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Javascript Generators and Iterators

Marques Woodson
Understanding iterators, iterables, and generator functions can be difficult. In this course, JavaScript Generators and Iterators, you will learn foundational knowledge of these constructs so that you feel comfortable using them every day. First, you will...
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Understanding iterators, iterables, and generator functions can be difficult. In this course, JavaScript Generators and Iterators, you will learn foundational knowledge of these constructs so that you feel comfortable using them every day. First, you will understand what iterators are and a few of the available built-in iterables. Next, you will discover generator functions and the yield keyword. Finally, you will explore how to use Cancelable Async Flows to help treat your generator functions like async functions. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of iterators and generator functions needed to start using them today.
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Fits JavaScript or Python developers who want to apply modern JavaScript techniques and styles
Increases learner JavaScript competency by introducing core concepts and methodologies
Develops foundational JavaScript skills and knowledge for advanced concepts and techniques
May require learners to complete other prerequisite courses before enrolling
Enhances knowledge of built-in JavaScript iterables and generator functions
Taught by Marques Woodson, an experienced instructor in JavaScript and computer science

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Career center

Learners who complete Javascript Generators and Iterators will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Full-Stack Web Developer
Full Stack Web Developers are responsible for the design and implementation of both the front-end and back-end of web applications. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to build interactive and dynamic websites and applications. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling asynchronous operations and managing state in your applications.
Front-End Web Developer
Front-End Web Developers are responsible for the design and implementation of the user interface of web applications. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to build interactive and visually appealing websites and applications. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling user input and managing state in your applications.
Back-End Web Developer
Back-End Web Developers are responsible for the design and implementation of the server-side logic of web applications. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to build scalable and reliable web applications. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling asynchronous operations and managing state in your applications.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers are responsible for designing and implementing data pipelines that transform and load data into data warehouses and data lakes. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to build scalable and efficient data pipelines. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling large datasets and managing state in your pipelines.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers are responsible for designing and implementing machine learning models. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to build and train machine learning models. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling large datasets and managing state in your models.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to build a variety of software applications. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling asynchronous operations and managing state in your applications.
Quality Assurance Engineer
Quality Assurance Engineers are responsible for testing and ensuring the quality of software applications. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to write test cases and automate testing. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling asynchronous operations and managing state in your test cases.
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineers are responsible for building and maintaining the infrastructure that supports software applications. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to automate infrastructure tasks. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling asynchronous operations and managing state in your automation scripts.
Technical Writer
Technical Writers are responsible for creating and maintaining documentation for software applications. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to write technical documentation. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling complex technical concepts and managing state in your documentation.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for planning and managing the development of software products. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to understand the needs of users and translate those needs into requirements for software developers. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling user feedback and managing state in your product roadmap.
Project Manager
Project Managers are responsible for planning and managing software development projects. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to track progress and manage risks. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling dependencies and managing state in your project plans.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts are responsible for understanding and analyzing business needs. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to gather requirements and create business cases. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling complex business processes and managing state in your analysis.
Sales Engineer
Sales Engineers are responsible for selling software products and services. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to demonstrate the benefits of software products and services. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling complex technical concepts and managing state in your sales presentations.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers are responsible for planning and executing marketing campaigns. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to create and manage marketing content. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling large datasets and managing state in your marketing campaigns.
Technical Support Engineer
Technical Support Engineers are responsible for providing technical support to users of software products and services. In this role, you would use your JavaScript skills to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues. JavaScript Generators and Iterators would be particularly useful for handling complex technical issues and managing state in your support tickets.

Reading list

We've selected 16 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Javascript Generators and Iterators.
Deep dive into the JavaScript language. It good choice for learners who want to understand the inner workings of JavaScript.
Serves as a great introduction or supplement to JavaScript. It provides a thorough overview of the language, including concepts such as iterators and generators.
Comprehensive reference guide to JavaScript. It good choice for learners who want to have a deep understanding of the JavaScript language.
Guide to building scalable Node.js applications. It good choice for learners who want to learn how to build high-performance and reliable Node.js applications.
Collection of advanced JavaScript techniques. It good choice for learners who want to learn how to write more efficient and effective JavaScript code.
Collection of JavaScript design patterns. It good choice for learners who want to learn how to write more reusable and maintainable JavaScript code.
Collection of design patterns for Node.js. It good choice for learners who want to learn how to write scalable and maintainable Node.js applications.
This classic book by Douglas Crockford offers valuable insights into JavaScript's best practices and design principles, including the use of iterators and generators.
Guide to writing clean and maintainable code. It good choice for learners who want to learn how to write code that is easy to read and understand.
Guide to unit testing. It good choice for learners who want to learn how to write tests that are effective and efficient.
Offers a concise and practical introduction to JavaScript, covering essential concepts like iterators and generators. Its focus on code examples makes it a valuable resource for hands-on learning.
Explores functional programming concepts in JavaScript, including the use of iterators and generators. It provides a different perspective on JavaScript, enhancing your understanding of its capabilities.
Is designed for beginners and covers the fundamentals of JavaScript, including iterators and generators. It offers a practical and accessible introduction to the topic.
Provides a comprehensive guide to Node.js, including in-depth coverage of asynchronous programming. It offers valuable insights into the use of iterators and generators in Node.js applications.
This comprehensive reference book provides a thorough understanding of JavaScript, including its advanced features like iterators and generators. It serves as a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced developers.


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