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Google Career Certificates

Google データアナリティクス プロフェッショナル認定プログラムの 4 つめのコースです。このコースでは、1~3 つめのコースで学んだトピックの理解を深めながら、表計算ソフトや SQL を使ったデータのチェックやクリーニングの方法、またデータクリーニング結果の検証やレポートの作成方法についても学びます。また、現職の Google データ アナリストが、最適なツールやリソースを使って、一般的なアナリスト業務を遂行する実践的な方法を指導します。

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Google データアナリティクス プロフェッショナル認定プログラムの 4 つめのコースです。このコースでは、1~3 つめのコースで学んだトピックの理解を深めながら、表計算ソフトや SQL を使ったデータのチェックやクリーニングの方法、またデータクリーニング結果の検証やレポートの作成方法についても学びます。また、現職の Google データ アナリストが、最適なツールやリソースを使って、一般的なアナリスト業務を遂行する実践的な方法を指導します。

この認定プログラムを修了すると、エントリーレベルのデータ アナリスト職に応募できるようになります。過去の業務経験は不要です。


- データ完全性を確認する方法を学ぶ。

- 表計算ソフトを使ったデータクリーニングの方法を学ぶ。

- データベースで使用する、基本的な SQL クエリを作成できる。

- データクリーニングと変換に基本的な SQL 関数を当てはめることができる。

- データクリーニングの結果を検証する方法を理解する。

- データクリーニングのレポートの要素と重要性を理解する。

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このパートでは、データを準備する方法を考えるにあたり、なぜデータ完全性が優れた意思決定に重要であるかについてご説明します。 データがどのように生成され、データアナリストが分析のために収集するデータを決定する際に活用する手法についても学びます。また、構造化データと非構造化データ、データ型、データ フォーマットについても学びます。
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データアナリストは皆、分析を行うさいにクリーンなデータを求めています。このパートでは、クリーンなデータとダーティなデータの違いについて学びます。また、表計算ソフトやその他のツールを使ったデータ クリーニングのテクニックもご紹介します。
SQL でデータクリーニングをする
データクリーニングのさまざまな方法を知っておくと、データアナリストの仕事がぐっと楽になります。 このパートでは、SQL を使用してデータクリーニングを行う方法を確認します。SQL で使えるクエリや関数を使って、データのクリーニングや変換を行い、分析に使える状態にする方法を探ります。
*コース チャレンジ*
用語集で用語と定義を確認し、コースチャレンジに備えましょう。その後、サンプルサイズの重要性、データの完全性、データとビジネス上の目的との関連性に関する知識を、クイズを通して実証しましょう。また、表計算ソフトと SQL の両方で、データクリーニングの技術を適用する機会もあります。最後に、データクリーニングのプロセスと結果を文書化し、レポートし、検証しましょう。

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Career center

Learners who complete 4.「ダーティー」なデータを「クリーン」にする will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to build predictive models and make recommendations. They work with large datasets, using statistical analysis and machine learning techniques to identify patterns and trends. This course can help you become a Data Scientist by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineers build and deploy machine learning models. They work with data analysts and data scientists to develop models that can solve business problems. This course can help you become a Machine Learning Engineer by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts use data to identify and solve business problems. They work with stakeholders to understand their needs and then use data to develop solutions. This course can help you become a Business Analyst by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts use data to improve the efficiency of operations. They work with data analysts and data scientists to develop models that can optimize processes. This course can help you become an Operations Research Analyst by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Statisticians use data to draw conclusions about the world. They work with data analysts and data scientists to develop models that can be used to make predictions. This course can help you become a Statistician by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications. They work with data analysts and data scientists to build applications that use data to solve business problems. This course can help you become a Software Engineer by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Data Analyst
Data Analysts use their technical skills to extract meaningful insights from data. They typically work with large datasets, using statistical analysis and data mining techniques to identify trends and patterns. This course can help you become a Data Analyst by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases. They ensure that databases are available and accessible for users. This course can help you become a Database Administrator by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Web Developer
Web Developers design and develop websites. They work with data analysts and data scientists to build websites that use data to provide insights to users. This course can help you become a Web Developer by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts use data to make investment decisions. They work with data analysts and data scientists to develop models that can predict the performance of investments. This course can help you become a Financial Analyst by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers design and build the systems that store and process data. They work with data analysts and data scientists to ensure that data is available and accessible for analysis. This course can help you become a Data Engineer by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Data Visualization Specialist
Data Visualization Specialists create visual representations of data. They work with data analysts and data scientists to communicate insights to users. This course can help you become a Data Visualization Specialist by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Actuaries use data to assess risk. They work with data analysts and data scientists to develop models that can be used to price insurance policies and other financial products. This course can help you become an Actuary by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Epidemiologists use data to investigate the causes of disease. They work with data analysts and data scientists to develop models that can be used to prevent and treat disease. This course can help you become an Epidemiologist by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.
Market Researcher
Market Researchers use data to understand consumer behavior. They work with data analysts and data scientists to develop models that can identify trends and opportunities. This course can help you become a Market Researcher by providing you with the skills you need to clean and prepare data for analysis. You will also learn how to use SQL to query databases and extract data.

Reading list

We've selected 11 books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 4.「ダーティー」なデータを「クリーン」にする.


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