Save For Later

Google Professional Workspace Administrator

Save For Later

This specialization has been developed to help administrators master the foundations of establishing and managing Google Workspace for their organization. You will set up a new Google Workspace account, and explore provisioning options. You will learn how to manage users and become familiar with organizational structures and Google Workspace core services. You will learn how to configure these services to meet your own organizational needs. You will be introduced to the best practices to protect your users and data. You will examine user and application security and become familiar with the Single Sign On options available. You will be able to use the tools provided to identify security events and mitigate problems that may arise. You will configure email compliance and implement measures to protect your organization from spam, spoofing, phishing and malware attacks. You will also become familiar with mail routing options available. Finally, you will learn the best practices for deploying Google Workspace for your organization. IMPORTANT - Before you enroll, you should be prepared to: - Provide credit card details as part of the trial account setup. No charges will be made to your card as long as you cancel the trial before the free period expires. For details, see About your Google Workspace free trial. - Purchase a new domain or use one that you already own. The domain you use IS NOT included as part of a Google Workspace trial. - Use the Chrome web browser.

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From Google Cloud via Coursera
Hours 23
Instructor Google Cloud Training
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking

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Benefits and Entitlements Specialist, BEST $30k

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Senior Business Practices Analyst $71k

Best boy grip $82k

Best Boy Electric $83k

Technology Analyst in Search Practices $85k

Strategic Business Analyst - Best Practices $86k

Best Practice Coordinator $89k

Global Business Practices Analyst $92k

Employment Practices Analyst Lead $97k

NX Best Practices Engineer $99k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Introduction to Google Workspace Administration

Introduction to Google Workspace Administration is the first course in the Google Workspace Administration series of courses. This series will serve as the starting place for any...

Coursera | Google Cloud



Managing Google Workspace

Managing Google Workspace is the second course in the Google Workspace Administration series. This course focuses on the Google Workspace core services such as Gmail, Calendar,...

Coursera | Google Cloud



Google Workspace Security

Google Workspace Security is the third course in the Google Workspace Administration series. In this course you will focus on the various aspects of Google Workspace Security...

Coursera | Google Cloud



Google Workspace Mail Management

"Google Workspace Mail Management is the fourth course in the Google Workspace Administration series. In this course you will learn how to protect your organization against spam,...

Coursera | Google Cloud



Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment

Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment is the final course in the Google Workspace Administration series. In this course, you will be introduced to Google's deployment...

Coursera | Google Cloud




Google Cloud

From Google Cloud via Coursera
Hours 23
Instructor Google Cloud Training
Language English
Subjects Programming IT & Networking


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Benefits and Entitlements Specialist, BEST $30k

BEST crisis clinician $67k

USAID-BEST Editor $68k

Senior Business Practices Analyst $71k

Best boy grip $82k

Best Boy Electric $83k

Technology Analyst in Search Practices $85k

Strategic Business Analyst - Best Practices $86k

Best Practice Coordinator $89k

Global Business Practices Analyst $92k

Employment Practices Analyst Lead $97k

NX Best Practices Engineer $99k

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