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Communicating During Global Emergencies

Dabney P. Evans, PhD, MPH and Julia Smith-Easley

In collaboration with the Rollins School of Public Health and the CDC's Division of Global Health Protection, Emergency Response, and Recovery Branch, this course introduces basic concepts and principles of communicating during a global crisis or emergency. It explores why communication during an emergency is different and the importance of adapting emergency messages to the needs of affected populations. Through sample scenarios, you will get the opportunity to identify information needs and develop useful messages using six guiding principles to help you communicate effectively and promote behaviors that reduce health risks during an emergency.

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What's inside


Overview of Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications
During this week, we'll explore the framework of CERC, the primary function of risk communications, and consider common principles to follow when communicating to affected communities during a crisis.
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Crisis Communication Planning
In this week, we'll consider the focus of communication during emergency response as well as the creation and application of a crisis communication plan.
International Health Regulations' Risk Communication Components
During our final week, we'll explore the International Health Regulations' four components of risk communication through a fictional scenario.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Introduces basic principles of communicating during global health emergencies
Provides sample scenarios for practicing message development and communication
Addresses the importance of adapting messages to meet the needs of affected populations
Taught by instructors from the Rollins School of Public Health and the CDC
Covers relevant topics such as crisis communication planning and international health regulations
Prerequires students to have prior knowledge of public health and emergency response

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Reviews summary

Communicating during global emergencies

Learners say that Communicating During Global Emergencies is an outstanding course with effective videos, lectures, readings, assignments, and quizzes that provide vital information on emergency crisis communication and the role of effective communication in emergency response. The course is well-structured, easy to understand, and provides a wealth of resources with peer review assignments to ensure accountability. Students highlight the importance of establishing trust, handling misinformation, considering ethical implications, and using social media, emergency alerts, and traditional methods for effective communications.
The course provides strategies for dealing with misinformation and disinformation during emergencies.
"You might learn how to deal with this by fact-checking and providing accurate information in a timely manner."
"You could learn how to build trust with stakeholders like the public, government agencies, and other organizations involved in the response effort."
"You may learn about various modes of communication that can be used during an emergency, such as social media, emergency alerts, and traditional media."
The course emphasizes the importance of considering ethical implications in emergency communication.
"Overall, a course on communicating during global emergencies should assist you in developing the knowledge and skills required to communicate effectively during times of crisis."
"Communicating During Global EmergenciesDuring an emergency, effective communication is critical for ensuring that accurate information is disseminated and that people are able to take appropriate actions to protect themselves and others."
"The following are some of the key points covered in a course on communicating during global emergencies:"
The course offers timely and essential information for navigating global emergencies.
"This course provides a good overview of how communication should be established before an emergency and how it should be communicated during a crisis."
"The course was able to provide a simulation on emergency response mechanisms. The reading materials and video lectures provided are engaging and effectively introduces new concepts to a new learner."
"I learned a lot about crisis and risk communication through this course. The instructional videos are easy to digest and I recommend government employees, especially information officers to take this course."
This course provides a solid foundation in how to respond to global emergencies with effective communications.
"Excellent course! But, the peer review assignment questions sometimes have to be made less ambiguous, clearer, and more specific."
"This course gave many differents ways of view and interesting things."
"An excellent course. Very informative and well structured. Thank you!"
Invaluable communication skills covered in this course help learners communicate effectively during emergencies.
"Great course! Give information about how to communicate effectively during an emergency situation."
"I have learned a lot during this course. It helped me to understand the different facets of communicating during global emergencies."
"I enjoyed this taking this course and found the information to be useful in any emergency, not just global ones."

Career center

Learners who complete Communicating During Global Emergencies will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Public Health Educator
Public Health Educators develop and implement educational programs to promote health and prevent disease. They work with individuals, groups, and communities to provide information and resources on a variety of health topics. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Public Health Educators develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public about health risks and how to prevent them. The course can also help Public Health Educators develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global health emergency.
Epidemiologists study the distribution and patterns of health events and diseases in a population. They use this information to develop strategies to prevent and control disease outbreaks. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Epidemiologists develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public about health risks and how to prevent them. The course can also help Epidemiologists develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global health emergency.
Health Communications Specialist
Health Communications Specialists develop and implement communication strategies to promote health and prevent disease. They work with a variety of audiences, including the public, patients, and healthcare providers. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Health Communications Specialists develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public about health risks and how to prevent them. The course can also help Health Communications Specialists develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global health emergency.
Emergency Management Specialist
Emergency Management Specialists develop and implement plans to prepare for and respond to emergencies. They work with a variety of organizations, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Emergency Management Specialists develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, emergency responders, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Emergency Management Specialists develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of an emergency.
Disaster Relief Coordinator
Disaster Relief Coordinators plan and coordinate disaster relief efforts. They work with a variety of organizations, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Disaster Relief Coordinators develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, disaster survivors, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Disaster Relief Coordinators develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a disaster.
International Development Specialist
International Development Specialists work to improve the social and economic conditions of developing countries. They work with a variety of organizations, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help International Development Specialists develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, government officials, and other stakeholders. The course can also help International Development Specialists develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global emergency.
Medical Anthropologist
Medical Anthropologists study the relationship between culture and health. They work with a variety of populations, including indigenous communities, refugee populations, and disaster survivors. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Medical Anthropologists develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, health care providers, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Medical Anthropologists develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global health emergency.
Global Health Specialist
Global Health Specialists work to improve the health of populations around the world. They work with a variety of organizations, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Global Health Specialists develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, health care providers, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Global Health Specialists develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global health emergency.
Social Worker
Social Workers help people to cope with personal and social problems. They work with a variety of populations, including children, families, and the elderly. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Social Workers develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with clients, families, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Social Workers develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global emergency.
Community Organizer
Community Organizers work to bring about social and economic change. They work with a variety of groups, including community organizations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Community Organizers develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, community leaders, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Community Organizers develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global emergency.
Public Health Nurse
Public Health Nurses work to improve the health of populations. They work with a variety of populations, including children, families, and the elderly. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Public Health Nurses develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, patients, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Public Health Nurses develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global health emergency.
Writers create written content for a variety of purposes, including news, entertainment, and marketing. They work for a variety of organizations, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and businesses. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Writers develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, editors, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Writers develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global emergency.
Editors review, edit, and publish written content. They work for a variety of organizations, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and businesses. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Editors develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with writers, authors, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Editors develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global emergency.
Publishers oversee the production and distribution of written content. They work for a variety of organizations, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and businesses. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Publishers develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with authors, editors, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Publishers develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global emergency.
Journalists gather, analyze, and report on news and current events. They work for a variety of media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. The Communicating During Global Emergencies course can help Journalists develop the communication skills they need to effectively communicate with the public, sources, and other stakeholders. The course can also help Journalists develop the skills they need to create and implement communication plans in the event of a global emergency.

Reading list

We've selected 13 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Communicating During Global Emergencies.
Provides an overview of the International Health Regulations, which are the global framework for preventing and responding to public health emergencies.
Covers managing the full lifecycle of a crisis, including planning, response, and recovery. It is particularly useful for understanding the reputational risks associated with crises and how to mitigate them.
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of crisis communication, covering topics such as media relations, social media management, and reputation management. It offers practical advice and case studies to help professionals navigate communication challenges during a crisis.
This academic textbook provides a solid foundation in crisis communication theory and practice. It explores the psychological, sociological, and organizational aspects of crisis communication.
This official document provides a detailed overview of the International Health Regulations, which serve as a global framework for preventing and responding to public health emergencies.
This report provides valuable insights into the European surveillance and response system for communicable diseases. It useful resource for understanding the international context of crisis communication.
This edited volume brings together perspectives from various disciplines, including communication, psychology, and public health, to provide a comprehensive overview of crisis communication. It explores the challenges and opportunities of communicating during a crisis.
This framework provides a comprehensive overview of the global health security agenda. It useful reference for understanding the broader context of emergency communication.
This guide provides practical guidance for providing psychological first aid to individuals affected by a crisis. It offers strategies for assessing needs, providing emotional support, and promoting coping mechanisms.
This comprehensive guide provides guidance for health professionals on responding to global health emergencies. It covers topics such as outbreak investigation, case management, and communication.
This academic book provides a comprehensive overview of public health communication, covering theories, methods, and best practices. It offers insights into the challenges and opportunities of communicating health information to the public.
This practical guide provides guidance for healthcare professionals on communicating effectively in emergency situations. It offers strategies for managing stress, building rapport, and conveying complex medical information to patients and families.
This guide provides an overview of mobile technology applications in public health. It useful resource for understanding how mobile technology can be leveraged for emergency communication.


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