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Как читать фотографию

Богданова Наталия Михайловна
Курс разработан Самарским национальным исследовательским университетом имени академика С.П. Королева при поддержке Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета. Фотографии способны рассказывать истории наравне с текстами,...
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Курс разработан Самарским национальным исследовательским университетом имени академика С.П. Королева при поддержке Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета. Фотографии способны рассказывать истории наравне с текстами, созданными на естественном языке, быть инструментом и объектом социального исследования. Курс «Как читать фотографию» позволит овладеть специфическим языком фотографии, необходимым для анализа уже существующих снимков или создания новых. Слушатели попробуют формулировать собственные исследовательские задачи для анализа социальных процессов сквозь призму их визуальных проявлений. Освоят подходы к интерпретации изображений и в творческих заданиях смогут применить их к конкретным фотографиям. Научатся строить и оценивать композицию снимков так, чтобы она передавала задуманное социальное значение, разовьют на практике собственное визуальное воображение. Проанализируют своё место в качестве агентов фотографического процесса и совершенствуют опыт критической оценки условий восприятия фотографии. Курс предполагает последовательное освоение пяти тематически взаимосвязанных модулей. Каждый модуль включает в среднем по пять видеолекций, словарь ключевых терминов и список рекомендуемой литературы. После лекции слушателям предлагается тест для самоконтроля из 3-5 вопросов. Каждый модуль завершается проверочным тестом из 8-10 вопросов и одним творческим заданием. Ряд модулей предполагает также решение творческой задачи и подготовку аналитического эссе. Целями курса является: 1. Показать важность визуальной грамотности и визуального воображения 2. Продемонстрировать познавательные возможности фотографии 3. Популяризировать визуальную социологию 4. Привлечь к курсу профессионалов из числа слушателей Центров знаний (которые будут созданы в 2018 году в пяти городах России) После завершения данного курса слушатели смогут: оперировать основными понятиями визуалистики и теории зрительного восприятия плоского изображения; выделять и оценивать роли отдельных агентов фотографических практик; выбирать наиболее релевантные подходы к анализу визуальных данных; самостоятельно проводить анализ фотографии; проблематизировать и объяснять визуальные проявления социальной жизни; создавать собственные информативные визуальные тексты; выстраивать ряд фотографий в связный и последовательный визуальный нарратив. Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева» - один из ведущих российских университетов. Статус Самарского университета закреплен в нормативных документах Правительства РФ и признан академическим сообществом. Это передовой научно-образовательный центр в сфере аэрокосмических исследований и технологий. Университет реализует образовательные и исследовательские программы в различных областях естественных и социально-гуманитарных наук, экономики и правоведения. Самарский университет входит в число 29 национальных исследовательских университетов России; 21 участника «Проекта 5-100» - российской инициативы академического превосходства, направленной на повышение конкурентоспособности ведущих университетов нашей страны на мировом уровне. Университет входит в наиболее авторитетные мировые рейтинги - QS и Times Higher Education, где Россию представляют всего 27 университетов. Научно-образовательная деятельность Самарского университета охватывает аэрокосмические технологии, двигателестроение, современные методы обработки информации, фотонику, материаловедение, а также фундаментальные технические и естественные науки. Помимо инженерно-технических направлений, университет реализует образовательные и исследовательские программы в других областях, включая правоведение, экономику, менеджмент, лингвистику, исторические и социальные науки.
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Good to know

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Examines the role of photography in social research, equipping learners with essential knowledge for analyzing visual data and understanding social processes
Taught by respected academics from Samara National Research University, ensuring the course is based on up-to-date research and industry knowledge
Provides hands-on creative assignments, enabling learners to apply learned concepts and develop practical skills in visual analysis and storytelling
Covers various aspects of photography, including composition, interpretation, and social impact, providing a comprehensive foundation in the field
Uses a multi-modal approach with video lectures, readings, self-assessment quizzes, and assignments, catering to different learning styles and preferences
Suitable for both beginners and intermediate learners, providing a structured path for developing visual literacy skills and understanding the role of photography in society

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Reviews summary

Captivating photography course

This course on photography is well-received by learners who find it engaging and informative. Reviewers appreciate the well-structured content and engaging presentation, which stimulates interest in photography and visual literacy. While the course may be challenging for some due to its use of terminology, the overall feedback is positive.
Content is organized, easy to follow, and provides a solid foundation in photography.
The course is presented in a captivating way that holds students' attention.
"Курс очень понравился, материал по объему небольшой, но вполне достаточный для начала развития в данном направлении (фотографии). И в этом я считаю его основная заслуга - вызвать интерес к предмету фотографии. Ведущая курса просто очаровательна и восхитительна!"
The course uses a lot of terminology, which can be challenging for some learners.
"Курс интересный, но немного сложноватый по количеству терминологии, недостаточно визуального материала"
Some reviewers noted a lack of visual examples and demonstrations in the course.


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Как читать фотографию with these activities:
Review Photography Fundamentals
Solidifies understanding of core photography concepts and techniques.
Browse courses on Camera Basics
Show steps
  • Review the basics of photography, including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
  • Familiarize yourself with different types of cameras and lenses
Online Photography Tutorials
Provides structured learning opportunities to enhance photography skills and knowledge.
Browse courses on Photography Techniques
Show steps
  • Identify specific photography techniques you want to improve
  • Find reputable online tutorials on those techniques
  • Follow the tutorials and practice regularly
Photographic Composition Analysis
Sharpens visual observation skills and enhances understanding of composition principles.
Browse courses on Visual Literacy
Show steps
  • Examine photographs and identify compositional elements
  • Analyze how these elements contribute to the overall message of the photograph
  • Practice applying these principles in your own photography
Five other activities
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Show all eight activities
Photography Workshop
Offers immersive and practical learning experiences to refine photography techniques.
Browse courses on Camera Techniques
Show steps
  • Attend a photography workshop led by experienced photographers
  • Participate in hands-on activities and exercises
  • Receive feedback and guidance on your photography
Annotated Bibliography of Visual Sociology Literature
Provides an overview of key literature and strengthens research skills.
Show steps
  • Identify relevant academic databases
  • Conduct a literature search on visual sociology
  • Read and select articles for inclusion in the bibliography
  • Write concise annotations summarizing the key points of each article
Visual Analysis Project
Reinforces key analytical, interpretation, and application skills in visual sociological research.
Show steps
  • Familiarize yourself with a visual dataset for analysis
  • Identify key themes and patterns within the dataset
  • Develop an interpretive argument based on your analysis
  • Present your findings in a clear and engaging manner
Peer Critique Sessions
Fosters critical thinking, communication skills, and an understanding of diverse perspectives.
Show steps
  • Organize peer critique sessions with classmates
  • Present your photographs for feedback and analysis
  • Provide constructive criticism and suggestions to your peers
Visual Storytelling Project
Develops critical thinking, storytelling abilities, and conveys insights through visual means.
Show steps
  • Choose a social issue or theme to explore
  • Gather a series of photographs that illustrate your chosen theme
  • Create a narrative or story around the photographs
  • Present your visual story in a compelling way

Career center

Learners who complete Как читать фотографию will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
This course focuses on visual literacy and the role that it plays in informing the social sciences. Sociologists, in particular, can benefit from the skills taught in this course because it helps build a foundation for visual research and analysis.
Art Critic
How to Read a Photograph focuses on analyzing visual images and understanding their significance. Art Critics can gain valuable insights from this course because it helps them interpret and evaluate works of visual art.
The course How to Read a Photograph offers an in-depth exploration of the craft, the ideas, and the techniques that go into photography. Photographers could use the material in this course, particularly the modules on composition and color theory, to bolster their current work, which will aid them in developing their own unique visual style.
Graphic designer
This course can help build a foundation for Graphic Designers interested in developing their visual communication skills. Graphic Designers can use the ideas presented in How to Read a Photograph, particularly the modules on composition and color theory, to become more effective visual communicators.
Visual Artist
How to Read a Photograph will be of great use to a Visual Artist because it focuses on analyzing the visual elements of images. This course allows Visual Artists to develop a deeper understanding of composition, color theory, and other visual elements that contribute to the meaning of an image.
Journalists who want to incorporate visual elements into their reporting may benefit from this course. How to Read a Photograph provides a solid introduction to the vocabulary and concepts used to analyze and interpret images, which can be useful for journalists who need to evaluate or incorporate visual information into their work. The course's focus on visual storytelling may also be helpful for journalists interested in creating more visually engaging content.
UX Designer
This course will be of great use to UX Designers because it covers the fundamentals of visual perception and how people interact with visual information. UX Designers can use the skills and knowledge gained from this course to design more user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces.
Digital Marketing Manager
The course, How to Read a Photograph, offers an in-depth exploration of the role that visual content plays in marketing and advertising. Digital Marketing Managers can use the material in this course, particularly the modules on visual storytelling and composition, to help brands develop and execute more effective visual marketing campaigns.
Film and Video Editor
Film and video editors are responsible for assembling and editing moving images. The course, How to Read a Photograph, provides a strong foundation in visual literacy and the principles of visual storytelling. Film and Video Editors can use the skills and knowledge gained from this course to create more visually engaging and effective content.
Photojournalists serve as visual storytellers, using images to capture and communicate important events. How to Read a Photograph will be of great use to Photojournalists because the course focuses on the role of photographs as a way to convey information and tell stories.
Art Curator
The course, How to Read a Photograph, explores how to analyze and interpret visual images. This course may be useful for Art Curators who want to develop a deeper understanding of the artworks they curate.
Social Media Manager
How to Read a Photograph may be useful for Social Media Managers interested in developing their visual communication skills and understanding how visual content resonates with audiences. It provides an introduction to visual sociology and explores how to analyze and interpret images, which can be valuable for Social Media Managers responsible for creating and curating visual content.
Urban Planner
Urban Planners may find this course in visual literacy helpful as they consider the visual impact of their plans for urban areas. How to Read a Photograph offers an introduction to visual sociology, which can help planners understand how people interact with their physical surroundings.
Cultural Anthropologist
How to Read a Photograph can be useful for Cultural Anthropologists because it helps build a foundation in visual sociology. Cultural Anthropology is particularly concerned with visual culture and how it shapes our understanding of the world.
Museum curator
The course, How to Read a Photograph, introduces photography as a tool and an object of social research. Museum curators have a role to play in shaping how people think about history and culture. Having a strong command of visual literacy is a sought after skill among Museum Curators. Through studying the ideas presented in How to Read a Photograph, Curators can learn the tools to display and contextualize photographs in new and innovative ways.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Как читать фотографию.
Covers a wide range of topics relevant to the course, including the history of visual literacy, the role of images in communication, and the impact of visual culture on society. It great resource for students who want to learn more about the field of visual literacy.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the different ways that photographs can be read and interpreted. It covers topics such as the role of context, the importance of composition, and the power of symbolism. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to analyze photographs more critically.
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the history, theory, and practice of photography. It covers topics such as the camera, the darkroom, and the digital age. It valuable resource for students who want to learn more about the technical aspects of photography.
Classic text in the field of visual studies. It explores the different ways that images can communicate meaning, and it provides a framework for analyzing visual culture. It valuable resource for students who want to learn more about the theoretical aspects of photography.
Provides a critical overview of the history and theory of photography. It covers topics such as the role of photography in society, the ethics of photography, and the relationship between photography and art. It valuable resource for students who want to learn more about the social and cultural aspects of photography.
Guide to the art of photography. It covers topics such as composition, lighting, and exposure. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to take better photographs.
Provides a series of exercises and assignments designed to help students develop their photographic skills. It valuable resource for students who want to practice their photography and improve their skills.
Provides a comprehensive overview of digital photography. It covers topics such as camera settings, lighting, and post-processing. It valuable resource for students who want to learn more about the technical aspects of digital photography.
Provides a comprehensive overview of Adobe Photoshop. It covers topics such as image editing, compositing, and retouching. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to use Photoshop to improve their photographs.
Provides a series of interviews with some of the world's most著名 photographers. It covers topics such as their creative process, their technical skills, and their thoughts on the future of photography. It valuable resource for students who want to learn from some of the best in the field.
Provides a guide to the art of photography. It covers topics such as composition, lighting, and exposure. It valuable resource for students who want to learn how to take better photographs.


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