Save For Later

Developing Resilience and Grit

Save For Later

In the face of change and uncertainty, learn how to build your resilience and cultivate mental agility. Resilience and grit will help you to cope with change and create productive shifts in thinking and perseverance.

In this learning path,

  • Learn the fundamentals of emotional intelligence.
  • Build a plan for responding to change.
  • Practice resilience in your daily work.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 6
Instructors Gemma Leigh Roberts, Tatiana Kolovou, Dorie Clark, How to Be Awesome at Your Job, Pete Mockaitis | How to Be Awesome at Your Job, Jan Rutherford, Sheryl Sandberg, Adam Grant, Sheryl Sandberg, Adam Grant, Heidi Hanna
Language English
Subjects Personal Development Business

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Qualified Mental Health Professional - Child and Adolescent Services $33k

CCBHC - OnTrack Mental Health Counselor $35k

Wellness Coach, Mental Health $37k

Mental Health Counselor/Academic Advisor $38k

Mental Health Practitioner Employment Specialist $40k

Mental Health Therapist - School Based $40k


Health Educator (Mental Health) $48k

Team Mental Health Technician Lead $53k

Supervisor Licensed Mental Health Counselor Consultant $54k

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse $62k

Executive Secretary, for HAS/Mental Health. and AVON Rep. $82k

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 6
Instructors Gemma Leigh Roberts, Tatiana Kolovou, Dorie Clark, How to Be Awesome at Your Job, Pete Mockaitis | How to Be Awesome at Your Job, Jan Rutherford, Sheryl Sandberg, Adam Grant, Sheryl Sandberg, Adam Grant, Heidi Hanna
Language English
Subjects Personal Development Business


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Qualified Mental Health Professional - Child and Adolescent Services $33k

CCBHC - OnTrack Mental Health Counselor $35k

Wellness Coach, Mental Health $37k

Mental Health Counselor/Academic Advisor $38k

Mental Health Practitioner Employment Specialist $40k

Mental Health Therapist - School Based $40k


Health Educator (Mental Health) $48k

Team Mental Health Technician Lead $53k

Supervisor Licensed Mental Health Counselor Consultant $54k

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse $62k

Executive Secretary, for HAS/Mental Health. and AVON Rep. $82k

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