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Interviewing skills & Job search

Resume writing, LinkedIn

Gab Jean

Companies are constantly looking for new talents to fill new positions and opportunities, this include your dream job, but other people get the interviews you can’t have and grab all these opportunities.

What if you could change that?

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Companies are constantly looking for new talents to fill new positions and opportunities, this include your dream job, but other people get the interviews you can’t have and grab all these opportunities.

What if you could change that?

My complete Interviewing Skills & Job Search course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to get interviews and have the dream job you deserve and develop your career as a professional.

For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. J

What Is In This Course?

Your Interviews and Job Searches Will Never Be The Same.

Except if you’re getting a ton of interviews when looking for a job and all companies wants to hire you, you are going to lose these job opportunities continually from other people who gets interviews and get hired.

As what Walt Disney says "If you can dream it, you can do it." v

This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk.

In Interviewing skills & Job search, You'll Learn:

  • Where To Start The Job Hunt
  • How To Use LinkedIn To Find A Job
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization
  • Play The Numbers Game
  • Resume Writing For Your Dream Job
  • Perfect Cover Letter
  • Master And Win The Interview Process
  • Interviewing Skills, Tips And Techniques
  • Body Language For Interviews
  • What To Do After The Interview For Success

Is This For You?

  • Do you want to get interviewed, get hired by your dream job and company?
  • Are you wondering why you can’t get interviews or get hired by companies?
  • Do you think you will feel proud working at your dream job?

Then this course will definitely help you.

This course is essential to all job seekers, employees and anyone looking to work at their dream job.

I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply.

Why To Have Strong Interviewing Skills & Know How To Get Interviews?

Let Me Show You Why To Have Strong Interviewing Skills & Know How To Get Interviews:

1. You will have the opportunity to get your dream job.

1. You will get more interviews for jobs you actually want.

3. You will feel more valuable since companies wants to hire you.

4. You will have a professional branding and develop your career.

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it.

Why wait any longer?

Click the green "Buy Now" button, and take my course 100% risk free now.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • Where to start the job hunt
  • How to use linkedin to find a job
  • Linkedin profile optimization
  • Play the numbers game
  • Resume writing for your dream job
  • Perfect cover letter
  • Master and win the interview process
  • Interviewing skills, tips and techniques
  • Body language for interviews
  • What to do after the interview for success


Where To Start The Job Hunt

We all are by now aware that we live in an electronic world. Job search up until the first decade of the 21st century was done in a paper and person format. However, now we prefer the ease and speed of the internet. The simplicity in design and the accuracy of the information is given more weight than the lengthy structure and irrelevant information of the yesteryears.  Hence, it is important to get familiar with how things work today. We have a number of outlets now to apply through and the information about openings is also free and easy to get. 

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Even though most of the companies have switched to the electronic form of communication, some still prefer the old walk-ins. This form of job search has its own advantages and is recommended if you find out that a company has hired like that before. The help-wanted job signs are not yet extinct, so it may be treated with equal importance. It goes without saying that if there is a sign at the shop that is looking to hire, that could be approached by simply walking-in with your folder of documents and asking to speak with the concerned person, but what do you do when you can’t see such a sign?

Playing the numbers game is a healthy method to approach the process of job hunt. However, it should not be done haphazardly at all. If we just shoot out a generic resume and cover letter to all companies, we will only be rejected by more companies and the numbers game can quickly turn against us. Hence, it is important to remember that more good applications will increase your chances simply because of the number system. Formulate your resume using the best practices explained in this course and elsewhere and match your cover letter to the specific company. Do not just take that chance of sending one size fits all kind of a resume, like I explained, the computer system ATS itself will reject your application. 

Importance Of Linkedin

Linked in is a networking service for corporations and employees. Gone are the days when you had to wait for a company meeting to get to know your bosses. Now through their profile on LinkedIn you can not only know their professional achievements and attitude but also the people they are connected to. 

So your LinkedIn profile is ready and has all the necessary information the employer may be looking for, your skills, accomplishments, recommendations and endorsements, basically your online resume. Now begins the job hunt part. 

Resume Building

The purpose of a resume is to list down all the reasons you are qualified for the job you are applying for. It is not just a page containing all your accomplishments, the purpose of it is to be read by someone who may hire you for the job you have stated you are qualified for. 

There are a few aspects to a resume, namely: Experience, Education, Objective, Other Skills, Format, Accuracy and Relevance. Since this is the only paper that is going to help the recruiter decide whether or not you are fit for being considered, you must pay a lot of attention to it. Think of it as a business card, the only difference is that you cannot make an impression before you hand it. So this business card must do it for itself. 

We all understand the need for keywords in our modern workplace and the interview process is no different. Just imagine the HR employee receiving a huge load of resumes every day, out of which, at least 50% are irrelevant entries and the rest are either not an exact fit for the position or have failed to demonstrate their skills optimally. 

So you are looking at a dream job advert and thinking to yourself that this could be just the opportunity you have been waiting for. There is a reason you feel that and it is because you know you can offer something to this company that no one else can. That is exactly what your Value proposition means. The attributes that are required by a company and only you can deliver them.

Perfect Cover Letter

A cover letter is a page full of information that highlights your interest in the company and your compatibility to work with them. Through this letter, you must make a statement that is as simple as, I like your company; I think I will be a good fit for you. This is what your cover letter says in effect. So how would you go about it?

How To Prepare For An Interview

In this lesson, we will look into the technology and objective of company research. This aspect of the job search is probably the most important from reading the job advert to successfully working in that job. The more effort spent on research the higher the probability of scoring the job. To put it simply, if you do not know the car, you will not be able to efficiently drive it. Hence, to secure your job, you must know everything about it. Not only will this help you navigate the recruitment process with ease but you will also have complete handle on things on your very first day. 

It sounds almost nonsensical today to wonder about what one must wear to an interview. After all how does it matter how we look if the real test is if prove how we can do a certain job well? You are not entirely wrong to think this. However, keep in mind that they will only have a few hours to decide whether you are fit to have a career with the company and it is not nearly enough time to assess all your attributes. 

We all know that we can’t show up empty handed to an interview. A folder containing all important documents will save you any embarrassment and also help you make a good first impression. It can also be in an electronic form like an iPad, however, certain documents like the resume and ID should be carried in a paper form, preferably a few copies of each. You may even prepare a page full of your important details like name, date of birth, contact information, etc. This will save you from looking through papers for relevant information. 

The Interview Process

In this chapter, we will delve into the very process of an interview. This process is thoroughly researched and strongly regulated to prevent any mistakes that could cost the employer or the employee a very heavy sum. Many companies have in house psychologists who specifically tailor this process to be as accurate as possible. Hence, one must assess it very logically and prepare themselves for exactly the kind of questions that may be asked by both parties. Yes, the interview is a chance for the employee as well to decide whether they indeed want to work for this company. So approach it with a level-head and you will be prepared to make just the right impression.

An interview is designed in such a way that the recruiter will be able to understand your tangible achievements and qualifications as well as the intangible merits of your personality and character. The questions may begin with understanding what did you do in school or a workplace, what results were you able to achieve and how those skills will be relevant to your new place of work. However, we often overlook the other aspects that an interviewer is consciously recording, your behavior and body language. So why are they actively assessing your behavior through your body language? If they just need to get a job done then your experience and qualification should be enough right?

At the end of the question-answer round for you, it will be your turn to ask some questions. Just after your last answer, the recruiter may ask you if you have any questions for them. This is your opportunity to understand whether you actually would like to work here. Use this opportunity to get answers to questions you had but failed to find through research. Remember we spoke about research being your treasure trove. This is another reason for researching, it will arm you with the best questions to ask and this is another opportunity to prove how well you have prepared.

The Interview In Detail

How do you sell yourself in an interview? This is probably the biggest confusion in the interviewee’s mind. You are not alone if you have had this same question. Most of us have learnt that talking about our self is rude and immodest, though it is true in many situations; an interview is definitely not one of them. 

By now it is common knowledge that 93% of our communication is recorded through our body and the tone of our voice. A meager 7% is recorded through the actual words we say and this could explain why we have misunderstandings in our world. 

It happens in our lives and it happens at an interview. The dilemma of saying I don’t know and look underprepared or admit that I don’t know and prevent looking like a liar. Both results are not too attractive. But somewhere in the middle we can discover a good response that communicates our lack of knowledge yet saves us from the embarrassment of it.

After The Interview

So you have just rocked an interview and received an encouraging feedback. Maybe the recruiter was very happy with your performance and explicitly said so, maybe they subtly let you know by asking for references or you simply have a gut instinct about positive results. 

So you sent an awesome resume and cover letter, which allowed you to get the one on one opportunity of an interview. You did your best and now you are waiting for a response. Typically, companies will let you know by when they will respond, however, this is not true of all companies and also it is not followed rigorously. 

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Section 8 Audio
Quiz Section
Quiz Section 1

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Teaches how to prepare for every aspect of the interview process which can build confidence
Teaches skills that can be applied to most any job or industry
Offers free lessons, which may add value without monetary investment
Provides easy access to the instructor, which may increase support
Teaches skills that are foundational for jobseekers
Provides strategies and techniques for overcoming interview challenges

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"This course was a disappointment, I did not obtain any useful knowledge in regards to the interview process."
"Much too basic."


Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Interviewing skills & Job search: Resume writing, LinkedIn with these activities:
Review Communication Skills
Brush up on your communication skills to effectively convey your thoughts and ideas during interviews.
Browse courses on Communication Skills
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  • Review resources and articles on effective communication
  • Practice active listening and asking questions
  • Role-play different interview scenarios with a friend or family member
Follow Online Interview Preparation Tutorials
Access step-by-step guidance and expert insights on preparing for interviews.
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  • Identify reputable online resources for interview preparation
  • Follow the tutorials and complete the exercises
  • Apply the techniques and strategies you learned
Create a Resume and Cover Letter
Tailor your resume and cover letter to specific job applications, showcasing the skills and experiences that are relevant to the position.
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  • Review job descriptions and identify the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position
  • Highlight your most relevant skills and experiences in your resume and cover letter
  • Proofread your resume and cover letter carefully for any errors
Five other activities
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Develop a Personal Branding Statement
Craft a concise and compelling statement that summarizes your key skills, experiences, and value proposition.
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  • Reflect on your skills, experiences, and career goals
  • Identify keywords and phrases that describe your unique strengths
  • Draft and refine your personal branding statement
Attend a Job Search Workshop
Learn from experts and network with professionals in the field of job search and interview preparation.
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  • Research and identify relevant job search workshops
  • Attend the workshop and actively participate
  • Follow up with the workshop organizers and speakers
Join a Study Group or Discussion Forum
Collaborate with peers to share knowledge, discuss concepts, and provide feedback on interview preparation.
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  • Join a study group or discussion forum related to interviewing skills
  • Actively participate in discussions and ask questions
  • Share your own experiences and insights with others
Contribute to an Open Source Project
Reinforce the skills and knowledge gained in the course by contributing to a real-world project.
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  • Identify a suitable open source project
  • Review the project's documentation and codebase
  • Identify an area to contribute to
  • Make a pull request to the project
  • Respond to feedback and iterate on your contribution
Practice Interview Questions
Sharpen your interviewing skills by practicing common interview questions.
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  • Review common interview questions and prepare your answers
  • Practice answering questions out loud
  • Record yourself practicing and review your performance

Career center

Learners who complete Interviewing skills & Job search: Resume writing, LinkedIn will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Managers are tasked with hiring, training, and developing employees in line with the organization's objectives. They ensure a smooth functioning of the HR department and remain up to date on the latest laws and regulations. This course will help Human Resources Managers enhance their skills in identifying and recruiting top talent through LinkedIn and resume writing. Understanding the interviewing process and best practices will help Human Resources Managers fill positions with qualified candidates.
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Talent Acquisition Specialists are responsible for sourcing, screening, and hiring candidates for open positions within an organization. By using LinkedIn and fostering a professional online presence, Talent Acquisition Specialists can effectively attract and hire top talent. This course provides valuable insights into resume writing, interviewing techniques, and job search strategies, allowing Talent Acquisition Specialists to refine their skills and optimize the hiring process.
Recruiters play a vital role in identifying and attracting skilled professionals to fill open positions within an organization. Utilizing LinkedIn and resume writing techniques, Recruiters can effectively source and screen candidates, ensuring a robust pool of qualified individuals. This course enhances Recruiter skills in conducting successful interviews, providing guidance on body language, question types, and follow-up strategies to secure top talent.
Career Counselor
Career Counselors guide individuals in exploring career options, developing job search strategies, and enhancing their professional skills. By leveraging the principles taught in this course, Career Counselors can provide expert guidance on resume writing, interviewing techniques, and LinkedIn optimization. They can assist clients in identifying their strengths, developing personalized career plans, and navigating the job market effectively.
Training and Development Manager
Training and Development Managers oversee the design, implementation, and evaluation of employee training programs. This course provides valuable insights into interviewing techniques and body language, enabling Training and Development Managers to effectively assess candidates for training and development roles. Additionally, the course covers resume writing best practices, helping them attract and hire qualified individuals to support their training initiatives.
Organizational Development Manager
Organizational Development Managers lead efforts to improve an organization's effectiveness through employee development, process optimization, and cultural transformation. By understanding interviewing techniques and body language, they can effectively evaluate candidates for roles within the organization. The course also provides guidance on resume writing, helping them identify and attract top talent aligned with the organization's development goals.
HR Generalist
HR Generalists manage a wide range of HR functions, including recruitment, employee relations, compensation and benefits, and training and development. This course provides a comprehensive overview of interviewing skills, body language, and resume writing, equipping HR Generalists to effectively handle various HR responsibilities. By leveraging the knowledge gained, they can optimize the hiring process, foster a positive work environment, and support employee growth within the organization.
Job Development Specialist
Job Development Specialists collaborate with employers to create and implement job training programs for individuals with disabilities or other barriers to employment. This course provides essential insights into interviewing techniques, body language, and resume writing, enabling Job Development Specialists to effectively assess candidates' skills and potential. The course also covers strategies for job search and career exploration, empowering them to guide individuals towards meaningful employment opportunities.
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors assist individuals with disabilities in achieving their employment and career goals. This course provides valuable training on interviewing techniques, body language, and resume writing, equipping Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors to effectively evaluate clients' skills and potential. The course also covers strategies for job search and career exploration, enabling them to guide clients towards meaningful employment opportunities.
Career Coach
Career Coaches provide personalized guidance and support to individuals seeking career advancement or transitions. By leveraging the principles taught in this course, Career Coaches can enhance their skills in conducting effective interviews, analyzing body language, and refining resume writing strategies. The course empowers Career Coaches to assist clients in identifying their strengths, developing personalized career plans, and navigating the job market with confidence.
Outplacement Counselor
Outplacement Counselors assist individuals who have been laid off or are facing job loss in transitioning to new careers. This course may be useful for Outplacement Counselors who seek to enhance their interviewing skills, understand body language cues, and improve resume writing techniques. By leveraging the knowledge gained, they can effectively support clients in exploring new job opportunities, developing job search strategies, and navigating the job market successfully.
Social Worker
Social Workers provide support and assistance to individuals, families, and communities facing various challenges. While this course may not directly align with the core responsibilities of Social Workers, the skills in interviewing techniques, body language analysis, and resume writing can be beneficial in certain aspects of their work. For instance, when conducting assessments or providing career counseling to clients, Social Workers can utilize these skills to build rapport, effectively evaluate needs, and support clients in their job search endeavors.
Psychologists study human behavior and mental processes. While this course may not be directly relevant to the field of Psychology, the skills in interviewing techniques, body language analysis, and resume writing can be beneficial in certain specialized areas of Psychology, such as industrial-organizational psychology or career counseling. Psychologists in these areas can use these skills to conduct assessments, provide career guidance, and support individuals in their career development journeys.
Teachers facilitate learning and impart knowledge to students in various educational settings. While this course may not directly align with the core responsibilities of Teachers, the skills in interviewing techniques, body language analysis, and resume writing can be beneficial in certain aspects of their work. For instance, when conducting parent-teacher conferences or providing feedback to students, Teachers can utilize these skills to build rapport, effectively communicate expectations, and support students in their academic and personal development.
Consultants provide expert advice and guidance to organizations on various business and management issues. While this course may not be directly relevant to all types of consulting roles, the skills in interviewing techniques, body language analysis, and resume writing can be beneficial in certain specialized areas of consulting, such as human resources consulting or career counseling. Consultants in these areas can use these skills to effectively interact with clients, understand their needs, and provide tailored solutions to support their organizational goals.

Reading list

We've selected six books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Interviewing skills & Job search: Resume writing, LinkedIn.
This is considered one of the bibles of job hunting books. comprehensive guide to job hunting, covering everything from resume writing to interview skills to salary negotiation.
Comprehensive guide to job hunting, providing tips and advice on everything from resume writing to interview skills. This useful book to read for anyone who is serious about finding a new job.
Classic career guide that has helped millions of people find their dream job. It provides a step-by-step approach to career planning and job hunting.
Provides a step-by-step guide to finding a job using technology. It covers everything from creating a strong online presence to using social media to network with potential employers.
Step-by-step guide to preparing for and acing job interviews. It covers everything from researching the company to answering tough questions.


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