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Brian McCabe

This course will explore the complexities related to globalization. It will examine the history of modern globalization, the critical ideologies, theories, and policies that helped to connect the world economies, and the impacts of globalization on culture, development, and the environment.

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This course will explore the complexities related to globalization. It will examine the history of modern globalization, the critical ideologies, theories, and policies that helped to connect the world economies, and the impacts of globalization on culture, development, and the environment.

No textbook is required for this course.

The course is structured in a way that breaks down the concept of Globalization into fifteen (15) lectures (including the Introduction and Conclusion). Most lectures will be in video form and will have an organized PowerPoint to help frame each concept.

I believe this class will really provide perspective about our world, today. The human landscape has and continues to be shaped by the processes of Globalization, both in good ways and bad ways. After this course, you will understand the globalized world much better. I am confident that the lessons learned in this course can be applied at work, will support a deeper understanding of world issues, or just make you a more informed individual.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Student will understand the several key aspects of globalization.
  • Student will understand the history of globalization.
  • Student will be able to discuss the key critical ideologies behind globalization.
  • Student will be understand least cost theory and its role in shaping the globalized world.
  • Student will be able to discuss uneven global development.
  • Student will be able to identify globally traded commodities that shape economic and political relationships.
  • Student will be able to identify the benefits and liabilities of globalization on cultures around the world.
  • Students will be able to discuss how globalization affects the environment.
  • Students will be able to identify how demographic trends have been shaped by globalization.
  • Students will be able to discuss what might deconstruct or reverse globalization.


Course Introduction
Getting Started! is an introduction to the course. You will have a chance to hear a little bit about the Instructor and learn about the structure of the class.
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Foundations of Globalization
This lecture will introduce you to the subject of Globalization. This will include the key types of Globalization. 
This lecture will explore historical examples of early human trade, the rise of colonialism, the Industrial Revolution, and early American industry.
This lecture will examine various key economic philosophies that informed 20th century ideologies. These include discussions about classical and neoclassical economics, Keynesian economics, and neoliberalism. 
Functional Aspects of Globalization
This lecture will reveal how industry tends to operate where they can be most profitable. Least Cost Theory will be examined both as an early theory and how it has been applied, over the past half century. 
This lecture will explore the global banking, finance, development, and credit systems that resulted from the 1944 Bretton-Woods Conference. The IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization are key discussions. But we will also examine "neocolonialism," or how the Americans continued a relationship of dependency, in the postcolonial era. 
This lecture will explore how economic development has not been even. There will be robust discussions about Wallerstein's World Systems Theory and how the Americans and Europeans became the architects and beneficiaries of modern Globalization, while other nations remain in abject poverty. 
Geopolitics is a global chess game played by nations of power. This lecture will not only explore what geopolitics is, but provide real-life examples. 
This lecture will explore the technologies that enable the movement of goods and services around the world, as well as the communication and global positioning systems that support Globalization. 
Outcomes of Globalization
This lecture is the first in a new line of discussions about the outcomes of Globalization. Population trends (demography) is influenced by and sometimes drives tangible shifts in population. There will be discussions about "Demographic Transition," population measurements, and the distinguishing population characteristics of both developed and developing world nations.
This popular lecture will examine how Globalization has impacted the cultural landscape of the world. Many cultures face real pressures, after opening markets to the West. This lecture will discuss consumerism and marketing, the corporate landscape, and the rejection of Western culture. 
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and now South Africa are changing the dynamics of Globalization. Whereas once the Americans and Western Europeans dominated and determined the global economic landscape, the BRICS now have great influence over the world economy. 
This lecture will focus on the human behavioral aspects of Globalization, through the lens of Garret Hardin's, Tragedy of the Commons. It will explore how short term economic gains outweigh long term environmental effects, because people, corporations, and nations feel they are only a fraction of the problem. 
This supplementary link is an illustrated lecture by David Harvey called "Crisis of Capitalism." It looks at Globalization through the lens of capitalism. Enjoy!
Course Completion
This brief lecture will recap the courses important messages and share some final thoughts. 

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores the complexities related to globalization
Examines the history of modern globalization, the critical ideologies, theories, and policies that helped to connect the world economies, and the impacts of globalization on culture, development, and the environment
Provides a comprehensive study of globalization, from its historical roots to its contemporary manifestations
Develops understanding of the key aspects of globalization, including its history, critical ideologies, uneven global development, and environmental impacts
Strengthens understanding of the benefits and liabilities of globalization on cultures around the world
Taught by Brian McCabe, an experienced instructor in globalization

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in The Geography of Globalization with these activities:
Connect with Professionals in the Global Economy
Connecting with professionals provides insights into career paths, industry trends, and potential job opportunities that relate to globalization.
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  • Research individuals working in fields relevant to globalization
  • Reach out to them via networking platforms such as LinkedIn
  • Attend industry events to engage with professionals
Explore Case Studies of Successful Global Companies
Guided tutorials on case studies reinforce the application of globalization concepts in real-world business scenarios.
Browse courses on Case Studies
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  • Identify case studies of successful global companies
  • Read the case studies and analyze the companies' strategies
  • Discuss the case studies with other students or a mentor
Review an Introduction to Microeconomics
Reviewing this book will help establish or refresh the microeconomic concepts of elasticity, price, and supply and demand that are applicable in the field of Globalization.
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  • Locate an academic copy of Microeconomics
  • Read chapters 1-5
  • Take notes on key concepts
  • Complete exercises at the end of each chapter
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Organize and Present Research on a Globalization-Related Topic
Organizing and presenting research demonstrates the ability to synthesize and communicate knowledge gained throughout the course.
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  • Choose a topic related to the course
  • Research the topic and gather information
  • Organize the information in a logical and coherent manner
  • Create a presentation using slides or other visual aids
  • Deliver the presentation to an audience

Career center

Learners who complete The Geography of Globalization will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Geographers work to understand the world around them. This work is made easier with a firm understanding of how globalization has impacted the world, and in many other ways, shaped the world we live in. The Geography of Globalization will help Geographers understand the human role in shaping the geography of the world.
Researchers who study subjects related to globalization, international development, economics, or culture will discover that The Geography of Globalization may be helpful as it will develop the foundational knowledge and context necessary to succeed in these fields of study.
International Business Consultant
International Business Consultants must have a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of the global economy, the regulations and legislations that govern these relationships, and the history that brought us to this point. An understanding of how these complex systems interact and influence one another is necessary to give good counsel to clients in a variety of industries. The Geography of Globalization will help students build this type of understanding.
Foreign Service Officer
Foreign Service Officers will need to disseminate information about globalization to foreign audiences, promote American interests abroad, and provide policy analysis for an American foreign policy agenda. Understanding the policies, impacts, and challenges that have emerged as a result of the modern process of globalization can help a Foreign Service Officer succeed in their role.
Operations Manager
Operations Managers that oversee international supply chains or that must work with vendors in other countries will want to understand how different cultures perceive and conduct business. This type of business acumen will help them better conduct their business in the global marketplace. The Geography of Globalization will help Operations Managers gain this perspective.
Sociologists that specialize in demographics or that are interested in economic inequality, migration, or other globally relevant social issues may want to consider enrolling in The Geography of Globalization as this course will explore the intricate interplay between globalization and social change.
Political Scientist
Political Scientists interested in international relations will strongly benefit from the material covered in The Geography of Globalization. This course will help Political Scientists understand the globalization of the world and how it has impacted the political landscape.
Sustainability Manager
Sustainability Managers will need to make decisions that balance environmental, economic, and social concerns. This course will help Sustainability Managers understand how globalization complicates decision-making and the challenges associated with balancing these three pillars of sustainability.
International Development Specialist
International Development SPecialists that work in a variety of roles to improve the lives of people around the world will need to understand the historical and modern forces that have led to uneven global development. The types of development strategies that can be employed will require a deep understanding of modern globalization. The Geography of Globalization will help build this type of understanding.
Public Policy Analyst
Public Policy Analysts that work for international organizations, governments, or non-profits may want to consider enrolling in The Geography of Globalization. Strong knowledge of the history, theories, and impacts of modern globalization will provide the context for decision making and policy analysis.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst will need to have a foundational understanding of how the global economic system functions, as well as some geopolitical realities. Balancing local supply chains with international markets and maintaining a global supply chain are skills that all Data Analysts should be familiar with. The Geography of Globalization will help build this type of foundational understanding of globalization.
Historians must have an understanding of the past to ethically guide us into the future. The Geography of Globalization may be helpful for Historians that wish to specialize in economic or political history in the modern era.
Journalists that cover international trade, geopolitics, economics, and related topics will benefit from a solid background in the history, theories, and impacts of globalization. The Geography of Globalization will help build this type of background.
Economists that work in international trade will need to understand the forces that shape the markets and the interconnected global economic system that determines the movement of goods across borders. The Geography of Globalization can be helpful to build this type of expertise.
Lawyers that work in international law, trade law, diplomacy, or international banking may find that The Geography of Globalization will be helpful as this course will build a strong foundation in the history, theories, and policies that have shaped the modern global economy.

Reading list

We've selected 12 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in The Geography of Globalization.
Provides a concise and accessible overview of the history, theories, and key debates surrounding globalization.
Examines the tensions between economic globalization and democratic governance, and offers insights into the challenges and opportunities of globalization.
Provides a theoretical framework for understanding the global political economy, and explores the interactions between states, markets, and civil society.
Provides an overview of the field of international political economy, and explores the relationships between economics, politics, and security at the global level.
This textbook provides an introduction to the field of international relations, and explores the impact of globalization on the global political system.
Provides a comprehensive collection of historical statistics on the world economy, covering topics such as population, GDP, and trade.
This textbook provides an introduction to the global economy, and explores the challenges and opportunities of globalization.
Critiques the dominant view of globalization as a force for good, and argues that it has led to increased poverty and inequality.
Explores the environmental challenges facing the global economy, and argues that we need to transition to a more sustainable model of development.
Explores the impact of globalization on culture, and argues that it has led to both homogenization and diversity.


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