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Jeremy Nathan van der Heijden

Online forms are a great tool to quickly gather data about large groups of people, and are a versatile tool that can be used for many purposes. Are you trying to learn more about the needs of your customers? Online forms can help you with that. Are you gathering data for your current research projects as a researcher or student? You can use online forms to do so. Or, are you a teacher, looking for a way to remotely test the knowledge of your students? Again, online forms are the tool for you.

In any case, you can use Microsoft Forms to create the online forms that suits your needs.


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Online forms are a great tool to quickly gather data about large groups of people, and are a versatile tool that can be used for many purposes. Are you trying to learn more about the needs of your customers? Online forms can help you with that. Are you gathering data for your current research projects as a researcher or student? You can use online forms to do so. Or, are you a teacher, looking for a way to remotely test the knowledge of your students? Again, online forms are the tool for you.

In any case, you can use Microsoft Forms to create the online forms that suits your needs.


In this course you will learn everything you need to know about Microsoft Forms in order to create great online quizzes, surveys, registration forms and other types of forms. We’ll take a step by step approach, starting from the basics all the way to understanding the responses to our form. We’ll also be working on three practical examples: a customer satisfaction survey, an online quiz and an event registration form. You’ll get access to three downloadable files: a flowchart that help you streamline your workflow, a quality checklist and a measurement item-selection flowchart. So that after this course you will be able to confidently create your own effective online forms to gather the data you need.

What is Microsoft Forms and why would want to learn about it?

Microsoft Forms is a powerful mostly free tool that allows you to create online forms. You can fill these forms with questions and other means to gather data, creating a survey. Then, send out your survey and let it gather data while you focus on other important tasks. You can also turn your form into a quiz that could automatically grade your student’s quizzes. This way you can remotely test the knowledge of your students while saving time. Or, perhaps you are thinking of celebrating a party and want to keep track of your attendants and their dietary wishes. An online form can help you to make sure you are prepared for your event.

Who is this course for?

The course is accessible to anyone, so even if you are a complete beginner you will be able to create your own online form, especially in the shape of an online survey, an online quiz and an event registration form. The course is likely to be most beneficial to anyone in the complete beginner to intermediate range. However, even if you have more experience with this topic you are very welcome to join.

This course is mainly based on the functionalities of the free version of Microsoft Forms. But, even if Office 365 users will be able to learn something new about these free functions. And, we’ll also spend time on a function exclusive to Office 365: adding collaborators to our form.

What will I learn in this course?

This course takes a step by step approach to learning. So, we’ll start out with the very basics. At the end of the course you will be able to create your own complete online form. The course is divided into the following steps, for more information feel free to browse the video curriculum:

  1. The basics: We’ll go over the basic functionalities of Microsoft Forms, such as: creating an account, finding your forms and customizing your forms.

  2. The question types/measurement items: We’ll learn about the different types of questions and measurement items we can use in our forms. We’ll spend a lecture on each of them, in which we will discuss their characteristics, their advantages and disadvantages and when to use them. Ofcourse, we’ll also learn how to create and use these measurement items.

  3. Responses: Now that our form has gathered data for us, we can make use of Microsoft Forms’ responses-section to see what the data is trying to tell us. We’ll go over this responses-section so you’ll be able to interpret your data.

  4. Branching logic & Sections: First, we’ll discuss what a branching form logic is. Then, we’ll learn how we can use the section functionality to create such a form logic, so we can make sure that the right people see the right parts of our forms.

  5. Sharing your form: After creating our beautiful form, we will want to send it out to our participants. We’ll make sure we know how to do so. We’ll talk about the different methods we can use to share our form and when we want to use each of them.

  6. Workflow for creating forms: The process of creating forms involves a decent number of steps. We’ll learn how we can best structure our work process, so we can work as efficiently as possible when creating our own forms.

  7. Quizzes: We’ll learn how we can turn our form into a quiz and how we can automatically grade our student’s hand-ins so we can test their knowledge.

  8. Adding collaborators (Office 365): Working together often yields better results. So, we’ll also learn how we can add collaborators to our form. Please note: this option is only available for Office 365 users.

Practical examples: Customer satisfaction survey, online quiz and an event registration form

After we have learned about the essential functionalities of Microsoft Forms we’ll be creating a survey, a quiz and an event registration form, so you can follow along and see how we can put our knowledge into practice.

Creating a customer satisfaction survey

If you own/work for a business, customers and their needs are very important. A respected author in the field of marketing once said: ‘If you want to know what your customers want, just ask them.’ (paraphrased). Surveys are a quick, easy and effective way to ask your customers who they are, what they think about your product/service and what other services they need.

We’ll be making our own customer satisfaction survey in this course, so you can follow along and learn how you can gather important customer-related data yourself.

Creating an online quiz

If you are a teacher it is likely that you want to test your student’s knowledge. Online quizzes allow you to do that, and to do it remotely. This way you can assign and assess quizzes from any location. Microsoft Forms also offers the opportunity to grade quizzes automatically (when your quiz does not contain open questions), saving you time.

We’ll be making our own online quiz in this course, so you can follow along and learn how you can assess your student’s knowledge yourself.

An ‘issue’ with Microsoft Forms is that users of free Microsoft Forms can not automatically send students their grades, but during this course we will learn about an easy workaround for this problem. So that even if you use the free version of Microsoft Forms, you will still be able to assess your students’ tests and send them their grades.

Creating an event registration form

The previous two examples show how useful online forms can be in both business and educational environments. But, forms can also be of great use in informal settings. To illustrate this, we will also be creating our own event registration form. So, after following along you will be able to create your own form to gather data about who will be present at your events.

Downloadable files: workflow chart, quality checklist, measurement item-selection flowchart

You’ll get access to three downloadable files. The first is flowchart which will help you to structure your workflow, so you can work as effectively as possible when creating your own form. The second file is a checklist that you can always use to quickly assess your survey and ensure its quality. The third is a flowchart that you can use to quickly find out what measurement item (or, question type) is best suited for your purposes.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in the course.

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What's inside

Learning objectives

  • What microsoft forms is.
  • How to create a form.
  • How to create a microsoft account.
  • How to access your forms.
  • How to customize your forms to add your own branding.
  • How to create good quality forms and how to assess that quality.
  • How to navigate the microsoft forms home menu.
  • How to navigate the microsoft forms form creation menu.
  • When and how to use multiple choice questions.
  • When and how to use checkbox questions.
  • When and how to use drop down menu questions.
  • When and how to use likert and semantic differential scales.
  • When and how to use date items.
  • When and how to use open questions.
  • When and how to use ranking questions.
  • When and how to use rating questions.
  • When and how to use net promoter scores.
  • How to add titles and descriptions to your form.
  • How to add images and videos to your form.
  • How to get the responses you want using response restrictions.
  • What a survey/form logic is and how to implement it.
  • How to use sections in your form.
  • How to add a progress bar and custom thank you message to your form.
  • How to add collaborators (office 365 only).
  • How to share your form with participants through email, direct link, printed qr codes and social media.
  • How to turn your form into a quiz.
  • How to create a fully functional customer satisfaction survey.
  • How to interpret the results of your surveys.
  • How to create a fully functional online quiz.
  • How to grade your students' tests and get their grades to them, without needing office 365.
  • How to create a fully functional online event registration form.
  • Show more
  • Show less



Welcome to the course! Before we start, let's first get to know eachother.

Introduce yourself here
After this section, you will be able to find Microsoft Forms, create your own account, customize your form and asses the quality of your own form.
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In this lecture you will learn what Microsoft Forms is, and what it is used for. We will mainly be discussing the free version of Microsoft Forms.

In this lecture you will learn how to find Microsoft Forms online and how to access it. Then, we'll create our own account.

In this lecture we will take a look at the home menu of Microsoft Forms and learn about its features. After that, we will take a look at the Form creation screen, where we will be spending most of our time. We'll learn how to navigate it and what its features are. We'll also be customizing a thank you message for our participants.

In this lecture you will learn how to make your forms look better with the built in customization options.

In this lecture we will talk about a quality checklist that is part of the downloadable contents for this course.

After this section, you will understand when and how to use all of the measurement items and question types Microsoft Forms offers. You will understand their characteristics, (dis)advantages and uses.

In this lecture we will talk about a flowchart that will help you pick the correct types of measurement instrument in Microsoft Forms and that is part of the downloadable contents for this course.

In this lecture you will learn what multiple choice questions are, what they are used for and how to use them yourself.

In this lecture you will learn what checkbox questions are, what they are used for and how to use them yourself.

In this lecture you will learn what a drop down menu is, what it's used for and how to use it yourself.

Open questions allow your participants to formulate their own answers to your question. In this lecture you will learn what open questions are, what they are used for and how to use them yourself. We will also take a look at the 'restrictions' function that Microsoft Forms offers us.

If you want your participants to rate something for you, e.g. with 'stars', then rating questions are a useful tool. In this lecture you will learn what rating questions are, what they are used for and how to use them yourself.

Likert scales help you to quickly collect information about your participants opinions. In this lecture you will learn what Likert scales are, what they are used to and how to use them yourself.

Need your participants to rank something for you? Ranking questions can help you with that. In this lecture you will learn what ranking questions are, what they are used for and how to use them yourself.

If you want to know whether your participants would recommend your services to someone else, the net promoter score will be a useful tool. In this lecture you will learn what a net promoter score is, what it's used for and how to use one yourself.

In this lecture you will learn how to ask your participants for a date (that is, to provide a specific moment in time).

After this section, you will be able to read and understand the responses/results tab in Microsoft Forms. We'll learn how we can interpret the output of each measurement item/question type.

In this lecture we will learn how we can read, understand and interpret the results-output of each measurement item and question type. So, you will know what your participants are trying to tell you.

After this section, you will know what a 'branching logic' is and how to use sections to create one for yourself.

In this lecture you will learn how to use the sections functionality in Microsoft Forms. This is especially useful for creating a branching logic in your survey, which we will discuss in more detail in this lecture as well.

After this section, you will know how to share your form with your potential respondents.

In this lecture you will learn how to send out your form to potential participants.

Creating a form involves a lot of steps. After this lecture, you will know how to structure these steps so you can work as efficiently as possible when creating your own forms.

In this lecture we will discuss a workflow that will help you to increase your productivity and to create better forms. For this, you can use the third downloadable file.

Now that we have learned all the essential information we need to create our own form, we will put this knowledge into practice and create our own customer satisfaction survey.

In the coming three lectures we will be working on our own customer satisfaction survey. We'll start out by creating a framework that we can later use when creating our form. We'll start off with selecting a topic and tailor it down to the concrete questions we want to ask our participants with their appropriate measurement items.

In this lecture we will customize our form with sections, titles, descriptions and a theme, and add our questions and measurement items to it.

In this lecture we will take a look at the responses. We'll learn how to understand these responses in the context of a customer satisfaction survey.

In this section of the course we will be creating our own quiz. We'll learn about the specific functionalities of quizzes in Microsoft Forms and how you can use them to test your own students.

In this lecture, we will learn how to create a framework in which we tailor down from our main topic to specific questions we can ask our students. We'll also learn about functionalities that are unique to quizzes, such as the option to add scores to questions.

In this lecture we will learn how we can implement our questions in Microsoft Forms. We'll also learn how to select the correct answer options for our standardized questions (e.g. multiple choice questions) and how we can assign scores to each question. An 'issue' with the free version of Microsoft Forms is that it does not contain an automatic functionality to identify our students. But, we will learn about an easy way to work around this problem and to make sure we can still identify our students when using the free version of Microsoft Forms.

In this lecture we will learn how we can read and understand the responses-output of Microsoft Forms. We will also learn how we can assess and grade our students' hand-ins. A common issue with the free version of Microsoft Forms is that it is not possible to directly send students their graded tests from within Microsoft Forms. But, we will learn about an easy way to work around this problem and to still make sure we can grade our students' tests in the free version of Microsoft Forms.

In this section, we will learn that we can also use Microsoft Forms in more 'informal' settings. To illustrate this, we'll create an event registration form. Furthermore, we'll be using branching.

In this lecture we'll create a framework, containing our topic, questions and measurement items, that we can use again when creating our form.

In this lecture, we will create our form. To illustrate how branching works, we'll also add a branching logic to it. After creating our form, we'll take a look at the results tab and learn how to understand the output.

Working together can often be beneficial. In this section we will be learning how we can add collaborators to our form. Please note: This is only available to individuals with Office 365 account

Working together can potentially lead to better results. In this bonus video we will learn how to add collaborators to our forms. PLEASE NOTE: This function is not available in the free version of Microsoft Forms, which is why it is titled a bonus lecture.

In this section, we will discuss the two final assignments of this course.

Time for the final assignments of this course. The first assignment will consist of a set of multiple choice questions that you can use to test yourself. For the second assignment you will be creating your own form. This can be a quiz, a survey, a registration form or any other type of form that suits your own needs. See the assignments for more details.

This is the final quiz of the course. You can use it to test your own knowledge about Microsoft Forms. Good luck!

Create your own form.
Thank you

You have reached the end of this course. I would like to take some time to express my thanks!

Good to know

Know what's good
, what to watch for
, and possible dealbreakers
Breaks down the features of Microsoft Forms, which is helpful for users who want to learn how to create surveys, quizzes, and registration forms
Includes downloadable files such as workflow charts and quality checklists, which are useful for learners who want to streamline their form creation process
Teaches how to interpret the results of surveys, which is essential for anyone who wants to use forms to gather data and make informed decisions
Focuses mainly on the free version of Microsoft Forms, but also touches on features exclusive to Office 365, which may be limiting to some users
Requires Office 365 for adding collaborators, which may be a barrier for learners who do not have a subscription to this service

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Be better prepared before your course. Deepen your understanding during and after it. Supplement your coursework and achieve mastery of the topics covered in Learn Microsoft Forms Online Form Creation | Quiz | Survey with these activities:
Review Question Types
Reinforce your understanding of the different question types available in Microsoft Forms to make informed decisions when designing your forms.
Browse courses on Multiple Choice Questions
Show steps
  • Review the characteristics of each question type.
  • Identify scenarios where each question type is most effective.
  • Practice creating examples of each question type in Microsoft Forms.
Read 'Survey Research Methods' by Floyd J. Fowler Jr.
Gain a deeper understanding of survey methodology to improve the design and effectiveness of your Microsoft Forms.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on questionnaire design and question wording.
  • Take notes on key concepts and best practices.
  • Reflect on how these concepts can be applied to Microsoft Forms.
Design a Customer Feedback Form
Apply your knowledge of Microsoft Forms to create a practical customer feedback form for a real or hypothetical business.
Show steps
  • Identify the key areas of customer feedback you want to collect.
  • Choose appropriate question types for each area.
  • Design the form in Microsoft Forms, paying attention to layout and branding.
  • Test the form with a small group of users and gather feedback.
  • Refine the form based on the feedback received.
Four other activities
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Show all seven activities
Read 'The Art of Asking Questions' by Terry J. Fadem
Improve your question-writing skills by learning the art of asking effective questions, leading to better data collection in Microsoft Forms.
Show steps
  • Read the chapters on question design and framing.
  • Identify techniques for asking clear and unbiased questions.
  • Practice applying these techniques to your Microsoft Forms.
Create a Video Tutorial on Branching Logic
Solidify your understanding of branching logic by creating a video tutorial that explains how to implement it in Microsoft Forms.
Show steps
  • Plan the content of your tutorial, including examples and demonstrations.
  • Record your screen while demonstrating how to create branching logic in Microsoft Forms.
  • Edit the video to add narration, annotations, and transitions.
  • Publish the video on a platform like YouTube or Vimeo.
Develop an Event Registration Form Template
Create a reusable event registration form template in Microsoft Forms that can be easily customized for different events.
Show steps
  • Identify the common information needed for event registration.
  • Design a form in Microsoft Forms that captures this information.
  • Add branching logic to handle different event types or participant roles.
  • Create documentation explaining how to customize the template.
Help Others in the Forums
Reinforce your knowledge by helping other students with their questions and challenges in the course forums.
Show steps
  • Regularly check the course forums for new questions.
  • Provide clear and helpful answers to student inquiries.
  • Share your own experiences and insights with Microsoft Forms.

Career center

Learners who complete Learn Microsoft Forms Online Form Creation | Quiz | Survey will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Survey Designer
A Survey Designer specializes in creating questionnaires that gather accurate and meaningful data. This course directly aligns with the core skills needed for this role, providing a comprehensive understanding of online form creation using Microsoft Forms. Learning about different question types, branching logic, and how to interpret responses will make you a more effective survey designer. The practical examples in this course, such as the customer satisfaction survey and event registration form, offer great models for your own work as a survey designer.
Data Collection Specialist
A Data Collection Specialist is responsible for gathering information from different sources, often through surveys and questionnaires. This course provides a strong base for understanding the mechanics of data gathering through online forms using Microsoft Forms. Understanding how to design forms, manage responses, and analyze data from online surveys are highly pertinent skills for a data collection specialist. The course's focus on various question types and data analysis will make you more effective in this field.
Research Assistant
Research Assistants frequently gather data for research projects, often using online surveys. This course helps research assistants learn to create functional online forms using Microsoft Forms. The course will help a research assistant learn how to choose the right question types and to share the survey through various methods. This course includes the skills to gather accurate, reliable, and valid data for research projects.
Teachers can use online quizzes to assess their student's learning outcomes. This course is a practical guide about how to create quizzes in Microsoft Forms. This course teaches how to automatically grade student quizzes, which saves teachers valuable time. In particular, teachers will find the sections on branching logic and automated scoring very helpful. This course helps teachers to test their students knowledge remotely.
Market Research Analyst
A Market Research Analyst uses surveys and other data collection methods to understand consumer behavior and market trends. This course helps build a foundation in creating effective online forms, which are crucial for gathering survey data. Understanding branching logic and different question types is specifically useful. Skills developed in this course, such as designing surveys that clearly and efficiently gather data, are directly applicable to the work of a market research analyst.
Event Coordinator
Event Coordinators often need to gather information from participants, such as registration details and preferences. This course provides a functional understanding of how to create event registration forms using Microsoft Forms, a directly relevant skill. The course covers how to collect data and manage event participant information, which are crucial for an event coordinator. Through this course an event coordinator can learn how to create a reliable online registration form.
Small Business Owner
Small Business Owners can use online forms for numerous purposes, including customer feedback, event registrations, and employee satisfaction surveys. This course equips a small business owner with the ability to quickly create practical forms with Microsoft Forms. The course focuses on the free features of the software and can help build effective systems for your business. The course includes practical examples such as surveys and event registration forms.
Training Coordinator
A Training Coordinator often needs to assess the effectiveness of training programs and gather feedback from participants. A Training coordinator can use the skills acquired in this course to create online quizzes, surveys, and other forms. The skills developed will also ensure the training coordinator is able to create effective forms that efficiently gather data and are easy for participants to use. The course teaches how to interpret responses, helping the training coordinator understand participant feedback.
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinators often need to gather data from team members and other stakeholders. This course provides relevant skills for creating and distributing surveys using Microsoft Forms. Project coordinators can use these skills to collect data on project progress, resource needs, and team satisfaction. The course's emphasis on efficient data collection and analysis will help project coordinators streamline their work.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service Representatives often collect feedback from customers to improve service. This course helps a customer service representative learn how to create customer satisfaction surveys with Microsoft Forms. Skills such as branching logic and the use of different question types will ensure the data is useful. The course also teaches how to understand and interpret responses, a critical skill for a customer service representative who wishes to improve service delivery.
Instructional Designer
Instructional Designers create learning materials and assessments. This course enhances an instructional designer's ability to develop engaging and effective quizzes. An online quiz is a versatile tool for assessing knowledge. The course focuses on various question types and how to use them effectively. This is crucial for instructional designers who need a firm grasp of measurement and assessment in the instructional space. The course also covers how to use branching logic to test understanding of course content.
Human Resources Assistant
A Human Resources Assistant is regularly involved in employee feedback surveys, application form creation, and event registration. This course helps any human resources assistant learn how to create such forms with Microsoft Forms. Knowing how to use branching logic and apply quality checklists will help create effective forms. This course also teaches how to ensure that the right people get the right questions through use of the section functionality. A human resources assistant may find this particularly useful.
Academic Researcher
Academic Researchers often collect data through surveys for their studies. This course helps academic researchers to learn how to use Microsoft Forms to create online surveys and collect data. The course also teaches researchers how to analyze and interpret data from their surveys. The course provides an understanding of the best ways to design a survey that will collect meaningful data. This course may be useful to researchers, as it goes over branching logic and other important aspects of surveying.
Online Course Creator
An Online Course Creator frequently tests and assesses the knowledge of their students. This course is helpful for an online course creator in that it teaches how to create and distribute online quizzes with Microsoft Forms. This course covers how to automatically grade quizzes and provide feedback to students, without needing extra software. The course also walks through how to create effective questionnaires to gather feedback about an online course or training module, ensuring a quality learning experience.
Data Analyst
A Data Analyst interprets collected data to generate insights and inform decision making. This course helps data analysts learn the mechanics of collecting data using Microsoft Forms. Although not a core skill, it may be helpful for a data analyst to be able to create well-designed forms to gather the data they will later analyze. The course includes instruction about how to interpret the responses collected. This additional perspective on the data gathering process may improve a data analyst's ability to improve their work.

Reading list

We've selected two books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Learn Microsoft Forms Online Form Creation | Quiz | Survey.
Explores the nuances of asking effective questions in various contexts. It provides insights into question design, framing, and delivery. Understanding these principles can significantly improve the quality of the questions you ask in your Microsoft Forms, leading to more valuable and actionable data. This book is particularly helpful for those looking to refine their question-writing skills and elicit more meaningful responses from their participants.
Provides a comprehensive overview of survey design and implementation. It covers topics such as questionnaire construction, sampling techniques, and data analysis. Reading this book will provide a deeper understanding of the principles behind effective survey design, which can be applied to creating better forms in Microsoft Forms. It useful reference for those looking to improve the quality and reliability of their online forms.


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