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Be an anti-racist ally!

Anti-Racism is a three-course specialization intended for anyone who is interested in learning about race and racism, particularly in the context of the United States, wants to be an anti-racist advocate, or seeks to incorporate anti-racist practices into their daily lives. Anti-Racism I is an ideal starting place for learners unfamiliar with critical race theory and want a primer on race and racism in the United States. Anti-Racism II builds on the basics introduced in the first course and explores historical and linguistic constructions of race and racism in the United States and the theory of intersectionality. The second course also asks learners to apply its content to cultural contexts outside of the US, and it culminates in an interview project aimed at deepening conversational nuance when learners engage with the topics of race and racism with family, friends, colleagues, or peers. Anti-Racism III then puts the theory introduced in the first two courses into practice. Learners will create a plan for practicing anti-racism and develop a project for community outreach and engagement.

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From University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera
Hours 52
Instructors Jennifer, Shawn
Language English
Subjects Social Sciences Humanities Art & Design

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Staff United States Army $38k

United States Coast Guard $60k

Supervisor United States Air Force $62k

The United States Army Chorus $62k


United States Marine Contractor $79k

Acting United States Marshal $81k

Senior United States Marine $86k

United States Ambassador $86k

United States Air Force Contractor $91k

United States Attorney, AUSA for D. C. $104k

Assistant United States Army $112k

Courses in this Specialization

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information


Anti-Racism I (You were viewing this course)

Anti-Racism I is an introduction to the topic of race and racism in the United States. The primary audience for this course is anyone who is interested in learning about...

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder



Anti-Racism II

Anti-Racism II is an intermediate course between Anti-Racism I and Anti-Racism III, focusing on the topic of race, racism, and strategies regarding how to be an anti-racist....

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder



Anti-Racism III

Anti-Racism III is the third course in CU Boulder's Anti-Racism specialization on Coursera. You will be asked to apply and deepen what you've learned about race, racism, identity,...

Coursera | University of Colorado Boulder




University of Colorado Boulder

From University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera
Hours 52
Instructors Jennifer, Shawn
Language English
Subjects Social Sciences Humanities Art & Design


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Staff United States Army $38k

United States Coast Guard $60k

Supervisor United States Air Force $62k

The United States Army Chorus $62k


United States Marine Contractor $79k

Acting United States Marshal $81k

Senior United States Marine $86k

United States Ambassador $86k

United States Air Force Contractor $91k

United States Attorney, AUSA for D. C. $104k

Assistant United States Army $112k

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