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Abdullah Alsaket

بنهاية المشروع ده، هتكون خبير بكيفية استخدام Microsoft PowerPoint online عشان تعمل personal portfolio قوية تجذب انتباه اى شخص يشوفها سواء كان مسئول توظيف او عميل بيشوف شغلك وبيتعرف عليك من خلال الـ portfolio بتاعك. خلال المشروع هنمشى مع بعض خطوة بخطوة عشان نقدر نصمم portfolio من الصفر بالشكل والـdesign الي إنت عايزه. وهتقدر تملاها معلومات بأشكال مختلفة عشان تعرض فيها نفسك وخبراتك وشغلك زي مثلاً الصور والجداول والاشكال وكمان هتعرف ايه هو ترتيب الـ portfolio من ناحية ترتيب المعلومات او تنسيقها داخل الـslides. Microsoft PowerPoint هو أحد برامج شركة Microsoft. و بنستخدمه عشان نعرض افكارنا والمحتوى اللى حابين نعرضه سواء على عملاء او زملائنا فى العمل من خلال الـ Presentations اللى بنصممها وبنحط فيها معلومات مدعومة بالصور ومقاطع الفيديو وتسجيلات وانتقالات ومميزات كتير عشان تقدم المعلومات فى افضل صورة ممكنه تساعدك فى تحقيق الهدم المصممة ليه .المشروع ده مخصص للمبتدئين في كل المجالات و المهتمين بأنهم يتعلموا ازاي يستخدموا Microsoft Powerpoint عشان يعملوا portfolio شخصى ليهم يقدموا فيه نفسهم ويعرضوا فيه شغلهم وخبراتهم بكل احترافيه وبشكل بسيط وملفت ومسلي ويعرفوا يستفيدوا منه بأكبر شكل ممكن. المشروع ده هيحطك في الطريق الصحيح في انك تتعلم ازاي تستخدم PowerPoint بأكبر شكل ممكن عشان تعمل الـ portfolio الخاص بيك

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ملخص المشروع
بنهاية المشروع ده، هتكون خبير بكيفية استخدام Microsoft PowerPoint online عشان تعمل personal portfolio قوية تجذب انتباه اى شخص يشوفها سواء كان مسئول توظيف او عميل بيشوف شغلك وبيتعرف عليك من خلال الـ portfolio بتاعك. خلال المشروع هنمشى مع بعض خطوة بخطوة عشان نقدر نصمم portfolio من الصفر بالشكل والـdesign الي إنت عايزه. وهتقدر تملاها معلومات بأشكال مختلفة عشان تعرض فيها نفسك وخبراتك وشغلك زي مثلاً الصور والجداول والاشكال وكمان هتعرف ايه هو ترتيب الـ portfolio من ناحية ترتيب المعلومات او تنسيقها داخل الـslides. Microsoft PowerPoint هو أحد برامج شركة Microsoft. و بنستخدمه عشان نعرض افكارنا والمحتوى اللى حابين نعرضه سواء على عملاء او زملائنا فى العمل من خلال الـ Presentations اللى بنصممها وبنحط فيها معلومات مدعومة بالصور ومقاطع الفيديو وتسجيلات وانتقالات ومميزات كتير عشان تقدم المعلومات فى افضل صورة ممكنه تساعدك فى تحقيق الهدم المصممة ليه .المشروع ده مخصص للمبتدئين في كل المجالات و المهتمين بأنهم يتعلموا ازاي يستخدموا Microsoft Powerpoint عشان يعملوا portfolio شخصى ليهم يقدموا فيه نفسهم ويعرضوا فيه شغلهم وخبراتهم بكل احترافيه وبشكل بسيط وملفت ومسلي ويعرفوا يستفيدوا منه بأكبر شكل ممكن. المشروع ده هيحطك في الطريق الصحيح في انك تتعلم ازاي تستخدم PowerPoint بأكبر شكل ممكن عشان تعمل الـ portfolio الخاص بيك

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مناسب للمبتدئين، يضعك على الطريق الصحيح لتعلم أساسيات استخدام PowerPoint لعمل Portfolio احترافي
يغطي أساسيات إنشاء Portfolio باستخدام PowerPoint، مثل اختيار القالب وإضافة المحتوى وتنسيقه
يقدم نصائح حول كيفية استخدام الصور والجداول والأشكال لجعل Portfolio الخاص بك أكثر جاذبية بصريًا
يوجهك خطوة بخطوة من خلال عملية إنشاء Portfolio من الصفر

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حضور ورشة عمل حول العروض التقديمية الفعالة
تمنحك فرصة للتفاعل مع المتخصصين وتعلم تقنيات جديدة لتحسين مهاراتك في العرض التقديمي.
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  • ابحث عن ورش عمل حول العروض التقديمية الفعالة في منطقتك
  • سجل في ورشة عمل تناسب مستوى مهاراتك واهتماماتك
  • حضر ورشة العمل وشارك بنشاط
  • تواصل مع المتحدثين والمشاركين الآخرين
الحصول على دورة تدريبية فى برنامج Microsoft Powerpoint.
سيساعدك على فهم أساسيات برنامج Microsoft PowerPoint وتجديد مهاراتك فيه.
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  • التسجيل في دورة تدريبية عبر الإنترنت أو الحضور إلى فصول تدريبية شخصية.
  • مشاهدة مقاطع فيديو تعليمية حول برنامج Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • ممارسة استخدام البرنامج من خلال إنشاء عروض تقديمية بسيطة.
تمرين على تنسيقات الشرائح
تساعدك على فهم ترتيب المعلومات وتنسيقها داخل الشرائح بشكل أفضل.
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  • قم بإنشاء عرض تقديمي جديد في PowerPoint
  • أضف بعض الشرائح وانواع المعلومات المختلفة إليها (نصوص وصور وجداول وما إلى ذلك)
  • جرب ترتيبات وأشكال مختلفة لتنسيق العرض
  • احصل على ملاحظات من الآخرين على تصميم شريحتك
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إرشادات حول استخدام ميزات PowerPoint المتقدمة
توفر لك هذه الدروس نظرة ثاقبة حول وظائف PowerPoint الأكثر تقدمًا والتي يمكن أن تعزز عرضك التقديمي.
Browse courses on PowerPoint
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  • ابحث عن دروس حول ميزات PowerPoint المتقدمة عبر الإنترنت
  • شاهد مقاطع الفيديو التعليمية وتابع الدروس المكتوبة
  • جرب الميزات الجديدة في عروضك التقديمية

Career center

Learners who complete انشاء Portfolio شخصي باستخدام Microsoft Powerpoint will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Marketing Manager
A Marketing Manager is in charge of planning and executing marketing campaigns that promote a company's products or services. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective marketing materials, such as presentations and infographics, that can be used to attract and engage customers. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of marketing principles and strategies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to allocate your marketing budget and resources.
Product Manager
A Product Manager is responsible for overseeing the development and launch of new products or services. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create compelling presentations that can be used to pitch new product ideas to stakeholders. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of product development principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to bring new products to market.
Sales Manager
A Sales Manager is responsible for leading and motivating a team of sales professionals. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective sales presentations that can be used to close deals. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of sales techniques and strategies, which can help you improve your sales performance.
Business Analyst
A Business Analyst is responsible for analyzing business processes and systems to identify areas for improvement. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create clear and concise presentations that can be used to communicate your findings to stakeholders. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of business analysis techniques and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to improve business processes and systems.
Project Manager
A Project Manager is responsible for planning and executing projects. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective project plans and presentations that can be used to keep stakeholders informed about the progress of your projects. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of project management principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to manage your projects.
A Consultant provides advice and guidance to businesses and organizations on a wide range of topics. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to communicate your findings and recommendations to clients. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of consulting principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to provide consulting services.
A Trainer is responsible for developing and delivering training programs to employees. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to train employees on new skills and knowledge. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of training principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to develop and deliver training programs.
A Teacher is responsible for teaching students in a classroom setting. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to teach students new concepts and skills. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of teaching principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to teach students.
Instructional Designer
An Instructional Designer is responsible for designing and developing instructional materials. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to train employees on new skills and knowledge. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of instructional design principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to design and develop instructional materials.
Technical Writer
A Technical Writer is responsible for writing technical documentation, such as user manuals and training materials. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to communicate technical information to a variety of audiences. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of technical writing principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to write technical documentation.
A Journalist is responsible for writing news articles, features, and other content for a variety of media outlets. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to communicate your findings and stories to a variety of audiences. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of journalistic principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to write news articles, features, and other content.
A Librarian is responsible for managing and organizing a library's collection of books, materials, and resources. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to promote the library's services and resources to the community. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of library science principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to manage and organize a library's collection of books, materials, and resources.
An Archivist is responsible for preserving and managing historical documents and artifacts. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to promote the archive's collection and services to the community. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of archival science principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to preserve and manage historical documents and artifacts.
Museum curator
A Museum Curator is responsible for managing and organizing a museum's collection of artifacts and exhibits. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to promote the museum's collection and services to the community. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of museum studies principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to manage and organize a museum's collection of artifacts and exhibits.
A Historian is responsible for researching and writing about the past. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create effective presentations that can be used to communicate your findings and research to a variety of audiences. Additionally, the course will provide you with a deeper understanding of historical research principles and methodologies, which can help you make informed decisions about how to research and write about the past.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in انشاء Portfolio شخصي باستخدام Microsoft Powerpoint.
Discusses the presentation techniques and public speaking style of Steve Jobs. While not specific to PowerPoint, it offers valuable insights on how to present your work with confidence and impact.
While not specific to PowerPoint, this book offers valuable insights on how to communicate visually. It teaches how to use visuals to clarify information and persuade audiences.
Offers a comprehensive overview of the art and science of creating effective presentations. It covers everything from slide design to delivery techniques.
Collection of tips and tricks for using Microsoft PowerPoint. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic formatting to advanced animation techniques.
While not specific to PowerPoint, this book provides valuable advice on how to craft and deliver persuasive pitches. It offers practical insights that can help anyone who wants to present their ideas with greater impact and confidence.
Similar to PowerPoint 2016 For Dummies, this book offers a step-by-step guide to using Microsoft PowerPoint. It covers more advanced features and functions of the software, making it a valuable resource for users who want to go beyond the basics.
While not specific to PowerPoint, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of business and economics. It uses clear and concise language along with visuals to explain complex concepts, making it a valuable resource for anyone who wants to enhance their understanding of business.
This classic guide to writing provides concise and practical advice on how to write clearly and effectively. While not specific to PowerPoint, it would be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their written communication skills.


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