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Growing Tomato Heaven

Garden grown tomatoes made easy!

Rick Stone

There is nothing better than home grown, garden fresh tomatoes. Close your eyes and picture the taste of the best tomato you have ever eaten. The fresh warm juice dripping off your chin. Best of all you grew it yourself in your own backyard.

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There is nothing better than home grown, garden fresh tomatoes. Close your eyes and picture the taste of the best tomato you have ever eaten. The fresh warm juice dripping off your chin. Best of all you grew it yourself in your own backyard.

Growing a great corp of tomatoes in your garden is easier than you think. This course is designed to give you the skills you need to be successful your first time or your 50th time planting tomatoes in your garden. Both the beginner and the expert will benefit from this in-depth look at tomato gardening.

This 90 minute course is a comprehensive look at how to grow your best crop of tomatoes ever. Expert gardener Rick Stone takes you step by step through the basics of tomato gardening. Starting out with a great tomato start, planting it just right, giving it the support and care it needs through the growing season will lead you to a tasty tomato heaven.

Weather you are growing many plants in a large garden for canning and preserving or just a few plants in containers on your balcony, Rick Stone will give you the practical knowledge you need. Bushels of tasty garden goodness wait you at the end of this easy to follow course.

Topics covered:

  • Heirloom vs Hybrid Tomatoes
  • How to choose the best tomato starts to plant
  • When and how to plant your tomatoes
  • A great little garden hack that will get you planting 6 weeks early
  • Simple tricks to extent your harvest in the fall
  • Watering, fertilizing and caring for your growing plants
  • Using stakes or cages to support your plants
  • When to harvest for the best taste
  • Ideas for preserving your harvest

Like all Udemy courses, this one comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not happy with the course, simply return it for a full refund. BUT we are sure you are going to LOVE this course.

Welcome to Tomato Heaven.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Grow bushels of tasty home grown tomatoes, just feet from your own back door.
  • Learn tricks that will help you get your tomatoes planted 6 weeks earlier than normal.
  • Choose the right material to help extend your tomato harvest late into the fall
  • Learn when to plant you tomatoes.
  • Pick the right garden tools to help support your growing tomato plants.


Learn how to grow the best tomatoes on the block!!

Welcome to my tomato growing video course.  We are here to learn how to grow your best tomato crop ever this year!!

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Here's just a little bit about me and why I'm teaching this course.  We also talk about how to make this an interactive course for you as well!

Round, pear shaped, red, yellow, brown.  There are a million different types of tomatoes out there.  In this lecture we talk about the world of tomatoes!

With added resistances to diseases and extra production, many folks choose hybrid tomatoes for planting in their gardens.  In this lecture we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid tomatoes.

It's hard to beat heirloom tomatoes when it comes to taste and variety.  And if you want to save seeds, heirlooms are your only option.  But there are also some disadvantages to growing these popular tomatoes. 

Growing the best Tomatoes ever!!

Let's take a look at what we are going to cover in the body of the course.  We will also be covering timing and some important dates on your tomato calendar.

If you are going to be buying your starts from a nursery then there are a few things you need to look out for!!

All you need is a egg, a banana and a tomato plant to get started!  A banana and an egg??  Watch this lecture to see why!!

Many of us live in colder climates, this super handy inventions will allow you to plant your tomatoes up to 6 weeks earlier than you could otherwise!!

In the last lecture we learned about Walls of Water.  In this one we are going to learn how to fill them.  (It's a little trickier than you think!!)

Tomatoes are big plants!  They are going to need a little support, this lecture will give you a few ideas!

Tomatoes are pretty picky about water and fertilizer.  Learn the tricks in this lecture.

You need to watch your spacing!!  To close and you will effect your harvest, to far and your just wasting space!!

Not everyone has a giant backyard garden.  Don't let that stop you from growing tomatoes!!

Now that they are planted and growing this lecture will give you some tips on caring for your plants and preparing for the big harvest!!

Now it's time to reward all your hard work!!

So you have too many tomatoes to eat them all fresh.  What are your options for preserving them??

Don't give up on your tomato plants when the frost comes.  Here's a few ideas to protect those plants and keep the harvest coming!!

Well that's it!!  What do you think?  Are you ready to plant some tomatoes???!!!

Here's a look at all my other resources to help you with all your gardening needs!! 

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Aimed at novice gardeners as it provides detailed explanations and guidance for beginners, breaking down the topic into manageable steps
Course material is accessible to gardeners with any level of experience, enabling both beginners and experts to benefit from the lessons
Led by Rick Stone, an experienced gardener who shares practical knowledge and tips gained from hands-on experience
Goes beyond foundational knowledge, offering comprehensive guidance on advanced techniques for supporting and caring for tomato plants throughout the growing season
Offers practical tips and tricks for extending the tomato harvest into the fall and preserving the yield, addressing common challenges faced by gardeners
Emphasizes the enjoyment of growing and consuming home-grown tomatoes, instilling a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in learners

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Reviews summary

Accessible tomato cultivation

According to students, Growing Tomato Heaven offers helpful gardening tips for novice tomato-growers. The easy-to-follow gardening techniques make this a great course for beginners looking to cultivate their own tomatoes at home.
Builds confidence in gardening.
"I can feel more confident in not being a helicopter-gardener now--at least about my tomatoes."
Great for new gardeners.
"I've been growing vegetables mostly on whim and random intuition for about five years, and recently decided I should get more serious so my time isn't wasted."
"This class had some neat new ideas, but was also reassuringly simple."

Career center

Learners who complete Growing Tomato Heaven: Garden grown tomatoes made easy! will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Are you interested in cultivating homegrown produce at a greater scale than a hobbyist? Consider a career as a Gardener, where your knowledge of tomato growth can help you grow and maintain beautiful gardens for clients. This course will not only help you grow delicious tomatoes, but may supplement your knowledge of other fruits and vegetables as well.
Your knowledge of the vitamins and minerals present in tomatoes will be very helpful as you give advice to your clients. While this course focuses on tomato gardening, it emphasizes aspects of botany and plant care that will benefit your work as a Nutritionist.
Dieticians need to make sure their patients are eating their vital vitamins and minerals. Use the knowledge of tomatoes you gain in this course to help your patients get the nutrients they need to live healthier lives.
Health Educator
Teaching people about healthy eating habits requires a deep understanding of where food comes from. This course will give you knowledge of how to grow tomatoes you can share with your students, as well as how to care for other vegetables and fruits.
Culinary Arts Instructor
With so many people wanting to grow their own food, a Culinary Arts Instructor who can explain how to grow and prepare food will be at an advantage. This course will focus on tomatoes, but the fundamentals of plant care can be applied to all kinds of produce.
Personal Trainer
An understanding of healthy eating habits is essential for a Personal Trainer. Learning more about how tomatoes grow will help you recommend foods to your clients that are fresh, nutritious, and in season.
Wellness Coach
Wellness Coaches need to be well-rounded in all aspects of health. Take this course to learn how to grow tomatoes, which will in turn give you the knowledge to teach your clients about eating fresh and healthy homegrown foods.
Healthcare Practitioner
A Healthcare Practitioner who shows an understanding of how food and diet can affect the health of their patients will inspire more confidence. This course may also lead to more opportunities for patient referrals from Nutritionists or Dieticians.
Food Scientist
You will need to thoroughly understand plant botany to conduct research in Food Science. This course will allow you to learn how certain techniques can affect the characteristics of tomatoes, which may be directly applicable to your future work.
Environmental Scientist
The study of plant life can be applied in many different ways to Environmental Science. This course will provide you with a very practical look at how to grow tomatoes which, if you are interested in agriculture, could be very beneficial to your career as an Environmental Scientist.
You will need a solid understanding of plant care, including how to attend to different issues that may arise. This course will cover some issues that tomato plants may have, which will aid you in your work as an Agronomist.
A Horticulturist needs to have a command of plant care techniques. This course is focused on tomatoes, but you can apply what you learn to all other types of garden plants.
Farmers need to be able to grow and maintain a vast array of plants. This course will lay a foundation in plant care for a beginning Farmer, or it may add to your existing knowledge if you are a seasoned Farmer.
Agricultural Technician
Many industries use Agricultural Technicians, including biotechnology firms. This course will give you foundational knowledge of plant care and maintenance that may give you an advantage when applying to jobs in the field.
Agricultural Inspector
Inspecting crops requires a specific understanding of what constitutes a healthy plant. This course will provide a practical introduction to growing and maintaining tomatoes, adding to your repertoire of crops with which you are familiar.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Growing Tomato Heaven: Garden grown tomatoes made easy!.
While this book covers more than just how to grow tomatoes, the information on tomato varieties and the history of tomatoes is not covered elsewhere in the course.
This more advanced book goes in depth about tomato varieties and which are best for different climates. This is essential information missing from the course.
A good overview of tomato varieties, this book contains detailed information on over 300 varieties.
This quick and easy tomato growing guide designed for beginners great companion piece to the course.
While less detailed than other books on this list, it provides a clear and concise look at the different aspects of growing tomatoes.


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