video games, the majority are created in C++ or C#. That being said, for video games that use JavaScript, a foundational knowledge of data structures is still necessary. This course will help you to get started with advanced array methods. It will also introduce you to sets, maps, and typed arrays.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases. They ensure that databases are running smoothly and that data is secure and accessible. This course will introduce you to sets, maps, and typed arrays. These data structures will help you to store and organize database data more efficiently. You will also learn how to work directly with binary data using typed arrays, which is a critical skill for many Database Administrators.
Web Designer
Web Designers create and maintain the look and feel of websites and web applications. While this role does not require mastery of programming languages, more Web Designers are choosing to learn JavaScript to enhance their skillset. This course will help these Web Designers to get started with data structures by introduces them to sets, maps, and typed arrays.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in JavaScript Arrays and Collections.
Provides a deep dive into the latest features of JavaScript, including ES6 and beyond. It covers the new data structures and collection types introduced in ES6, making it a valuable resource for readers who want to learn about the latest developments in JavaScript.
Provides a deep dive into the JavaScript language. It would be a useful resource for readers who want to learn more about the inner workings of JavaScript and how to use it effectively.
Comprehensive reference guide to the JavaScript language. It covers all aspects of the language, including arrays and collections. It would be a valuable resource for readers who want to learn more about the technical details of JavaScript.
Covers data structures and algorithms in JavaScript. It would be a useful resource for readers who want to learn more about how to use arrays and collections to solve programming problems.
Covers data structures and algorithms in JavaScript. It would be a useful resource for readers who want to learn more about how to use arrays and collections to solve programming problems.
Provides a concise and opinionated guide to the JavaScript language. It would be a useful resource for readers who want to learn more about the good parts of JavaScript and how to use it effectively.
Covers common JavaScript design patterns. It would be a useful resource for readers who want to learn more about how to write reusable and maintainable JavaScript code.
Offers a comprehensive introduction to the JavaScript language and covers the basics of arrays and collections. It would be a useful resource for readers who are new to JavaScript or who want to brush up on the fundamentals.
Presents the concepts of data structures and algorithms in a clear and engaging way. It good choice for beginners and intermediate learners who want to learn more about these topics as they relate to JavaScript programming. The content on general data structures and algorithms provides a solid foundation of knowledge that can be applied to arrays and collections in JavaScript.
Covers advanced JavaScript techniques, including working with arrays and collections. It would be a useful resource for readers who have a solid understanding of the JavaScript language and who want to learn more about how to use it effectively.
Fast-paced introduction to the JavaScript language. It would be a useful resource for readers who have some programming experience and who want to learn JavaScript quickly.
Provides a collection of advanced JavaScript techniques. It would be a useful resource for readers who want to learn more about how to use JavaScript to solve complex programming problems.


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