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Greg Wondra

In this game development course, you'll learn how to use Unreal Engine's Widget Blueprints to create a Character based UI (User Interface).  This type of interface can be found in all genres of games.   Games such as The Witcher, God of War, Final Fantasy, and Madden Football ALL have character UIs present in them.  Knowing how to use widget blueprints is a critical skill for those aspiring to be a UX (User Experience) or UI (User Interface) designer on an Unreal Engine project.

This course contains 80 fun-to-follow video lessons.  You'll learn how to:

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In this game development course, you'll learn how to use Unreal Engine's Widget Blueprints to create a Character based UI (User Interface).  This type of interface can be found in all genres of games.   Games such as The Witcher, God of War, Final Fantasy, and Madden Football ALL have character UIs present in them.  Knowing how to use widget blueprints is a critical skill for those aspiring to be a UX (User Experience) or UI (User Interface) designer on an Unreal Engine project.

This course contains 80 fun-to-follow video lessons.  You'll learn how to:

  • Download, install, and setup a project using the Unreal Engine

  • Add-on (free. ) Marketplace content (several Paragon character asset packs)

  • Import outside assets

  • Create a character based User Interface layout 

  • Work with and understand many of the different "Widget" types available in widget blueprints including:

    • Buttons

    • Images

    • Text Boxes

    • Horizontal & Vertical Boxes

    • Spinner Boxes

    • Sliders

    • Uniform Grid Panels

  • Create Data Tables

  • Extract data from a Data Table and Bind Data to Widget Variables in our User Interface

  • Create Variables, Write Functions, and Create Scripts to make an interactive and editable User Interface

  • Animate Widgets (such as buttons)

  • Have UI alterations affect our in-game character (such as character speed)

  • Create a Save / Load System

  • And more.

With the knowledge gained in these video lessons you'll have the necessary skills to start creating your OWN character user interface.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • How to download, install, and setup a project in the unreal engine
  • How to create menus using unreal engine widget blueprints
  • How to create variables, functions, and write blueprint scripts
  • How to layout a character menu screen
  • How to make a character menu screen interactive
  • How to bind data from a data table (spreadsheet) to elements in our character menu screen
  • How to create a game save, load a game save, and overwrite a game save
  • How to make character data editable and save updated data
  • How to toggle playable characters


In this series of videos students will learn how to Download & Install the Unreal Engine as well as setup a brand new project.

In this video you'll get a sneak peak of what we're about to create.  Additionally we'll briefly cover what you'll be learning in this course and how the course is structured.


  • Navigate the Course

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In this video we'll cover where you can go to download the Epic Games Launcher. Once the Epic Games Launcher is downloaded and installed, we can then go through the Epic Games Launcher to download Unreal Engine. (Yes, yes you do download and install one thing - the Epic Games Launcher - in order to download another - the Unreal Engine)


  • Download and Install the Epic Games Launcher & Unreal Engine

In this video we'll create our Unreal Engine Project. During this process, we'll decide what type of project we'd like to make, what template we'd like to start from, and what assets we'd like to include to get us started.


  • Create a Project


  • Project: CharacterUI

In this video we'll add some FREE content packs into our project that we'll make use of down the road. While these packs are NOT necessary to complete the project (you CAN use your own assets), they will aid greatly in ensuring you've got access to all you need going forward (also, these are some high quality assets....FROM Epic Games!).


  • Add Content Packs from the Epic Games Marketplace


  • Content Pack: Paragon: Muriel

  • Content Pack: Paragon: Revenant

  • Content Pack: Paragon: Sevarog

In this series of videos students will learn how to Import Assets and layout the basic structure of their Character UI.

In this video we're going to import a bunch of assets we'll be making use of throughout this course. NOTE: You don't HAVE to use these assets....you can certainly take the concepts taught in this course and design your OWN layout. But it's HIGHLY recommended that you do import these assets.


  • Import Assets

  • Do Bulk Edit Assets

  • Create & Color Content Browser Folders

  • Move Assets into Content Browser Folders

  • Access Editor Preferences

  • Dock New Tabs to Main Window

  • Download Free Fonts


  • Zip File: CharacterUIAssets

In this video we'll create a Widget Blueprint asset and cover the different areas inside of the Widget Blueprint editor.


  • Create a Widget Blueprint

  • Identify areas of the Widget Blueprint Editor


  • Widget Blueprint: WBP_CharacterUI

In this video we'll create the setup necessary to display our Character Profile UI.


  • Create a Level

  • Set Editor Default Startup Level

  • Access the Level Blueprint

  • Create Script to Display a Widget Blueprint


  • Level: LV_CharacterUI

In this video we'll add our first few Widgets inside Designer Mode of our Widget Blueprint.


  • Add & Edit an Image Widget

  • Add & Edit a Text Widget

  • Work with Widget Anchor Points

  • Size Widgets to Content

  • Show / Hide a Widget

  • Lock / Unlock a Widget

  • Toggle "Show Only Modified Properties" option in Details Panel

In this video we'll add a Horizontal Box Widget that'll house our character's "Role" display.


  • Add & Edit a Horizontal Box Widget

  • Size Widgets to Content

  • Edit Horizontal Box Slot Parameters

  • Set a Widget Tool Tip

In this video we'll be creating a Custom Widget. Custom Widgets are excellent when wanting to create some kind of stylized UI element you may want to use again and again.


  • Create a Custom Widget

  • Add & Edit a Border Widget

  • Add, Edit, Use a Named Slot Widget

In this video we'll add another Horizontal Box Widget that'll house our character's "Affinities" display.


  • Add & Edit a Spacer Widget

In this video we'll add a Vertical Box Widget that'll be used to show our character's level, XP, and money status.


  • Add & Edit a Vertical Box Widget

  • Add & Edit a Progress Bar Widget

In this video we'll add a Character Change instructional display to our Character UI to help users know how they can quickly swap between characters. We'll make use of several commonly used widgets to accomplish this.


  • Duplicate Widgets using a hot key command (Ctrl + W)

In this video we'll be introducing Button Widgets. These will live inside of a Horizontal Box and act as tabs a user can select between in order to present different character information categories.


  • Add & Edit a Button Widget

  • Customize Button Styles

Let's review!

In this series of videos students will learn how to create various Data Assets for the purpose of better organizing data as well as eventually accessing data.

In this video we'll create 2 Structure assets. These assets act as containers that hold a lot of data inside of them.


  • Create Structures (Structs)


  • Structure: STR_CharacterAbility

  • Structure: STR_CharacterData

In this video we'll create a Data Table from one of our Struct assets we created in the last video. With a Data Table in place, we now have the ability to edit many properties in one centralized place.


  • Create Data Tables


  • Data Table: DT_CharacterRoster

In this video we'll learn how to export a Data Table into a .csv file. In doing this, we have an external means of quickly editing a LOT of data in a time efficient manner.


  • Create External .csv files


  • Microsoft Excel: DT_CharacterRoster

  • Google Sheets: DT_CharacterRoster

In this video we'll learn how to import our exported .csv Data Table. In doing this, we'll notice that Data Table entries in Unreal reflect changes we made to our table prior to importing them.


  • Import .csv Data Tables into Unreal

  • Manually edit Data Tables in Unreal


  • Microsoft Excel: DT_CharacterRoster_FULL

In this series of videos students will learn how to extract data from a Data Table and bind them to various widgets inside of our Character UI Widget Blueprint.

In this video we'll create a Game Instance Blueprint and assign this to be used by our game inside of our Project Settings. This ever present blueprint will be critical for tons of functionality in our project....everything from extracting data from our Data Tables to updating our Data Tables through creating Game Saves.


  • Create a Game Instance Blueprint


  • Blueprint: BP_GameInstance

In this video we'll create a Function inside of our Game Instance Blueprint that'll enable us to extract data from our Data Table.


  • Create a Function

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Name being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll show how to fix up "broken widget binding" bugs that can occur if you close out and re-open your project. 


  • Convert Variable to a "Validated Get"

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Image being read from the Data Table.


  • How to Fix "Broken" Widget Bindings

  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Role icon being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create Bindings within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Affinity icons being read from the Data Table.


  • Create Widget Bindings

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Level being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Money amount being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's XP amount being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Color being read from the Data Table which will impact the color of the background image.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this series of videos students will learn how to create a Player Controller Blueprint and then create script to change characters.

In this video we'll create a Player Controller Blueprint. This blueprint will ultimately be used to toggle between different characters.


  • Create a Player Controller Blueprint


  • Blueprint: BP_PlayerController

In this video we'll create script inside our Player Controller Blueprint that'll toggle the character displayed in our Character UI Widget Blueprint.


  • Create Input Action Mappings

  • Create Script

In this video we'll finish creating script inside our Player Controller Blueprint that'll toggle the character displayed in our Character UI Widget Blueprint.


  • Create Script

  • Set Object to Debug

  • Visualize Blueprint Scripting Flow

In this video we'll create script inside our Player Controller Blueprint that'll toggle the character controlled when we exit out of our Character UI and back to the game.


  • Create an Input Action Mapping

  • Create Script

In this video we'll continue creating script inside our Player Controller Blueprint in order to properly toggle which character we're controlling in the game.


  • Create Script

In this video we'll finish creating script inside our Player Controller Blueprint in order to properly toggle which character we're controlling in the game.


  • Create a Variable


  • Variable (Boolean): IsCharacterProfileUiOpen?

In this series of videos students will learn how to further layout their Character UI...this time, focusing on Character Abilities.

In this video we're going to set the groundwork for laying out the entire Abilities tab of our Character UI Widget.


  • Add & Edit a Widget Switcher Widget

  • Add & Edit Canvas Panel Widgets

In this video we'll add a Uniform Grid Panel Widget and set some Button and Image Widgets inside of it to show what abilities our character has and which controller button icons can be pressed to use that ability.


  • Add & Edit an Uniform Grid Panel Widget

  • Add & Edit Button Widgets

  • Add & Edit Image Widgets

In this video we'll add an Image Widget to act as a background for 2 Text Widgets to live upon. One will be for the selected ability name. The other for the selected ability description.


  • Add & Edit an Image Widget

  • Add & Edit Text Widgets

In this video we'll create the layout of our ability properties display by utilizing Vertical Box, Horizontal Box, Text, and Spacer Widgets.


  • Add & Edit a Vertical Box Widget

  • Add & Edit a Horizontal Box Widget

  • Add & Edit Text Widgets

  • Add & Edit a Spacer Widget

In this series of videos students will learn how to bind variables existing in our Data Table to widgets existing in our Character UI.

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Ability Icons being read from the Data Table.


  • Create Widget Bindings

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Ability Names being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Variable

  • Create a Widget Binding


  • Variable (Integer): SelectedAbilityIndex

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Ability Descriptions being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Ability Property Names being read from the Data Table.


  • Create Widget Bindings

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Ability Property Values being read from the Data Table.


  • Create Widget Bindings

In this series of videos students will learn how to create Ability Animations and an Ability "Hover" function that'll be used in the next section of videos.

In this video we'll create Widget Animations for our 5 ability buttons. These animations will eventually be used to help communicate to a user which ability is being viewed.


  • Create Widget Animations

In this video we'll create a Function within our Character UI Widget Blueprint that, when called, will make it so that our Widget Animations will play and that the input button associated with each ability becomes visible.


  • Create a Function

In this series of videos students will learn how to create scripts related to interacting with a character's ability buttons.

In this video we'll create script within our Character UI that'll force an ability button to be selected by default. In doing this, we're ensuring that we ARE showing some ability information! We do NOT want nothing to show by default!!!


  • Create and Call a Custom Event

  • Create Script

In this video we'll create script within our Character UI that'll make our ability buttons animate when we hover our mouse cursor over each.


  • Create Script

In this video we'll create script within our Character UI that'll cause our ability buttons to reverse their animation when not hovered.


  • Create and Call a Custom Event

  • Create Script

In this video we'll create script within our Character UI that'll cause our character to say something whenever we click on an ability button.


  • Create a Function

  • Create Script

In this series of videos students will learn how to further layout their Character UI...this time, focusing on Character Attributes.

In this video we'll begin creating the layout for the Attributes tab of our Character UI.


  • Edit a Widget Switcher

  • Add & Edit a Scroll Box Widget

  • Add & Edit a Spacer Widget

In this video we'll continue laying out the Attributes tab of our Character UI by introducing the Editable Text Box Widget. This widget will allow us to alter our character's name.


  • Add & Edit a Horizontal Box Widget

  • Add & Edit a Text Box Widget

  • Add & Edit a Spacer Widget

In this video we'll continue laying out the Attributes tab of our Character UI by introducing the Check Box Widget. This widget will determine if our character will move without player input.


  • Add & Edit a Check Box Widget

In this video we'll continue laying out the Attributes tab of our Character UI by introducing the Slider Widget. This widget will determine our character's movement speed if auto moving.


  • Add & Edit a Slider Widget

In this video we'll continue laying out the Attributes tab of our Character UI by adding a Progress Bar Widget. This widget will show how much health our character has.


  • Add & Edit a Progress Bar Widget

In this video we'll continue laying out the Attributes tab of our Character UI by adding a Text Widget. This widget will show how much health our character will regenerate (at given time periods).


  • Add & Edit a Text Widget

In this video we'll continue laying out the Attributes tab of our Character UI by introducing the Spin Box Widget. This widget will determine our character's regeneration rate.


  • Add & Edit a Size Box Widget

  • Add & Edit a Spin Box Widget

In this video we'll continue laying out the Attributes tab of our Character UI by introducing the Combo Box (string) Widget. This widget will enable us to select a character taunt from a drop down list of choices.


  • Add & Edit a Size Box Widget

  • Add & Edit a Combo Box (string) Widget

In this video we'll finish laying out the Attributes tab of our Character UI by adding a Grid Panel Widget with several Button Widgets inside.


  • Add & Edit a Grid Panel Widget

In this section students will learn how to create the functionality to select different character category tabs.

In this video we'll create script inside of our Character UI that'll allow us to select different character category tabs using a PC (mouse pointer) interface. In doing so, we'll also apply tab resizing or coloring effects.


  • Create Script

In this video we'll create script inside of our Character UI that'll allow us to select different character category tabs using a traditional controller. In doing so, we'll also apply tab resizing and coloring effects.


  • Create Script

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Auto Move variable being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create 3 Bindings within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Auto Move Speed variables being read from the Data Table.


  • Create Widget Bindings

In this video we'll create 2 Bindings within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Health variables being read from the Data Table.


  • Create Widget Bindings

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Health Regen Amount variable being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Health Regen Rate variable being read from the Data Table.


  • Create a Widget Binding

In this video we'll create a Binding within our Character UI Widget Blueprint. This will result in the appropriate character's Color variable being read from the Data Table.


  • Create Widget Bindings

In this series of videos students will learn how to create the foundation for a Save / Load system. We need to build this now in order to allow us to modify values existing in our Data Table.

In this video we'll create a Save Game Blueprint. This blueprint can be used to save anything about our game that we'd like. In our case, for this project, we're going to be using it to save all of our character data.


  • Create a Save Game Blueprint

  • Create an Array Variable


  • Blueprint: BP_SaveGame

  • Array Variable (Struct): CharacterData_Save

In this video we'll create a Save Game Function that'll be responsible for the creation of a Save Game file.


  • Create a Function

In this video we'll create a Load Save Game Function that'll be responsible for loading character data stored within our Save Game file.


  • Create a Function

In this video we'll create an Overwrite Save Game Function that'll be responsible for overwriting any existing character data stored within our Save Game file.


  • Create a Function

In this video we'll create the script to either Create Save Game or Load Save Game from inside our Game Instance Blueprint.


  • Create Script

  • Create a Save Game File

  • Load a Save Game File

In this series of videos students will learn how to create scripts capable of modifying (and saving) variables belonging to their characters.

In this video we're going to rewrite our GetCharacterData Function inside of our Game Instance Blueprint. The reason for doing this is because we now have a save system in place that populates our newly created Character Data Arrays...and it's from these ARRAYS we now want to exclusively deal with.


  • Update a Function

In this video we'll create the script necessary to edit (and save!) a character's name after the user enters a different one into the Editable Text Box Widget.


  • Create a Function

  • Create Script

In this video we'll create the script to make our character automatically move (or not) based upon if our Check Box Widget is set to true or false.


  • Create a Function

  • Create a Variable

  • Create Script


  • Variable (Boolean): bAutoMove?

In this video we'll create the script to allow editing of the Slider Widget associated with our Auto Move Speed setting. In doing so, we'll ensure our updated value is stored and applied to our character.


  • Create a Function

  • Create a Variable

  • Create Script


  • Variable (Float): SpeedMultiplier

In this video we'll create the script to allow editing of the Spin Box Widget associated with our Health Regen Rate setting. In doing so, we'll ensure our updated value is stored and applied to our character.


  • Create a Function

  • Create Variables

  • Create Script


  • Variable (Float): Health

  • Variable (Float): HealthRegenAmount

  • Variable (Float): HealthRegenRate

In this video we'll start to create the script necessary to enable a user to set a default taunt they'd like their character to play by using a Combo Box Widget. In doing so, we'll ensure our updated value is stored and applied to our character.


  • Create a Function

  • Create Script

In this video we'll finish creating the script necessary to enable a user to set a default taunt they'd like their character to play by using a Combo Box Widget.


  • Create a Function

  • Create Script

In this video we'll create the script necessary to change the color of various areas of our menu depending on the color Button Widget selected by the user. In doing so, we'll ensure our updated value is stored and applied to our character's color scheme.


  • Create a Function

  • Create Script

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Unreal Engine: Character UI with these activities:
Review Widget Blueprints Fundamentals
Reinforce your understanding of Widget Blueprints before diving into character UI specifics. A solid foundation will make the course material easier to grasp.
Show steps
  • Watch introductory videos on Widget Blueprints.
  • Create a simple UI with buttons and text.
  • Experiment with different widget properties.
Review: Unreal Engine Blueprints Visual Scripting Projects
Solidify your understanding of Blueprints with a project-based book. This will help you better understand the scripting aspects of creating interactive UIs.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters related to UI and data management.
  • Try to replicate some of the examples in the book.
  • Compare the book's approach to the course's methods.
Create a Mock Character UI
Apply what you're learning by building a simplified character UI. This hands-on experience will reinforce concepts and identify areas where you need more practice.
Show steps
  • Design a basic layout with character stats and abilities.
  • Implement simple data binding to display placeholder values.
  • Add basic interactivity, such as button hovers.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Widget Blueprint Layout Drills
Improve your proficiency with Widget Blueprint layout by practicing common UI arrangements. This will speed up your development process.
Show steps
  • Recreate existing UI layouts from other games.
  • Experiment with different panel types (Horizontal Box, Vertical Box, Grid Panel).
  • Optimize layouts for different screen resolutions.
Document Your Character UI Design Process
Reflect on your design choices and document your process. This will help you solidify your understanding and communicate your ideas effectively.
Show steps
  • Write a blog post or create a video tutorial about your character UI design.
  • Explain your reasoning behind layout choices and data binding methods.
  • Share your work with the Unreal Engine community for feedback.
Contribute to an Open-Source UI Project
Gain experience working on a real-world project and collaborate with other developers. This will expose you to different coding styles and problem-solving approaches.
Show steps
  • Find an open-source Unreal Engine project with UI components.
  • Identify a bug or feature you can contribute to.
  • Submit a pull request with your changes.
Review: Mastering UI Development with Unreal Engine 5
Deepen your knowledge of UI development with a book focused on advanced techniques. This will help you create more sophisticated and performant character UIs.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on data-driven UIs and animations.
  • Experiment with the techniques described in the book.
  • Apply the advanced techniques to your character UI project.

Career center

Learners who complete Unreal Engine: Character UI will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
User Interface Designer
A User Interface Designer focuses on crafting intuitive and visually appealing interfaces for software and games. This course helps build a foundation for this career by teaching you how to create character based user interfaces within Unreal Engine. The course's focus on widget blueprints is especially relevant, as these are critical tools for designing interactive elements. You will explore various widget types, such as buttons, images, and sliders, learning how to arrange them effectively within a user interface layout. You'll also learn how to animate widgets, making user interfaces more dynamic and engaging. This course on Unreal Engine and character UIs is a great starting point for a future User Interface Designer.
Unreal Engine Developer
An Unreal Engine Developer builds and maintains games and other applications within the Unreal Engine. This course helps build your skills by teaching you how to create character user interfaces using widget blueprints. You will learn how to set up an Unreal Engine project, import assets, and create UI layouts. The course also covers creating variables, functions, and blueprint scripts to make an interface interactive. This course will give you experience using Unreal Engine to create UI assets, which are a key element of game development. The lessons on creating save and load systems will be especially relevant for building complete game experiences.
UI Artist
A UI Artist creates the visual assets for user interfaces in games and applications. By focusing on character based UIs, this course provides hands-on training using Unreal Engine's widget blueprints. You will learn how to set up UI layouts, work with different widget types such as buttons and images, and animate these widgets to create visually appealing interfaces. Skills like importing assets and using data tables to drive UI elements covered within the course align directly with the responsibilities of a UI Artist. The course provides a practical introduction to the tools and techniques used in the field.
User Experience Designer
The user experience designer ensures that a product is easy to use and meets the needs of its users. This course may be useful as a practical step towards developing experience with user interfaces in Unreal Engine. It emphasizes the creation of character user interfaces using widget blueprints, a key skill in crafting intuitive gaming experiences. You will learn to extract data from data tables and bind it to widget variables, ensuring dynamic and responsive interfaces. Specifically, the focus on creating interactive and editable user interfaces directly translates to improving user engagement and satisfaction. A user experience designer would find the lessons on user interface layout and interactive scripting particularly beneficial.
Game Designer
Game Designers are involved in the conception and design of video games. They need to understand user interfaces to communicate game mechanics to the player. This course helps to familiarize you with UI creation within Unreal Engine. By learning how to create character based user interfaces, you will have the know-how to make key decisions about communicating information to the player via the interface. The course's lessons on creating interactive and editable user interfaces are especially useful, as they directly translate to improving the player's interactive experience. You get an idea of how design decisions made by the game designer affect the player.
Virtual Reality Developer
Virtual reality development involves creating immersive experiences, often requiring sophisticated user interfaces. This course may prepare you for such a role by teaching you about the creation of character based UIs using Unreal Engine's widget blueprints. You'll learn how to create interactive UIs using blueprint scripts, and get exposure to setting up an Unreal Engine project as well as importing outside assets. The knowledge of creating a save and load system is also useful, allowing you to persist data.
Technical Artist
A Technical Artist bridges the gap between art and programming. They might focus on UI by optimizing the user interfaces for performance and implementing interactive elements. This course can be helpful, since you will learn how to use widget blueprints to create character UIs, and also learn how to create variables, functions, and blueprint scripts to make an interface interactive. The focus on creating data tables and binding data to widget variables is particularly relevant, as it demonstrates how to manage and optimize UI data. The save/load system lessons are also relevant, because save systems often have performance implications.
Mobile Game Developer
A Mobile Game Developer creates games specifically optimized for mobile platforms. This course teaches you how to create engaging character UIs which are especially important on mobile devices. It teaches you to create user interfaces using Unreal Engine's widget blueprints. The knowledge of creating a save and load system is also useful when one considers the constraints of mobile devices. Furthermore it shows how to work with buttons, images, and sliders using the Unreal Engine, which might be used to design user interfaces for touch interactions.
Augmented Reality Developer
Augmented reality development involves overlaying digital content onto the real world, often requiring intuitive user interfaces. This course may be useful as it teaches you to create interfaces using Unreal Engine's widget blueprints, including adding buttons, images, and text boxes. The course will lead to proficiency in setting up an Unreal Engine project, importing outside assets, and creating interactive UIs using blueprint scripts. The knowledge of creating a save and load system is also useful, allowing you to persist data. You will also learn a number of skills such as creating your own functions.
Serious Games Developer
Serious Games Developers create games for training, simulation, and education, often requiring customized user interfaces. This course helps developers create such games. By teaching you how to create character based user interfaces using Unreal Engine's widget blueprints, the course provides a foundation to produce simulations that train the user. The course's lessons on creating interactive and editable user interfaces are especially useful, as they translate directly to improving engagement and outcomes for the user. You also learn skills such as saving a game.
Instructional Designer
Instructional designers are responsible for creating training materials. They must design easy to use interfaces. This course may be useful as it teaches you how to use Unreal Engine's widget blueprints in order to create user interfaces. Skills such as creating variables, functions, and blueprint scripts to make an interface interactive are directly applicable. So too is the knowledge of extracting data from a data table to bind to elements in the UI. The course emphasizes making character data editable and saving updated data.
Game Programmer
A Game Programmer implements game mechanics, artificial intelligence, and user interfaces. This course helps to familiarize the game programmer with user interface creation within Unreal Engine. By focusing on widget blueprints and how to make the UI interactive, the course will lead to proficiency in the use of the Unreal Engine. You will also learn how to save a game, and load a game save. The knowledge of creating variables and functions is also key. A Game Programmer could utilize this course in particular to augment their knowledge.
Animators create moving images for games, movies, and other media. They need to understand character user interfaces in order to animate characters to match them. While this course does not directly teach animation, it does show how to animate widgets (such as buttons). This course helps the animator to understand how data tables can be used to affect the character. The course's lessons on creating user interfaces is also very useful, because it may be relevant to animating characters so they are consistent with the UI of the game.
Project Manager
A Project Manager can find themselves working with developers who make digital games. While the Project Manager may not be engaged in the technical work of creating a game, they may find it useful to understand a game developer's role. In this course, you'll gain insight into how to create character based user interfaces with Unreal Engine's Widget Blueprints. You'll learn how to create data tables, and how to save a game. This knowledge can inform the Project Manager when making key project decisions or communicating with the team of developers.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists analyze and interpret complex data. While seemingly unrelated, this course may be helpful in understanding how data is structured and utilized in a game development context. You will learn how to create data tables and how to extract data from those tables and bind that data to the user interface. This provides a practical example of data management and application, which can be insightful for a Data Scientist. You also learn how to save such data, and load it later.

Featured in The Course Notes

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Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Unreal Engine: Character UI.
Comprehensive guide to creating advanced UIs in Unreal Engine 5. It covers topics such as data-driven UIs, animations, and performance optimization. This book is particularly useful for expanding on the course material and learning advanced techniques. It useful reference tool for advanced topics.
Provides a project-based approach to learning Unreal Engine's visual scripting system, Blueprints. It covers a wide range of topics, including UI design and data management, which are directly relevant to this course. While not specifically focused on character UI, it offers valuable insights into Blueprint workflows and best practices. This book is more valuable as additional reading to solidify concepts.


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