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Deep Travel

Have Adventures No Guidebook Can Tell You About

Dave Fox

Have life-changing travel adventures no guidebook can tell you about. Dive DEEP into foreign cultures and enjoy authentic, rich connections with the people who live in the places you visit.

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Have life-changing travel adventures no guidebook can tell you about. Dive DEEP into foreign cultures and enjoy authentic, rich connections with the people who live in the places you visit.

Taught by a professional travel writer, world explorer, and former Rick Steves tour guide ~ Dave Fox has been featured for his knowledge of foreign cultures on the History Channel, Channel NewsAsia, National Public Radio in the United States, and ABC Radio in Australia.

Have you ever known somebody who goes on vacation and comes home with larger-than-life tales to tell – every single time? Have you ever wondered why some people have incredible adventures when they travel, while others have a good time but never seem to go beyond the generic tourist experience? Have you ever wished you could be one of the people who has all the incredible adventures – an intrepid explorer who plunges deep into local cultures, connects with fascinating people, transcends cultural differences, and comes home with wild stories?

~ This course teaches you how to make that happen ... even if you're an introvert. ~

Huge, crazy, life-changing travel experiences don't happen by accident. Yes, there's an element of chance involved as to when they occur, but they happen far more frequently to people who travel with a certain mindset, a special attitude, a willingness to venture beyond the usual guidebook recommendations and dive deep into local life.

To some people, that might sound scary, but if you follow the tips in this course, it won't be. You'll discover how to slowly, gently stretch the boundaries of your cultural comfort zones, tiptoeing lightly at first until you gain the confidence to plunge deeper into the enthralling world of culture shock.

You'll discover how to...

  • Travel with the mindset necessary to transcend mainstream tourism and dive deep into unfamiliar places.
  • Explore the challenges (and thrills) of culture shock, and flow with those challenges so that traveling in a foreign environment doesn't feel intimidating.
  • Connect with people who live in the places you visit – in authentic ways that are far more sincere and intimate than any scripted tour company activity.
  • Make yourself approachable as a traveler, so you meet new friends and gain invitations into people's lives.
  • Meet people safely, reading their attitude and body language, and developing a sense of when it's okay to trust a stranger or a potential new friend.

This course also includes an interview with Beth Whitman, author of Wanderlust and Lipstick: The Essential Guide for Women Traveling Solo, about travel safety concerns specific to women.

Dave Fox is a professional travel writer and bestselling author ... and he's one of those people who has deep, rich encounters with the local culture whenever and wherever he travels. For years, Dave has been exploring the world, seeking out unique, sometimes wacky adventures, and teaching aspiring travel writers how to craft amazing tales.

Now, in this course for non-writers and writers alike, he explains his techniques for plunging deep into foreign environments, immersing himself confidently in cultures he doesn't understand, and connecting with the people who live in the places he writes about.

And hey, Dave believes learning should be entertaining ... so his lessons aren't just full of useful tips for connecting with people in the places you visit. He also weaves lively personal anecdotes into each lesson to illustrate what he teaches. He offers tales from his journeys on five continents as he reveals how he connects with people wherever he goes.

Whether you're an experienced explorer seeking a deeper level of excitement in your travels, or a new adventurer planning your first trip abroad, you'll discover how to transcend mainstream tourism, break free from guidebook "must see" checklists, and connect with local cultures in authentic ways that most travelers wish they could do, but don't know how to.

If you've read this far, that probably means you love to travel. You're curious about the world and you want to have the biggest, boldest travel experiences you possibly can. The skills you learn here will enrich your life with extraordinary adventures as you discover how to connect in any culture with people who are different from you.

Most tourists just skim the surface of the places they visit. If you want to dive deep and come home with big tales to tell, join us in this three hour workshop – and get ready to travel like you never have before.

Also check out my writing courses on Udemy:

  • Globejotting: How to Write Extraordinary Travel Journals (and still have time to enjoy your trip. )
  • Travel Writing: Explore the World & Publish Your Stories
  • Professional Humor Tricks for Writers, Speakers, and Other Misfits
  • The Writing Mind 1: Defeat Writer's Block & Write Confidently
  • The Writing Mind 2: Overcome Distractions & Get More Written

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Thrive in foreign environments and embrace the joy of culture shock.
  • Gently stretch the limits of your culture shock boundaries, moving deeper and deeper into big adventures.
  • Make authentic connections with local residents in the places you visit – even when there are thick language and cultural barriers.
  • Choose alternative forms of accommodations, transportation, dining, etc., that bring you more closely in touch with local experiences.
  • Go beyond the limits of mainstream tourism to find unique travel experiences no guidebook could ever tell you about.
  • Read people and situations when traveling to determine whether they are safe.
  • Come home your trips with phenomenal stories to tell.
  • (and along the way, you'll hear lots of fun travel tales that illustrate the lessons in this course.)



Have you ever had a friend who goes on vacations and comes back larger-than-life stories to tell about their adventures? Have you ever wondered why those kinds of things seem to happen to some people and not others? Here's a hint: It's not because some people are lucky.

Experiencing deep connections with local cultures, finding the sorts of experiences you'll never read about in any guidebook, comes from having a certain type of traveler's mindset, a desire to go beyond mainstream tourism in search of authentic connections with local cultures. 

The good news is even if you're shy, even if you don't consider yourself an adventurous person, that mindset is something you can develop. Welcome to our course on Deep Travel. Unfasten your seatbelt, prepare yourself for a wild ride, and get ready to travel like you've never traveled before!

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Different people travel for different reasons. Some go in search of history. Others explore with their tastebuds. Then there are those who set out in search of great art, natural wonders, or to gain a better understanding of world cultures. But there's one universal reason why everyone who explores the globe loves to travel. Understanding that reason will motivate you to plunge deeper into your journeys than ever before. 

Students will learn how to thrive when culture shock strikes, how to handle the initial jolt of stress that sometimes hits travelers on arrival, and how to travel confidently in unfamiliar places.

The term "culture shock" tends to have a negative connotation but there's a positive side to it as well. The excitement and sense of wonder we feel when we've just arrived in an unfamiliar place can be invigorating. In this lesson, we explore the full scope of emotions that comes with culture shock, and we begin reframing the way we look at it.

If you haven't gone jogging in a long time, you don't begin with a marathon. Culture shock is like a muscle that anyone can develop over time. Here's how to do that.

Arriving in a foreign place is a bit like jumping into an icy lake. The initial splash can be a shock to your system, but after a little while you get used to the water. Still, even experienced travelers often experience some anxiety when they first set foot on unfamilar turf. Now, we look at how to manage and minimize that anxiety.

Transcending Generic Tourism: Deep and Authentic Connections with Local Cultures

I never intended to go on vacation in Vietnam. I ended up going due to a scheduling problem. This is the story of how a decision to cross the street changed my life forever ... and why you should take a few more walks. 

Most guidebooks and travel websites gloss over the most amazing thing you can do when you travel. 

There's a saying that "luck is what happens to those who show up." In this lesson, we examine how you can choose to put yourself in the right place at the right time to vastly improve your chances of connecting with local people and having transformative travel experiences. 

Want to have deep connections with people in places where you're a stranger? The vibe you give off tells them whether or not they want to come talk to you. 

Growing up, we were taught never to talk to strangers. When we were children, that was good advice. But as adults, we have a more highly developed sense of when things are safe and when we should move along. 

In spite of that, starting conversations with people can feel challenging even when we're in our own familiar cultures – but when we travel, a simple, well-placed question can open up invitations into local events, people's homes, and even lifelong friendships. And it doesn't have to be scary or difficult – even if you consider yourself a shy person. In this lesson, we explore freakishly simple ways to meet new people and change our lives. I share some of my most successful and easy techniques for drawing people into conversations ... and making them want to draw you into their world.

From planting trees on Borneo to being an English tutor for a day in Laos, I share some of my favorite international volunteering experiences. I explain how to find these opportunities – and why seeking them out can bring you strong connections with local communities. 

I also talk about some of my wildest homestay experiences. In Nepal, I waded through three icy streams to reach an isolated community where I became a temporary family member. And you won't believe what happened when the matriarch of an indigenous hilltribe family in rural Vietnam received a wrong-number phone call at dinner one night. Homestays aren't as comfortable as four-star hotels, and that's why I love them. There's not a fluffy pillow or room service menu in the world that can compete with these experiences. 

Language is one of the biggest barriers travelers encounter – but not for the reasons most people think. It's always good to learn at least a few phrases of the local language when traveling, but even if you're totally monolingual, there are simple things you can do to vastly improve your communications skills across a linguistic divide.

Rethinking Logistics: Minor Changes in How You Travel Create Bigger Experiences

Food is a universal connector. And while a splurgy restaurant can be fun when traveling, if you want to dive deep into the local culture, there are more exciting ways to dine. We explore options for cooking classes, market visits, and even dining in people's homes. 

Plus: Street food. Your doctor tells you not to do it. I share my thoughts, as well as tips on how to discover truly local restaurants you won't find in any guidebook or on any website. 

Budget airlines have changed the way we travel, but are they watering down our experiences? Learn why old-school ways of getting around will transport you far deeper into the local culture than a trip through the clouds ... and join me on a crazy local transportation adventure in Laos. 

Yes, you read that correctly! Find out how my wife and I scored a private house with a swimming pool in a little French village and paid just 90 US dollars – for an entire month! We became temporary members of the local community for less than the cost of a nice dinner for two in Paris.

I also explain why hostels are misunderstood. And I talk about one of my top priorities when choosing an AirBNB apartment rental – something most people never think about that brings me in closer contact with the places I explore. 

You've heard my lecture on why I love budget accommodations, but hey, I get it. Different people have different travel styles and sometimes you just want to splurge. (I even do it myself sometimes!) 

There's a misconception that staying in upscale places will limit your contact with the real culture in the places you visit. With the right attitude, it doesn't have to. The challenge, however, is that some fancy hotels like to hold you captive. In this lesson, learn the tricks some fancy resorts use to keep you eating at their restaurants – and why you shouldn't listen to them! Discover how to break free and see the real world even if you do want that fluffy pillow under your head at night. And if you're going on a cruise, learn how to create your own adventures much more enticing than any organized shore excursion. 

Private tour guides can give you access to experiences you could never find on your own, and in some countries, they're surprisingly affordable, even for budget travelers. But many guides need to be nudged off of their tired itineraries. In this lesson, learn how and why you should untrain your tour guide. 

You want extraordinary cultural experiences but you also like the convenience of an organized tour? You can have both, but you need to be proactive both before and during your journey.


In this course on how to dive deep into unfamiliar places, safety is our biggest concern. Trusting strangers and taking risks can lead to extraordinary experiences ... or extraordinary trouble. In this introduction to our section on travel safety, I tell three stories from three countries about times when I've taken those risks. I explains how things got scary on two of those occasions, and why I still trusted a stranger enough on the third occasion to wander down a blind alley and into one of my most wonderful encounters ever. 

In my lifetime of international travel, I've developed a strong intuition about when things are safe and they aren't – and that intuition has served me well. I have traveled across five continents and never been in a serious physical altercation. I explain my techniques for reading people and situations to determine whether things are safe, and I share my tips for talking my way out of potentially dodgy encounters before they become confrontational.  

My pal, Beth Whitman, author of Wanderlust and Lipstick: The Essential Guide for Women Traveling Solo, joins me via Skype to talk about travel safety concerns specific to women. 

(But men: Don't skip this one! Beth's got great advice and encouragement for everybody!)

Is the world really as dangerous as we hear? Often, the answer to that question is no. Learn how misconceptions and prejudices can lead to a false sense of danger – and also how to dig beneath the horror stories to find out if a place is really safe to visit or not. 

You've heard the story. Now, check out the free concert! See how an impoverished Nepali street vendor, a blinding rainstorm, and a sketchy looking alley in Nepal led me through a labyrinth, into a magical musical experience. 

Social and Anti-Social Media: Be in the Moment & Stay Centered in Where You Are

Sometimes you have to disconnect in order to connect ... and vice versa!

When done right, taking pictures of people you encounter can help you connect with the local culture. When done wrong, it can have the opposite effect. In this lesson, we explore the art of photographing strangers: How do you use your camera (or phone) as a tool for meeting other people and learning about their culture? (And what happens when you use it the wrong way?)

Okay ... so if you're going to go have all of these amazing experiences, you've got to remember your stories! A lot of things happen when we travel that we won't recall later from photography alone. The solution is a well-written travel journal. But how do you find time to write when there's so much else to do in the middle of an incredible adventure? 

In this bonus lesson from my travel journaling course on Udemy, I reveal my most important tip for how to write about your travel experiences – quickly – so that journaling doesn't gobble up all of your precious time.

Go Have Crazy Adventures! - Dave's Three Rules for Maximizing Travel Happiness

Yes ... this is weird ... which is why it works. 

My top three tips for how to have extraordinary travel adventures – and how to contact me for workshops, cross-cultural coaching, or just to say hello. 

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches skills for overcoming culture shock, confidence in unfamiliar places, connecting with people, and choosing alternative accommodations and transportation
Explores topics such as culture shock, connecting with locals, choosing alternative accommodations, and transportation, and safety concerns
Taught by Dave Fox, a professional travel writer and bestselling author with extensive experience and recognition in the field
Suitable for experienced explorers seeking deeper travel experiences or new adventurers planning their first trip abroad
Involves instructors sharing lively personal anecdotes to illustrate lessons and make learning entertaining
Provides guidance on reading people and situations to determine safety when traveling

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Reviews summary

Travel like a local with dave

According to students, the likability of the lead instructor and relevance to personal travel make this course worth considering. Students say that not only is Dave an engaging and knowledgeable guide to off-the-beaten-path travel but he also has a great voice for audio-learning.
The instructor's voice was praised in reviews for being pleasant and easy to listen to.
"Dave is pleasant to listen to..."
The topic of travel is interesting to students, especially in learning about destinations not found in guidebooks.
"the topic is very interesting to me"


Coming soon We're preparing activities for Deep Travel: Have Adventures No Guidebook Can Tell You About. These are activities you can do either before, during, or after a course.

Career center

Learners who complete Deep Travel: Have Adventures No Guidebook Can Tell You About will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Travel Writer
Travel writers use their passion for exploring the world to create engaging and informative content. This course teaches how to dive deeply into different cultures and connect with locals, which are essential skills for travel writers. The course also provides tips on how to write compelling travel stories, which can help travel writers succeed in their field.
Tour Guide
Tour guides lead groups of people on tours of historical, cultural, or natural attractions. This course teaches how to connect with people from different cultures and build rapport, which are essential skills for tour guides. The course also provides tips on how to create engaging and informative tours, which can help tour guides succeed in their field.
Cultural Anthropologist
Cultural anthropologists study the customs, beliefs, and social structures of different cultures. This course teaches how to immerse oneself in different cultures and learn about their values and traditions, which are essential skills for cultural anthropologists. The course also provides tips on how to conduct research and write about different cultures, which can help cultural anthropologists succeed in their field.
International Development Worker
International development workers work to improve the lives of people in developing countries. This course teaches how to work effectively with people from different cultures and understand their needs, which are essential skills for international development workers. The course also provides tips on how to design and implement development programs, which can help international development workers succeed in their field.
Foreign Service Officer
Foreign service officers represent their country abroad and work to promote its interests. This course teaches how to build relationships with people from different cultures and understand their perspectives, which are essential skills for foreign service officers. The course also provides tips on how to negotiate and resolve conflicts, which can help foreign service officers succeed in their field.
Journalists report on current events and investigate important issues. This course teaches how to gather information from different sources and write compelling stories, which are essential skills for journalists. The course also provides tips on how to conduct interviews and research, which can help journalists succeed in their field.
Business Development Manager
Business development managers identify and develop new business opportunities. This course teaches how to build relationships with potential clients and create proposals, which are essential skills for business development managers. The course also provides tips on how to conduct market research and identify new trends, which can help business development managers succeed in their field.
Teachers educate students in a variety of subjects. This course teaches how to create engaging and informative lesson plans, which are essential skills for teachers. The course also provides tips on how to manage a classroom and motivate students, which can help teachers succeed in their field.
Community Organizer
Community organizers work to improve the lives of people in their communities. This course teaches how to build relationships with people from different backgrounds and mobilize them to take action, which are essential skills for community organizers. The course also provides tips on how to develop and implement community programs, which can help community organizers succeed in their field.
Nonprofit Manager
Nonprofit managers lead nonprofit organizations that work to improve the lives of others. This course teaches how to build relationships with donors and stakeholders, which are essential skills for nonprofit managers. The course also provides tips on how to develop and implement fundraising strategies, which can help nonprofit managers succeed in their field.
Marketing Manager
Marketing managers develop and implement marketing campaigns to promote products or services. This course teaches how to understand the target audience and create effective marketing messages, which are essential skills for marketing managers. The course also provides tips on how to use different marketing channels, which can help marketing managers succeed in their field.
Human Resources Manager
Human resources managers oversee the human resources department of an organization. This course teaches how to build relationships with employees and create a positive work environment, which are essential skills for human resources managers. The course also provides tips on how to recruit and hire employees, which can help human resources managers succeed in their field.
Social Worker
Social workers help people overcome challenges and improve their lives. This course teaches how to work effectively with people from different backgrounds and build relationships, which are essential skills for social workers. The course also provides tips on how to assess needs and develop plans to help people achieve their goals, which can help social workers succeed in their field.
Sales Manager
Sales managers oversee the sales team of an organization. This course teaches how to build relationships with customers and close deals, which are essential skills for sales managers. The course also provides tips on how to motivate and manage a sales team, which can help sales managers succeed in their field.
Entrepreneurs start and run their own businesses. This course teaches how to develop a business idea and create a business plan, which are essential skills for entrepreneurs. The course also provides tips on how to raise capital and market a business, which can help entrepreneurs succeed in their field.

Reading list

We've selected 16 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Deep Travel: Have Adventures No Guidebook Can Tell You About.
Provides a sweeping overview of human history, from the Stone Age to the present day. It thought-provoking and illuminating read that will challenge your assumptions about the world.
Provides practical advice and inspiration for those who want to travel long-term and experience the world in a deeper way. It valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to travel independently and make the most of their experiences.
Explores the factors that lead to the collapse of societies. It provides insights into how we can avoid the mistakes of the past and create a more sustainable future.
Explores the transformative power of travel and how it can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world. It great companion to the course, as it provides a philosophical and introspective look at the experience of travel.
This memoir recounts Strayed's experiences hiking the Pacific Crest Trail alone after the death of her mother and the end of her marriage. It powerful and inspiring story about resilience, self-discovery, and the healing power of nature.
Explores the history of mass extinctions and the threats facing the planet today. It powerful and urgent call to action that will inspire readers to protect the environment.
Explores the relationship between health, wealth, and inequality. It provides a comprehensive overview of the factors that contribute to health and well-being and how they vary around the world.
This allegorical novel tells the story of a young shepherd who travels to Egypt in search of a treasure buried near the Pyramids. It timeless story about following your dreams and finding your true purpose.
Provides a practical guide to happiness. It includes exercises and activities that can help readers identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and make changes in their lives.
Explores the science of happiness and how it varies around the world. It fascinating read that provides insights into the factors that contribute to happiness and well-being.
Explores the science of habits and how they shape our lives. It provides insights into how we can change our habits and create new ones.
Explores the power of introversion and how introverts can make a difference in the world. It provides insights into how introverts can communicate their ideas, build relationships, and find success.


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