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Scott Paton and Scott Alex

Learn to Podcast with a Podcasting Pioneer and Host/Executive Producer of over 40 different Podcasts. Everything you need to get started and a lot more...

  Course Up To Date As Of February, 2023. New Lectures Added, #54 Submit to Spotify, #35 The Blue Yeti Microphone, #42 Add Your Podcast to Google Podcasts and Android Phones, and Lecture #71: Bonus Lecture: Done For You Podcasting and Write a Bestseller at the Same Time)

New lecture: #65 - How to run a Podcast Producing business.

PLUS: How to Start a Podcast with LibSyn.

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Learn to Podcast with a Podcasting Pioneer and Host/Executive Producer of over 40 different Podcasts. Everything you need to get started and a lot more...

  Course Up To Date As Of February, 2023. New Lectures Added, #54 Submit to Spotify, #35 The Blue Yeti Microphone, #42 Add Your Podcast to Google Podcasts and Android Phones, and Lecture #71: Bonus Lecture: Done For You Podcasting and Write a Bestseller at the Same Time)

New lecture: #65 - How to run a Podcast Producing business.

PLUS: How to Start a Podcast with LibSyn.

Liberated Syndication (libsyn) pioneered the system to host and publish podcasts in 2004. And since then has grown to the largest leading  network with over 2.6 billion downloads in 2014. Libsyn hosts over 25,000 shows with 44 million monthly audience members.


Discover how to make a Podcast - Fast, Easy and FUN. Join over 32,000 students using Power Podcasting to position themselves as THE Expert, build relationships, grow their influence, increase sales, and change the world. 

What is a Podcast? It is audio or video shows, that when you subscribe to them, are automatically updated on your Computer, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and/or iPods. Think of them as free radio or TV shows which you deliver Spam-Free. directly to your audience every time you produce one.

Podcasting is bigger than you think. When we survey people who listen to free, commercial-free audio Podcasts at least once a month: we discover an interesting fact: Online Radio beats AM/FM Radio, streaming audio, CD's, TV Music channels, & Sirius.  

"Power Podcasting Rocks. " 

"Scott is friendly and easy to follow. He clearly knows his stuff. All the tools are here, and laid out in easy way. I think it is a great course. I was shocked at how popular this is. Great marketing tool that I overlooked. Great education." ~ Dan Kobelt 

If you look at the number of people listening to these free shows monthly, they are as popular as Twitter with 39 mIllion listeners, even if it doesn't get the same 'Love'. 

But instead of communicating in impersonal 150 character Tweets, with Power Podcasting, you get right into the head of your target market for as long as they let  you. 

They are portable — and because of this, they are more personal.   

Imagine whispering into the ears of your ideal customers every week... building strong relationships, trust and connections. But instead of One-to-One, Power Podcasting is One-to-Many. Our students know that Podcasting is relationship building in the sales process, and not the time to go for the hard close. 

These listeners are higher income earners. They listen daily to an hour and forty minutes more audio than the average American consumer. They are dedicated to continual learning, so just imagine what happens when your show is available on new cars all over the world... 

Power Podcasting "allows you to convey your personality in a much stronger way than is possible through the written word. That clarity in your message is seen and felt through your actions (on video) and the tone of your voice..." according to Chris Ducker, Author of #1 Bestseller 'Virtual Freedom'. 

When you claim your seat in this course, you'll have permanent online access to watch the course 24/7, and there's a Q&A discussion section in each lecture, where you can post questions - and I'll answer them personally.  

By following the short, simple, easy-to-follow lectures, you will be able to work through the process of setting up your show and publishing your first episode quickly. 

The course was designed to accomplish one goal: Start a  Podcast as fast as possible. I recommend watching the first 6 sections in their entirety. There are PDF workbooks included for you to use to clarify your topic, title, descriptions, intro and extros. 

For 'Type A' personalities, there is a "Fast Track" Lecture (Section One, Lecture #6), in which if you already have a finished MP3 or MP4 file, reveals which lectures to watch so that after following only 33 minutes of video, you will have your show live and into iTunes. In other words, you can be up and running in under an hour. 

The technical processes of  are only one aspect of successful Podcasting. Walk through real life examples of producing a live show, discover how to use your voice effectively to move your audience, uncover how to repurpose content for your podcast that you may already be doing, and how to do it FAST.    

Power Podcasting "will grow your email list, your audience, your influence and your bank account." Amy Porterfield of "Tweet This" and former Social Media Maven for social media for the likes of Harley Davidson & Tony Robbins. 

Podcasts are growing rapidly, and thanks to CarPlay, Google Play and Apps, continue strong growth for years to come. It is just past the 'Early Adopter' stage and has huge potential moving forward. Don't miss out on the low-competition, high-demand opportunities that your fellow Power Podcasters are enjoying. 

"Great content that kept my attention" 

"Scott is obviously very knowledgeable, experienced and shares great content. I am a beginner and he has inspired me to believe that even I can do this. Also, I find some of the other courses very boring and they lose me. This one doesn't. Scott makes it entertaining, easy and fun to learn." ~ Marion Baker 

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Learn how to make a podcast
  • Publish a new episode in less than 15 minutes (not including recording and editing time)
  • Set up your own popular podcast show
  • The secret to ranking on itunes, the 800 pound gorilla of podcasting
  • Discover how itunes and apple can send millions of podcast listeners to your show
  • Discover how to build a fanatic following of fabulous friends
  • How to choose the right microphone for your show
  • How to conduct interviews across the globe


Discover the world of Podcasting and the impact it can have on your exposure to your audience.

Welcome to this course! From the heights of Machu Picchu in the towering Andes of Peru, Scott shares some of the feelings you may encounter as you learn to Podcast!

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Watch this video to discover how to maximize the advantages you will receive from taking Power Podcasters. I want you to harness the power of Podcasting and ride it to the top of the charts!

Includes a tour of the 800 pound gorilla of Podcasting. The one place you absolutely must submit your podcast if you want any chance of building a successful podcast. People can argue over everything in the world, EXCEPT this!

Scott shares some of his favorite reasons why podcasting is important to your business. Discover why Podcasting as an international medium is totally in its infancy.

Apple recently announced they had their One Billionth Podcast subscriber. Scott talks about what this means to your Podcast show and business.

Why Podcasts, and in particular yours, can be heard around the world and on more and more mobile devices.

What impact will Apple Carplay have on your potential listening audience? Think: "Stuck in traffic again..."

When you podcast, it is not like an promotional email that is read (maybe) and then deleted. Podcasts have a long life, and usually they end up with a life of their own!

Saw someone talking about 10,000 to master a skill. Discover why you don't need 10,000 hours to be a Power Podcaster.

Some questions on Podcasting to see if you were paying attention.

Thanks to the following people without whom, I would never have Podcasted, learned how to use Podcasts, or been inspired to be more than I was in 2005, when I started teaching Podcasting to people around the world:

Tony Puerzer, Daniel Deyette, Stacey Becker, Jason Bax, CJ, Corey Rudl (RIP), and the rest of the old gang from The Internet Marketing Center; Umeeda Switlo, Martin Pytela, Dov Baron, Shane Jeremy James, Matt Furey, Sam Crowley, Sabrina Domenosky, Ken McArthur, Frank Sousa, Joel Comm, Mike Filsaime, Steve G. Jones, Dan Waltz, Stephan Stavrakis, Richard & Tricia Scott, Stephanie Hartman, Colin James, Art Berube, Nancy Arroyo Perez, plus everyone I forgot....

Especially for my family: My Mom, Arlene, Carl, Jason, John, and Danny!

NEW SECTION! Free Mobile Podcasting With Anchor

Scott create a new Podcast faster than you can watch this video on his iPad.

A Quick Walk Through Anchor.FM
Scott shows you how to use a popular Podcast Host: libsyn

Liberation Syndication is the largest Podcast hosting company in the world. Learn more about how they can help your Podcast succeed.

Scott goes over the Podcast costs at libsyn.

libsyn functionality for large operataions.

One of the biggest questions I get asked is: How can I make money with my podcast. This is one way. Charge people to listen.

Scott walks you through libsyn's simple to follow sign up process.

Learn how to create up your Podcast show.

Preparing your RSS Feed for iTunes is very important if you want to be found easily in iTunes. We go through the steps in this lecture.

Discover how easy it is to post your Podcast episodes.

Checking out your live show.


The key steps we will be covering in this iBook are the following

Chapter 1: Creating and Editing an Audio Recording
Chapter 2: Recording an Interview by phone
Chapter 3: Setting up Listener feedback
Chapter 4: Levelating the Podcast
Chapter 5: Encoding to MP3 format
Chapter 6: Adding ID3 Tags
Chapter 7: Setting up the hosting service
Chapter 8: Controlling Your Feed
Chapter 9: Validating the feed
Chapter 10: Submitting the feed to iTunes, Zune, Blackberry & Stitcher
Chapter 11: Submitting

The first step to Power Podcasting is setting up your Show.

Putting together your podcast can be a crazy, wild ride, but we promise not as crazy as the one we went on in the Andes Mountains near Machu Picchu...

Most of podcast hosting services cost money every month. Many have a free level until you hit a specified level of either Gigabytes of storage or Gigabytes of bandwidth. Scott shares an established Podcast host with only $15 a month or $99 a year. Hint: He built it, keeps it up-to-date, and it has all the bells and whistles he wished other podcast hosting companies had. Only $99 annually for students of this course.

You have the ability to set up multiple Podcasts with multiple co-hosts or show topics. In this lecture, Scott shows you how to set up your first host profile.

Finally! By the end of this lecture, you will have your first Power Podcast show set up. In Section 4, you will learn how to upload your first episode. The good news is you can edit all your settings. In the upcoming lectures, we delve into Titles, Descriptions, Categories and Album Art in more detail. It is possible after those lectures, you may want to review this one and make changes to your Power Podcast.

The biggest mistakes made by Podcasters who wonder why no one is listening are discussed here since they usually have to do with your choice of Title, Description and Tags.

Make your album art 1400 x 1400 pixels and in PNG format (JPG is acceptable). In this lecture, Scott shares his opinion on what makes great album art for your podcast and what doesn't.

Unique to this Podcast platform is a quick system (Snippets) for adding text and images to your podcast episodes.

Gavin asked "Enjoying your course, how do I edit an existing SNIPPET? how do I edit the title or add content to my existing snippet?" This video answers that question.

In this short lecture, Scott shares what to do if you have a technical issue using MyPodcastWorld.

Print out your Show Workbook and use it to make sure you have everything you need to smooothly set up your Power Podcast.

Make sure you have everything you need to set up your show.

Create powerful content quickly and efficiently

Scott introduces you to this section on creating your MP3 audios (and, yes, you can use these same lectures to produce video MP4 files for your video Podcasts).

Audio is paramount to a good audio recording. Which microphone fits your needs. Scott shares his favorite microphones as he records the audio from 4 difference microphones so you can hear the difference.

Everyone asks me: Which microphone should you get? For under $200, you can easily get an excellent microphone for Podcasting. As your 'ear' becomes more sensitive and 'trained', you will upgrade your microphones. It also depends on the situation: Recording at home on your laptop or recording outside with your iPhone. Today, I got a Blue Yeti. I show you the difference between it and hde Blue Snowball.

Intros and Extros are short clips of music or vocals which you place at the beginning or end of your Podcast episode. Scott shares an inexpensive and easy way to make yours.

Audio Recording
Upload your first episode and make your Power Podcast live in minutes!

Get ready to go "Live"! Everything so far has set you up for some Power Podcaster success, starting with making your first episode.

How do you find topics for your podcast episodes? Scott shares his system for finding hot topics to talk about. Plus: How to find popular guests for your show.

Scott walks you through making your first Podcast. Assumes you have your Podcast Title, Description, Tags, and MP3 all done. Great for an overview of the process. Section 4 showed you how to make your MP3 and the following three lectures covers Title, Description and Tags.

Print out your Episode Workbook and use it to make sure you have everything you need to publish your episode.

In this section, learn how to submit your Podcast to iTunes, a Podcast launch strategy and how to use Social Media to create a Buzz about your Podcast

Now that you have created your Podcast, the fun begins! Discover how to drive traffic to your podcast show via iTunes, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social networks. The secret starts with your RSS Feed. What's that? All is explained in the next video.

Why is your RRS Feed important to the success of Podcasting?

Discover a quick and easy way to let iTunes know whenever you post a new Podcast episode. This 'secret' will save your hours of painstaking work and you can do it in literally seconds when you follow my power process.

Scott takes you on a tour of iTunes and shares some insights while uncovering a stealth Podcast ranking 'trick' used by some top Podcasters to 'hijack' traffic from 'complimentary Podcasts. Did you spot it? 

How do you 'protect' and maintain control of your Podcast and its feed, if for whatever reasons, you decide to change Podcast hosting companies? In this optional, advanced lecture, Scott shared a FREE service by Google which solves a potential problem down the road.

You only have to submit your Podcast show RSS Feed to iTunes once. After that every time you publish a new episode if you followed the instructions in the 'PingOmatic' lecture, iTunes will update automatically. You can submit the feed made by the Podcast host or you can make your own feed as seen in the previous lecture.

Google has now decided to add a Podcast App to ALL Android phones. This potentially quadruples the reach of your podcast. Scott shows you how to add your Podcast.

Spotify has over 100 million listeners and has expanded with a Podcast directory. Scott shows you how to submit to Spotify.

What do you once your Podcast is live.

Creating Content for Your Podcast

Received from my co-host of our Podcast on eBay:

Tim Knox: "I bet. Totally off topic -- I got another email last week about our #1 eBay podcast. Apparently we still rule! :o)"

Last episode published? October, 2007! Podcasts are Permanent!

Once your Power Podcast is live and Popular on iTunes, what can you do to make it even more of a Hit? Scott shares three important strategies for putting your Podcast at the top of the charts.

Scott talks with a special guest Power Podcaster, Sabrina Domenosky, founder of Get Fit to Get Laid, who despite no new episodes in two years still has 40 downloads of her podcasts daily. Discover how a penny-less gym owner used her Podcast to achieve time & financial freedom, give her two gyms to her partner, move to Australia from Wisconsin and get a show on Playboy radio!

in Part One, Ely Delaney of the hit Podcast, "Driving Your Marketing", shares with Scott his Power Podcast system which lands his profitable clients, grows his audience and expands his business network.

Ely Delaney, of Driving Your Marketing, shares his biggest surprise interviewing top experts and authors. What is the key to creating a fantastic episode? How do you use the interview format effectively. How much time should you spend editing your audio interviews. Scott shares his secret for fixing SNAFUs caused during the recording process.

Creating a Business Servicing Podcasters

Creating a dream life doesn't have to be hard. Michelle Abraham bought an RV and drove around the SW USA for 5 months with her husband and three young children. CReating income as a Podcast Producer. She and your instructor, Scott Paton talk about the fundamentals of the Laptop Lifestyle and how to get started.

Your voice is your Brand. Discover how to use your voice the Power Podcaster way!

The non-technical skills you bring to your Podcast are as important as your technical skills. How you use your voice is crucial to your success as a Podcaster.

Learn how to use your voice more effectively to connect, influence and move your audience. Discover how to use your voice as a powerful tool to communicate your message. Scott Paton talks with Jesai Jaymes, actor, director, live theatre producer about how you can improve the Power of Your Voice.

Learn how to use your voice more effectively to connect, influence and move your audience. Discover how to use your voice as a powerful tool to communicate your message. Part One of Three. Includes downloadable MP3 version - listen in your car, while exercising or anytime you feel like it.

Learn how to use your voice more effectively to connect, influence and move your audience. Discover how to use your voice as a powerful tool to communicate your message. Part Two of Three. Includes downloadable MP3 version - listen in your car, while exercising or anytime you feel like it.

Learn how to use your voice more effectively to connect, influence and move your audience. Discover how to use your voice as a powerful tool to communicate your message. Part Three of Three. Includes downloadable MP3 version - listen in your car, while exercising or anytime you feel like it.

What were the main takeaways from your Power Voice Coaching?

Where do you go from here?

Let your fellow students know what you thought about the course.

No pitches. Just Podcast support and networking.

As students ask questions, I will be adding relevant answers here. The World of Podcasting, like many areas, is fast-paced with lots of changes. This section will keep you up-to-date.

Scott answers a student Question: "How did I video record the selfies at Machu Picchu?" Today I share the secrets (there are actually two pieces of equipment you need) and how you can get them for your selfie videos or photos.

We received a great message about email templates for contacting guests. I spoke to my top email expert and good friend, Dan Deyette, and he agree to discuss the topic and lots more on our first Power Podcasting 'Blab'!

Scott answers a student question: Are there other Podcast hosting solutions? The answer is YES and we explore a few of them in this Q & A lecture.

Should you outsource your Podcast production?

Scott talks with Matt Mawhinney of PodAssist about the advantages of outsourcing.

Seth Greene joins Scott to talk about Podcast Outsourcing and getting all the dreary tasks done-for-you, plus how to write a bestseller without writing at the same time!

Most of podcast hosting services cost money every month. Many have a free level until you hit a specified level of either Gigabytes of storage or Gigabytes of bandwidth. Scott shares an established Podcast host with only $99 a year Podcast hosting. Hint: He built it, keeps it up-to-date, and it has all the bells and whistles he wished other podcast hosting companies had. Only $99 annually for students of this course.

The biggest mistakes made by Podcasters who wonder why no one is listening are discussed here since they usually have to do with your choice of Title, Description and Tags.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Introduces learners to Podcasting, which allows them to quickly become proficient and earn money in the industry
Taught by Scott Paton and Scott Alex, two experienced Podcasters with over 40 podcasts
Develops skills in Podcasting that can be used immediately to increase income
Provides a strong foundation in Podcasting and allows learners to create their own Podcasts
Teaches learners how to make their Podcasts more successful by submitting them to iTunes
Provides a community of fellow students who can support each other on their Podcasting journeys

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Save How to Start a Podcast - Podcasting Made Easy to your list so you can find it easily later:


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in How to Start a Podcast - Podcasting Made Easy with these activities:
Learn how to use a microphone
Learn how to use a microphone so that your listeners can hear you clearly.
Show steps
  • Read an article or watch a video about microphone basics.
  • Practice speaking into a microphone.
  • Record yourself speaking and listen back to it.
Show all one activities

Career center

Learners who complete How to Start a Podcast - Podcasting Made Easy will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
A Podcaster is someone who creates and hosts a podcast, a series of audio or video episodes that are distributed online. Podcasting has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it allows people to share their thoughts and ideas with a wide audience in a convenient and accessible format. This course can help you develop the skills you need to create and launch your own successful podcast. You will learn how to choose a topic, format your episodes, edit and produce your audio, and market your podcast to potential listeners.
Audio Engineer
An Audio Engineer is responsible for the technical aspects of audio production, including recording, mixing, and mastering. They work in a variety of settings, such as recording studios, broadcast studios, and live sound venues. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Audio Engineer. You will learn about the principles of acoustics, sound recording, and audio editing. You will also gain hands-on experience with audio production software and equipment.
Radio Producer
A Radio Producer is responsible for the creative and technical aspects of radio programming. They work with hosts, writers, and engineers to develop and produce radio shows that are informative, engaging, and entertaining. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Radio Producer. You will learn about the principles of radio broadcasting, production techniques, and audience engagement. You will also gain hands-on experience with radio production software and equipment.
Content Creator
A Content Creator is responsible for creating and producing content for a variety of media platforms, such as websites, blogs, social media, and podcasts. They work with writers, editors, and designers to develop and produce content that is informative, engaging, and shareable. This course can help you develop the skills you need to become a successful Content Creator. You will learn about the principles of content creation, storytelling, and audience engagement. You will also gain hands-on experience with content creation software and tools.
Marketing Manager
A Marketing Manager is responsible for planning and executing marketing campaigns to promote a product or service. They work with a variety of teams, such as sales, product development, and customer service, to develop and implement marketing strategies that reach target audiences and achieve business goals. This course may be helpful for those who want to become a Marketing Manager. You will learn about the principles of marketing, market research, and campaign planning. You will also gain hands-on experience with marketing software and tools.
Public relations manager
A Public Relations Manager is responsible for managing the public image of a company or organization. They work with the media, customers, and other stakeholders to build relationships and promote a positive reputation. This course may be helpful for those who want to become a Public Relations Manager. You will learn about the principles of public relations, media relations, and crisis management. You will also gain hands-on experience with public relations software and tools.
Communications Manager
A Communications Manager is responsible for planning and executing communications strategies to promote a company or organization. They work with a variety of teams, such as marketing, public relations, and customer service, to develop and implement communications plans that reach target audiences and achieve business goals. This course may be helpful for those who want to become a Communications Manager. You will learn about the principles of communications, strategic planning, and audience engagement. You will also gain hands-on experience with communications software and tools.
Event Planner
An Event Planner is responsible for planning and executing events, such as conferences, trade shows, and parties. They work with clients to develop and implement event plans that meet their specific needs and objectives. This course may be helpful for those who want to become an Event Planner. You will learn about the principles of event planning, budget management, and vendor management. You will also gain hands-on experience with event planning software and tools.
Media Producer
A Media Producer is responsible for creating and producing media content for a variety of platforms, such as film, television, and the web. They work with writers, directors, and editors to develop and produce media content that is informative, engaging, and entertaining. This course may be helpful for those who want to become a Media Producer. You will learn about the principles of media production, storytelling, and audience engagement. You will also gain hands-on experience with media production software and equipment.
A Teacher is responsible for educating students in a variety of subjects. They work with students of all ages and backgrounds to help them learn and grow. This course may be helpful for those who want to become a Teacher. You will learn about the principles of education, curriculum development, and classroom management. You will also gain hands-on experience with teaching methods and materials.
A Librarian is responsible for managing and providing access to information resources in a library or other information center. They work with patrons to help them find and use information resources, and they also develop and implement library programs and services. This course may be helpful for those who want to become a Librarian. You will learn about the principles of library science, information organization, and reference services. You will also gain hands-on experience with library software and tools.
Museum curator
A Museum Curator is responsible for managing and preserving the collections of a museum. They work with other staff members to develop and implement exhibitions, and they also conduct research and write publications about the museum's collections. This course may be helpful for those who want to become a Museum Curator. You will learn about the principles of museum studies, collection management, and exhibition design. You will also gain hands-on experience with museum software and tools.
An Archivist is responsible for managing and preserving historical records. They work with researchers and other staff members to make historical records accessible to the public. This course may be helpful for those who want to become an Archivist. You will learn about the principles of archival science, records management, and preservation. You will also gain hands-on experience with archival software and tools.
A Historian is responsible for studying and interpreting the past. They work with historical documents and other sources to research and write about historical events and人物. This course may be helpful for those who want to become a Historian. You will learn about the principles of historical research, historiography, and historical interpretation. You will also gain hands-on experience with historical research methods and tools.
An Anthropologist is responsible for studying human cultures and societies. They work with people from different cultures to learn about their beliefs, values, and practices. This course may be helpful for those who want to become an Anthropologist. You will learn about the principles of anthropology, cultural anthropology, and social anthropology. You will also gain hands-on experience with anthropological research methods and tools.

Reading list

We've selected five books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in How to Start a Podcast - Podcasting Made Easy.
Comprehensive guide to podcasting that covers everything from setting up your equipment to marketing your show.
Provides a step-by-step guide to starting and producing a podcast. It great resource for beginners who want to learn the basics of podcasting.
Provides tips on how to conduct successful interviews for podcasts.
Provides information on microphones, including types, characteristics, and how to use them effectively.


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