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Content Marketing Masterclass

Create Content That Sells

Brad Merrill

Welcome to the Content Marketing Masterclass, a complete guide to growing your business in the modern world using the power of digital content.

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Welcome to the Content Marketing Masterclass, a complete guide to growing your business in the modern world using the power of digital content.

I've spent more than a decade working at the intersection of business and media, which has provided me with a unique competitive advantage as we've entered this world where every company is expected to be a media company.

In this course, you'll learn exactly what it takes to plan and execute a content marketing strategy that drives your business forward. By the end, you'll have all the tools you need to successfully market your products and services in the digital age.

Here are some of the things we'll cover:

  • Classic Marketing Fundamentals: Basic principles from the "old world" of marketing that you'll need to understand for this course. Beginners are welcome here.

  • Content Marketing Essentials: What content marketing is, how it works, how to tell a compelling story, and how to create detailed buyer personas to guide your approach.

  • Web Design: How to optimize your website for content marketing and build a well-oiled, lead-generating machine.

  • Generating Content Ideas: Develop a system for getting to know your audience and consistently generating new content ideas.

  • Copywriting: We'll discuss why effective writing is so important, and you'll learn all about headlines, structure, vocabulary, tone, calls-to-action, editing, as well as a number of tips to help you become a better writer overall.

  • Types Of Content: Learn about the most effective types of content, and see more than a dozen specific content ideas that you can steal and apply to your own strategy.

  • Content Formats & Repurposing: Get familiar with various content formats and learn how to create an endless stream of fresh content simply by repurposing what you've already created.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Everything you need to know to optimize your site for search engines and drive free, organic search traffic to your content.

  • Content Promotion: Learn to actively promote your content and drive traffic from a variety of sources.

  • Email Marketing: Use valuable opt-in incentives to grow your email list, bring people into your sales funnel, and build deeper relationships with your audience.

  • External Marketing Channels: Learn how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can tie right into your overall content strategy.

  • Measuring Your Results: Collect and analyze data to measure the results of your content marketing efforts, and ensure that you're always making progress toward your goals.

As you can see, this course covers a lot of ground, and you should walk away with a professional-level understanding of how to market products and services in the modern world. You can apply this knowledge to grow your own business, or to boost your marketing career with your employer or clients.

I think you're going to love this course, and my confidence is backed by Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you get a full refund—no questions asked.

With all of that in mind, I hope to see you inside.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Increase your sales, traffic, and brand recognition using the power of digital content
  • Grow a business from scratch or build upon your existing strategy
  • Understand the cognitive buying journey and how your content can inspire people to take action
  • Optimize your website for content marketing and drive profitable user action
  • Develop a system for consistently generating new content ideas
  • Understand the importance of effective writing and how to become a better writer
  • Become familiar with some of the most effective types of content
  • Generate an endless stream of valuable content by repurposing what you've already created
  • Optimize your site for search engines to drive a consistent stream of free traffic
  • Promote your content and drive traffic from a wide variety of sources
  • Use valuable content to grow your email list and build an effective sales funnel
  • Learn about external marketing channels like facebook, twitter, and instagram
  • Collect and analyze data to measure your results and optimize future campaigns
  • Show more
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Classic Marketing Fundamentals
What Is Marketing?
How Marketing Has (And Hasn't) Changed
Read more
Understanding The Cognitive Buying Journey (And Funnels!)
A Good Way To Visualize AIDA
A Word Of Warning
Glossary Of Marketing Terms
Content Marketing Essentials
What Is Content Marketing, And How Does It Work?
Defining Your Goals
The Importance Of Storytelling: How To Tell Compelling Stories
How To Create Detailed Buyer Personas
Action Steps: Goals & Buyer Personas
Web Design
Why Good Design Matters
The Importance Of Responsive Design
How Minimizing Your Design Can Maximize Your Results
Why You Should Be Using Landing Pages (And When)
Baking Social Proof Into Your Site
Planning For Edge Cases
Why I Recommend Using WordPress
Action Steps: Web Design
Generating Content Ideas
The Importance Of Having A Reliable Ideation System
Creation Begins With Consumption
Conducting A "Brain Dump"
The #1 Tool For Content Research And Competitive Analysis
Questions Straight From Your Target Audience
Eavesdropping On Niche Communities
How Your Existing Audience And Content Can Help You Generate New Ideas
Action Steps: Generating Content Ideas
The Importance Of Effective Writing
How To Write Perfect Headlines
Matching Your Audience's Tone And Vocabulary
Maintaining Focus With Your Content
How To Write A Call-To-Action
How Grammatical Errors Can Cripple Your Marketing Efforts
How To Become A Better Writer
Types Of Content
Content Types Intro
How To Create Epic List Content
Teaching Your Audience With Tutorials
Two Approaches To Q&A Content
Interviews & Profiles
Combining A List With An Interview
How To Create Valuable Reviews And Comparisons
Working News Into Your Content Strategy
Creating Valuable Roundups And Resource Lists
Thought, Opinion, And Controversy
Stories As A Content Format
Statistics And Original Research
Presenting Complex Data For Visual Learners
How To Write A Case Study That Turns Readers Into Buyers
Action Steps: Types Of Content
Content Formats & Repurposing
Content Formats
How To Generate An Endless Stream Of Fresh Content
Watch Me Turn One Video Interview Into More Than A Dozen Pieces Of Content
Action Steps: Content Formats & Repurposing
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
A Brief Introduction To SEO
Understanding Search Engines
Basic Site Setup For SEO
Titles And Meta Descriptions
Themes And Template Settings
How To Select The Right Keywords And Create High-Ranking Content On Any Topic
Does Keyword Density Matter?
Internal Links
Image Optimization
Action Steps: SEO
Content Promotion
Why Promotion Is Important
Strategic Collaboration
The Formula For A Perfect Guest Post Pitch
A Simple Way To Get Leading Influencers To Share Your Content
Teasing Your Content On Social Media
How To Get Your Content Featured In Popular Resource Lists
Don't Neglect This Free Source Of On-Demand Traffic
How To Promote Your Content In Groups & Niche Communities (Without Being Spammy)
An Extremely Effective Way To Significantly Grow Your Audience Overnight
Email Marketing
Why An Email List Is Essential For Your Marketing
How To Entice People To Opt In To Your List
Lead Magnet Ideas
Standard Opt-In Forms
High-Profile Opt-In Forms
How To Turn Commenters Into Subscribers
A Counterintuitive Strategy To Increase Your Conversion Rates
Using Social Proof To Grow Your Email List
Nurturing Your List: The Key To Maintaining Relationships Over Time
Action Steps: Email Marketing
External Marketing Channels
External Channels Intro
Facebook Pages & Ads
The Perfect Facebook Ad Funnel (For Leads)
Notes: The Perfect Facebook Ad Funnel
Facebook Groups

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Aims to help learners grow their business with content marketing in the digital age
Addresses beginners, making core marketing fundamentals accessible
Covers a large scope from content formats to search engine optimization, giving learners a comprehensive understanding
Offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, which minimizes risk for potential learners
Relies on a single instructor, so learners are not exposed to a variety of perspectives
Requires learners to have access to potentially costly software and tools, which may limit accessibility for some

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Reviews summary

Content marketing comprehensive overview

Learners say this course provides a foundational understanding of content marketing.
Course materials are comprehensive.
"Gave a good overview of all the components of content marketing."
Course is very informative.
"Very informative, easy to follow and understand."

Career center

Learners who complete Content Marketing Masterclass: Create Content That Sells will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Content Writer
Content Writers excel at telling gripping stories that move readers to take action. They may work independently or freelance. They are often employed by Content Marketing Agencies, but may also be hired by large corporations or other organizations. This course is a perfect match for aspiring Content Writers. It will help them create persuasive copy that resonates with specific target audiences. It will also teach them how to write for a variety of content formats, including blog posts, articles, website pages, and more.
Copywriters use their words to persuade readers through the written word. They may work in advertising, marketing, or public relations, and are responsible for crafting compelling copy that sells products or services. This course is a valuable resource for aspiring Copywriters. It will teach them how to write effective headlines, calls-to-action, and other persuasive copy. They will also learn how to conduct market research and understand their target audience.
Digital Marketing Specialist
Digital Marketing Specialists are in charge of planning and executing digital marketing campaigns, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing. They work closely with other marketing professionals to create integrated marketing campaigns that reach target audiences and drive business growth. This course is an excellent fit for aspiring Digital Marketing Specialists. It will provide them with a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing fundamentals and best practices. They will also learn how to plan and measure the success of digital marketing campaigns.
Marketing Manager
Marketing Managers oversee all aspects of marketing for an organization, including developing and executing marketing campaigns, managing budgets, and conducting market research. They work closely with other departments, such as sales and product development, to ensure that marketing efforts are aligned with the overall business strategy. This course is a valuable resource for aspiring Marketing Managers. It will provide them with a strong foundation in marketing principles and best practices. They will also learn how to develop and implement effective marketing campaigns that drive business growth.
Public Relations Specialist
Public Relations Specialists are responsible for managing the public image of an organization or individual. They work with the media to promote positive coverage and manage negative publicity. They may also be responsible for developing and implementing public relations campaigns. This course is a useful resource for aspiring Public Relations Specialists. It will help them understand the principles of public relations and how to develop and implement effective public relations campaigns. They will also learn how to work with the media and manage public relations crises.
Social Media Manager
Social Media Managers are responsible for developing and executing social media strategies for organizations and individuals. They create and manage social media content, engage with followers, and track the results of social media campaigns. This course is a great fit for aspiring Social Media Managers. It will teach them how to develop and implement effective social media strategies, create engaging content, and track the results of their campaigns. They will also learn how to use social media to build relationships with customers and promote products or services.
Market Research Analyst
Market Research Analysts conduct market research to gather data about consumer behavior, market trends, and competitor activity. They use this data to help businesses make informed decisions about product development, marketing, and pricing. This course is a useful resource for aspiring Market Research Analysts. It will help them understand the principles of market research and how to conduct effective market research studies. They will also learn how to analyze data and draw insights that can help businesses make better decisions.
SEO Specialist
SEO Specialists are responsible for optimizing websites for search engines. They use a variety of techniques to improve the visibility of websites in search results, such as keyword research and content optimization. This course is a great fit for aspiring SEO Specialists. It will teach them the principles of SEO and how to optimize websites for search engines. They will also learn how to track the results of SEO campaigns and make adjustments as needed.
UX Designer
UX Designers are responsible for designing the user experience for websites and apps. They work with other designers and developers to create websites and apps that are easy to use and enjoyable to interact with. This course may be useful for aspiring UX Designers. It will help them understand the principles of UX design and how to create user-friendly websites and apps. They will also learn how to conduct user research and test prototypes.
Web Developer
Web Developers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining websites. They work with other professionals, such as designers and content writers, to create websites that meet the needs of users. This course may be useful for aspiring Web Developers. It will help them understand the principles of web development and how to create websites that are visually appealing and functional. They will also learn how to use web development tools and technologies.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for developing and managing products. They work with other professionals, such as engineers and designers, to bring products to market and ensure that they meet the needs of customers. This course may be useful for aspiring Product Managers. It will help them understand the principles of product management and how to develop and launch successful products. They will also learn how to track the results of product launches and make adjustments as needed.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts are responsible for analyzing and improving business processes. They work with other professionals, such as managers and IT professionals, to identify areas for improvement and develop solutions. This course may be useful for aspiring Business Analysts. It will help them understand the principles of business analysis and how to identify and solve business problems. They will also learn how to use business analysis tools and techniques.
Project Manager
Project Managers are responsible for planning and executing projects. They work with other professionals, such as team members and stakeholders, to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. This course may be useful for aspiring Project Managers. It will help them understand the principles of project management and how to plan and execute successful projects. They will also learn how to use project management tools and techniques.
Entrepreneurs are individuals who start their own businesses. They are responsible for all aspects of their business, from developing the idea to marketing and selling products or services. This course may be useful for aspiring Entrepreneurs. It will help them understand the principles of entrepreneurship and how to start and grow a successful business. They will also learn how to develop a business plan, raise capital, and market their products or services.
Freelance Writer
Freelance Writers are self-employed writers who work on a project-by-project basis. They may write for a variety of clients, including businesses, magazines, and websites. This course may be useful for aspiring Freelance Writers. It will help them learn how to find clients, develop a portfolio, and market their services. They will also learn how to write different types of content, such as blog posts, articles, and website pages.

Reading list

We've selected nine books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Content Marketing Masterclass: Create Content That Sells.
Provides a comprehensive overview of content marketing, covering strategy, planning, creation, and measurement. It valuable resource for both beginners and experienced marketers.
Focuses on creating high-quality, engaging content that will attract and retain customers. It great resource for marketers who want to create content that stands out from the crowd.
Provides a comprehensive guide to marketing metrics. It covers everything from how to choose the right metrics to how to track and analyze them.
Provides a step-by-step guide to writing effective copy. It covers everything from headline writing to call-to-action writing.
Provides a comprehensive overview of SEO, covering everything from keyword research to link building. It valuable resource for both beginners and experienced SEOs.
Beginner-friendly guide to email marketing. It covers the basics of email marketing, such as list building and email design, in a clear and concise way.
Beginner-friendly guide to social media marketing. It covers the basics of social media marketing, such as social media strategy and content creation, in a clear and concise way.


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