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Massimo Manzoni

n un escenario de posibilidades tecnológicas y de acceso a la información casi ilimitados, la diferencia no la hace lo que sabemos hacer hoy, sino lo que podemos imaginar. El pensamiento creativo y su constante práctica son, como nunca antes, los medios más relevantes y seguros para liberar el potencial del hacer, del solucionar y del innovar, que cualquier persona puede desarrollar y entrenar.

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n un escenario de posibilidades tecnológicas y de acceso a la información casi ilimitados, la diferencia no la hace lo que sabemos hacer hoy, sino lo que podemos imaginar. El pensamiento creativo y su constante práctica son, como nunca antes, los medios más relevantes y seguros para liberar el potencial del hacer, del solucionar y del innovar, que cualquier persona puede desarrollar y entrenar.

Las temáticas que abordarás en este curso van desde el significado y el impacto de un estilo de vida que permita el pensamiento creativo, al uso de buenas prácticas y herramientas que faciliten el aprovechamiento de las competencias y de la unicidad individual, al interior de equipos interdisciplinarios y grupos de trabajo.

Trabajarás sobre el desarrollo de las competencias del observar profundamente, del ver de una forma diferente y ver lo que los demás normalmente no ven. Además, desarrollarás la capacidad de generar pautas de conexión entre elementos sólo aparentemente no relacionados.

La estrategia pedagógica se basará en aprender jugando: a través de juegos somos capaces de hacer, ver e identificar nuestros límites actuales. La aplicación de ejercicios, buenas prácticas y herramientas comprobadas te permitirán derribar estos límites identificados a nivel personal y liberar el caudal de alternativas originales, únicas y creativas que cada individuo tiene el potencial de generar.

What you'll learn

  • Estudiarás sobre qué es “ser creativo” , el abordaje de la creatividad como proceso y no como evento —entendiendo por qué es relevante para cualquier individuo—, e identificarás qué limita el proceso creativo y lo que le permite salirse de esa caja.
  • Aprovecharás la diversidad y la cantidad como paradigmas capaces de superar a la —a veces utópica— calidad.
  • Percibirás el error y la incertidumbre como fuentes de inspiración y orientación hacia rumbos inexplorados y originales.
  • Desarrollarás las competencias relacionadas a la observación atenta y profunda, y la identificación de patrones que permitan relacionar elementos aparentemente sin conexión.
  • Descubrirás el poder del juego como práctica para aprovechar y multiplicar las competencias creativas a nivel grupal.
  • Aprenderás sobre las buenas prácticas y herramientas para fortalecer el caudal de ideas y soluciones, y cuándo y cómo aplicarlas.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • , el abordaje de la creatividad como proceso y no como evento —entendiendo por qué es relevante para cualquier individuo—, e identificarás qué limita el proceso creativo y lo que le permite salirse de esa caja.
  • Aprovecharás la diversidad y la cantidad como paradigmas capaces de superar a la —a veces utópica— calidad.
  • Percibirás el error y la incertidumbre como fuentes de inspiración y orientación hacia rumbos inexplorados y originales.
  • Desarrollarás las competencias relacionadas a la observación atenta y profunda, y la identificación de patrones que permitan relacionar elementos aparentemente sin conexión.
  • Descubrirás el poder del juego como práctica para aprovechar y multiplicar las competencias creativas a nivel grupal.
  • Aprenderás sobre las buenas prácticas y herramientas para fortalecer el caudal de ideas y soluciones, y cuándo y cómo aplicarlas.


Módulo 1 ¿Qué es la creatividad?
****Ser creativos siempre y no solo cuando sirve
Pensamiento creativo como proceso
Límites individuales como ventajas competitivas
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La caja de la cual es mejor salir
Módulo 2 La diversidad en el proceso creativo
Rutina versus diversidad
Paradigma de la calidad
Primeras ideas como reflejo de un pensamiento compartido
Cantidad como ayuda para lo original
Módulo 3 Dándole la bienvenida al error
Miedo al error como factor cultural y social
Incertidumbre como horizonte y no como límite
Proceso de inspiración “musa”
Factor tiempo como aliado del proceso creativo
Módulo 4 Conexiones inesperadas
Observar a profundidad: ver lo que los demás no ven
Patrones en lo caótico: el arte de aprender de la realidad
Relación de elementos sin conexión aparente
Realidad e imaginación a través de los sentidos
Módulo 5 Aprender jugando
****Importancia del juego y del vacío en los procesos creativos colectivos
Juego como campo para crear a través del conflicto y de la empatía
Grupo como multiplicador y no como suma
"Genio como estéril ermitaño" o "individuo común"
Módulo 6 Creatividad como método
Importancia de desarrollar y no solo usar herramientas
Uso de herramientas
Caudal de ideas

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Ofrece prácticas y herramientas para fortalecer el caudal de ideas y soluciones, lo que ayuda a los estudiantes a generar soluciones creativas
Está diseñado para desarrollar habilidades relacionadas con la observación profunda y la identificación de patrones, habilidades esenciales para el pensamiento creativo
Aborda la creatividad como un proceso, no como un evento, lo que ayuda a los estudiantes a comprender su naturaleza evolutiva
Utiliza el juego como una práctica para aprovechar y multiplicar las competencias creativas a nivel grupal, fomentando el trabajo en equipo y la colaboración
Requiere que los estudiantes tengan acceso a un ambiente de aprendizaje con un computador e Internet
El curso está impartido por Massimo Manzoni

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Pensamiento creativo para todos: prácticas y herramientas with these activities:
Revisit the concept of creativity
Spending some time reflecting on past experiences with creativity will help you prepare to learn more about it in this course.
Browse courses on Creativity
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  • Think about a time when you felt particularly creative.
  • Describe the experience. What were you doing? Who were you with? What was the outcome?
  • Identify the key factors that contributed to your creativity in that situation.
Revise Key Concepts in Creative Thinking
Reinforce your understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of creative thinking to prepare for this course effectively.
Browse courses on Creative Thinking
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  • Review course syllabus and identify key concepts
  • Read assigned textbook chapters or articles on creative thinking
  • Summarize key concepts in your own words and create a mind map or concept diagram
Exercise on identifying patterns
Practicing pattern recognition will make you better at connecting seemingly unrelated elements, a key component of creativity.
Browse courses on Pattern Recognition
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  • Look for patterns in your everyday environment. For example, you could look for patterns in the arrangement of objects in a room, in the way people interact with each other, or in the way that events unfold.
  • Once you have identified a pattern, try to explain it. What is the underlying logic or structure that makes the pattern work?
Eight other activities
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Discuss the role of diversity in creativity
Discussing the role of diversity in creativity will help you appreciate the different perspectives and experiences that can contribute to the creative process.
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  • Meet with a group of peers and discuss the following questions:
  • How does diversity contribute to creativity?
  • What are some examples of how diversity has led to creative breakthroughs?
  • How can we create more diverse and inclusive environments for creativity?
Engage in Creative Exercises and Experiments
Practice applying creative thinking techniques through hands-on exercises and experiments to enhance your problem-solving abilities.
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  • Try out different creative exercises, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or sketching
  • Experiment with problem-solving techniques and explore alternative solutions
  • Seek feedback on your ideas and solutions from others
Participate in Creative Thinking Group Discussions
Engage with peers to exchange ideas, provide feedback, and learn from diverse perspectives, fostering your creative thinking skills.
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  • Join a study group or online discussion forum focused on creative thinking
  • Actively participate in discussions, share your ideas, and offer constructive feedback
  • Take turns leading discussions or facilitating brainstorming sessions
Create a visual representation of a creative process
Creating a visual representation of the creative process will help you understand it more deeply and see the different stages involved.
Browse courses on Creative Process
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  • Choose a creative process that you are familiar with. This could be the process of writing a poem, painting a picture, or designing a product.
  • Break down the process into different stages. For example, the stages of writing a poem could include brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing.
  • Create a visual representation of the process. You could use a flowchart, a diagram, or a mind map.
Attend Workshops on Creative Thinking Techniques
Expand your knowledge and skills in creative thinking by participating in workshops led by experts in the field.
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  • Research and identify workshops on creative thinking techniques
  • Register for and attend the workshops
  • Actively engage in the exercises, discussions, and activities during the workshops
Attend a workshop on creative problem-solving
Attending a workshop on creative problem-solving will provide you with new tools and techniques for generating and evaluating creative ideas.
Browse courses on Creative Problem-Solving
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  • Research different workshops on creative problem-solving and choose one that aligns with your interests and needs.
  • Attend the workshop and actively participate in the exercises and discussions.
  • Apply the techniques you learned in the workshop to your own creative work.
Develop a Creative Thinking Portfolio
Create a portfolio that showcases your creative thinking process, experiments, and outcomes, allowing you to track your progress and reflect on your learning.
Browse courses on Portfolio Development
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  • Collect examples of your creative work, such as brainstorming notes, sketches, or problem-solving solutions
  • Organize your portfolio into different sections or categories
  • Write brief descriptions and reflections on your work, explaining your creative process and outcomes
  • Share your portfolio with others for feedback and constructive criticism
Develop an Innovative Solution to a Real-World Problem
Apply your creative thinking skills to develop an innovative solution to a real-world problem, demonstrating your ability to generate original ideas and find creative solutions.
Browse courses on Problem-Solving
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  • Identify a problem or challenge that you want to solve
  • Research the problem and gather information
  • Brainstorm and generate multiple creative solutions
  • Develop and refine your solution into a feasible and innovative proposal
  • Present your solution and seek feedback from others

Career center

Learners who complete Pensamiento creativo para todos: prácticas y herramientas will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Design Researcher
The course will help you develop the skills you need to be successful as a **Design Researcher**, such as creativity, problem-solving, and user research. You will learn how to use design thinking to create innovative solutions to real-world problems. This course will also help you build a portfolio of work that you can use to showcase your skills to potential employers.
Marketing Manager
The course can be useful for those who want to pursue a career as a **Marketing Manager**. It will help you develop the skills you need to create and execute successful marketing campaigns, such as creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking. You will also learn about the latest marketing trends and technologies.
Product Manager
This course will also be helpful for those who want to become a **Product Manager**. You will learn how to use design thinking to create innovative products that meet the needs of customers. You will also learn about the product development process and how to manage a product team.
User Experience Designer
The course is also helpful for those who want to become a **User Experience Designer**. It will help you develop the skills you need to create user-friendly and intuitive products. You will also learn about the user experience design process and how to use design thinking to solve user problems.
Creative Director
The course may be useful for those who want to become a **Creative Director**. It will help you develop the skills you need to lead a creative team and create innovative campaigns. You will also learn about the latest creative trends and technologies.
Innovation Consultant
This course can be useful for those who want to become an **Innovation Consultant**. It will help you develop the skills you need to help organizations innovate and create new products and services. You will also learn about the innovation process and how to use design thinking to solve complex problems.
The course can be useful for those who want to become a **Copywriter**. It will help you develop the skills you need to create persuasive and engaging marketing copy. You will also learn about the latest copywriting trends and techniques.
Art Director
The course may be useful for those who want to become an **Art Director**. It will help you develop the skills you need to create visually appealing and effective marketing campaigns. You will also learn about the latest design trends and technologies.
Social Media Manager
The course is also helpful for those who want to become a **Social Media Manager**. It will help you develop the skills you need to create and execute successful social media campaigns. You will also learn about the latest social media trends and technologies.
Content Creator
This course may be useful for those who want to become a **Content Creator**. It will help you develop the skills you need to create engaging and shareable content. You will also learn about the latest content creation trends and technologies.
Web Designer
This course may be helpful for those who want to become a **Web Designer**. It will help you develop the skills you need to create user-friendly and visually appealing websites. You will also learn about the latest web design trends and technologies.
Graphic designer
This course may be helpful for those who want to become a **Graphic Designer**. It will help you develop the skills you need to create visually appealing and effective designs. You will also learn about the latest graphic design trends and technologies.
The course can be useful for those who want to become a **Photographer**. It will help you develop the skills you need to capture beautiful and creative images. You will also learn about the latest photography trends and techniques.
The course can help those who are looking to improve their creativity and teaching skills. You will learn how to use creative thinking to engage students and create a more dynamic learning environment.
This course may help you develop the problem-solving and critical thinking skills that are essential for a successful career as a **Consultant**. You will also learn how to communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders.

Reading list

We've selected ten books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Pensamiento creativo para todos: prácticas y herramientas.


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