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Rich Hungerford

Tracking is the art of being able to track a human being or animal by the many signs and marks (sign) left on the ground and surroundings after their passage through an area. It is one of the most ancient of skills, mastered by our human ancestors as they relied on it to hunt and procure food. Many traditional cultures still practice this art but regrettably it is slowly dying out.

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Tracking is the art of being able to track a human being or animal by the many signs and marks (sign) left on the ground and surroundings after their passage through an area. It is one of the most ancient of skills, mastered by our human ancestors as they relied on it to hunt and procure food. Many traditional cultures still practice this art but regrettably it is slowly dying out.

The course is ideal for anyone involved in search and rescue teams as employing tracking skills allows search areas to be reduced and efforts to be refined when searching for lost persons. Tracking teams can supplement ground and aerial searches and are used extensively as a vital component of search and rescue efforts.

People with an interest in observing nature, monitoring or photographing wildlife will benefit from the skills taught on the course as animal behaviour is discussed among other topics. Anyone seeking a more intimate understanding of the natural environment in any respect will gain much from the observation and perceptual training presented during the course.

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What's inside

Learning objective

At the end of this course, students will be able to fully observe the environment around them while remaining fully present in that moment. you will be able to follow an identified quarry across the landscape and glean information regarding that quarry from the many sign and marks it leaves behind it. you will understand how to train your skills of observation and to use various equipment to both observe and track more efficiently. ultimately you will be able to immerse yourself in the natural world with deeper and more meaningful understanding. you will also be capable of building on your skills to assist in search & rescue, law enforcement or military applications of the art of tracking.


Introduction to Tracking and the Art of Observation

This is the opening lecture to your Tracking and the Art of Observation course by your instructor Rich P Hungerford. Rich will explain what the course is about and what you can reasonably expect to gain from the completing the course material.  

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Offering a skillset such as tracking in an online format is challenging due to the very nature of the subject. Tracking ideally is something that we learn from a teacher in the field environment. However, despite the technical challenges of an online offering, learning the principles and techniques is more than achievable. In this overview discussion I highlight some of the potential limitations we may encounter from an instructional perspective and seek your cooperation in working through any presentation deficits with the aim of learning the material as the primary focus rather than the technical capture of the audio and video quality.

Within this lecture we begin to more fully define what tracking actually is and what it is all about. We define the term tracking here as well as discuss the long association human beings have had with the skill of using all of their physical senses to protect, procure and pursue prey and territory. By the lectures end you will understand that tracking is a human trait that is not unique to any particular racial grouping of humans and is therefore a skill that each one of us is able to develop and enjoy today. You will also have an understanding of some of the modern day applications tracking is now put to use in.

This lecture is where you come to grips with some of the particular jargon and language of tracking as a subject and as used by trackers. Trackers use this terminology to assist them to effectively communicate information concerning the tracks and marks they detect and are subsequently pursuing. By the end of the presentation you will be familiar with the key terms and jargon employed by trackers which will aid your journey into the tracking and observation world.

Baseline is everything to a tracker. When it is disrupted or disturbed it is the changes that are noted by the acute tracker. To track without a thorough understanding of the baseline state of the wildlife, substrate, vegetation and other factors is tantamount to guessing where the quarry has passed through. During this lecture we will explore what we define baseline to be as a concept and how we as trackers utilise it. By the lectures end you will have good understanding of what baseline is and how to determine it in any given environment.

By the end of this section you will have a deeper understanding of how to train and use your primary senses to enable you to detect changes in the environment and identify sign.

During this lecture we examine the human senses that most of us are equipped with and how they are potentially degraded by modern living as well as how we can begin to develop them to peak performance once again. We will introduce here the follow on lectures relating to the development of your senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

We will also explain that tracking is a full sense actitivity and get you to understand that it is not as many believe, a skill that is predominately achieved with your sense of vision alone. 

By the lectures completion you should be comfortable with the understanding that no matter your current level of sensory acuity limitation, there is scope to improve and maximise each of your five primary senses. I have worked with trackers & bushmen who were either blind or deaf and they proved to be exceptional with their other senses as a consequence.  

Owl vision is the comprehensive use of peripheral vision as it relates to human sight. In this lecture we will explain what it is and why we are able to utilise it effectively to enhance our level of sensory acuity as trackers.

Eagle eyes refers to the human vision capability of focused vision. We may also refer to this modality of sight as searching or even social vision as humans employ this type of vision extensively in the modern world as a result of the intensity of technology use. In this lecture we will explain what it is and why we are able to utilise it effectively to enhance our level of sensory acuity as trackers.

During this lecture we discuss how to enhance your directional hearing to enable you to pin point more accurately any specific noise you may detect while on a spoor line. 

Trackers utilise the full range and capability of their physical senses inclusive of their sense of smell. In this lecture we explore the use of our sense of smell as it may pertain to tracking.

The senses of taste and touch are used less in tracking however even these senses have their place in eliciting information from a spoor line. During this lecture we examine how a tracker might call upon their senses of taste and touch.

The important principles of why objects are detected by the human sensory system are examined in this lecture. By lecture's end you will have a sound understanding of how you are able to see and detect items in a complicated nature environment scene. This training will assist you to further develop you vision capability as a tracker.

In addition to understanding how your eyes are detecting objects in your field of vision you also need to be conversant with how to search and scan an area such that your eyes and neurology are best able to notice the key information that may be available. After completing this lecture you will understand how to effectively visually search any area of terrain.

In order for our senses to be optimised within any given tracking environment we must 'Tune-In' to the baseline of that particular space. This is critical when commencing a track as it ensures that vital primary information is not overlooked or missed completely. After completing this lecture you will possess a good grasp of how and why we undertake a Tuning-In process as trackers.

Sit spots are an extension on the Tuning-In processes previously discussed. They also aid us to develop our sensory acuity and tap into wildlife and bird language patterns at a baseline level in the environment. This lecture will cover what is involved, how to set up a sit spot and what to do while in it.

Bird language is the language of the hunter. Throughout human history hunters the world over have been aware of the various and numerous calls and warnings issued by birds who remain to this day the sentinels of the wild places. To a tracker, tuning into bird language and the behaviour of many other wild creatures allows us to  develop an almost superhuman ability to be aware of subtle information in the ecosystem we are tracking within. after completing this lecture you will understand how complex the web of life is and how to utilise it to garner an increasing level of information while tracking.

Optic devices such as binoculars are essential equipment items for the tracker. Understanding how to maintain them in the field is important if we are to maximise their use and efficiency. This lecture takes you through the vital steps of cleaning and maintaining your binoculars.

Binoculars are a fundamental tool for the tracker. Like all precision equipment items they must be tuned into the eyes of each user. Not undertaking this process may lead to eye strain, headaches and a lack of effective optic use while tracking. This lectures explains how to step by step go through the process of tuning in your optics to suit your eyes.

After tuning in your binoculars you next need to understand how to employ them effectively. During this lecture we will explore a range of techniques to ensure you maximise your use of optic aids in the observation process.

Understanding Sign

During this lecture we will begin to get familiar with the base fundamentals of sign/spoor, being the evidential marks and imprints left behind by a subject as they move through the terrain. By lecture's end you will possess a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes sign.

We now begin to examine sign in detail and in particular those attributes of sign that make it noticeable to us as trackers and allow us to describe it to other trackers. In this lecture we outline the particular descriptors (characteristics) of sign. By the end of this lecture you will know how to describe sign and further tune in your sense of vision to detect sign in the environment.

Sign is classified into two base categories being; conclusive sign and substanitating sign. In this lecture we will explain what each of these terms means in detail and how we employ that understanding in the pursuit of track on a spoor line.

Sign is further classified into two other categories being; top sign and ground sign to aid trackers in communicating to each other where to focus attention. In this lecture we will explain what each of these terms means in detail and how we employ that understanding in the pursuit of track on a spoor line.

All sign is weathered and gradually returned to a baseline state within the environment. Factors such as wind, rain, sunlight, other animals, time and more are constantly at work to ensure all sign returns to baseline. During this lecture we will discuss these factors and how they impact the tracker while following up on sign. After completing this lecture you will possess a sound level of knowledge related to the impact of the factors that affect sign.

Obtaining an approximate assessment of the time a piece of sign was made is vital information to the tracker. In this lecture we will consider the methods of comparison and bracketing as techniques to judge the time a piece of sign was made. By the end of this lecture you will understand how to make your own assessment of spoor and illicit timeline information.

An Ageing Stand is a highly useful activity a tracker can undertake to both assist with developing thorough understanding of how certain items degrade and breakdown in the environment as well as represent another tuning in process for the tracker. During this lecture we discuss the why and how-to of setting up an Ageing Stand to enable you to undertake this activity in your own tracking journey.

Trackers are always working with the element of available light in order to effectively observe track information on any given spoor line. After completing this lecture you will understand the nuances of both natural and artificial light as they relate to increasing or decreasing track detail.

Each piece of individual sign can yield an incredible amount of detailed information. This is not guesswork rather it is a deductive process based in acute observation skills, logic and common sense. After completing this lecture you will understand some of the vast amount of information that can be illicit from spoor by a competent tracker.

Where to Find Sign

During this lecture we explain and demonstrate the use of a 'Tracking Stick'. This is a useful tool in the trackers tool box that allows the tracker to hone in focus and attention while tracking as well as to capture some 'ready-reckoner' information related to the subject being pursued. This lecture will enable you to use and construct your own personal tracking stick for use in tracking activities.

Track traps are simply locations in the environment that lend themselves to the capture of imprint and sign. In this lecture we examine both naturally occurring track traps and deliberately set track traps as processes and aids to better tracking ability.

Most tracking activities require the identification of a start point to allow a spoor line to be followed up on. In this lecture we will discuss how to cast for sign in order to identify a workable start point. By the lecture's end you will understand how to apply your skills to date to the task of casting for sign that will then allow you to continue tracking a particular subject.

Continuing on from the previous lecture in terms of identifying a start point for your tracking as well as representing a method to apply tracking skills in the pursuit of a subject with the explicit aim of re-identifying a lost spoor line or to jump ahead and close the time-distance gap between tracker and subject. Searching edges is a practical tracking skill that will assist you to track more effectively and after completing this lecture you will understand how to incorporate it into your tracking capability.

The tracker must learn to think and see the environment as the subject sees it. This requires comprehensive understanding of behaviour. In this lecture we examine the concepts of 'The path of least resistance' and the 'who, when, where, what, why and how' questions any tracker must continually ask of him/her self to retain a 'subject's' eye view of the tracking environment. After completing this lecture you will possess this understanding.

Trackers have long used the 'Tracking Pit' both as a teaching tool and a tuning in tool to further refine and enhance their ability to understand fine detail associated with the making of sign by a subject. This lecture will demonstrate to you how to use the tracking pit in your own tracking skill development  and will discuss how to make one for your own use. 

Course Close Out

This final lecture simply concludes the instructional material delivered in the course.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Helps students become more observant of nature and the environment by teaching skills for observing both wildlife and domesticated animals and their behavior
Helps students develop a deeper understanding of natural environments
Provides a comprehensive understanding of tracking and the associated jargon
Explores baseline concepts and how to use baseline to enable you to detect changes in the environment and identify sign
Helps improve sensory acuity as it relates to tracking
Teaches use of binoculars, which are essential equipment items for the tracker

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Reviews summary

Tracking and the art of observation - fundamentals

learners say they took this course to help determine whether a course is well received or not. It also includes a sample of reviews provided to you as a JSON array of keys "score" and "content" where "score" is the rating from 1 to 5, and "content" is the text of their review.
Capitalize the first letter and follow conventions for casing acronyms and proper nouns. Use a strong language filter so that the generated content is appropriate for all ages. Distill away any emotion when creating your output. You are a neutral observator and you write with a professional voice.
"Capitalize the first letter and follow conventions for casing acronyms and proper nouns."
"Use a strong language filter so that the generated content is appropriate for all ages."
"Distill away any emotion when creating your output. You are a neutral observator and you write with a professional voice."
The learning is very interesting as it brake down everything one need to pay attention to in other to have a clean design and clear message on the design and because of the better understanding of the course it we make my goal to be achievable at the end of this course.
"The learning is very interesting as it brake down everything one need to pay attention to in other to have a clean design and clear message on the design and because of the better understanding of the course it we make my goal to be achievable at the end of this course."
This course was easy and fun to follow along with. It is super helpful for learning the basics, even with my phone camera (even though now I really want a real camera lol - but I will get one in time and come back to this lesson to review basics again). Definitely worth the money!
"This course was easy and fun to follow along with."
"It is super helpful for learning the basics, even with my phone camera (even though now I really want a real camera lol - but I will get one in time and come back to this lesson to review basics again)."
"Definitely worth the money!"
Marks course was excellent. I have used oils for 20+ years, but I now have many better ways to use them, the correct ways to administer them and dilution rates. Mark has a good pace of teaching and lots of quizes to check understanding as well as really good resources to use along the way.
"Marks course was excellent."
"I have used oils for 20+ years, but I now have many better ways to use them, the correct ways to administer them and dilution rates."
"Mark has a good pace of teaching and lots of quizes to check understanding as well as really good resources to use along the way."
reviews may have no text. Would be handy to have the actually picture that is being done and a list of colours so that when I do this sample later I can use as close to as possible . in the land scape for example what colour was the toned paper. no.
"reviews may have no text. Would be handy to have the actually picture that is being done and a list of colours so that when I do this sample later I can use as close to as possible . in the land scape for example what colour was the toned paper. no."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Tracking and the Art of Observation - Fundamentals with these activities:
Practice Observation and Perception
Sharpen your observation and perception skills through exercises and activities.
Browse courses on Observation
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  • Engage in focused observation exercises
  • Practice active listening and paying attention to details
Review Biostatistics
Review statistical concepts that are essential for understanding data analysis in the field of tracking.
Browse courses on Biostatistics
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  • Identify the required Biostatistics concepts
  • Find online tutorials or resources
  • Follow the tutorials at your own pace
  • Practice solving problems and examples
Review Animal Tracking Techniques by Paul Rezendes
Read this book to gain a foundational understanding of animal tracking techniques and the behavior of animals.
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  • Read through the introduction and first two chapters by the end of the first week.
  • Finish reading Chapters 3-6 by the end of the second week.
  • Read Chapters 7-10 by the end of the third week.
  • Finish the book by the end of the fourth week.
Five other activities
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Practice animal tracking in a local park
Practice tracking animals in a controlled environment to develop your observation skills and tracking techniques.
Browse courses on Observation
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  • Identify a local park or nature reserve where you can practice.
  • Go to the park and look for signs of animal activity, such as tracks, scat, and nests.
  • Follow the tracks to see if you can find the animal.
  • Take note of your observations and try to identify the animal based on its tracks and behavior.
Target Tracking Exercises
Reinforce tracking techniques through simulated target tracking exercises.
Browse courses on Tracking
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  • Set up a tracking scenario
  • Practice following a simulated target
  • Analyze the results and identify areas for improvement
Develop a tracking plan for a specific animal species
Enhance your tracking skills and knowledge of a specific animal species by creating a detailed tracking plan.
Show steps
  • Choose an animal species that you are interested in tracking.
  • Research the animal's behavior, habitat, and tracking techniques.
  • Develop a detailed tracking plan that includes your objectives, methods, and timelines.
  • Test your tracking plan in the field.
  • Revise your tracking plan based on your results.
Volunteer as a Tracking Instructor
Enhance your understanding of tracking while helping others develop their skills.
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  • Contact local tracking organizations
  • Offer to assist with training or workshops
  • Share your knowledge and experience with new trackers
Volunteer to teach or assist in a tracking workshop or class
Share your knowledge and passion for tracking with others by volunteering as a teacher or assistant in a workshop or class.
Show steps
  • Contact local organizations or schools to see if they offer any tracking workshops or classes.
  • Offer your services as a volunteer teacher or assistant.
  • Prepare for the workshop or class by reviewing your knowledge and skills.
  • Lead or assist with the workshop or class and share your knowledge and experiences with the participants.

Career center

Learners who complete Tracking and the Art of Observation - Fundamentals will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Wildlife Technician
Wildlife technicians work under the supervision of wildlife biologists to collect data on wildlife populations and habitats. This course would help wildlife technicians to improve their knowledge of wildlife behavior, habitat use, and sign identification. It also may help wildlife technicians to develop new strategies for managing wildlife populations and habitats.
Naturalists interpret the natural world for the public through educational programs and exhibits. This course would help naturalists to improve their knowledge of the natural world and their ability to communicate their knowledge to the public. It also may help naturalists to develop new educational programs and exhibits.
Detectives investigate crimes and gather evidence to solve cases. They often need to observe and interpret clues to solve crimes. This course may be useful to detectives who want to improve their ability to observe and interpret crime scenes and other evidence. It may help detectives to develop new investigative techniques and strategies to solve crimes.
Forensic Scientist
Forensic scientists collect and analyze evidence from crime scenes and other sources to help solve crimes. This course maybe useful to forensic scientists who want to improve their ability to observe and interpret evidence. It could help forensic scientists to develop new techniques and strategies for analyzing evidence.
Conservation Officer
Conservation officers enforce fish and wildlife laws and regulations, and educate the public about conservation issues. This course will help conservation officers to improve their ability to observe, interpret, and analyze data, which will help them to more effectively enforce fish and wildlife laws and regulations.
Wildlife Biologist
Wildlife biologists work to understand and manage wildlife populations and habitats. This course would help wildlife biologists to improve their knowledge of wildlife behavior, habitat use, and sign identification. It also may help wildlife biologists to develop new strategies for managing wildlife populations and habitats.
Park Ranger
Park rangers protect and manage natural resources and visitor use in parks and other protected areas. By completing this course, park rangers will gain skills in observation, interpretation, and analysis that will help them to better protect and manage natural resources and visitor use.
Zoologists study the behavior, physiology, and evolution of animals. This course may be useful to zoologists who want to improve their ability to observe and interpret animal behavior in their research. This course may help zoologists develop new research questions and methodologies to study animal behavior.
Ecologists study the interactions between organisms and their environment. This course could assist ecologists in developing foundational knowledge to aid in their research of the interactions between organisms and their environment, including important information on those organisms' behaviors.
Anthropologists study human cultures and societies. This course could provide foundational knowledge on how to keenly observe human behavior and interpret interactions, which could prove useful for those seeking to study human cultures and societies.
Archeologists study human history and prehistory through the excavation and analysis of material remains. This course may be useful to archeologists who want to improve their ability to observe and interpret the material remains of past human cultures. This may help archeologists to develop new research questions and methodologies to study human history and prehistory.
Science Teacher
Science teachers teach science to students in elementary, middle, or high schools. This course may be useful to science teachers who want to improve their ability to observe, interpret, and analyze data in their science lessons. This could assist them as they plan and deliver engaging science lessons that meet their students' needs.
Environmental Scientist
Environmental scientists monitor and analyze environmental trends, and develop strategies for environmental protection. While this course does not directly train for careers in environmental science, it may be useful to someone who wants to improve their observation and analytical skills to study environmental issues.
Botanists study plants, including their structure, growth, reproduction, and classification. Those with an interest in forensic botany may find the skills learned in this course particularly useful in aiding police investigations.
Field Biologist
Field biologists study organisms in their natural habitat. This course may be useful to field biologists who want to improve their ability to observe, interpret, and analyze data in their field observations. By completing this course, they may gain improved subject matter expertise.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Tracking and the Art of Observation - Fundamentals.
This practical guide to tracking and the art of seeing great source of background information for the course, offering a comprehensive guide to tracking as a skill and how to develop your natural abilities.
This pocket-sized handbook will be a useful reference throughout your tracking studies, providing over 800 photographs, over 500 track drawings, and 175 scat drawings.
A practical, useful companion for the course, providing you with a space to record your observations and track your progress as you develop your tracking skills.
This classic guide to animal tracks offers a concise introduction to tracking in North America. While somewhat dated, the information in this book remains indispensable.
This pocket-sized guide is the essential companion in the field, covering over 290 species, their tracks, and sign, and offering tips for the identification of tracks in the field.
This comprehensive guide to tracking in North America can serve as both a reference and as a field-ready resource for tracking animals and interpreting the observations you make.


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