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3. 探索用データを準備する

Google Career Certificates

Google データアナリティクス プロフェッショナル認定プログラムの 3 つめのコースです。このコースでは、1~2 つめのコースで学んだトピックの理解を深めながら、表計算ソフトや SQL などのツールを使って目的に合ったデータを抽出し活用する方法、データの整理と保護の方法など、より実践的なデータアナリティクススキルを身につけるための新しいトピックについても学びます。

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Google データアナリティクス プロフェッショナル認定プログラムの 3 つめのコースです。このコースでは、1~2 つめのコースで学んだトピックの理解を深めながら、表計算ソフトや SQL などのツールを使って目的に合ったデータを抽出し活用する方法、データの整理と保護の方法など、より実践的なデータアナリティクススキルを身につけるための新しいトピックについても学びます。

また、現職の Google データ アナリストが、最適なツールやリソースを使って、一般的なアナリスト業務を遂行する実践的な方法を指導します。

この認定プログラムを修了すると、エントリーレベルのデータ アナリスト職に応募できるようになります。過去の業務経験は不要です。


- データアナリストが、分析のために収集するデータをどのように決定するかを知る。

- 構造化データや非構造化データ、データ型、データ形式について学ぶ。

- データの信頼性を確保するために、データの中にあるさまざまな種類のバイアスを識別する方法を知る。

- データベースやデータセットに対して、データアナリストがどのように表計算ソフトや SQL を使用するかを学ぶ。

- オープンデータや、データ倫理とデータプライバシーの関連性および重要性を理解する。

- データベースにアクセスし、データを抽出、フィルタリング、並べ替えする方法について理解する。

- データを整理し、安全に管理するためのベストプラクティスを学ぶ。

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*コース チャレンジ*
用語集で用語と定義を確認し、コースチャレンジに向けて準備しましょう。また、データ収集、データ倫理とプライバシー、バイアスに関する知識を練習問題でテストしましょう。 練習問題では、表計算ソフトや SQL 関数、フィルタリングや並べ替えなどの応用問題も出題されます。最後に、データアナリティクスのベストプラクティスでデータを保護し、整理する方法を学びましょう。

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Google データアナリストが実際の業務を指導します
表計算ソフトや SQL を使用してデータを抽出し活用する方法を学ぶことができます

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Career center

Learners who complete 3. 探索用データを準備する will develop knowledge and skills that may be useful to these careers:
Data Analyst
Data Analysts are responsible for collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data to help businesses make informed decisions. This course provides a strong foundation in the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection, data analysis, data visualization, and data ethics. With the skills you'll learn in this course, you'll be well-prepared to enter or advance your career as a Data Analyst.
Business Analyst
Business Analysts help businesses identify and solve problems by analyzing data and making recommendations. This course provides a valuable foundation in the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection, data analysis, data visualization, and data ethics. With the skills you'll learn in this course, you'll be well-prepared to enter or advance your career as a Business Analyst.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists use data to build predictive models and solve complex problems. This course provides a strong foundation in the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection, data analysis, data visualization, and data ethics. With the skills you'll learn in this course, you'll be well-prepared to enter or advance your career as a Data Scientist.
Market Researcher
Market Researchers collect and analyze data to understand consumer behavior and market trends. This course provides a valuable foundation in the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection, data analysis, data visualization, and data ethics. With the skills you'll learn in this course, you'll be well-prepared to enter or advance your career as a Market Researcher.
Statisticians collect, analyze, and interpret data to help businesses make informed decisions. This course provides a strong foundation in the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection, data analysis, data visualization, and data ethics. With the skills you'll learn in this course, you'll be well-prepared to enter or advance your career as a Statistician.
Financial Analyst
Financial Analysts help businesses make investment decisions by analyzing data. This course provides a valuable foundation in the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection, data analysis, data visualization, and data ethics. With the skills you'll learn in this course, you'll be well-prepared to enter or advance your career as a Financial Analyst.
Operations Research Analyst
Operations Research Analysts use data to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. This course provides a strong foundation in the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection, data analysis, data visualization, and data ethics. With the skills you'll learn in this course, you'll be well-prepared to enter or advance your career as an Operations Research Analyst.
Data Engineer
Data Engineers build and maintain the infrastructure that is used to store and process data. This course may provide some of the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection and data analysis. However, it does not cover all of the skills needed to be a Data Engineer, such as data engineering and data architecture.
Database Administrator
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases. This course may provide some of the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection and data analysis. However, it does not cover all of the skills needed to be a Database Administrator, such as database design and database administration.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers design, develop, and maintain software applications. This course may provide some of the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection and data analysis. However, it does not cover all of the skills needed to be a Software Engineer, such as software design and development.
Computer Scientist
Computer Scientists research and develop new computer technologies. This course may provide some of the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection and data analysis. However, it does not cover all of the skills needed to be a Computer Scientist, such as computer science theory and research.
Information Security Analyst
Information Security Analysts protect computer systems and networks from unauthorized access and attacks. This course may provide some of the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection and data analysis. However, it does not cover all of the skills needed to be an Information Security Analyst, such as information security and risk management.
Web Developer
Web Developers design and develop websites. This course may provide some of the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection and data analysis. However, it does not cover all of the skills needed to be a Web Developer, such as web design and development.
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmers write and maintain computer programs. This course may provide some of the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection and data analysis. However, it does not cover all of the skills needed to be a Computer Programmer, such as programming languages and software development.
Data Entry Clerk
Data Entry Clerks enter data into computer systems. This course may provide some of the skills needed to be successful in this role, including data collection and data analysis. However, it does not cover all of the skills needed to be a Data Entry Clerk, such as data entry and data verification.

Reading list

We've selected seven books that we think will supplement your learning. Use these to develop background knowledge, enrich your coursework, and gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered in 3. 探索用データを準備する.


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