Save For Later

Staying Positive and Productive during Uncertainty

Save For Later

In this learning path, discover skills and techniques to help you stay positive and productive in your career during times of uncertainty. These 16 courses can help you deal with workplace change, find purpose and direction, lead others, and increase efficiency.

In this learning path,

  • Handle workplace change while staying productive.
  • Find purpose and direction in your career.
  • Identify what's essential for effective leadership.

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From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 14
Instructors Chris Croft, Emilie Aries, Tatiana Kolovou, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth McLeod, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth (McLeod) Lotardo, Lida Citroën, Dawn Graham, Kevin Eikenberry, Mike Gutman, Dave Crenshaw, Daisy Lovelace
Language English
Subjects Personal Development Business Education

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An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Workplace Services Coordinator $36k

Workplace Concierge $37k

Workplace Instructor $47k

Workplace Experience Coordinator $51k

Workplace Coordinator $71k

Workplace Planner $74k

Workplace Strategist $79k

Senior Workplace Support Analyst $88k

Workplace Project Manager, Southeast $107k

Senior Workplace Investigator $111k

Principal Workplace Investigator $222k

HR Workplace Partner $266k

Courses in this

Listed in the order in which they should be taken

Starts Course Information

On Demand

Handling Workplace Change as an Employee

Workplace change is hard. In this course, Chris Croft explains why we struggle with change, and shares many practical techniques that can help you manage—and even thrive—in a...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Managing Career Burnout

For many professionals, remaining constantly connected and on task can feel like a requirement for success. Long hours and chronic exhaustion are normalized—if not celebrated—in...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Building Resilience

Have trouble getting by when the going gets tough? Everyone wants to perform well when the pressure's on, but a lot of us withdraw in times of stress or adversity. If you can...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Finding Your Purpose at Work

A lot of times, people think purpose is reserved for those who found their noble calling when they were five, and always wanted to be a teacher or a nurse, and the rest of us are...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Having an Honest Career Conversation with Your Boss (You were viewing this course)

To get what you want, you need to ask. Dialog is what opens doors. If you're at the place in your career where you need to have a truthful conversation about what comes next, this...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Increase Visibility to Advance Your Career

Stellar performance is only half of the equation when it comes to professional success. The other half is visibility—ensuring that decision-makers know about your accomplishments...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Leading without Formal Authority

Leadership isn't just a skill for managers. Demonstrating leadership is important for employees at every level of an organization. There are opportunities to lead every day,...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Leading at a Distance

Technology has enabled many former office workers to work from home or anywhere remotely. As the overall job landscape shifts, the number of remote workers will likely continue to...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Remote Work Foundations

When you unlock the power of remote work, you can ditch your commute, work where you focus best, and spend more time doing things you love, all while advancing your career. In...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Time Management Fundamentals

Effective time management is an indispensable skill. Best-selling author and business coach Dave Crenshaw lays the theoretical and practical foundations for managing your time and...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Time Management: Working from Home

Working from home is a wonderful opportunity, but time management can be a challenge. With so many demands on your time and attention, it's a tricky balancing act to stay...

LinkedIn Learning


On Demand

Tips for Writing Business Emails

Many people have a love-hate relationship with email. Studies have shown that the average businessperson spends more than a dozen hours a week writing emails. Every detail, from...

LinkedIn Learning


LinkedIn Learning

From LinkedIn Learning
Hours 14
Instructors Chris Croft, Emilie Aries, Tatiana Kolovou, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth McLeod, Lisa Earle McLeod, Elizabeth (McLeod) Lotardo, Lida Citroën, Dawn Graham, Kevin Eikenberry, Mike Gutman, Dave Crenshaw, Daisy Lovelace
Language English
Subjects Personal Development Business Education


An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

Workplace Services Coordinator $36k

Workplace Concierge $37k

Workplace Instructor $47k

Workplace Experience Coordinator $51k

Workplace Coordinator $71k

Workplace Planner $74k

Workplace Strategist $79k

Senior Workplace Support Analyst $88k

Workplace Project Manager, Southeast $107k

Senior Workplace Investigator $111k

Principal Workplace Investigator $222k

HR Workplace Partner $266k

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