This is the Comprehensive Excel Course.
This course covers everything there is to know about Microsoft Excel.
From the fundamentals, to the most advanced features, after taking this class you will be able to use Microsoft Excel at an expert level.
Beginners can begin right at the beginning, then work their way through the course to achieve mastery. Intermediate users can join the course where needed to forward their skills. Advanced users can also drop into sections they need to achieve mastery.
You can learn Excel quickly if it is taught correctly. Developed by a …
This is the Comprehensive Excel Course.
This course covers everything there is to know about Microsoft Excel.
From the fundamentals, to the most advanced features, after taking this class you will be able to use Microsoft Excel at an expert level.
Beginners can begin right at the beginning, then work their way through the course to achieve mastery. Intermediate users can join the course where needed to forward their skills. Advanced users can also drop into sections they need to achieve mastery.
You can learn Excel quickly if it is taught correctly. Developed by a …
Best-selling Udemy author
Microsoft Certified Educator
Microsoft Office Specialist Expert
Tenured College Professor
Udemy Instructor Partner
… this course has been designed and perfected to make it easy for you to master Microsoft Excel. Here are highlights of what you will learn in this course:
Learn to navigate around Excel
Learn to enter and edit data in Excel
Learn to adjust the way data and information are displayed in Excel
Learn to write formulas quickly and easily with the point-and-click method
Learn to use relative, absolute, and mixed references in Excel
Learn to create powerful calculations with Excel functions
Learn to use documentation so that you can work with every function
Learn to visually represent your data: charts, trendlines, sparklines, combo charts
Learn to use Excel data tools like sorting, subtotaling, and filtering
Learn to "freeze columns and rows" with freeze panes in Excel
Learn to remove duplicates from data in Excel
Learn to "transpose data" - switching the columns and rows in Excel
Learn to use Excel to leverage data with Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts
Learn to format worksheets including conditional formatting
Learn to automate Excel tasks with time-saving macros
Learn to integrate Microsoft Excel with Microsoft Word
Learn to use passwords in Excel to protect your work in multiple scenarios
Learn tips and tricks about Excel, as well as Excel secrets and shortcuts
Learn to use printing and sharing in Excel
Learn to harvest data from the web
Learn to create powerful random data generators
Learn to use freeze panes, sorting, filtering, & advanced filtering
Learn to "what if" sensitivity analysis such as goal seek, scenarios, & data tables
Learn to use multiple windows, selection panes, proofing, & translating tools
Learn to print your worksheets with various formatting to various formats including PDF
Learn to use pivot tables, slicers, timelines, & pivot charts
Learn to apply styles, themes, stats, accessibility, watch & calculation options
Learn to use get & transform and the power query editor
Learn to use the data model and to create relationships between your data
Learn to work with data joins and to append data
Learn to use 3D maps and to create recorded scenes
Learn to program Microsoft Excel with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
Download all of the Excel project files that are used in the videos
Described as “fun,” “amazing,” and “life changing,” this Excel training will forever transform the way you work with numbers. Try this course for yourself and see how quickly and easily you too can master Microsoft Excel.
Here is a brief overview of what we will cover in this section:
Exercise files
Getting your certificate
Course orientation
Understanding spreadsheets
Understanding versions
Course files
Any file, or files, that I use in a video can be found in the "COURSE CONTENT" panel of the video in which those files are used. You can also access ALL of the files used in the course by going to the COURSE FILES area of the GETTING STARTED section.
If you try to download more than one file at a time, your web browser might ask you if you want to "download multiple files from this website." Click "yes" to download the files.
Here is how you get your Microsoft Excel certificate of completion.
Learning pace
change video speed
This is your course
do what you need
use it in the way that is best for you
quizzes and hands-on exercises are optional
Course goal
a great teacher will teach the student not to need the teacher
parable: give a person a fish, or teach them to fish
Be an adventurer
spirit of exploration
practice leads to progress
Have fun
personal anecdotes
Spreadsheets allow us to work with numbers. Spreadsheets are like customizable calculators. Spreadsheets also allow us to organize and manage data.
MS Word allows us to work with words.
MS Excel allows us to work with numbers & data.
Dan Bricklin - father of spreadsheets (1979)
there are two main versions of microsoft excel
it runs on the web
you use a web browser to access it
you install it on your computer
the computer based version has more functionality than than the web based version
Historically, every few years, Microsoft would release a new version of Excel. With Microsoft 365, versions are released continuously.
Microsoft 365 vs installed
web based app, software-as-servce, SAS vs. installed app, pc
Office 365 revenue overtook traditional license sales for Office in 2017.
"Microsoft 4Q17: Office 365 revenue surpasses traditional licenses". Ars Technica. Condé Nast. July 21, 2017. Archived from the original on February 1, 2019. Retrieved February 6, 2019.
Microsoft 365 was formerly called Office 365
microsoft 365
one drive
editor (like grammarly)
stock photos / videos
partner benefits
live tech support
google drive
google's sas
google's apps
starting excel
customizing excel
changing look and feel
coming soon features
keyboard shortcuts
closed captions
ease of access settings in Windows
microsoft store
mouse pointer highlight
safety: app certification
compare to "autohotkey" approach
you can download the course outline as a PDF from here
File extensions are good to know about!
all files for the course can be found here
Quizzes help you learn Microsoft Excel more quickly. By taking this quiz, you are engaging your mind. By working to recall the material, the material is more deeply integrated. Take this quiz to more quickly learn Microsoft Excel!
Quizzes help you learn the material more quickly. By taking this quiz, you are engaging your mind. By working to recall the material, the material is more deeply integrated. Take this quiz to more quickly learn!
Any exercise files used in a video lecture are associated with that video lecture and can be downloaded while you're watching that video lecture.
You can find all of the files used in this course under the "course files" portion of the "getting started" section.
You can change the speed of the lecture videos.
Who was the creator of spreadsheets:
Bill Gates
Bill The Cat
Dan Bricklin
Elon Musk
When were spreadsheets created?
Practice leads to progress.
A good general description of spreadsheets is that they allow us to work with numbers and data.
The web version of Microsoft Excel is part of "Microsoft 365"
When you subscribe to Microsoft 365, you can download a version of Microsoft Excel that can be installed on your computer.
At the time of recording, as talked about in the video lecture, who offered the best pricing for Microsoft 365:
Some guy named "Mikapalooza" on Reddit
Microsoft Excel is
word processing software
spreadsheet software
database software
image editing software
Microsoft word is to words, as Microsoft Excel is to numbers.
To have his mouse highlighted, Todd is using:
graphic files installed on his machine
a piece of software from Microsoft store called "mouse pointer highlight"
some "autohotkey" software
computer magic
To make Excel more readable, you can change it to a high-contrast black and white theme.
Is your computer a 32-bit or 64-bit machine?
keyboard shortcuts
ctrl + t
new tab in chrome
ctrl + c
ctrl + v
Workbooks and worksheets
Useful keyboard shortcuts
Working with Excel files
Autosave and autorecover
Finding your way around Excel
Mouse pointer awareness
Writing formulas
Relative, absolute, & mixed references
Ranges & names
A workbook has worksheets. When you open a Microsoft Excel file you are opening a workbook. Inside that workbook you will find worksheets. You can add and delete worksheets as needed. Here is what we will learn:
Starting Excel
active cell
keyboard shortcuts
ctrl + scroll wheel
These are some useful keyboard shortcuts:
keyboard shortcuts
alt + tab
cycle through open apps
ctrl + t
new tab in chrome
ctrl + c
ctrl + v
ctrl + f
Saving a file
before you close an Excel file, if it has yet to be saved, MS Excel will ask you to save it
the filename area reflects whether or not a file has been saved
Closing Excel
Opening a file
xlsx file extension
how to see file extensions
associate "xlsx" files with Excel
keyboard shortcuts
ctrl + s
ctrl + w
ctrl + n
ctrl + o
aka, servers
aka, computers
consumer retention & switching costs
microsoft: what is AutoSave?
Help protect your files in case of a crash
crashing an excel file
keyboard shortcuts
ctrl + alt + del
task manager
Every Excel file is known as a workbook.
Each workbook has worksheets.
Spreadsheets are made up of columns and rows.
The intersection of a column and row is a cell.
The active cell has a BOX around it.
Each cell has a cell address: column row, eg, B2.
naming it
changing its color
to enter data into a cell, click on the cell and start typing
you can edit data in a cell by
double-clicking the cell
or up in the formula bar
cells overflow if there is no data in the adjacent cell
shows that there is data in that cell
widen the column to see it
double-click the divider to perfectly adjust
you can make columns wider
you can make rows taller
showing / hiding
formula bar
While using Excel, your mouse pointer will change depending upon the context. Paying attention to the way your mouse pointer looks, and knowing what the different looking mouse pointers mean, will help you use Excel more effectively.
Learn the basics of writing formulas in Excel including the point-and-click method for writing formulas.
writing formulas
point-and-click method
order of operations
relative references
formula ribbon
show formulas
file: 20-Writing-Formulas
Learn how to use relative, absolute, and mixed references when writing formulas in Excel.
a selection of 2+ cells
colon notation
named cell & named ranges
This quiz will help you master what we have been learning about Microsoft Excel.
Create a new excel spreadsheet. Do the following:
create a new worksheet
name it “Happy items”
give the worksheet tab a color
move the worksheet tab to the front of the tabs
starting in cell B2
list five items that make you happy
one item in each cell: B2, B3, B4, B5, B6
Delete the other worksheets
right-click the worksheets
edit the entry in cell B3
use the double-click method
edit the entry in cell B4
use the formula bar
Create a new workbook. Do the following:
make sure you are using normal view
remove the gridlines
collapse the ribbon menu
pin the ribbon menu back into place
Open the workbook attached to this lecture. Using the “sales data” worksheet:
For items F4:F21, what is the
Open the workbook attached to this lecture. Write a formula which adds up B4:B7. Use relative references in your formula. Use the autofill handle to copy that formula across B8:M8
Open the workbook attached to this lecture. Write a formula which calculates the tax. Use an absolute reference. Use autofill to copy the formula.
Open the workbook attached to this lecture. Write a formula which completes the table. Use mixed references. Use autofill to copy the formula.
Calculate the grade for each student. Assume each graded item carries equal weight. To calculate the grade for each student, just calculate the average score of all scores for that student.
Calculate the class average for each graded item.
file: 30-gradebook-equal-weight
Calculate the grade for each student. Each graded item does not carry equal weight. To calculate the grade for each student, you will need to do a weight average calculation.
Calculate the class average for each graded item.
file: 31-gradebook-weighted
Calculate the grade for each student. This gradebook is using the points method. To calculate the grade for each student, just add up a student’s points then divide that by total points possible.
Calculate the class average for each graded item.
file: 32-gradebook-points-method
Calculate the costs for a trip to Disneyland for yourself and three others. Have your trip last 5 days.
ticket price
food & incidentals
Create a spreadsheet that has the recipe for oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
include the quantities
include the ability for the quantities to multiply by the number of batches desired.
Functions are formulas that are already written for us. Functions allow us to quickly calculate computations. The sum & average functions are covered in this video.
These functions allow you to find the max value in a series of numbers, and find the min value in a series of numbers.
The count function allows you to count how many items are in a series.
The rounding functions allow you to round numbers. These functions are covered:
Documentation is also covered in this video. Also included is how to copy examples out of documentation and get them into Excel.
You can generate random numbers using rand and randbetween.
The concat & textjoin functions allow you to join text together.
The days function allows you to count the number of days between two dates.
The if function allows you to make a decision based upon the value in a cell.
This quiz will help you master what we are learning with Microsoft Excel
Concatenate is a deprecated function.
Textjoin allows you to specify a delimiter.
On the data ribbon, "text to columns" allows you to break text apart either by a delimiter or by a fixed width.
Examples of how to use a function can be found in the documentation for Excel functions.
What is the keyboard shortcut for moving the ACTIVE CELL to the end of contiguous entries?
ctrl + shift + e
ctrl + arrow (down, up, left, or right)
ctrl + shift + y
ctrl + shift + end
What is the keyboard shortcut for selecting data from the ACTIVE CELL to other cells?
ctrl + shift + e
ctrl + shift + arrow (down, up, left, or right)
ctrl + shift + y
ctrl + shift + end
What keyboard technique do we use to select non-contiguous data like in the picture?
select the first block of data, then hold down CTRL and select other data
hold down the FN key and select data
hold down FN + TAB and select data
use the scroll wheel and meow like a cat
Using only the keyboard, from the active cell, how do you select the active cell and the two cells to the right?
shift + right-arrow key
ctrl + right-arrow key
fn + shift + right-arrow key
fn + shift + ctrl + windows key + f12 + f1 + right-arrow key
Use the following functions in the spreadsheet "44-basic":
Looking up a letter grade based upon a percentage score using xlookup and vlookup.
In this hands-on exercise, we will randomly generate names:
DOUBLE CHALLENGE - random name generator
most popular first names
most popular last names
hint: new sheet for each "paste special"
hint: DATA / SORT A→Z to get rid of empty spaces
arrange names
1 column first names
1 column last names
use these functions
into new spreadsheet
select the names
split the names
combine the names
Using the if function, display whether or not an individual is OVER or UNDER budget
Copy documentation examples for the round function into Excel.
SUM function
Use this function to add the values in cells.
IF function
Use this function to return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false. Here's a video about using the IF function.
LOOKUP function
Use this function when you need to look in a single row or column and find a value from the same position in a second row or column.
AVOID using this one!
VLOOKUP function
Use this function when you need to find things in a table or a range by row. For example, look up an employee's last name by her employee number, or find her phone number by looking up her last name (just like a telephone book).
MATCH function
Use this function to search for an item in a range of cells, and then return the relative position of that item in the range. For example, if the range A1:A3 contains the values 5, 7, and 38, then the formula =MATCH(7,A1:A3,0) returns the number 2, because 7 is the second item in the range.
CHOOSE function
Use this function to select one of up to 254 values based on the index number. For example, if value1 through value7 are the days of the week, CHOOSE returns one of the days when a number between 1 and 7 is used as index_num.
DATE function
Use this function to return the sequential serial number that represents a particular date. This function is most useful in situations where the year, month, and day are supplied by formulas or cell references. For example, you might have a worksheet that contains dates in a format that Excel does not recognize, such as YYYYMMDD. **Use the DATEDIF function to calculate the number of days, months, or years between two dates.**
DAYS function
Use this function to return the number of days between two dates.
FIND, FINDB functions
FIND and FINDB locate one text string within a second text string. They return the number of the starting position of the first text string from the first character of the second text string.
INDEX function
Use this function to return a value or the reference to a value from within a table or range.
Use the XLOOKUP function to find things in a table or range by row. For example, look up the price of an automotive part by the part number, or find an employee name based on their employee ID. With XLOOKUP, you can look in one column for a search term and return a result from the same row in another column, regardless of which side the return column is on.
Note: XLOOKUP is not available in Excel 2016 and Excel 2019, however, you may come across a situation of using a workbook in Excel 2016 or Excel 2019 with the XLOOKUP function in it created by someone else using a newer version of Excel.
The XLOOKUP function searches a range or an array, and then returns the item corresponding to the first match it finds. If no match exists, then XLOOKUP can return the closest (approximate) match.
=XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])
Vlookup allows us to look a value up in a table of values, then return an associated value. For instance, in a gradebook a student might have a score of 84%. I could use vlookup to then insert “B” next to the student’s grade.
The XMATCH function searches for a specified item in an array or range of cells, and then returns the item's relative position.
Use this function to select one of up to 254 values based on the index number.
takes three separate values and combines them to form a date.
returns the sequential serial number that represents a particular date.
useful in situations where year, month, and day are supplied
For example, you might have a worksheet that contains dates in a format that Excel does not recognize, such as YYYYMMDD.
year, month, day
extract the corresponding value from a date
left, mid, right
extract a specified number of characters from a text string
adds/subtracts months from a date
calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates.
FIND and FINDB locate one text string within a second text string.
They return the number of the starting position of the first text string from the first character of the second text string.
FIND is for languages that use the single-byte character set (SBCS),
FINDB is for languages that use the double-byte character set (DBCS).
returns a value from a table / range / array.
returns a reference from a table / range / array.
This quiz will reinforce what we are learning about Microsoft Excel.
To use Excel effectively, you must look up functions in documentation and read about them.
The function DATEDIF will accurately calculate the difference between dates.
You should never use the DATEDIF function.
You should strongly avoid using the LOOKUP function.
When doing a "lookup," you should avoid using the LOOKUP function and instead use the XLOOKUP function.
If you're not familiar with the function you are going to use, you should read the documentation for that function.
If it has been awhile since you have skimmed the documentation on a function you regularly use, it would be a good idea to look at it.
To get to this dialog box:
press CONTROL + F10
do the hokey-pokey and turn yourself around
You can RIGHT CLICK a cell and then choose FORMAT to format the cell as a specific type of data such as general, text, currency, or number.
Functions are like building blocks, or legos. We can find creative ways to combine functions together into one formula.
The INDEX function has two different argument lists. All you really need to remember, however, is that the first three arguments for both are INDEX(array_reference, row_num, [column_num])
You can add stripes, also known as "row striping," to a spreadsheet by using conditional formatting, choose new rule, and then using the formula =ISEVEN(ROW())
You can add a drop-down menu to a spreadsheet by using DATA VALIDATION on the data ribbon.
The YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions can extract the year, month, and day from a DATE.
The LEFT, MID, and RIGHT functions can extract a portion of text from a text value.
the EDATE function is used to add, or subtract, months from a DATE.
You should never use the DATEDIF function.
The INDEX function is great for randomly generating data from a list.
The RAND and RANDBETWEEN functions are also great at helping generate random data from a list.
If you want to count any non-blank cell, regardless of whether or not text or numbers are stored in the cell, which is the best function for this job:
Use the workbook associated with this exercise to find the secret message.
Use the workbook associated with this exercise to do the date hands-on exercises.
Use the workbook associated with this exercise to do the time hands-on exercises.
Use the workbook associated with this exercise to do the hands-on exercises.
Play with conditional formatting to see what effects you can realize.
also covered:
Only allow people to enter text for their name, and a whole number from 0 to 130 for their age.
Use the workbook associated with this exercise to do the hands-on exercises.
also covered
opening a CSV file
Use the workbook associated with this exercise to do the date hands-on exercises.
also covered in this video:
sorting data
Use the workbook associated with this exercise to find peace.
Play with gapminder - very cool data and data visualization!
And check out the data:
Formatting your worksheets is important.
content and form
It is not only what you say that matters (the content) but also how you say it (the form). When studied, the greatest impact upon others isn’t the content, but the form. The 7 38 55 study from UCLA says that what impacts people in public speaking is:
7% the content
38% how it’s said
55% body language
This is true in public speaking, this is true in art, this is true in job interviews, and this is true in your Excel spreadsheets. Take your content and give it good form (make it look good).
game plan
HOME ribbon
except "styles" and "format as table" - cover that later
clear all
clear formats
clear contents
clear comments and notes
clear hyperlinks
how to insert
copy as picture
keep source formatting
match destination formatting
paste special
many options
transpose (already saw this)
paste as values (already saw this)
horizontal alignment
vertical alignment
merge and center
wrap text
More options are found in the format cells dialog box.
Formatting numbers
In graphic design, font determines feeling. There are two broad categories of fonts: serif and sans-serif. A serif font has feet; a sans-serif font does not. For text on computer screens, sans-serif is the most popular and, perhaps by consensus, best choice. You can find the most popular fonts in the world on Google Fonts. Once the fonts are installed on your computer, you can use them in your spreadsheets. Take-aways:
use a sans-serif font
use Google Fonts to get the most popular fonts
This quiz will reinforce what we have been learning about Microsoft Excel. Taking the quiz will make you stronger with Excel! Take this quiz to more quickly learn!
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