Save For Later

Resilience for Everyone

Save For Later

Resilience for Everyone

By the end of the specialization, you will be able to: Identify and solve your stress and time management challenges. Develop a growth mindset and persistence in the face of challenges. Develop positive self-talk and mindfulness habits to exercise a more productive, thriving outlook. Demonstrate empathy while listening to others, leading and reflecting on oneself and one’s actions.

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From Arizona State University via Coursera
Hours 76
Instructor CareerCatalyst
Language English
Subjects Health Informatics

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Front End Collector $31k

Front End Superviser $55k

Able Seaman / Crane Operator $76k

Front End Employee $76k

Front End Developer 1 2 $80k

IT End User Support 2 $80k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

End-to-End Sensor Integration - E – Enterprise Segment Integration $88k

High End Engineer $96k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Managing Stress and Time

Stress is a universal experience. Now more than ever, people are suffering from burnout. They're getting overwhelmed by the stress of life, and wondering where their time went....

Coursera | Arizona State University



Grit and Growth Mindset (You were viewing this course)

Mindset is everything. It's said that if you go into something expecting to fail, odds are you'll wind up with a self-fulfilling prophecy. On top of that, you'll always face new...

Coursera | Arizona State University



Empathy for Self and Others

Empathy is something people must use every day. Empathy isn't limited to understanding other people; it's also about understanding yourself. An important key to understanding the...

Coursera | Arizona State University




Arizona State University

From Arizona State University via Coursera
Hours 76
Instructor CareerCatalyst
Language English
Subjects n/a n/a n/a n/a Health Informatics


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Front End Collector $31k

Front End Superviser $55k

Able Seaman / Crane Operator $76k

Front End Employee $76k

Front End Developer 1 2 $80k

IT End User Support 2 $80k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

Develop Ops Engineer $81k

End-to-End Sensor Integration - E – Enterprise Segment Integration $88k

High End Engineer $96k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

Software Develop Engineer in Test $121k

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