Save For Later

Become a Customer Service Specialist

Save For Later

Discover how to provide great customer service and make your customers feel heard. Develop and sustain great relationships, even when customers get abusive or unruly. Learn skills to listen to customer needs, build rapport with those you're helping, and turn challenging customers into true allies.

In this learning path,

  • Build key listening skills so your customers feel heard.
  • Develop your customer service problem-solving skills.
  • Learn to de-escalate challenging situations.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 16
Instructors Jeff Toister, John Ullmen, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Tatiana Kolovou, Tatiana Kolovou, Jill Griffin, Leslie O'Flahavan, Noah Fleming, Myra Golden, David Brownlee
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development Humanities

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Customer Service Chat Representative $40k

Phone technician $44k

Chat Specialist $47k

Chat Sales Representative $49k

Marketing Support Chat Advisor $53k

Senior Chat Coordinator $54k

Phone Technician/Phone System Sales $55k

Online Chat Specialist $57k

Clinical Manager CHAT Program $99k

Supervisor Chat Training Specialist $103k

Inbound CSR/Chat Coach $112k

National Chat Sales Manager $132k

Courses in this Learning Path

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Customer Service Foundations (2014)

Do your customers feel valued? When they do, they keep coming back. When they don't, your business suffers. In this course, author and customer service consultant Jeff Toister...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Customer Service Foundations

Do your customers feel valued? When they do, they keep coming back. When they don't, your business suffers. In this course, writer and customer service consultant Jeff Toister...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Communication Foundations (2013)

Effective communication is more than what you say. Make your message more impactful, and get the results you want in work and life. In this course, author and UCLA Anderson School...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Customer Service: Problem Solving and Troubleshooting

Customer service care costs organizations billions of dollars each year. As a result, it's critical that employees are equipped with the skills needed to handle a variety of...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Effective Listening

Listening is a critical competency, whether you are interviewing for your first job or leading a Fortune 500 company. Surprisingly, relatively few working professionals have ever...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Building Rapport with Customers

Want to set yourself up for success each time you interact with a customer? Take steps to establish a genuine, human connection with the person you're speaking with. In this...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Managing Customer Expectations for Frontline Employees

Today's customers expect a lot. Customer service expert Jeff Toister helps frontline employees identify where they can manage the expectations of customers to avoid upsetting them...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Customer Service: Call Control Strategies

Customer service calls can sometimes get out of control. Upset and overtalkative callers take time and energy away from other customers and tasks. This is where practical...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Customer Service: Creating Customer Value

Is your product or service worth the price? Even if you think so, an army of competitors is deluging your loyal customers with messages to the contrary. Customer loyalty expert...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Customer Service: Handling Abusive Customers

What is the best way to handle a customer who steps into dangerous territory? What strategies will help diffuse and refocus a bad interaction, and when is it appropriate to walk...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Phone-Based Customer Service

Customer service expert Jeff Toister helps customer service specialists develop the specific skills needed to help customers over the phone. Learn how to break the ice and develop...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

What do you do when faced with a customer who's fuming over a delay, cancellation, or objection to a policy? How can you adequately address their issue when your interaction...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Writing Customer Service Emails

You can write to customers—via email—with consistency and professionalism, but you don't need to sound robotic to be efficient. Writing instructor Leslie O'Flahavan has real...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

De-Escalating Intense Situations

Nearly every customer service professional has encountered a livid customer. These individuals may yell, curse, or forcefully disagree with a policy that you must enforce, but...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Customer Service: Serving Customers Through Chat and Text

Customers are demanding more ways to connect with companies when they need help. Live chat and text are the fastest growing and most popular channels. While you may be a pro at...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Serving Customers Using Social Media

Learn how to create a winning customer service strategy for social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, and TripAdvisor. By adapting customer service principles to the...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Working with Upset Customers

More than any other topic, frontline employees ask for advice on how to serve angry and upset customers. This course reveals proven techniques for effectively neutralizing...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Building Resilience

Have trouble getting by when the going gets tough? Everyone wants to perform well when the pressure's on, but a lot of us withdraw in times of stress or adversity. If you can...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 16
Instructors Jeff Toister, John Ullmen, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Brenda Bailey-Hughes, Tatiana Kolovou, Tatiana Kolovou, Jill Griffin, Leslie O'Flahavan, Noah Fleming, Myra Golden, David Brownlee
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development Humanities


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Customer Service Chat Representative $40k

Phone technician $44k

Chat Specialist $47k

Chat Sales Representative $49k

Marketing Support Chat Advisor $53k

Senior Chat Coordinator $54k

Phone Technician/Phone System Sales $55k

Online Chat Specialist $57k

Clinical Manager CHAT Program $99k

Supervisor Chat Training Specialist $103k

Inbound CSR/Chat Coach $112k

National Chat Sales Manager $132k

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