Save For Later

Women in Leadership

Save For Later

Women who aspire to leadership roles face unique challenges in today's companies. They are passed over for key opportunities, paid less than their male colleagues, and left out of critical networks. In this path, learn essential skills and strategies for success as a leader in the workforce.

In this learning path,

  • Identify the key skills necessary to advance in the workplace
  • Practice behaviors that will move you into leadership positions
  • Create a plan for future success in your career

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 12
Instructors Daisy Lovelace, Carolyn Goerner, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth McLeod, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth (McLeod) Lotardo, Elizabeth Robillard, Debbie Kolb, Debbie Kolb, Elizabeth Robillard, Dorie Clark, Gemma Leigh Roberts, Todd Dewett, Jeff Ansell, Lisa Gates, Catherine Mattice Zundel
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Assistant Various Sales Leadership Roles (including Training and Recruiting) $55k

SFDC Roles $63k

Brand Management Roles $74k

Multiple roles $74k

Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles Consultant $77k

Regional Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles $81k

Associate Various Sales Leadership Roles (including Training and Recruiting) Manager $81k

Vice Assistant President Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles $93k

Vice Senior President Marketing, Sales, and Relationship Management leadership roles $102k

Various Leadership Roles - Sales and Operations Manager $108k

Senior Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles Manager $133k

Technical Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles Lead Manager $145k

Courses in this

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

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Proven Success Strategies for Women at Work

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Defining and Achieving Professional Goals

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Developing Self-Awareness

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Building Self-Confidence

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Communicating with Confidence

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Persuading Others

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Negotiation Foundations

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What To Do When You Are Bullied at Work

What should you do when you are bullied at work? Catherine Mattice Zundel, an internationally recognized expert in workplace bullying, explains why bullying happens and how to...

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Preventing Harassment in the Workplace (You were viewing this course)

Harassment is still pervasive in many workplaces—despite the fact that nearly every organization has an anti-harassment policy in place and offers related training. How can HR...

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Enhancing Resilience

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LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 12
Instructors Daisy Lovelace, Carolyn Goerner, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth McLeod, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth (McLeod) Lotardo, Elizabeth Robillard, Debbie Kolb, Debbie Kolb, Elizabeth Robillard, Dorie Clark, Gemma Leigh Roberts, Todd Dewett, Jeff Ansell, Lisa Gates, Catherine Mattice Zundel
Language English
Subjects Business Personal Development


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Assistant Various Sales Leadership Roles (including Training and Recruiting) $55k

SFDC Roles $63k

Brand Management Roles $74k

Multiple roles $74k

Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles Consultant $77k

Regional Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles $81k

Associate Various Sales Leadership Roles (including Training and Recruiting) Manager $81k

Vice Assistant President Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles $93k

Vice Senior President Marketing, Sales, and Relationship Management leadership roles $102k

Various Leadership Roles - Sales and Operations Manager $108k

Senior Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles Manager $133k

Technical Progressive operations, sales and marketing leadership roles Lead Manager $145k

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