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Christopher Rothera

Welcome to CREO with Chris, the comprehensive course to becoming a PRO in CREO Parametric.

From getting to grips with the software, understanding the basics and, once you have the fundamentals, moving to some truly exciting, advanced courses – building a V6 Turbo Engine and a Jet Engine – All designed to give you the most comprehensive course available.

You don’t need to have worked in CAD modelling before, I’ll teach you, from scratch, how to be a PRO.

CREO with Chris includes over 26+ hours of Full HD video tutorials and exercises which are updated regularly.

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Welcome to CREO with Chris, the comprehensive course to becoming a PRO in CREO Parametric.

From getting to grips with the software, understanding the basics and, once you have the fundamentals, moving to some truly exciting, advanced courses – building a V6 Turbo Engine and a Jet Engine – All designed to give you the most comprehensive course available.

You don’t need to have worked in CAD modelling before, I’ll teach you, from scratch, how to be a PRO.

CREO with Chris includes over 26+ hours of Full HD video tutorials and exercises which are updated regularly.

By learning CREO Parametric, you are developing a hugely in-demand professionally technical skill in Engineering CAD Modelling. A skill that will elevate, not just your CV but your productivity and the quality of your work.

CREO with Chris will give you skills to be a professional in Engineering Cad Modelling and Engineering Drawing. Skills you can be proud of.

When you sign up to CREO with Chris – you get:

· Lifetime access to over 26+ hours of lessons and exercises – all taught by me, Chris.

· Access to over 100 downloadable resources.

· Professional working knowledge in one of the most in-demand CAD Engineering Software’s in the world.

By the time you finish my course you will have an understanding in:

· The fundamentals of CREO Parametric.

· Sketching and Extruding

· Solid and Surface Modelling

· Simulate Lite – Static Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

· Using the Pattern Tools

· Using and creating Datum Features such as Axis, Planes and Points

· Using the Chamfer and Round Tools

· Using the Revolve and Thicken Tools

· Using Blend and Rotational Blends

· Creating Rib Features

· Using the Style Tool for complex Surface Modelling

· Creating Swept Blends

· Creating Variable Section Sweeps

· Creating Professional Engineering Drawings

· Using the Hole Tools

· Using the Boundary Blend Tool

· Editing Geometry and Features

· Toroidal Bends and Spinal Bends

· Assemblies, including mechanism constraints and working with Servo Motors.

· And much, much more…

Enroll now

What's inside

Learning objectives

  • You will learn and develop professional engineering cad modelling skills including surface and solid modelling.
  • You will learn to create engineering drawings for cad models and assemblies.
  • You will be introduced to finite element analysis (fea).
  • You will learn to apply mechanical constraints to your assemblies.
  • You will learn how to create sample cad models for the aerospace, automotive, mechanical and technical industries through in-depth exercises.


Lesson 1 - Getting Started

Hello and welcome to CREO with Chris! You are about to embark upon a comprehensive course in CREO Parametric. This first lesson gets you familiar with the software and introduces you to basic principles - The key lesson is that organisation is key to success in CREO!

In this lesson we'll be touching upon the following:

  • Getting started

  • Setting working directory

  • Creating a new part

  • Understanding and navigating the User Interface

  • Creating a sketch

  • Using the sketching tools

  • Dimensioning and editing your sketches

  • The Line Tools

  • The Rectangle Tools

  • The Circle Tools

  • The Arc Tools

  • The Elipse Tools

  • The Spline Tool

  • The Fillet Tool

  • The Chamfer Tool

  • Offset Tool

  • Thicken Tool

  • The Pallet Tool

  • The Extrusion Tool

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Lesson 2 - The Revolve and Thicken Tools

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson two - Revolve and Thicken.

In this lesson we will be going over:

  • The Revolve Tool

  • Revolving as a solid part and a surface

  • Referencing existing geometry as a revolve axis

  • The Thicken Tool

Lesson 3 - The Sweep Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson three - The Sweep Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Sweep Tool

  • Sweeping along a trajectory

  • Merging swept ends

  • Sweep trajectory changes

Lesson 4 - The Helical Sweep Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson four - The Helical Sweep Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Helical Sweep Tool

  • Adjusting the helical sweep trajectory to allow a smooth transition between helical sweep and existing geometry

  • Variable pitches

  • Spring creation

Lesson 5 - The Variable Section Sweep Tools

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson five - The Variable Section Sweep Tools.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The various uses of Variable Section Sweeps

  • Referencing existing geometries for variable tangencies

  • Trajectory changes

Lesson 6 - The Blend Tools

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson six - The Blend Tools.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Blend Tool

  • The Rotational Blend Tool

  • Blending Vertices/Vertexes

  • Adjusting section starting points

Lesson 7 - The Swept Blend Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson seven - The Swept Blend Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Swept Blend Tool

  • Adjusting trajectory starting points

  • Selecting sections

  • combing multiple swept blends

  • Setting tangency boundary conditions

Lesson 8 - Datum Planes, Axes and Points

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson eight - Datum Planes, Axes and Points.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • Creating Datum Planes

  • Creating Datum Axes

  • Creating Datum Points

  • Referencing existing geometries to create Planes, Axes and points

Lesson 9 - The Hole Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson nine - The Hole Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Hole Tool

  • Setting references and adjusting dimensions

  • Hole orientation adjustment

  • Counter bore and counter sink creation

  • Surface referencing

  • Creating a hole through a sketch

  • Creating standard holes

Lesson 10 - The Draft Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson ten - The Draft Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Draft Tool

  • The various methods of drafting

  • Split drafting

  • Drafting around an split object

  • Drafting around a closed split object

  • Variable drafting

  • Variable split drafting

  • Variable pull direction drafting through splitting around a surface

  • Variable pull direction drafting

Lesson 11 - The Mirror Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson eleven - The Mirror Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Mirror Tool

  • Dependent copies

Lesson 12 - The Chamfer and Round Tools

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twelve - The Chamfer and Round Tools.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The various Chamfer Tools

  • The various Round Tools

  • Variable chamfers

  • Tangency chamfers

  • Chamfer pieces

  • Chamfer transitions

  • Round through curve reference

  • Round through point reference

  • Chordal rounds

  • Variable Rounds

Lesson 13 - The Pattern Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson thirteen - The Pattern Tools.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Pattern Tools

  • Direction Patterns

  • Dimension Patterns

  • Axis Patterns

  • Fill Patterns

  • Table Patterns

  • Curve Pattern

  • Point pattern

  • Complex patterning along a trajectory

Basic Modelling Exercises

Welcome to the Basic Modelling Exercises. These exercises are designed to put to the test the skills you have learned so far in CREO Parametric. The exercises are simple to begin with and become steadily more challenging throughout the entire CREO with Chris course.

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twenty-three - Style Tool Introduction.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Style Tool

  • Understanding the work space

  • Creating and editing basic curves

  • Creating and editing surfaces

  • Editing points

  • Drop curves

Lesson 20 - Assembly Mechanisms - Cams
Helical Sweep Exercise

This Helical Sweep exercise will test your skills with the tool. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. Good luck.

Swept Blend Exercise

This Swept Blend exercise will test your skills with the tool. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. Good luck.

Lesson 14 - The Rib Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson fourteen - The Rib Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Rib Tools

  • Trajectory Rib

  • Profile Rib

  • Drafting a profile rib

  • Full rounding a profile rib

  • Adjusting internal features of trajectory ribs

Rib Tool Exercises

This Rib Tool exercise will test your skills with the tool. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. Good luck.

Lesson 15 - Basic Assemblies

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson fifteen - Basic Assemblies.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • Introduction to assemblies

  • Setting basic constraints

  • Navigating the assembly workspace

Exercise - Beginner Assemblies

This Beginner Assemblies exercise will test your skills with working start to finish on a CAD project, building each component and then assembling them. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. Good luck.

By the end of this section you will be able to create Engineering Drawings to detail your parts and assemblies

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson sixteen - Engineering Drawing Basics.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • Getting to grips with creating an Engineering Drawing

  • Getting started

  • The fundamental drawing tools

  • Setting views

  • Changing display styles

  • Adjusting scale

  • Dimensioning

  • Displaying datums

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson seventeen - Engineering Drawing Exploded Views and BOM Balloons.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • Editing the exploded view of your assemblies

  • Creating an Engineering Drawing for your assembly

  • Creating a Bill of Materials

  • Adding BOM Balloons to your Engineering Drawing

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson eighteen - Engineering Drawing Sectioning.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • How to section your parts

  • How to display sections correctly in an Engineering Drawing

  • How to reference sections correctly in an Engineering Drawing

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson nineteen - Advanced Engineering Drawing.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • How to create an Engineering Drawing for a complex part

Attached to this lesson are the downloadable resources for Engineering Drawing, Exercise Four. Once you have gone through exercises one to three, use the resource here to complete exercise four.

Engineering Drawing Exercises

These Engineering Drawing Exercises are designed to test your skills in all the areas of Engineering Drawings we have covered so far. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. The parts you will download are made from an educational version of CREO Parametric 7.0. As such you will need the appropriate license to open the parts - visit the PTC for more information. Good luck.

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twenty - Assembly Mechanisms - Cams.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • How to create a simple cam mechanism

  • How to set a simple servo motor

Lesson 21 - The Toroidal Bend Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twenty-one - The Toroidal Bend Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Toroidal Bend Tool

  • The basic principles

  • Defining the profile

  • Bend Radius

  • Bend Axis

  • 360 Degree Bend

Toroidal Bend Exercise

This Toroidal Bend exercise will test your skills with the tool. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. Good luck.

Lesson 22 - The Spinal Bend Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twenty-two - The Spinal Bend Tool.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • The Spinal Bend Tool

  • Locking and Unlocking geometry length

Spinal Bend Exercise

This Spinal Bend exercise will test your skills with the tool. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. Good luck.

Lessons 23 to 24 - The Style Tool

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twenty-four - Style Tool Advanced Modelling.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • An advanced working session creating a helmet within the Style Tool

  • Creating a part form an assembly

  • Referencing existing geometry

  • Importing an image to a datum plane

  • Advanced Style Tool Techniques

Attached with this lesson are the downloadable resources to complete the Helmet Exercise!

This Style Tool exercise will test your skills with the tool. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the lesson to how it's done. It's time to create your own helmets! Good luck.

Style Tool Exercises

This Style Tool exercise will test your skills with the tool. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. You can either use the parts available or use the Engineering Drawings to create them yourselves. Good luck.

Lesson 25 - Surface Modelling

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twenty-five - Surface Modelling.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • Surface Modelling fundamentals

  • Offset Tools

  • Project Tools

  • Extend Tools

  • Boundary Blend Tools

  • Vertex Round Tools

  • Style Tools

Surface Modelling Exercises

This Surface Modelling exercise will test your skills with the tool. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. Good luck.

Lesson 26 - Advanced Modelling - Radial Engine

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twenty-six - Advanced Modelling - Radial Engine

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • A start to finish walkthrough creating a Radial Engine

  • Setting mechanical constraints to an assembly

  • complex part creation

After the walkthrough, use the accompanying downloadable resources to build this radial engine yourselves. This is an Advanced Modelling Exercise.

Lesson 27 - Simulate Lite Introduction

Hello everyone! Welcome to lesson twenty-seven - Simulate Lite Introduction.

In this lesson we will be covering:

  • An introduction to CREO Simulate Lite - FEA

  • Understanding the tool

  • Preparing your part for analysis

  • Understanding the analysis results

  • Adjusting parts accordingly once we have understood simulates Stress Analysis

Advanced Modelling Exercises

This Advanced Modelling exercise will test your skills. Use the accompanying downloadable resources to start the exercise and watch the walkthrough video to see how it's done. Good luck.

Jet Engine - Advanced Modelling Exercise

Hello and welcome to CREO with Chris' Advanced Modelling Exercise of a Jet Engine!

For this exercise you need to re-create each of the 28 components that make up my Jet Engine.

You are provided with 27 Engineering Drawing Downloadable Resources for this exercise. The 28th and final part you must use the style tool to create and it is an opportunity for you to show off your skills and be creative!

Follow my Advanced Modelling Exercise Walkthrough Parts One to Nine to see exactly how each component can be made, or, jump straight in to doing it yourself. Good luck!

Hello and welcome to CREO with Chris' Advanced Modelling Exercise of a Jet Engine!

For this exercise you need to re-create each of the 28 components that make up my Jet Engine.

You are provided with 27 Engineering Drawing Downloadable Resources for this exercise. The 28th and final part you must use the style tool to create and it is an opportunity for you to show off your skills and be creative!

Follow my Advanced Modelling Exercise Walkthrough Parts One to Five to see exactly how each component can be made, or, jump straight in to doing it yourself. Good luck!

V6 Turbo Engine - Advanced Modelling Exercise

Hello and welcome to CREO with Chris' Advanced Modelling Exercise of a V6 Turbo Engine!

For this exercise you need to re-create each of the 30 components that make up the V6 Turbo Engine.

You are provided with 28 Engineering Drawing Downloadable Resources for this exercise. There are two parts - the 29th and 30th, which need to be created from the final assembly. These are the two inlet pipes that lead from the Air Turbo's to the Intake Manifold.

Follow my Advanced Modelling Exercise Walkthrough Parts One to Nine to see exactly how each component can be made as well as the mechanical constraints, or, jump straight in to doing it yourself. Good luck!

This section is a sneak peak at the brand new expert level FULL MOTORCYCLE build course that is now live on Udemy
Full Motorbike - Course Trailer
Motorcyle Frame - Part One

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in PTC Creo Parametric-A Complete Beginner to Advanced Course with these activities:
Review Sketching Fundamentals
Reinforce your understanding of basic sketching techniques in Creo Parametric. A strong foundation in sketching is essential for creating accurate and efficient 3D models.
Browse courses on Sketching
Show steps
  • Practice creating basic geometric shapes.
  • Experiment with different sketching tools.
  • Dimension and constrain your sketches.
Explore 'Creo Parametric 9.0 Tutorial'
Enhance your understanding of Creo Parametric with a hands-on tutorial. This book provides step-by-step instructions for various modeling and assembly tasks.
View Creo Parametric 1.0 on Amazon
Show steps
  • Work through the tutorial exercises.
  • Experiment with different settings and options.
  • Apply the tutorial techniques to your own projects.
Read 'Engineering Design with Creo Parametric'
Supplement your learning with a comprehensive guide to Creo Parametric. This book provides detailed explanations and examples of various design techniques.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters relevant to the current lesson.
  • Work through the examples provided in the book.
  • Try applying the techniques to your own designs.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Complete Basic Modeling Exercises
Solidify your understanding of fundamental modeling tools. Repetitive practice helps build muscle memory and improves proficiency.
Show steps
  • Choose a set of basic modeling exercises.
  • Create the models using Creo Parametric.
  • Compare your results with the solutions.
Design a Simple Mechanical Assembly
Apply your knowledge of assembly constraints and mechanisms. This project will help you understand how different parts interact within an assembly.
Show steps
  • Choose a simple mechanical assembly to design.
  • Create the individual parts in Creo Parametric.
  • Assemble the parts using appropriate constraints.
  • Simulate the mechanism's motion.
Create a Portfolio of CAD Models
Showcase your skills and knowledge by creating a portfolio of CAD models. This project allows you to apply what you've learned in a practical and creative way.
Show steps
  • Select a variety of models to create.
  • Design and model each part in Creo Parametric.
  • Assemble the parts into a final model.
  • Document your design process.
Generate Engineering Drawings for Your Models
Practice creating professional engineering drawings. This skill is essential for communicating your designs to manufacturers and other engineers.
Show steps
  • Select a model you have created.
  • Create a new drawing in Creo Parametric.
  • Add views, dimensions, and annotations.
  • Format the drawing according to industry standards.

Career center

Learners who complete PTC Creo Parametric-A Complete Beginner to Advanced Course will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineers design, develop, and test mechanical devices and systems. This course, with its comprehensive coverage of Creo Parametric, may be useful for mechanical engineers aiming to enhance their CAD modeling skills. The solid and surface modeling techniques, combined with the ability to create professional engineering drawings, provides a foundation for designing complex mechanical components. The course's advanced exercises, such as building a V6 Turbo Engine and a Jet Engine, offers practical experience directly applicable to real-world engineering challenges for a Mechanical Engineer.
Automotive Engineer
Automotive engineers design and develop vehicles and their components. This course, with its comprehensive instruction in Creo Parametric, can be extremely helpful for automotive engineers seeking to enhance their CAD modeling capabilities. The course covers solid and surface modeling, using the Style Tool for complex shapes, and simulating mechanical constraints in assemblies. The training with example CAD models for the automotive industry and advanced exercises, such as modeling a V6 Turbo Engine, provides practical experience directly relevant to the work of an Automotive Engineer.
Design Engineer
Design Engineers are responsible for creating and developing new product designs. This course, with its emphasis on Creo Parametric, helps build a strong foundation in 3D modeling and CAD software, which are essential for design work. The course teaches the fundamentals of sketching, solid modeling, surface modeling, and the use of advanced tools like the Style Tool. Design Engineers will also find the sections on creating engineering drawings and assemblies particularly valuable, enabling them to communicate their designs effectively and efficiently.
Computer-Aided Design Technician
A Computer Aided Design Technician creates technical drawings and 3D models using Computer Aided Design software. This course, which teaches the fundamentals of Creo Parametric, helps build a foundation for understanding the principles of CAD modeling. By learning sketching, extruding, solid and surface modeling, and other features, this course may be useful for a CAD technician looking to broaden their skillset. Further, gaining proficiency in engineering drawings, as taught in the course, enables a Computer Aided Design Technician to produce accurate and detailed documentation for manufacturing and design projects.
Manufacturing Engineer
Manufacturing Engineers design and optimize manufacturing processes and systems. This course, with its comprehensive training in Creo Parametric, helps build the skills in CAD modeling and engineering drawing creation that can be useful for manufacturing engineers. The course covers sketching, solid modeling, surface modeling, and the use of tools for creating manufacturing-ready designs. The course's introduction to Finite Element Analysis may also support this Manufacturing Engineer role by helping to analyze component designs.
Aerospace Engineer
Aerospace Engineers design aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems. This course, with its detailed training in Creo Parametric, may be useful for aerospace engineers looking to improve their CAD skills. The course covers solid and surface modeling, creating complex shapes using the Style Tool, and simulating mechanical constraints in assemblies. The advanced exercises, such as modeling a jet engine, provides valuable experience for the aerospace engineer. The course also covers Finite Element Analysis, a technique used to analyze the performance and safety of aerospace components.
CAD Manager
CAD Managers oversee the use of CAD software and manage CAD resources within an organization. This course, with its detailed coverage of Creo Parametric from beginner to advanced levels, may be useful for CAD managers to ensure their team is proficient in the software. The course covers sketching, solid and surface modeling, creating engineering drawings, and using advanced tools. A CAD Manager would especially benefit from the assembly and mechanism constraint portions of the course.
Research and Development Engineer
A Research and Development Engineer researches, designs, and develops new products and technologies. This course, with its comprehensive coverage of Creo Parametric, may be useful for R&D engineers who need to create and test new designs using CAD software. The course covers solid and surface modeling, creating complex shapes with the Style Tool, and simulating mechanical constraints. The advanced modeling exercises, such as the Jet Engine and V6 Turbo Engine, provides practical experience for a Research and Development Engineer.
Robotics Engineer
Robotics Engineers design, build, and program robots and robotic systems. This course, with its comprehensive coverage of Creo Parametric, can be extremely helpful for robotics engineers who need to design and model robot components and assemblies. The course covers solid and surface modeling, creating mechanical constraints in assemblies, and simulating mechanisms. The knowledge of CAD modelling and engineering drawing that this course provides is essential for a Robotics Engineer.
Tooling Engineer
Tooling Engineers design and oversee the creation of tools, fixtures, and molds used in manufacturing processes. This course, with its comprehensive coverage of Creo Parametric, may be useful for tooling engineers who need to design and model complex tooling components. The course covers solid and surface modeling, creating engineering drawings, and using advanced tools. A Tooling Engineer may benefit from the course sections on assemblies, since tooling often consists of multiple parts.
Product Designer
A Product Designer is responsible for the visual appeal and functionality of a product. This course in Creo Parametric may be useful for product designers wanting to create 3D models and engineering drawings. The course goes over solid and surface modeling, as well as the Style Tool for creating aesthetically pleasing designs. Product Designers benefit from learning to create professional engineering drawings.
Mechatronics Engineer
Mechatronics Engineers work with the integration of mechanical, electrical, and computer systems. This course, with its comprehensive coverage of Creo Parametric, may be useful for mechatronics engineers who need to design and model mechanical components and assemblies. The course covers solid and surface modeling, creating mechanical constraints in assemblies, and simulating mechanisms and is a good starting point for a Mechatronics Engineer.
Simulation Engineer
Simulation Engineers use computer models to simulate and analyze the behavior of physical systems. This course, with its introduction to Simulate Lite for Finite Element Analysis, may be useful for simulation engineers who need to perform basic structural analyses using Creo Parametric. The course also covers the fundamentals of CAD modeling. This enables simulation engineers to prepare and analyze CAD models for a Simulation Engineer.
Industrial Designer
Industrial Designers combine art and engineering to design the appearance and functionality of products. This course, with its training in Creo Parametric, may be useful for industrial designers who need to create 3D models and prototypes of their designs. The course covers solid and surface modeling, using the Style Tool for creating aesthetically pleasing shapes, and generating professional engineering drawings. The course also covers surface modelling, giving Industrial Designers more freedom to create the shapes they imagine.
Structural Engineer
Structural Engineers analyze and design structures to ensure they are safe and stable. This course, with its introduction to Simulate Lite for Finite Element Analysis, may be useful for structural engineers seeking to perform basic structural analyses within Creo Parametric. The course also covers the fundamentals of CAD modeling. This helps structural engineers create and analyze CAD models for Finite Element Analysis and optimize designs for structural integrity.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in PTC Creo Parametric-A Complete Beginner to Advanced Course.
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for using Creo Parametric 9.0. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic sketching to advanced surfacing. It is particularly useful for users who are new to Creo Parametric or who want to learn about the latest features. is commonly used as a textbook at academic institutions.
Provides a comprehensive guide to using Creo Parametric for engineering design. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic sketching to advanced modeling techniques. It useful reference for students and professionals alike. This book can add more depth to the course.


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