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This course is tailored for those interested in web development, and it will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to become proficient in Angular.

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This course is tailored for those interested in web development, and it will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to become proficient in Angular.

In the first module, Introduction to HTML & CSS, you'll explore the foundational principles of HTML and CSS, vital for creating web pages. You'll learn how to structure an HTML document and use CSS to stylize your web page's layout.

The second module, Introduction to JavaScript Programming, dives into JavaScript, a critical language for web development. You'll gain a comprehensive insight into variables, data types, control structures, functions, and other core concepts, enabling you to create robust and dynamic web applications.

Finally, in the third module, Angular for Frontend Development, you'll be guided into Angular, a popular JavaScript framework known for building scalable and dynamic web applications. You'll master essential concepts such as components, modules, directives, services, and templates, enabling you to create complex, maintainable, and scalable web applications.

Throughout this course, hands-on exercises, quizzes, and assignments will enable you to actively grasp and apply the concepts learned. By the end of the course, you'll be proficient in using Angular to create frontend applications, and you'll be prepared to explore more advanced topics in subsequent courses in the specialization.

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What's inside


Introduction to HTML & CSS
In this module, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) , which is the standard language used for creating web pages. You will learn about the structure of an HTML document and the basic HTML tags used to define the content and layout of a web page. You will also learn about the basic syntax of CSS and how to use CSS to control the layout, typography, and colors of a web page.
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Introduction to JavaScript Programming
This module is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript programming. Throughout the module, learners will gain hands-on experience working with JavaScript and will develop a deep understanding of its core features and capabilities. The module will cover the key concepts of JavaScript, including variables, data types, operators, control structures, and functions. Learners will understand how to use these concepts to create basic programs that are modular, maintainable, and easy to test. By the end of the module, learners will be proficient in creating simple and effective JavaScript programs. They will be able to apply best practices and coding standards to write high-quality code that meets the needs of their clients and users.
Angular for Frontend development
This module is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive introduction to Angular, a popular JavaScript framework used for building dynamic and scalable web applications. Throughout the module, learners will gain hands-on experience working with Angular and will develop a deep understanding of its core features and capabilities. The module will cover the key concepts of Angular, including components, modules, directives, services, and templates. Learners will understand how to use these concepts to create complex web applications that are modular, maintainable, and easy to test. By the end of the module, learners will be proficient in creating robust and scalable web applications using Angular. They will be able to apply best practices and design patterns to build high-quality applications that meet the needs of their clients and users.

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Explores building dynamic and scalable web applications using JavaScript frameworks, which is standard in industry
Taught by Board Infinity, who are recognized for their work in software development
Develops skills that are core for developing dynamic web applications
Covers unique perspectives and ideas that may add color to other topics and subjects
Examines the principles of HTML & CSS, which is highly relevant to web development
Provides hands-on labs and interactive materials

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Review Course Materials Beforehand
Reviewing course materials before starting the course will ensure students have a basic understanding of the foundational concepts covered in the first few modules.
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  • Go through the course syllabus and identify key topics.
  • Review relevant materials such as online resources or textbooks.
Connect with Experienced Angular Developers
Connecting with experienced Angular developers can provide valuable insights, guidance, and support throughout the learning process.
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  • Attend meetups or online forums to connect with potential mentors.
  • Reach out to developers on social media or LinkedIn.
Review Basic HTML
Reviewing basic HTML concepts will provide a refresher for students to ensure they are ready to learn more advanced Angular concepts.
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  • Identify the structure of an HTML document, including the <html>, <head>, and <body> tags.
  • Practice creating basic HTML elements, such as headings, paragraphs, and lists.
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Create a Resource Library for Angular
Creating a resource library will help students organize and collect relevant materials, such as tutorials, articles, and code snippets, for future reference and continued learning.
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  • Identify and gather valuable resources related to Angular.
  • Organize and categorize the resources in a systematic manner.
Complete JavaScript Coding Exercises
Engaging in coding exercises will provide students with hands-on practice and reinforce the core concepts of JavaScript, such as variables, data types, and control structures.
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  • Solve coding challenges related to JavaScript fundamentals.
  • Practice writing JavaScript functions for different scenarios.
Follow Online Angular Tutorials
Following online tutorials will allow students to learn from experienced developers and gain practical experience with Angular, including creating components and implementing data binding.
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  • Identify reputable online resources and tutorials on Angular.
  • Work through hands-on exercises and examples provided in the tutorials.
Collaborate with Classmates on Angular Projects
Working with peers on Angular projects will provide opportunities for knowledge sharing, problem-solving, and feedback, leading to better understanding and retention.
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  • Form a study group or connect with classmates for collaborative work.
  • Choose an Angular project to work on together.
  • Divide responsibilities and contribute to different aspects of the project.
Design and Build a Simple Angular Application
Building a simple Angular application from scratch will give students a practical understanding of the framework, its components, and how to implement real-world scenarios.
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  • Design the layout and functionality of the Angular application.
  • Create an Angular project and implement core components.
  • Implement data binding and handle user interactions within the application.

Career center

Learners who complete Frontend Development using Angular will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
UI Designer
UI Designers are responsible for designing the user interface (UI) of websites and web applications. They focus on creating interfaces that are visually appealing, user-friendly, and easy to navigate. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are essential technologies for UI Designers. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to design and develop user-friendly and engaging UI.
Frontend Developer
Frontend Developers are responsible for building and maintaining the user interface (UI) of websites and web applications. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create interactive and visually appealing interfaces that deliver a seamless user experience. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to these technologies, giving you the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in this role. By mastering Angular, you will be able to build dynamic and scalable web applications that meet the needs of users and clients.
Web Developer
Web Developers are responsible for building and maintaining websites and web applications. They use a variety of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side programming languages. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to frontend development using Angular, which is a valuable skill for Web Developers. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to build and maintain dynamic and scalable web applications.
Full-Stack Developer
Full Stack Developers are responsible for both the frontend and backend of websites and web applications. They possess a strong understanding of both frontend and backend technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side programming languages. This course provides a solid foundation in frontend development using Angular, which is a valuable skill for Full Stack Developers. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to build complete and robust web applications.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software applications. They use a variety of programming languages and technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side programming languages. This course provides a strong foundation in frontend development using Angular, which is a valuable skill for Software Engineers. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to build and maintain complex and scalable software applications.
Computer Scientist
Computer Scientists are responsible for designing and developing computer software and systems. They use a variety of programming languages and technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side programming languages. This course provides a strong foundation in frontend development using Angular, which is a valuable skill for Computer Scientists. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to build and maintain complex and scalable software systems.
Systems Analyst
Systems Analysts are responsible for analyzing and designing computer systems. They work closely with users and stakeholders to understand their needs and develop solutions that meet their requirements. This course provides a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, which are essential for understanding the technical aspects of web design. Additionally, the course covers JavaScript, which allows you to create interactive and dynamic web pages. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of web design, which will be valuable in your role as a Systems Analyst.
Interaction Designer
Interaction Designers are responsible for designing the user experience of interactive products and services. They focus on creating interfaces that are intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing. This course provides a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, which are essential for understanding the technical aspects of web design. Additionally, the course covers JavaScript, which allows you to create interactive and dynamic web pages. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of web design, which will be valuable in your role as an Interaction Designer.
Information Architect
Information Architects are responsible for organizing and structuring information in a way that makes it easy for users to find and understand. They work closely with UX Designers and Web Developers to ensure that websites and web applications are user-friendly and accessible. This course provides a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, which are essential for understanding the technical aspects of web design. Additionally, the course covers JavaScript, which allows you to create interactive and dynamic web pages. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of web design, which will be valuable in your role as an Information Architect.
Mobile App Developer
Mobile App Developers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining mobile applications. They use a variety of programming languages and technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and native mobile development frameworks. This course provides a strong foundation in frontend development using Angular, which is a valuable skill for Mobile App Developers. By completing this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to build and maintain user-friendly and engaging mobile applications.
UX Designer
UX Designers are responsible for designing the user experience of websites and web applications. They focus on creating interfaces that are intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing. This course provides a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, which are essential for understanding the technical aspects of web design. Additionally, the course covers JavaScript, which allows you to create interactive and dynamic web pages. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of web design, which will be valuable in your role as a UX Designer.
Webmasters are responsible for maintaining and updating websites. They ensure that websites are running smoothly and that content is up-to-date. This course provides a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, which are essential for understanding the technical aspects of web design. Additionally, the course covers JavaScript, which allows you to create interactive and dynamic web pages. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of web design, which will be valuable in your role as a Webmaster.
Design Researcher
Design Researchers are responsible for conducting research to inform the design of products and services. They use a variety of methods, including user interviews, surveys, and usability testing. This course provides a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, which are essential for understanding the technical aspects of web design. Additionally, the course covers JavaScript, which allows you to create interactive and dynamic web pages. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of web design, which will be valuable in your role as a Design Researcher.
Technical Architect
Technical Architects are responsible for designing and implementing technical solutions for software systems. They have a deep understanding of software development technologies and principles. This course provides a strong foundation in frontend development using Angular, which is a valuable skill for Technical Architects. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of frontend development, which will be valuable in your role as a Technical Architect.
Product Manager
Product Managers are responsible for planning, developing, and launching new products. They work closely with engineering teams to ensure that products meet the needs of users and clients. This course provides a strong foundation in frontend development using Angular, which is a valuable skill for Product Managers. By completing this course, you will gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of frontend development, which will be valuable in your role as a Product Manager.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Frontend Development using Angular.
Comprehensive guide to Angular, covering everything from the basics to advanced topics such as reactive programming, NgRx, and server-side rendering.
Provides a comprehensive guide to JavaScript and jQuery, two technologies used to create interactive web pages.
Provides a comprehensive guide to JavaScript, the programming language used in Angular.
Provides a comprehensive introduction to HTML and CSS, the technologies used to create the structure and style of web pages.
Free online book that provides a comprehensive guide to Angular, covering everything from the basics to advanced topics.
Quick-start guide to Angular, covering the basics of Angular development.


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