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Ben Lugosch

Welcome to part 2 of the bestselling Latin course on Udemy.

This course will pick up at Wheelock's chapter 16. Accordingly, it's not for true beginners in the language. A typical college-level class will cover chapters 16-30 in the second semester; a high school class will cover them in the second year.  If you don't have a solid foundation already, you should start with chapters 1-15, and my lectures that provide help for them.

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Welcome to part 2 of the bestselling Latin course on Udemy.

This course will pick up at Wheelock's chapter 16. Accordingly, it's not for true beginners in the language. A typical college-level class will cover chapters 16-30 in the second semester; a high school class will cover them in the second year.  If you don't have a solid foundation already, you should start with chapters 1-15, and my lectures that provide help for them.

Over the years of teaching Latin from the excellent and justly renowned textbook "Wheelock's Latin," I have created a series of lectures designed to help students get the most of this magnificent book. In them you will find guidance to some of the more perplexing concepts of grammar English and Latin that often comprise an insuperable barrier to progressing in Latin for modern-day students. The lectures will not replace the Wheelock text. They will only, I hope, make your on-ramp smoother. 

To that end, the lectures track exactly with the chapters of the textbook. This will give you "context sensitive" help when you need it.

You will not find answers to the exercises or anything that is copyright protected by the publisher of the Wheelock book. To get any benefit from these lectures, you must have the Wheelock text.

Best of luck to you.     -bl

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What's inside

Learning objective

A secure foundation for your future study of latin


Brief Course Introduction

We continue our work through the venerable Wheelock Latin text, Chapters 16-30, which is roughly the second semester of a college-level class, or a second year in high school. 

I've created a series of lectures and downloadable study forms to help you keep on track. 

You'll find nothing on this site that violates any of Wheelock's copyrighted materials, and that includes an answer key. 

If you'd like to join one of my online classes of elementary to intermediate Latin, do contact me and we'll see what we can do to get you in.

Good luck!

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Chapter 16: Third Declension Adjectives
Third declension adjectives are just adjectives which use the third declension pattern of case endings. They don't modify only third declension nouns, any more than adjectives of the first and second declension can modify only nouns of the first and second declension.  The ablative singular of the M/F gender constitutes the only departure from the standard i-stem third declension: it's -ī- rather than the expected -e-. 
Third declension adjectives come in three categories: one, two or three terminations. As you'll see, this distinction applies only to the nominative singular. 
Use this form to focus your study of the chapter vocabulary.
Use this form to review your understanding the main points of this chapter's grammar.
Practice your pronunciation as you study these sentences.
The Self-Tutorials are an invaluable resource to help you master the material.
Chapter 17: Relative Pronoun and Relative Clauses
The relative pronoun acts like a subordinating conjunction, attaching an adjectival clause to something in the main clause of the sentence. As a pronoun, it agrees in number and gender with what it's pointing to, and gets its case from the way it's being used in its own clause. 
Downloadable form to help you study and review the chapter vocabulary.
Downloadable form to help you study and review the chapter's new forms and new concepts.
Reading of the sentences in the chapter's self-tutorial exercises. 
A brief introduction to the self-tutorials for this chapter.
Chapter 18: Passive Voice in the Present System of 1st and 2nd Conjugation Verbs
The passive voice indicates that the subject of a verb is receiving, rather than performing the action. In the present system of tenses in Latin, the passive voice is formed by replacing the active endings with the passive endings. 

Downloadable form to help you study and review the chapter forms and concepts.
Reading of the self-tutorial sentences for your practice.
Discussion of the self-tutorial exercises.
Chapter 19: Passive Voice of the Perfect System

The perfect system passive is formed from the fourth principal part of the verb with a conjugated form of the verb "sum" to indicate tense, person and number. The fourth principal part of a verb can also be called the "perfect passive participle." A participle is a verbal adjective, and hence will have a variable ending to allow it to agree with the noun that it is modifying.


Interrogative adjectives modify nouns in such as way as to ask a questions about them; interrogative pronouns ask a question about something that has been left out. Adjective: "What book are you reading?" Pronoun: "What are you reading?" The forms of the interrogative adjective are identical to those of the relative pronoun. The forms of the interrogative pronoun differ from the relative pronoun only in a few forms in the singular.

Chapter 19: Vocabulary Sheet
Chapter 19: Forms and Concepts
Chapter 19: Self-Tutorial Sentences Read
Chapter 19: Self-Tutorials Discussed
Chapter 20: Fourth Declension Nouns; Ablative of Separation

The theme vowel of fourth declension nouns is -ū-; like the third declension, it includes nouns of all three genders, though masculine is predominant. 

A convenient way to keep and study the vocabulary for chapter 20. Also, this link will take you to the Quia flashcard drills.

A little music to study by . . . Hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 20: Self-Tutorials Read and Discussed
Chapter 21: Third and Fourth Conjugations: Present System Passive

The passive voice of the present system of 3rd and 4th conjugations follow the same rules you learned for the 1st and 2nd conjugations:
present stem + tense signs + personal endings, active or passive

Chapter 21: Vocabulary
Chapter 21: Forms and Concepts
Chapter 21: Self-Tutorials Read and Discussed
Chapter 22: Fifth Declension and Summary of Ablatives

Chapter 22: Vocabulary
Chapter 22: Forms and Concepts
Chapter 22: Self-Tutorials
Chapter 23: Participles

A participle is a verbal adjective and has tense, voice, number, gender, and case. Latin has four participles, as seen in this paradigm:

The tense of the participle is relative to the tense of the main verb. Translating participles properly often requires promoting them to subordinate clauses or compressing them to a noun.

It is helpful to begin the process of translating a participle by thinking first of its most basic meaning.

The tense of the participle is relative to the tense of the main verb. Translating participles properly often requires promoting them to subordinate clauses or compressing them to a noun.
Chapter 23: Vocabulary
Chapter 23: Forms and Concepts
Now that you've acquired new verbal forms, it's time to update your synopsis sheets. This file talks you through a couple of synopses for practice. (Apologies in advance for the rather poor quality.)

I've included below a downloadable synopsis sheet if you'd like to have one. The two files are the same: one's in Word and the other is a PDF.
Chapter 23 Self Tutorials 1 of 2
Chapter 23 Self Tutorials (in 2 Parts)
Chapter 24: Ablative Absolute and Passive Periphrastic

The Ablative Absolute construction resembles the English absolute construction such as "that being said," or "all things being equal." These are participial phrases, with no finite verb, consisting of a noun or pronoun with a participle agreeing with it. As an "absolute," they stand outside of the grammar of the main clause of the sentence. In Latin, the pronoun or noun is in the ablative case and the participle agrees with it in number, gender, and case.

The Passive Periphrastic construction consists of the future passive participle used as a predicate, linked to the subject with a conjugated form of the verb "sum." It acquires an additional sense of obligation or necessity. The personal agent is expressed not with a/ab + ablative, but with the dative case alone.
Chapter 24: Vocabulary
Chapter 24: Forms and Concepts
Chapter 24 Self Tutorials Read
Chapter 25: Infinitives and Indirect Statement


Latin possesses forms for the present, perfect, and future infinitives in both the active and passive voices:

A common use of the infinitive is in the accusative-infinitive construction to express indirect statement:

Dīxit ad castra mox venitūrum esse, he said that he would come to the camp soon.

Chapter 25: Vocabulary
Chapter 25: Forms and Concepts

I offer you this old file, done in the early years of office computers -- I'm not kidding -- where I take apart the sentences in great detail. 

Chapter 26: Positive, Comparative, and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives

Adjectives attribute a quality to a substantive, and they can do so in such a way that a comparison is either stated or implied with other substantives.

Positive Degree: blue, ragged
Comparative: bluer; more ragged
Superlative: blues; most ragged

Positive Degree: longus, -a, -um; fēlīx, -cis
Comparative Degree: longior, longius; fēlīcior, fēlīcius
Superlative Degree: longissimus, -a, -um; fēlīcissimus, -a, -um

The comparison in the comparative degree can be made either by using the adverb "quam" or with the Ablative of Comparison.

When the comparative degree is used absolutely in Latin, "rather" can be used in English instead of the comparative; when the superative degree is used absolutely in Latin, the adverbs "very" or "really" can be used in English instead of the superlative.

"Quam" can also be used with the superlative degree to mean "as X as possible," where "X" is the meaning of the adjective.
Chapter 26: Vocabulary
Chapter 26: Forms and Concepts
And, to my everlasting shame, the earlier reading of the sentences, with merciless analyses of the sentences . . . 
Chapter 27: Irregular Comparisons

Chapter 27: Vocabulary
Chapter 27: Forms and Concepts
Chapter 27: Self-Tutorial Sentences
Chapter 28: The Present of the Subjunctive Mood; Jussive, and Purpose Clause

Chapter 28: Vocabulary
Chapter 28: Forms and Concepts
And, for your further use, an old file which takes the sentences apart. 
Chapter 29: Imperfect Subjunctive; Sum, Possum; Result Clauses

Plus one old audio file where I take the sentences apart in gruesome detail. 
Chapter 29: Forms and Concepts
Chapter 30: Perfect System Subjunctive; Indirect Question; Sequence of Tenses


Indirect Questions in Latin merely change the mood of the original question to the subjunctive. The subjunctive follows the Sequence of Tenses.
Chapter 30: Vocabulary
Chapter 30: Forms and Concepts
Provided for additional help is an old recording of me dissecting the sentences in the Self-Tutorials word by word.
Concluding Remarks

You're progressing nicely. You have all the forms of nouns and adjectives, you've seen all the conjugations and have started mastering the subjunctive mood. With just a couple more concepts, coming in the next ten chapters, you'll be ready to start reading "real" Latin authors. 

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Strengthens an existing foundation for intermediate learners
Builds a strong foundation for beginners
Core audience is those who have completed chapters 1-15 of the Wheelock textbook

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Wheelock's Latin : Chapters 16-30 Lectures with these activities:
Review Basic English Grammar
Strengthens the foundation of English grammar, which is essential for understanding the grammatical concepts in Latin.
Browse courses on English Grammar
Show steps
  • Review the parts of speech, sentence structure, and punctuation rules.
  • Take practice exercises or quizzes to test your understanding.
Read 'Wheelock's Latin' by Frederic M. Wheelock
Provides a comprehensive and systematic review of Latin grammar and vocabulary, serving as a valuable supplement to the course materials.
View Melania on Amazon
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  • Purchase a copy of 'Wheelock's Latin' or borrow it from a library.
  • Read through the chapters corresponding to the topics covered in the course.
  • Complete the exercises and self-tests to reinforce your understanding.
Watch Video Tutorials on Latin Grammar
Provides visual and auditory explanations of Latin grammar concepts, making them easier to understand.
Show steps
  • Find video tutorials on Latin grammar topics covered in the course.
  • Take notes or summarize the key points of the videos.
  • Review the videos periodically to reinforce your understanding.
Five other activities
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Show all eight activities
Create Latin Vocabulary Flashcards or Quizlet Sets
Engages active recall and helps build a strong foundation of Latin vocabulary.
Show steps
  • Write down Latin vocabulary words and their definitions on index cards or create a Quizlet set.
  • Review the flashcards regularly, testing yourself on the Latin words and their meanings.
Practice Latin Declensions
Reinforces the declension patterns of nouns and adjectives by repeatedly applying them to form words in different cases.
Show steps
  • Use an online Latin declension tool to practice declining nouns and adjectives.
  • Write out declension tables for different nouns and adjectives.
  • Take quizzes or tests to assess your understanding of Latin declensions.
Join a Latin Study Group or Discussion Forum
Provides opportunities for collaboration, peer learning, and support.
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  • Find a Latin study group or discussion forum online or at a local institution.
  • Participate in discussions, ask questions, and help other members.
  • Review and summarize the key points of the discussions for future reference.
Organize and Review Course Notes and Materials
Improves retention and understanding by consolidating and reviewing course materials.
Show steps
  • Gather all course notes, handouts, and assignments.
  • Organize the materials by topic or chapter.
  • Review the materials regularly, summarizing key points and highlighting areas that need further clarification.
Translate a Short Latin Text
Applies the grammar and vocabulary learned in the course to a real-world task, enhancing comprehension and translation skills.
Show steps
  • Find a short Latin text that aligns with your interests or course topics.
  • Use a dictionary and grammar resources to translate the text.
  • Analyze the text for its grammar, vocabulary, and cultural context.
  • Write an essay or summary of your translation and analysis.

Career center

Learners who complete Wheelock's Latin : Chapters 16-30 Lectures will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
As a Professor, you will be responsible for teaching undergraduate and graduate students in the field of Latin. You will develop and deliver lectures, lead discussions, and grade assignments. You may also be involved in research and publishing. This course will provide you with a strong foundation in the Latin language, which is essential for success as a Professor. You will learn about the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Latin, as well as the history and culture of ancient Rome.
Latin Lecturer
As a Latin Lecturer, you will be responsible for teaching Latin to students at the college or university level. You will develop and deliver lectures, lead discussions, and grade assignments. This course will provide you with a strong foundation in the Latin language, which is essential for success as a Latin Lecturer. You will learn about the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Latin, as well as the history and culture of ancient Rome.
Latin Teacher
As a Latin Teacher, you will be responsible for teaching Latin to students at the high school level. You will develop and deliver lessons, lead discussions, and grade assignments. This course can help you prepare for a career as a Latin Teacher by providing you with a strong foundation in the Latin language. You will learn about the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Latin, as well as the history and culture of ancient Rome.
Classical Philologist
As a Classical Philologist, you will be responsible for studying the languages, literature, and history of ancient Greece and Rome. You may also be involved in teaching and research. This course will provide you with a strong foundation in the Latin language, which is essential for success as a Classical Philologist. You will learn about the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Latin, as well as the history and culture of ancient Rome.
As an Archivist, you will be responsible for preserving and managing historical documents. You may also be involved in research and public outreach. This course may be useful for a career as an Archivist by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many historical documents are written in Latin, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
Museum curator
As a Museum Curator, you will be responsible for managing and preserving the collections of a museum. You may also be involved in research and public outreach. This course may be useful for a career as a Museum Curator by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many museums have collections of ancient Roman artifacts, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As a Librarian, you will be responsible for managing and providing access to information resources. You may also be involved in research and public outreach. This course may be useful for a career as a Librarian by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many libraries have collections of Latin texts, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As a Historian, you will be responsible for researching, writing, and teaching about the past. You may also be involved in public outreach. This course may be useful for a career as a Historian by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many historical documents are written in Latin, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As an Archaeologist, you will be responsible for studying the remains of past cultures. You may also be involved in excavation and research. This course may be useful for a career as an Archaeologist by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many archaeological sites contain Latin inscriptions, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As a Translator, you will be responsible for translating texts from one language to another. You may also be involved in interpreting and localization. This course may be useful for a career as a Translator by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Latin is a widely-studied language, so being able to translate Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As an Editor, you will be responsible for reviewing, editing, and proofreading written content. You may also be involved in writing and research. This course may be useful for a career as an Editor by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many editors work with texts that contain Latin phrases or references, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As a Writer, you will be responsible for creating written content, such as books, articles, and scripts. You may also be involved in research and editing. This course may be useful for a career as a Writer by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Latin is a widely-studied language, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As a Journalist, you will be responsible for gathering, writing, and reporting news stories. You may also be involved in research and editing. This course may be useful for a career as a Journalist by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many news stories contain Latin phrases or references, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As a Lawyer, you will be responsible for advising clients on legal matters and representing them in court. You may also be involved in research and writing. This course may be useful for a career as a Lawyer by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many legal documents are written in Latin, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.
As a Doctor, you will be responsible for diagnosing and treating patients. You may also be involved in research and teaching. This course may be useful for a career as a Doctor by providing you with a foundation in the Latin language. Many medical terms are derived from Latin, so being able to read and understand Latin can be a valuable asset in this field.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Wheelock's Latin : Chapters 16-30 Lectures.
Teaches Latin through immersion, with no English translation or grammar explanations. It great way to improve your reading comprehension and fluency.
This comprehensive reference grammar of Latin. It great resource for looking up grammar rules and paradigms.
This is the most comprehensive Latin dictionary available. It great resource for looking up the meaning of words and finding citations from Latin literature.
Provides a clear and concise explanation of Latin sentence structure. It great resource for learning how to read and write Latin.
Provides a brief overview of the history of the Latin language. It good way to learn about the development of Latin from its origins to the present day.


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