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Career Development

Associate Professor Paul Nesbit, Dr Alena Soboleva, and Professor Fei Guo

Organisations are undergoing enormous changes in their structures and processes as they seek to take advantage of innovations in technology, remain competitive in Globalising markets, and deal with the increasing diversity of their staff, customers, and supply chains. The four subjects in this specialisation will examine the personal implications of the changing organisational environment - the need to continuously adapt and learn, to manage your career, to build up resilience against stress, and to take your place as a global citizen.

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Organisations are undergoing enormous changes in their structures and processes as they seek to take advantage of innovations in technology, remain competitive in Globalising markets, and deal with the increasing diversity of their staff, customers, and supply chains. The four subjects in this specialisation will examine the personal implications of the changing organisational environment - the need to continuously adapt and learn, to manage your career, to build up resilience against stress, and to take your place as a global citizen.

The aim is to enable you to thrive in working in contemporary organsations. 'Improve yourself Always' addresses the need for you to continuously develop and seeks to improve your capacity to learn and adapt. 'Build Personal Resilience' helps you enhance your resilience in the face of the pressures you will experience in working in contemporary organisations. 'Your Career Your Life' guides you in taking more responsibility for mapping out and engaging in your career. 'Become a Global Citizen' discusses the need to see yourself as a citizen of the increasingly global world of work and provides insight into the strategies to deal with cultural diversity.

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Four courses

Build personal resilience

(0 hours)
Globalisation and advances in information and communication technology have resulted in a 24/7 work environment characterised by rapid change, a greater sense of competition, and an explosion in access to communication and information. These pressures compound stress related to workload and information processing, which not only reduces performance but can lead to a reduced sense of meaning and purpose as well as physical and mental health issues.

Cultural intelligence: Become a global citizen

We now live in a truly global, interconnected world in which every manager requires a high level of cultural intelligence. In a diverse work environment, a successful leader must understand the cultural backgrounds, beliefs and attitudes of the people around them. This course will teach you that those with high ‘cultural intelligence’ are good at spotting cultural differences and adapt their behavior accordingly.

Career planning: Your career, your life

Are you satisfied with your career? This course will help you adapt to rapidly evolving job markets by enhancing your self-knowledge and confidence to explore wider career opportunities. You will create a career development plan, encompassing your career goals, skills and knowledge development for your current and future jobs, and learn how to make the most of your strengths, talents, and experience.

Professional development: Improve yourself, always

(0 hours)
The world of work is characterized by rapid ongoing change. In this dynamic environment, one of the most critical skills for leaders is their capacity to learn and to adapt; to engage in the continuous development of their skills in managing and leading others.

Learning objectives

  • Critically evaluate the process of self-directed personal change and apply it to an area of leadership development.
  • Understand the drivers of stress and strategies to enhance your resilience in dealing with stress.
  • Evaluate career management issues and design a career path that fits personal values, interests, personality, and skills.
  • Critically evaluate the nature of cultural intelligence and apply strategies to develop your cultural sensitivity in managing diversity.

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