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Aurélien Colson and Alan Jenkins

ندرك جميعًا أنّ الاختلافات الثقافية مهمة وأنها تؤثر على كيفية تفاعلنا مع الآخرين في العمل وأثناء ممارستنا للأنشطة الترفيهية. ولكن ما المقصود بالثقافة تحديدًا وكيف تؤثر على التفاوض بشكلٍ خاص؟

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ندرك جميعًا أنّ الاختلافات الثقافية مهمة وأنها تؤثر على كيفية تفاعلنا مع الآخرين في العمل وأثناء ممارستنا للأنشطة الترفيهية. ولكن ما المقصود بالثقافة تحديدًا وكيف تؤثر على التفاوض بشكلٍ خاص؟

ستساعدك هذه الدورة التدريبية على توخّي الدقة بشكلٍ أكبر فيما يتعلَّق بالأبعاد المختلفة للثقافة من منطقة أو دولة إلى غيرها مع مساعدتك على تجنُّب تسطيح الأفكار واستخدام الكليشيهات والصور النمطية، كما أنها ستساعدك على إدراك ثقافتك بشكلٍ أفضل.‏

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سترشدك وحدات الدورة التدريبية إلى فهم أفضل للأوقات التي تؤثر فيها الاختلافات الثقافية على الأبعاد المختلفة للتفاوض، وهي: الناس والمشكلات والعمليات وكيفية حدوث هذا التأثير. وبفضل هذا الفهم، سيتحسَّن مستوى وعيك واستعدادك وإستراتيجيتك عند مواجهة مفاوضين من ثقافات ومناطق مختلفة عن ثقافتك والمنطقة التي تنتمي إليها. وستلمس أيضًا تحسُّنًا في قدرتك على التوقُّع وفي ردة فعلك ومستوى مرونتك في التفاوض.‏

كما ستتناول هذه الدورة التدريبية أساليب تفاوض محلية ودولية مميَّزة بشكلٍ عملي (سنُلقي نظرة على الأساليب المتبعة في فرنسا والصين وأمريكا الشمالية والشرق الأوسط). بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تبرز دراسة التفاوض في بيئتين تحويان ثقافات متعددة (وهما مؤسسات الاتحاد الأوروبي من جهة ومؤتمر الأطراف المعني بالمناخ في دورته الواحدة والعشرين المنعقد في باريس من جهة أخرى) أهمية عمليات التفاوض الفعّال لتحقيق نتائج قِوامها الكفاءة والعدل على حد سواء.‏

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الثقافة والتفاوض
سنرشدك هنا إلى فهم أعمق للثقافات من خلال النظر إلى أوجه اختلافها عبر عدد صغير من الأبعاد المشتركة، مثل التعامل مع مفهوم المخاطر والسلطة والفرد والوقت وما إلى ذلك. وسنساعدك أيضًا على تجنُّب تسطيح الأفكار واستخدام الكليشيهات والصور النمطية التي من شأنها الإضرار بموقفك أثناء التفاوض في بعض الأحيان.‏
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تأثير الثقافة على البُعد الإجرائي لعملية التفاوض
في هذه الوحدة، ستركّز اهتمامك على الجوانب المختلفة للتواصل اللفظي أو غير اللفظي على حدٍ سواء وسترى أهمية الاختلافات الثقافية بالنسبة لهذه الجوانب. سنعرِض لك أيضًا مدى اعتماد الحوار البنّاء في المفاوضات بين الثقافات على فهم العديد من الاختلافات في السلوك - بدءًا من الاختلافات في الإتيكيت والتأدّب إلى الطريقة التي يتم بها التعبير عن العواطف أو إخفاؤها.‏
تأثير الثقافة على البُعد البشري لعملية التفاوض
تتناول هذه الوحدة كيفية تحقيق التوازن بين الأهمية التي نوليها للثقافة وللسياق وللطابع الشخصي أثناء المفاوضات بين الثقافات. وبالإضافة إلى تحقيق التوازن بين هذه العناصر، توفّر لك هذه الوحدة أيضًا رؤية شاملة لإستراتيجيات التكيُّف المختلفة التي يمكنك اتباعها وفقًا لمدى معرفتك بثقافة المفاوض الآخر.‏
أمثلة محددة
في الوحدة النهائية، سندرس بعض أساليب التفاوض المحلية والدولية (وتحديدًا الأساليب المتبعة في فرنسا والصين وأمريكا الشمالية والشرق الأوسط) لإلقاء الضوء على بعض أبرز أوجه الاختلاف المفيدة للمفاوضين الدوليين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سنلقي نظرة على بيئات متعددة الأطراف والثقافات للتفاوض من خلال التركيز على مفاوضات مؤسسات الاتحاد الأوروبي على سبيل المثال، وعلى مفاوضات مؤتمر الأطراف المعني بالمناخ في دورته الواحدة والعشرين المنعقد في باريس، وسنطّلع أيضًا على أهمية الإجراءات المتبَّعة في نجاح المفاوضات عبر الثقافات المختلفة. سيساعدك كل ما سبق على تحليل ثقافة التفاوض الخاصة بك واستكشافها.‏

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Examines cultural differences in negotiation, a skill increasingly important in today's global economy
Taught by instructors who are industry veterans
Develops skills in identifying and addressing cultural differences in negotiation
Provides a solid theoretical foundation in the cultural dimensions of negotiation
Offers practical examples and case studies from a variety of cultural contexts
Prepares learners to navigate cultural differences in negotiation and achieve better outcomes

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Reviews summary

Impressive negotiation course

The course is well-received with many students reporting that the course has helped them understand the role of negotiation in international and cross-cultural contexts. While the sample size is small, the sentiment of reviews is overwhelmingly positive.


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in التفاوض الدولي وبين الثقافات with these activities:
Find a mentor who can provide guidance on cross-cultural negotiation
Finding a mentor who can provide guidance on cross-cultural negotiation will help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to be successful in this field.
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  • Identify the skills and knowledge you want to develop.
  • Network with people in your field.
  • Ask for introductions to potential mentors.
  • Interview potential mentors to find the best fit for you.
Review diversity and inclusion fundamentals
Refresh your understanding of the basic principles of diversity and inclusion to strengthen your foundation for this course.
Browse courses on Diversity and Inclusion
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  • Review key concepts like unconscious bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.
  • Consider how these concepts impact workplace dynamics.
  • Explore the benefits of diversity and inclusion for organizations and individuals.
Review basic concepts of culture
Reviewing concepts of culture will help you better understand the material in this course.
Browse courses on Culture
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  • Review the concept of culture
  • Summarize the key dimensions of culture
14 other activities
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Review syllabus
Gain an understanding of the course organization and topics covered to get a head start on the course.
Show steps
  • Locate the course syllabus.
  • Read through the syllabus thoroughly.
  • Identify key concepts and topics.
Review the basics of culture and its impact on negotiation
Reviewing the basics of culture will help you build a stronger foundation for understanding the more complex topics covered in this course.
Show steps
  • Read the assigned textbook chapters on culture and negotiation.
  • Take notes on the key concepts and theories discussed in the chapters.
  • Complete the practice exercises at the end of each chapter.
Review cultural differences
Review key cultural differences that may impact negotiation strategies and outcomes.
Browse courses on Cultural Differences
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  • Identify key cultural dimensions that impact negotiation, such as individualism vs. collectivism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance.
  • Research specific cultural practices and norms that may influence negotiation behavior.
  • Consider how cultural differences may affect communication styles, nonverbal cues, and decision-making processes.
Explore the impact of culture on negotiation
Seek out tutorials and articles that provide insights into how cultural differences can influence negotiation strategies and outcomes.
Show steps
  • Identify reputable sources that offer reliable information.
  • Focus on understanding cultural factors that impact communication, trust-building, and decision-making.
Participate in a peer-led discussion on a specific topic related to cross-cultural negotiation
Participating in a peer-led discussion will allow you to learn from and share with other students who are also interested in cross-cultural negotiation.
Show steps
  • Find a peer-led discussion group that is focused on a topic that interests you.
  • Prepare for the discussion by reading the assigned materials and doing some research on the topic.
  • Participate in the discussion by sharing your thoughts and ideas.
  • Listen to the other participants' perspectives and learn from their experiences.
Join a study group or online forum
Connect with peers to discuss course topics, share insights, and reinforce your understanding through collaborative learning.
Show steps
  • Identify or create a study group or join an online forum.
  • Participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your perspectives.
  • Collaborate on projects or assignments to deepen your understanding.
Role-play negotiations across cultures
Develop practical negotiation skills by role-playing negotiations with individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
Browse courses on Negotiation Skills
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  • Identify a specific negotiation scenario and cultural context.
  • Research and understand the cultural norms and expectations of the parties involved.
  • Develop negotiation strategies that are sensitive to cultural differences.
  • Practice role-playing the negotiation, paying attention to verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Reflect on the experience and identify areas for improvement.
Practice identifying cultural differences in negotiation styles
Practicing identifying cultural differences in negotiation styles will help you develop the skills you need to be an effective negotiator in a globalized world.
Browse courses on Negotiation Styles
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  • Find a partner to practice with.
  • Choose a negotiation scenario and assign each person a different cultural perspective.
  • Role-play the negotiation, paying attention to the cultural differences in each person's approach.
  • After the role-play, discuss the cultural differences that you observed and how they affected the negotiation.
Participate in peer discussion groups
Collaborate with peers to enhance understanding, share insights, and clarify concepts
Show steps
Attend a workshop on cross-cultural negotiation
Attending a workshop on cross-cultural negotiation will provide you with the opportunity to learn from experts in the field and network with other professionals.
Show steps
  • Find a workshop that is focused on a topic that interests you.
  • Register for the workshop.
  • Attend the workshop and participate in the activities.
  • Follow up with the workshop organizers after the event.
Create a cultural negotiation simulation
Design and execute a role-play to demonstrate understanding of cultural influences on negotiation strategies
Show steps
  • Identify a specific negotiation scenario and research cultural nuances
  • Develop character profiles representing diverse cultural backgrounds
  • Craft a negotiation plan considering cultural factors
  • Conduct the simulation and observe how cultural differences impact the process
  • Analyze the results and reflect on the implications for negotiation practices
Learn about specific negotiation strategies for different cultures
Learning about specific negotiation strategies for different cultures will give you the tools you need to be successful in negotiations with people from all over the world.
Browse courses on Negotiation Strategies
Show steps
  • Find a tutorial on negotiation strategies for a specific culture.
  • Watch the tutorial and take notes on the key points.
  • Practice the strategies you learned in the tutorial in a role-play with a partner.
Develop a negotiation strategy case study
Create a comprehensive case study that analyzes a negotiation scenario and provides recommendations based on cultural considerations.
Browse courses on Negotiation Strategy
Show steps
  • Select a negotiation scenario that involves cultural differences.
  • Research and analyze the cultural factors that may influence the negotiation.
  • Develop a negotiation strategy that takes into account the cultural context.
  • Present your case study and recommendations to peers or instructors for feedback.
Develop a negotiation plan for a specific cross-cultural negotiation
Developing a negotiation plan for a specific cross-cultural negotiation will help you prepare for and execute a successful negotiation.
Show steps
  • Identify the specific cross-cultural negotiation you are preparing for.
  • Research the culture of the other party.
  • Develop a negotiation strategy that takes into account the cultural differences between the two parties.
  • Write a negotiation plan that outlines your strategy and goals.

Career center

Learners who complete التفاوض الدولي وبين الثقافات will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Serving as an envoy for governments, Diplomats build and maintain diplomatic relations with other nations. Negotiating and reaching agreements on issues such as trade, peace, and environmental protection are crucial aspects of this role. The course in international and cross-cultural negotiation would provide critical insights into the cultural nuances and communication strategies necessary for successful international negotiations.
Foreign Service Officer
Foreign Service Officers represent their country abroad and work towards maintaining good relations with other countries. They play a key role in diplomacy, trade negotiations, and cultural exchanges. Knowledge of international and cross-cultural negotiation is essential for Foreign Service Officers to navigate the diverse cultural contexts they encounter in their work.
International Trade Specialist
Specializing in international trade, International Trade Specialists advise companies on import and export laws, tariffs, and regulations. They negotiate trade agreements, manage international contracts, and facilitate cross-border transactions. Understanding cultural differences and negotiation strategies is crucial for International Trade Specialists to effectively work with clients from various backgrounds.
International Business Consultant
International Business Consultants provide guidance to companies expanding globally, helping them navigate cross-cultural challenges and market complexities. Expertise in international and cross-cultural negotiation is essential for International Business Consultants to advise clients on effective negotiation strategies and cross-border business practices.
Cross-Cultural Trainer
Cross-Cultural Trainers prepare individuals and organizations to interact effectively in diverse cultural environments. This course would provide Cross-Cultural Trainers with in-depth knowledge of cultural dimensions, communication styles, and negotiation techniques. Understanding these nuances helps Cross-Cultural Trainers develop tailored training programs that enhance cross-cultural competence.
Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Diversity and Inclusion Managers are responsible for creating and maintaining inclusive work environments that value and leverage diversity. This course would provide them with insights into cultural differences and their impact on workplace dynamics. Understanding cross-cultural negotiation and communication strategies would be beneficial for Diversity and Inclusion Managers in fostering a positive and inclusive work environment.
Immigration Lawyer
Immigration Lawyers assist individuals and families with navigating the legal complexities of immigration, helping them obtain visas, green cards, and citizenship. Expertise in cross-cultural negotiation is crucial for Immigration Lawyers, as they often work with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds and need to effectively communicate and advocate on their behalf.
Humanitarian Aid Worker
Humanitarian Aid Workers provide assistance to victims of natural disasters, conflicts, and other humanitarian emergencies around the world. Understanding cultural differences and negotiation techniques is essential for Humanitarian Aid Workers to effectively communicate with survivors, local communities, and international organizations involved in relief efforts.
Journalists gather, analyze, and report on news and current events. In today's globalized world, journalists often cover international stories and interact with people from diverse backgrounds. This course in international and cross-cultural negotiation would provide journalists with insights into cultural differences and negotiation strategies, helping them effectively interview sources and report on international affairs.
Peacebuilders work to prevent or resolve violent conflicts and promote peace and reconciliation. In their role, they often interact with individuals and groups from diverse cultural backgrounds. This course in international and cross-cultural negotiation would provide Peacebuilders with the skills to effectively communicate, negotiate, and build trust across cultural divides.
Academic Researcher
Academic Researchers conduct research and publish findings in academic journals and books. This course in international and cross-cultural negotiation could be beneficial for Academic Researchers studying cultural influences on negotiation, international relations, or cross-cultural communication. The course provides a solid foundation for designing research projects and interpreting findings in these fields.
Cultural Anthropologist
Cultural Anthropologists study the behavior, beliefs, and languages of different cultures. This course in international and cross-cultural negotiation would provide Cultural Anthropologists with a deeper understanding of the cultural factors that influence negotiation processes. The course may also be helpful for Cultural Anthropologists who conduct fieldwork in cross-cultural settings.
Economists study the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. This course in international and cross-cultural negotiation may be helpful for Economists who work in international development or trade, as it provides insights into the cultural factors that influence economic decision-making and negotiation processes.
Lawyers advise and represent clients in legal matters. This course in international and cross-cultural negotiation would provide Lawyers with a deeper understanding of cultural influences on legal systems and negotiation processes. The course may also be helpful for Lawyers who practice in international law or cross-border transactions.
Salespeople sell products or services to customers. This course in international and cross-cultural negotiation would provide Salespeople with insights into the cultural factors that influence consumer behavior and negotiation processes. The course may also be helpful for Salespeople who work in international markets.

Reading list

We've selected eight books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in التفاوض الدولي وبين الثقافات.
An exploration of the psychological principles of persuasion and influence, with practical applications for negotiation and conflict resolution.
A practical guide to improvisation and collaboration in negotiation, emphasizing the importance of flexibility, creativity, and empathy.
A practical guide to cross-cultural communication, providing tips and strategies for effective communication across different cultures.
A practical guide to successful negotiation in Arabic, providing tips and strategies for enhancing negotiation skills and achieving desired outcomes.


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