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מבוא לאנרגיה מתחדשת - Introduction to Renewable Energy

Professor Avi Kribus, Ph.D.
Course language is Hebrew! English subtitles are planned but not yet available. The Hebrew course description will be followed by an English one. השימוש בדלק לסוגיו הוא התשתית שעליה מבוססים החיים המודרניים. כבר יותר ממאה שנה אנו משתמשים בדלקים מאובנים...
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Course language is Hebrew! English subtitles are planned but not yet available. The Hebrew course description will be followed by an English one. השימוש בדלק לסוגיו הוא התשתית שעליה מבוססים החיים המודרניים. כבר יותר ממאה שנה אנו משתמשים בדלקים מאובנים שנאצרו בבטן האדמה – נפט, גז טבעי ופחם – כדי להניע את גלגלי עולמנו: תעשייה מתקדמת, תחבורה מהירה, בתים נוחים ועוד. בקורס זה ננסה לבחון אלטרנטיבות אפשריות לדלקים המאובנים, הגורמים נזק לא מבוטל לסביבתנו ולבריאותנו. נתאר את המחקר המדעי האינטנסיבי המתקיים בתחום, ונציג מגוון טכנולוגיות מתקדמות להפקת אנרגיה נקייה ממקורות טבעיים ומתחדשים – כמו השמש, הרוח והמים – מקורות המצויים בשפע, אינם מזהמים, ואינם מתכלים. קורס המבוא לאנרגיה מתחדשת ייפתח בשאלות הבסיס של תחום האנרגיה: מהם צורכי האנרגיה של האנושות כיום, ואילו משאבים עומדים לרשותה? אילו תהליכים אנו מכירים לאיסוף, המרה וניצול של מקורות אנרגיה? מהן הבעיות שנוצרות עקב השימוש הנוכחי במקורות אנרגיה מאובנים? ואיזה שינוי נדרש במדיניות האנרגיה ובמשק האנרגיה של החברה המודרנית? מכאן נעבור לתיאור הסוגים העיקריים של אנרגיה מתחדשת – מקורות אנרגיה טבעיים, זמינים ובלתי מתכלים, שאינם גורמים נזק סביבתי, ועשויים להחליף את הדלקים המאובנים. נדבר על אנרגיית השמש, אנרגיית הרוח, אנרגיית המים וביו-אנרגיה; ננתח את הטכנולוגיות הקיימות כבר היום לניצול המקורות הללו לצורכי האדם; נציג כלים בסיסיים לחישוב יעילות ההמרה של כל טכנולוגיה, וכמויות האנרגיה שניתן להפיק באמצעותה; ונביא דרכים להערכת הכדאיות הכלכלית של כל אחת מהשיטות. במקביל, נדון בקשיים ובאתגרים הממתינים עדיין לפתרון, ונשאל מה יש לעשות כדי שהאנרגיות המתחדשות ייושמו בקנה מידה רחב – בתעשייה, בתחבורה, ובכל תחומי חיינו. נבחן מגוון טכנולוגיות מתקדמות להפקת אנרגיה ממקורות נקיים; נסביר מדוע הן עדיין אינן תופסות את מקומם של הדלקים המאובנים; ונציג כיווני מחקר עכשוויים ופיתוחים חדשניים שמשפרים ומייעלים לא הרף את השיטות הקיימות, במטרה להבטיח לכולנו עתיד בר-קיימא. הקורס כולל חישובים כמותיים ורצוי מאד רקע בפיסיקה ומתמטיקה ברמה של תיכון. על מנת לצבור קרדיט אקדמי של אוניברסיטת תל אביב עבור הקורס, יש לעמוד בהצלחה בבחינה שמתקיימת באוניברסיטת תל אביב. תוכלו למצוא מידע נוסף בקישור הבא - https://tauonline.tau.ac.il/registration. בנוסף, ניתן להתקבל לחלק ממסלולי הלימוד באוניברסיטת תל אביב באמצעות הקורסים המקוונים. קראו עוד כאן -https://go.tau.ac.il/b.a/mooc-acceptance. מורים המעוניינים ללמד את הקורסים בכיתותיהם מוזמנים לקרוא כאן על תוכנית תיכון אקדמי מקוון - https://tauonline.tau.ac.il/online-highschool Course language is Hebrew! English subtitles are planned but not yet available. Fuels are the foundations of modern living. For over a century we have been drawing fossil fuels – oil, coal and natural gas – from the depths of the earth, and using them to power our world: advanced industries, fast transportation, comfortable homes and more. In this course we will examine possible alternatives for these fuels - which have proved quite damaging to both our health and our environment. We will describe the intensive worldwide efforts in this field of research, and present their encouraging outcome: a range of innovative technologies for generating clean energy from natural, non-polluting and renewable sources – such as sunlight, wind and water. The course will open with some fundamental questions on energy: What are the energy needs of the global population today, and what will they be tomorrow? What are the resources at our disposal? What are the known processes for harvesting, converting and utilizing resources of energy? What are the problems generated by the use of fossil fuels? In what ways must we change our energy policies and energy economy? And most important of all: What are the alternatives to fossil fuels, and can they supply humanity's extensive and constantly growing energy needs? Subsequent lessons will introduce the main types of safe, clean, natural and renewable energy sources available to us: solar energy, wind energy, water energy and bioenergy. We will speak of existing technologies that already harness these resources to the needs of humankind, and supply simple tools for computing conversion efficiencies, calculating the amounts of energy produced through the various methods, and assessing their economic feasibility. In parallel, we will discuss the remaining problems and challenges, and ask what must be done to enable the large-scale use of renewable energy – in industry, in transportation, and in every other sphere of our lives. We will examine several advanced renewable energy technologies; explain why they have not yet taken the place of fossil fuels; and present cutting-edge innovations and promising research directions – in the ongoing global effort to ensure a sustainable future for us all. A background in physics and mathematics at high school level is highly recommended.
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Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Builds a strong foundation in renewable energy for beginners
Taught by a professor who is recognized for their work in the field
Examines the impacts of fossil fuels on health and the environment
Develops understanding of alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind, and water
Introduces tools for calculating energy conversion and assessing economic feasibility
May require additional resources or background in physics and mathematics

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Reviews summary

Comprehensive hebrew renewable energy course

This course on renewable energy is comprehensive and suitable for beginners. It covers various renewable energy sources and provides insights into their technologies and applications. The course is highly recommended for those interested in exploring clean energy alternatives.


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in מבוא לאנרגיה מתחדשת - Introduction to Renewable Energy with these activities:
Review Concepts of Energy Conversion
Refresh your understanding of fundamental concepts related to energy conversion, such as efficiency, power density, and environmental impact, providing a foundation for exploring renewable energy technologies.
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  • Revisit the principles of energy conservation and thermodynamics.
  • Review different forms of energy conversion and their applications.
Review Fundamentals of Physics
Strengthen your foundation in physics concepts, particularly those related to energy, power, and electricity, to enhance your understanding of the principles behind renewable energy technologies.
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  • Review basic concepts of mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism.
  • Focus on topics such as energy conservation, power generation, and electrical circuits.
Review Solar Energy Technologies
Gain a solid foundation in solar energy principles and technologies to enhance your understanding of solar energy concepts covered in the course.
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  • Take notes on key concepts and equations.
  • Read the introductory chapter and skim the table of contents.
  • Review sections on photovoltaic cells, solar thermal collectors, and solar energy applications.
Four other activities
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Explore Renewable Energy Simulations
Enhance your understanding by engaging with interactive simulations that demonstrate the principles and applications of renewable energy technologies.
Browse courses on Renewable Energy
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  • Identify reliable sources for interactive renewable energy simulations.
  • Use the simulations to visualize and explore different renewable energy systems.
  • Experiment with different parameters to observe their impact on energy generation and efficiency.
Write a Summary on Wind Energy
Solidify your understanding of wind energy concepts by summarizing the principles, technologies, and applications covered in the course.
Browse courses on Wind Energy
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  • Identify the main points and key details about wind energy.
  • Organize your ideas into a logical outline.
  • Write a concise and informative summary, incorporating diagrams or examples if needed.
Solve Renewable Energy Problems
Deepen your understanding of renewable energy concepts by solving quantitative problems related to energy conversion, efficiency, and system design.
Browse courses on Renewable Energy
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  • Review the theoretical concepts and equations covered in the course.
  • Practice solving problems involving energy calculations, system analysis, and optimization.
  • Check your solutions and identify areas for improvement.
Design a Renewable Energy System
Apply your knowledge to a practical application by designing a renewable energy system for a specific scenario, considering factors such as energy demand, site constraints, and environmental impact.
Browse courses on Renewable Energy
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  • Define the requirements and constraints of the renewable energy system.
  • Research and select appropriate renewable energy technologies.
  • Design the system layout, including energy generation, storage, and distribution components.
  • Evaluate the system's performance, cost, and environmental impact.

Career center

Learners who complete מבוא לאנרגיה מתחדשת - Introduction to Renewable Energy will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Energy Manager
Energy Managers plan and coordinate all energy efficiency and conservation strategies within an organization. With the growing global discussion about climate change and sustainability, and government regulations tightening, the role of Energy Managers has become more important and in-demand. This course may help build a foundation for someone entering the field of energy management by introducing existing technologies and describing ongoing innovations and promising research directions around the world.
Energy Engineer
Energy Engineers plan, design, and implement systems for conserving energy and improving energy efficiency. This course could be a useful introduction to energy engineering, discussing the reasons for the need to shift away from fossil fuels, while highlighting the existing technologies that are available and describing the ongoing research efforts in the field.
Environmental Engineer
Environmental Engineers clean up polluted sites and restore or protect the environment. This course will discuss problems created by the use of fossil fuels, such as air pollution, water pollution, and climate change. Understanding the serious environmental damage caused by the extraction and consumption of fossil fuels may help motivate prospective Environmental Engineers.
Nuclear Engineer
Nuclear Engineers research, design, and develop nuclear power plants and their components. Nuclear power is a low-carbon source of energy that does not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases, making it a potential alternative to fossil fuels. This course may help build a foundation for a career in nuclear engineering, describing existing technologies and ongoing research efforts related to safe and clean energy production from nuclear power.
Solar Photovoltaic Installer
Solar photovoltaic (PV) installers design, install, and maintain solar PV systems that convert sunlight into electricity. This course could be a useful introduction to solar photovoltaic installation, discussing the basics of solar energy technology and describing how solar PV systems can provide safe and clean energy for homes and businesses.
Wind Turbine Technician
Wind turbine technicians install, maintain, and repair wind turbines, which generate electricity from wind power. This course could be a useful introduction to wind turbine technology, describing existing technologies and ongoing research efforts for harvesting wind energy.
Hydrologists study the distribution, circulation, and properties of water on Earth's surface and in the ground. Clean energy sources such as hydroelectric dams and geothermal energy rely on water for their operation. Hydrologists can help ensure that these energy sources are developed and used in a sustainable way, and this course could help build a foundation of knowledge for such a career.
Biofuels Engineer
Biofuels Engineers apply engineering principles to the production and use of biofuels, which are renewable fuels derived from biomass. This course could be a useful introduction to biofuels engineering, providing an overview of existing technologies and ongoing research efforts for harvesting bioenergy from natural resources.
Climate Scientist
Climate Scientists study the Earth's climate and climate change. This course would be somewhat relevant to a climate scientist, introducing problems generated by the use of fossil fuels and highlighting ongoing efforts to shift away from fossil fuels.
Geologists study the Earth's physical structure and history. Clean energy sources such as geothermal energy rely on geological formations for their operation. Geologists can help ensure that geothermal energy is developed and used in a sustainable way.
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineers design, build, and maintain machines and mechanical systems. This course may help build a foundation for mechanical engineers interested in renewable energy, discussing existing technologies that harness natural resources to produce clean energy and describing ongoing research efforts.
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Engineers design, build, and maintain electrical systems and equipment. This course would describe existing technologies for harvesting energy from various natural sources and discuss ongoing research in the field.
Environmental Scientist
Environmental Scientists study the environment and its relationship with human activity. This course could be a useful introduction to environmental science, discussing problems created by the use of fossil fuels, such as air pollution, water pollution, and climate change.
Materials Scientist
Materials Scientists develop and improve materials used in various fields, including energy. This course could be useful for a materials scientist interested in researching, designing, and improving renewable energy technologies and components.
Geothermal Engineer
Geothermal Engineers design and manage geothermal systems that use heat from the Earth to generate electricity. This course could be a useful introduction to geothermal engineering, describing geothermal energy technologies and discussing ongoing research efforts to improve their efficiency.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in מבוא לאנרגיה מתחדשת - Introduction to Renewable Energy.
Supplements the course in its coverage of advanced renewable energy systems, which are technologies still under development.
Covers another major renewable energy source: wind power. It can be helpful to students as a reference tool or for general background reading.
Provides background on solar power, which is one of the renewable energy sources covered in this course.


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