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Aptuts Online Coaching and Prashant Nayak

Don't let a lack of confidence in C programming language ruin your opportunity.

How can you be an expert in developing C programming logic?

5-steps & 6-hours... All it takes to master C language.

Not being able to build C programming logic on your own can often lead to frustration. Some students can very well understand C concepts. But they end up frustrated because they can’t build programming logic in C.

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Don't let a lack of confidence in C programming language ruin your opportunity.

How can you be an expert in developing C programming logic?

5-steps & 6-hours... All it takes to master C language.

Not being able to build C programming logic on your own can often lead to frustration. Some students can very well understand C concepts. But they end up frustrated because they can’t build programming logic in C.

Do you know getting a job in an IT company is getting more difficult, leading to a depressing situation? Are you finding it challenging to crack an IT job interview demanding C programming knowledge?

These things can lead to disappointment. I have gone through all these pains until I came across this approach, which I will tell you.

A systematic step-by-step approach can help you write C programs on your own. It consists of

  • Understanding the C language concepts.

  • Understanding how to build C program logic using flowchart diagrams.

  • Doing hands-on.

  • Answering quizzes for self-evaluation.

  • Doing C programming assignments.

  • Q&A for the query resolution.

I am a software engineer with 14+ years of hands-on experience in the IT industry. In the beginning, I faced many problems writing C programming logic.

Here is the thing…

I learned what it takes to create programming logic and write a C program code. It is a very simple step-by-step guided process that many are unaware of. With the proper guidance, you will be able to learn how to write C program code.

I want to help students and aspiring IT professionals learn how to write C programs and build programming logic.

There are many C courses available in the market. Each course has a different style of teaching. One needs to follow a systematic step-by-step approach to learn how to define C programming logic and write code.

But truthfully… Many C courses lack this approach.

Learning how to write a C program makes it very easy when you

  • Watch someone write and explain the C program code.

  • Watch hands-on examples with flowchart diagrams.

  • Do problem-solving practice assignments.

  • Get continuous feedback from the instructor.

That’s why I came up with a proven step-by-step guided approach to teach you C programming in just 6 hours.

This course on C programming language will help you build programming logic and C language programs using a proven step-by-step approach. This course is perfect for you if you are new to C programming language.

I currently have more than 5,700 students enrolled in my C programming course. I have helped them achieve their learning goals.

But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what my students have to say about my C course (Real 5-Star Reviews).

Abhishek M - "Sir started from scratch and built a strong foundation. He gradually increased the toughness of language, but that doesn’t feel tough to understand because he made the videos in such detail and clear way that in one go, anyone can understand easily. Thank you so much, Sir."

Peter E F. - "The course was very well planned out. This was more than I expected for the 6 hours of video. Very comprehensive. "

Morthala Pulla Reddy - "This course is the best ever for a fresher in C Programming. It covers all the basics, and it's well taught with good examples and programs. The quizzes are so much use since they continuously test the progress."

Yukta Somani - "Really Good Course. I had a good experience with this course and learned a lot. Also, all queries get solved with full explanations, which helped me to comprehend the topics better. Thank you, Sir, for delivering amazing content."

What will you get if you enroll today?

  • Learn C language anytime & anywhere with 6 hours of on-demand video tutorials.

  • Short videos for easy and quick learning.

  • Grasp the C concepts and logic creation process with the help of hands-on lectures.

  • Many assignments so that you learn how to think like a programmer in C.

  • Quizzes for self-evaluation so you can understand where you stand.

  • Access to a private Facebook support group.

  • Free access to future updates.

  • Easy access from any device.

  • Access the C programming course anytime with free lifetime access.

  • Certificate of completion so you can post it on LinkedIn and your resume.

What will you learn?

With this C programming language course, you will learn the following concepts.

  • Variable declaration.

  • Operators in C.

  • C data types.

  • C Arrays.

  • Strings in C language.

  • Structure in C programming.

  • C Pointers.

  • Loops and statements in C.

  • Functions and function prototyping.

  • Local and global variable scope.

  • File operations in C.

After completing this C language course, you will

  • Be an expert in writing C programs.

  • Be able to understand someone's else C program code.

  • Be able to write the C program code effortlessly.

  • Be able to boost your confidence level.

  • Get the certificate of completion.

How does this work?

  • I explain the C programming concept.

  • You watch me doing hands-on and writing C programs.

  • You follow along and repeat it on your computer.

  • Repeat the above process with hands-on examples and assignments provided.

  • Congratulations. You will be confident in building C programming logic and C programs.

Few more reviews by students

Shrutika Devanand Khawle - "Amazing Course, every concept has been described in detail, and after each video, there is a quiz to check your understanding."

B.Siddharthatarun - "The lectures are good, and I am expecting that I can learn C easily. Amazing fell in love with your concept and assignment. Thank you."

Rustam Shrestha - "This was a very well-explained course in C programming language. Instructors give us a recap after he finishes each part and demonstrates real-world examples where the concepts are used... I highly appreciate this course <3. "

Charan Nalli - "Explanation is crystal clear, and everyone recommended, assignments simply superb so that we can get practical knowledge."

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • C programming
  • C language concepts with practicals
  • Variable declaration
  • Operators in c
  • Data types
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Structure in c programming
  • C pointers
  • Loops and statements in c
  • Functions and function prototyping
  • Local and global variable scope
  • File operations
  • Write any c program on your own
  • Think like a programmer
  • Build program logic in c


In this lecture, I will talk more about float and double data type in detail along with some hands-on examples. This will help you understand differences between float and double data types in terms of how values are stored and how you can display values with different number of digits after decimal point

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Message from Instructor
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At the end of this section, you should be ready with all the tools needed to write their first C program.

In this lecture, I will help set up C IDE and C compiler on your Mac machine. Skip this lecture, if you have installed Visual Studio Code.

In this lecture, I will help you set up a C compiler and C IDE on your Windows machine. This video has been updated with additional instructions. The exe file installer is not working anymore. Hence, I have added steps on how to install the C compiler manually. Check the resource section for detailed instructions.

At the end of this section, student should be able to write and understand a basic "Hello World!" program

In this lecture, you will learn how to create a Hello World project in C and display the text "Hello World!" on the output screen. I will also give an assignment that will enable you to try it by yourself.

In this lecture, you will learn how to create a Hello World project in C programming and display the text "Hello World!" on the output screen. I will also give an assignment that will enable you to try it by yourself.

Let's recap what you've learned while creating "Hello World!" Project

In this lecture, I will explain to you how C program execution happens.

In this lecture, you will learn about the usage of comments in C programming. By the end of this lecture, you will be able to add single-line and multi-line comments to your C program.

At the end of this section, you will understand variables, constants and keywords in C. You should be able to write a basic C Program on your own.

In this lecture, you will be introduced to C programming language and understand C Character set.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture - "Introduction to C"

This lecture is about introduction to C Variables, Constants and Keywords

Lets recap what you've learned in lecture  - "Variable, Constant and Keyword in C"

At the end of this lecture, you should be able to construct valid variable names for writing a C program

Let's recap what you have learned in Lecture - "Rules for constructing variable name"

This lecture will introduce you to different primitive data types most commonly used in C programming.

Let's recap what you've learned in lecture the lecture - "Introduction to Data types"

In this lecture, you will learn how to create an integer variable, store value, and print the value on the output screen. At the end of this lecture, you will be given an assignment in C language which will help you clear the concepts you learned in this lecture.

Let's recap what you have learned in the lecture - "Declare Variables - Part 1"

In this lecture, I will explain how to use printf() function to display text, the value of variables, and the combination of text, variables, and constant values on the output screen. By the end of this lecture, you should be able to display whatever text you want on the output screen.

In this lecture, you will learn how to declare and assign values to integer and float variables in C with the help of a hands-on session. You will be given the assignment to help you clear the concepts you learned in this lecture.

Let's recap what we have learned in the lecture - "Declare variables with hands-on - Part 2"

In this lecture, you will learn how to create variables with double and char data-type. You will also learn how to print double and char variable values in C programming.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture - Declare Variables Part 3

In this lecture, I will explain how modifiers in C work. At the end of this lecture, you should be able to understand and list down the different combinations of modifiers and data types in C language without referring to any document.

Let's recap what you have learned in the lecture - "Modifiers in C"

In this lecture, you should be able to find the range of different data types along with the combination of data types and modifiers available in C programming language.

Let's recap what what you have learned in the lecture - "Program to find range of values of data-types"

Let's recap what you have learned in the lecture "Understand float and double data types"

In this lecture, I will explain rules for creating integer, real and character constants in C

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "Constructing constants"

In this lecture, I will give brief overview about different types of instructions in C. I will talk about Type declaration instruction, Arithmetic instruction and Control Instructions in C

Let's recap what you have learned in the lecture "Instructions in C"

In this lecture, I will explain type declaration and arithmetic instruction with help of hands-on session. At the end of this lecture, I will give you an hands-on assignment for you to work on. You should be able to write arithmetic instructions on your own

In this lecture, you will learn how to accept keyboard input from the user and store it in a variable.

Let's recap what you have learned in the lecture "scanf function - Part 1"

In this video, I will explain how to make use of scanf function in C to accept int, float and char values from the user and store it in variables during runtime with help of hands-on example. You will be given an assignment which help you understanding usage of scanf() in C. By the end of this lecture, you will be able to write C program that accept users input and store the input value in a variable.

Let's recap what you have learned in the lecture "scanf function - Part 2"

This is going to be your 1st challenge in the C programming course. The challenge is to create a mini-banking application. In this challenge, you will be able to make use of the concepts learned so far in this C programming course

Message from the instructor

At the end of this section, students should be able to understand and use various arithmetic, increment/decrement, assignment, relational and logical operators

In this lecture, you will learn different arithmetic operators in C like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulo division operators with help of hands-on session. You will be given an assignment which will help you try arithmetic operators by yourself. By the end of this lecture, you will be confident writing C program code which involves arithmetic operators

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "Arithmetic Operators"

In this lecture, I will explain how increment and decrement operator works in C program with the help of hands-on example

Let's recap what you've learned in "Increment and Decrement operators"

In this lecture, I will explain different assignment operators in C programming with the help of hands-on session. By the end of this lecture, you will be able to use different C assignment operators like =, +=, -= etc.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "Assignment operators"

In this lecture, I will explain different relational operators in C programming language with help of hands-on session. At the end of this lecture, you should be able to understand and use C relational operators like Equal to, less than, greater than, Not equal to, less than equal to & greater than equal to

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture - "Relational operators"

In this lecture, I will explain how logical operators in C works with help of hands-on example. By the end of this lecture, you will be able to use logical AND, logical OR and logical NOT in your C program

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "Logical operators"

This is Challenge #2 on operators in C. This challenge will help you understand and select appropriate relational operator as per the program needs

At the end of this section, students will be able to understand various decision control statements and loops in C. They should be able to impletment these C features and write their own code

In this lecture, I will give brief introduction about control instructions in C and list of different control instructions available in C

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "Introduction to Control Instructions"

In this lecture, I will explain syntax of if statement in C programming, usage of if statement with help of hands-on example. At the end of this lecture, you should be able to write a program using if statement

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "if statement - Part 1"

In this lecture, I will explain if-statement in C with the help of hands-on example. I will make use to flowchart which will help you visualize entire program before getting starting with coding process. By the end of this lecture, you will learn how to write a code and be more clear on how to use if-statement in C programming

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "Hands-on: if statement - Part 2"

In this lecture, I will create a simple calculator in C that will perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of 2 integer numbers using if statements. I will teach you the thought process behind writing a code. By the end of this lecture, you will learn step-by-step process which will help you write any C program right from the scratch.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture - "Hands-on: if statement - Part 3"

In this lecture, I will given a simple assignment to you which will allow to to try if-statement by yourself and help you understand how to practically use if-statement in C programming

In this lecture, you will learn syntax of if-else statement in C and how exactly if-else in C works with help of hands-on example

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture - "if-else statement - Part 1"

In this lecture, I will re-write the calculator program using if-else statement in C. You will understand few drawbacks of using multiple if statement and how to overcome that using if-else statement. You will also learn how to use if-else statement to write a C program

In this lecture, I will give an assignment on if-else statement in C programming for you to try if-else statement. This lecture also has a solution to this assignment (download the solution from the resource section). By the end of this lecture, you will learn how to use if-else statement in C.

In this lecture, I will explain how switch statement in works with help of hands-on example. By the end of this lecture, you will be able to write a program using switch statement in C.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "switch statement - Part 1"

In this lecture, I will explain importance of having break statement in switch. I will also talk about usage of default case in switch statement in C programming

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture - "switch statement - Part 2"

In this lecture, you will learn how to accept input from the user and execute switch case based on users input. I will also explain usage of character in switch case with the help of hands-on example

In this lecture, I will give an assignment on switch statement in C which will help you understand switch in a better way.

In this lecture, you will learn how goto statement in C works. By the end of this lecture, you will be able to write a C program using goto statement.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "goto statement"

In this lecture, i will explain syntax of while loop and how while loop in C works with help of flowchart and hands-on example. I will also demonstrate infinite while loop. By the end of this lecture, you will understand working of while loop in C

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "while loop - Part 1"

In this lecture, I will explain while loop with help of hands-on example. By the end of this lecture, you will be confident on how while loop works and you will be able to write any C program using while loop

In this lecture, I will give an assignment which will help you write a C program using while loop.

In this lecture, you will understand syntax of do-while loop in C. You will also learn how do-while loop works with help of hands-on example

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "do-while loop - Part 1"

In this lecture, I will explain working of do-while loop in C with help of hands-on example.

In this lecture, I will give an assignment for you which will allow you to write a program using do-while loop in C. Please download the assignment document from resource section of this lecture for detailed instruction.

In this lecture, you will learn syntax of for loop in C with help of an example.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "Part 1 - for loop"

In this lecture, I will explain C for loop with help of hands-on example

In this lecture, I will give an assignment on for loop in C.

In this lecture, I will explain break statement in C. By the end of this lecture, you will learn how break statement works in C and when to use it in your C program.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture - "break statement"

In this lecture, I will explain continue statement in C. By the end of this lecture, you will learn how continue statement works and when to use it in your C program.

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "continue statement"

In this lecture, I will give a mini-project assignment on loops and statements in C. This mini-project will help you better understand usage of loops and statements in C programming.

At the end of this section, students should be able to create their own functions and modularize their code using functions

In this lecture, I will give an introduction to functions in C programming language. By the end of this lecture, you will get an answer to following 2 questions - What is a function in C & why do we need a function in C?

Let's recap what you've learned in the lecture "Introduction to functions in C"

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Breaks down complex C programming concepts into manageable steps, making it easier for newcomers to grasp fundamental principles and build a solid foundation
Emphasizes hands-on learning with practical examples, assignments, and quizzes, reinforcing theoretical knowledge and developing problem-solving skills essential for real-world applications
Offers a systematic, step-by-step methodology, incorporating flowchart diagrams and continuous feedback, which helps learners build programming logic and write C code effectively
Combines video tutorials, hands-on examples, and problem-solving assignments, catering to different learning styles and promoting active engagement with the material
Provides access to a private Facebook support group, facilitating peer interaction and offering opportunities for learners to get their questions answered and receive guidance from the instructor
Requires learners to install a C IDE and compiler, which may pose a challenge for some beginners who are not familiar with software installation processes

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in C Programming For Absolute Beginners with these activities:
Review Basic Programming Concepts
Reinforce foundational programming concepts like variables, data types, and control flow to prepare for C-specific syntax and logic.
Browse courses on Programming Fundamentals
Show steps
  • Review online tutorials or introductory programming books.
  • Complete basic coding exercises on platforms like Khan Academy or Codecademy.
  • Write pseudocode for simple algorithms.
Read 'C Programming Absolute Beginner's Guide'
Supplement the course material with a beginner-friendly guide to C programming, reinforcing key concepts and providing additional examples.
Show steps
  • Read the first few chapters covering basic syntax and data types.
  • Try the example code provided in the book.
  • Attempt the end-of-chapter exercises.
Codecademy C Course
Practice coding exercises on Codecademy to reinforce C programming syntax and concepts learned in the course.
Show steps
  • Complete the Codecademy C course modules.
  • Focus on exercises related to data types, operators, and control flow.
  • Review and redo exercises you find challenging.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Build a Simple Calculator Program
Apply C programming knowledge to create a functional calculator, solidifying understanding of operators, input/output, and control structures.
Show steps
  • Design the calculator's functionality and user interface.
  • Write C code to handle user input and perform calculations.
  • Test the calculator thoroughly with various inputs.
  • Add error handling for invalid inputs.
Create a C Programming Cheat Sheet
Compile a cheat sheet of C syntax, data types, and common functions to aid in quick reference and reinforce learning.
Show steps
  • Review course materials and identify key concepts.
  • Organize the cheat sheet by topic (e.g., data types, operators, control flow).
  • Include concise explanations and examples for each concept.
  • Share the cheat sheet with other students for feedback.
Answer C Programming Questions on Forums
Reinforce your understanding of C by helping others learn, explaining concepts, and debugging code.
Show steps
  • Find online forums or communities dedicated to C programming.
  • Browse the forums for questions related to topics covered in the course.
  • Provide clear and helpful answers, explaining your reasoning.
  • Offer code examples to illustrate your points.
Read 'The C Programming Language'
Deepen your understanding of C with the definitive guide, exploring advanced topics and gaining insights from the language's creators.
Show steps
  • Read chapters on pointers, memory management, and data structures.
  • Study the example code and try to implement similar programs.
  • Compare the book's explanations with the course material to gain a broader perspective.

Career center

Learners who complete C Programming For Absolute Beginners will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Embedded Systems Engineer
An Embedded Systems Engineer designs, develops, and tests software for devices that are not general-purpose computers. This often involves low-level programming in languages like C. This course's focus on C programming logic and the ability to write C programs is very beneficial for working with embedded systems, as such systems often have resource constraints that require efficient code. The course's emphasis on a structured approach is especially helpful, as embedded systems development often requires methodical planning and design. The hands-on problem solving emphasized by the course is also directly relevant to the practical work of an embedded systems engineer. A transition into this role is a definite possibility for a learner of this course.
Systems Programmer
A Systems Programmer works on the core software that makes a computer system function, including operating systems, device drivers, and utilities. This kind of work often involves C and requires very deep understanding of programming concepts. This course offers a fundamental understanding of C, which is very helpful in this role. The course emphasis on hands-on exercises gives learners the practical experience they need. The course also focuses on the use of flowcharts to diagram code logic, which is helpful in planning and debugging. The course's approach to C programming is directly applicable to the needs of a systems programmer, so learners should consider this track.
Firmware Engineer
A Firmware Engineer develops low-level software that controls hardware devices. This role frequently uses C, requiring engineers to work directly with hardware interfaces and low-level code. A course that emphasizes a systematic approach to C programming provides a strong foundation for a career in firmware engineering. The practical assignments in the course are helpful given the need to manage hardware. The course's focus on writing C programs is a very important skill for firmware engineers. Aspiring firmware engineers will find this course a very helpful introduction to their field.
Software Developer
A Software Developer creates and maintains software applications. While many modern applications are built using higher-level languages, a Software Developer with knowledge of C can be a huge asset, especially when working with system-level programming or performance-critical applications. The course's curriculum on C fundamentals, data types, operators, and control structures is very useful for anyone pursuing a career in software development. It may be particularly useful those seeking roles that demand a deeper understanding of low-level software. The course also aims to develop the ability to understand and write C programs, which are core skills for a software developer.
Game Programmer
A Game Programmer writes code that brings video games to life, using various programming languages to implement game mechanics, artificial intelligence, and user interfaces. C is often used in game development, especially for performance-critical systems. This course’s comprehensive approach to C programming, which includes hands-on assignments and quizzes, is a great way for aspiring game programmers to build practical skills. The course's focus on building logic and solving problems is directly applicable to game programming challenges. Game programmers often need to work with memory management and other low-level details where knowledge of C is particularly helpful, and which are part of the scope of this course.
Robotics Software Engineer
A Robotics Software Engineer develops software to control robots and robotic systems, and this frequently involves low-level programming for real-time control and interactions with hardware. C is a commonly used language for these purposes. This course helps build a foundation in C and the ability to write programs in C. The course is also a great primer for those interested in developing algorithms and implementing them in code, a critical skill. This course provides an avenue for learners to enter the field of robotics software engineering.
Operating Systems Developer
An Operating Systems Developer works on the core software that manages a computer's hardware and software resources. This role often requires a deep understanding of low-level programming concepts and languages like C, which is a major focus of this course. The course's emphasis on practical coding skills through hands-on assignments helps learners prepare for the challenges of OS development. The course material on data types, operators, and control flow in C is critical for anyone working on operating system development. The course may be useful for a transition into this role.
Software Test Engineer
A Software Test Engineer is responsible for designing and executing tests on software to ensure its quality, reliability, and performance. While they don't typically write entire programs from scratch, the ability to read and understand C code is highly valuable, especially when dealing with low-level or embedded software. The course's focus on the fundamentals of C programming helps a test engineer understand how the software is constructed. The course's hands-on exercises are useful for developing a deeper understanding of the software being tested. This course may be helpful for software test engineers seeking opportunities to test lower-level code.
Technical Support Engineer
A Technical Support Engineer provides assistance to users of software or hardware products, troubleshooting technical issues and providing solutions, and may need to understand low-level code. A grasp of C fundamentals, as taught in this course, may be highly useful when dealing with specific software problems or when interacting directly with the product. The course work in problem-solving, the focus on practical assignments, and the ability to understand code, are also helpful. The course may be particularly useful for support engineers who need to debug low-level or embedded systems.
Database Developer
A Database Developer designs, implements, and maintains databases. This role usually involves working with higher-level languages, although C is sometimes used to build database engines or for performance-critical operations within a database system. This course may be helpful for those database developers seeking a deep understanding of the system. The course's focus on programming logic, the ability to read and write C programs, and the hands-on assignments, may develop the skills to work with low-level database operations. This course may be an asset to a developer's portfolio.
Data Scientist
A Data Scientist analyzes complex data using a variety of tools and techniques. Though data science uses high-level languages like Python or R, understanding how C works may be beneficial when dealing with system level performance issues or low-level data processing. This course's comprehensive approach to C programming may be useful for data scientists who need to work closely with system resources. The course's emphasis on hands-on assignments, the ability to write functioning C programs, and development of debugging skills could benefit a Data Scientist. This course may help those who want a better understanding of system level data manipulation.
Network Engineer
A Network Engineer designs, implements, and maintains the communication networks that connect computers and devices. Typically, a Network Engineer will work with network protocols, hardware, and security, rather than programming. However, understanding C can be valuable when dealing with network drivers or optimizing network performance in a low-level environment. This course may be beneficial for engineers who work in the lower levels of the network stack. The course’s emphasis on thinking like a programmer and writing functioning programs may be valuable skills. This course may be useful for those who want to better understand how networking actually works at the system level.
Web Developer
A Web Developer builds and maintains websites and web applications. The majority of web development is done using high-level languages, but a Web Developer may find some knowledge of C useful if they need to interface with system resources, or work on backend systems that require performance optimization. The course's approach to teaching programming logic and the ability to write programs in C may translate to better problem-solving skills. The course may be useful for a Web Developer who wants to better understand how the infrastructure of the web works.
IT Analyst
An IT Analyst evaluates and troubleshoots computer systems, hardware and software for an organization. They identify user needs, and ensure that IT systems are running smoothly and securely. An IT analyst may also help with software procurement, and with project management for IT projects. While C is not directly used by an IT analyst, the underlying logic and systematic problem solving taught by the course, may help with troubleshooting software issues. The course may be useful for IT analysts who want to have a deeper understanding of the programs they manage.
Project Manager
A Project Manager oversees the planning, execution, and completion of specific projects, often in information technology or software development. While they do not directly write C code, a general understanding of programming concepts and the software development process, which is at the foundation of this course, can help project managers appreciate the challenges faced by development teams. The course's focus on problem-solving and a systematic approach may be helpful when dealing with project planning and troubleshooting. This course may be useful for those managing software teams and projects.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in C Programming For Absolute Beginners.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to C programming, tailored for beginners. It covers fundamental concepts with clear explanations and practical examples. It is particularly useful for students with no prior programming experience. The book serves as an excellent companion to the course, offering additional exercises and real-world applications to solidify understanding.
This book, often referred to as 'K&R,' classic and authoritative guide to the C programming language. It provides a deep understanding of C's core concepts and principles. While more advanced than the course material, it is invaluable for students seeking a comprehensive reference. is commonly used as a textbook at academic institutions and by industry professionals.


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